1.1 This highly important physics paper is suggesting that consciousness is outside of us and if this is the case this has military implications as well. My belief is that our personal consciousness is not outside of us but that our personal (implicit) awareness is. In this sense I believe the ideas of this author.
1.2 Ecosystem Services and Beyond: Using Multiple Metaphors to Understand Human Environment Relationships
1.3 Non-commutative Geometry, the Bohm Interpretation and the Mind-Matter Relationship
1.4 When Reality is Real: An Interview with Antony Valentini
1.5 Some Personal Reflections on Quantum Non-locality and the Contributions of John Bell
Personal Reflections on Quantum Non-locality and the Contributions
1.6 Process, Distinction, Groupoids and Clifford Algebras: an Alternative View of the Quantum Formalism. [Note certain items in pages 1 to 6 of this pdf file have been loosely embraced in my work]
Clifford algebra Basil Hiley.pdf