Did you know that somehow we might all be biologically connected to each other?

It is now believed in science that all cells in our body (and all life forms as well) are derived from other cells and that all of these cells exhibit their own fields of organization. This means that if this theory is correct we are all somehow biologically connected to each other. I support this theory.

Morphic field theory points to this hypothesis as being a valid one. This means that human beings are also linked to all other life forms by means of biological fields of organization of some type.

The interesting feature about morphic field theory is that it relates to biology, more particularly to the development of plants, their morphogenesis genes and their associated relationship to the development of animals, which includes us. Morphic fields can be seen as biological fields, or developmental fields which can be directly linked back to Quantum field theory in conventional physics.

I feel the important thing you should appreciate in that morphic field theory is that all cells in our body (and all life forms as well) are derived from other cells and that all cells exhibit fields of organization. Genes are part of this organization but they do not explain the organization itself. However, I do think they might be explained by the contents of my blog Consider this idea about thoughts. (I emboldened text above)

My thought blog generally talks about the concept of blobs, links; weak links, strong links and dead links with scientifically determinable values. This is in accordance with Quantum Homotopic Field Theory relating to space quantum foam.

I have attached an article from Nexus Magazine, volume 12, number 3 (April – May 2005). Despite its age I believe it is a credible article that is supported by ideas derived from a number of respectable scientists including Miller, Hameroff and Penrose. Notwithstanding the complex scientific ideas I have cited on your behalf above I feel that this nexus story might help you to better understand what the science is all about and what it may mean in our daily lives.

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