Season 1 Part 2

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Season 1 part 1

Season 2 part 1

Season 1 Episode 8

The Negilum seek out the USS Anracosh part 2

The episode starts with a recap of the previous episode that explains why the Negilum are about to attack the USS Anracosh and the protesters starship. The recap also mentions the quip about one of the Negilum being called fat and her reaction to it.

The scene after the recap shows the USS Anracosh’s automatic defences have been engaged. With the crew of the USS Anracosh doing anything the starship has reacted by itself to being attacked. This drives back the Negilum from the protesters starship and the USS Anracosh. In the counter attack one of the Negilum is badly wounded.

A lot more Negilum faces appear to quell the hostile Negilum and to tend to the wounded Negilum. After a short time the Negilum cease hostilities and the USS Anracosh returns to its normal state. The murderous Negilum gone; the Negilum who was called fat talks to the bridge crew of the USS Anracosh. She is very upset at being called fat. The captain orders all male crew on the bridge to leave the bridge until further notice.

We follow the male crew who have been kicked off the bridge. They wonder what the captain and the female crew still on the bridge are saying to the female Negilum. The highest ranking of the males says:

“It’s not for us to know, and if you’re smart you won’t ask what is being said right now on the bridge. Leave it be, the problem should solve itself soon. We’ll return to our mission soon enough and we will have a successful time creating diplomatic relations with the Negilum. Don’t ask me how I know, I just know.”

The officer is right, soon they are called back to the bridge and the Negilum get back to diplomacy, this time it will be a tripartite talk with the protesters, the Negilum and crew of the USS Anracosh. The reason the Negilum want this is to explain to all present that they understand the need to bring the murderous Negilum to justice. The Negilum just don’t see the point of prosecuting the murderous Negilum.

The murderous Negilum is oblivious to his surroundings. He won’t understand the trial and certainly can’t testify at it. It would be exactly the same as prosecuting someone with advanced dementia. They won’t understand the trail, and if found guilty, understand the punishment they would be put through.

There is also another issue the Negilum feel needs addressing. The Federation can’t build a prison that can contain the murderous Negilum. If the creature for want of a better world “woke up” in a psychotic state the Federation could not contain the creature’s resulting rampage. Only the ancients have the abilities and technologies to contain a rogue ancient. For all its glory the Federation does not have the capacity to imprison a powerful ancient, and even if they did it would enrage the ancient races clique and the Federation would have to face off civilisations and individuals that could wipe the Federation from existence.

The Negilum reference the Q and say what the Q said, if you can’t handle getting your nose bloodied, like the death of a crew member, and taking risks, you should not be exploring space, or doing a Realm of the Gods project. If you can’t handle the risks and the losses you are not ancient race material. If you are not ancient races material then doing a Realm of the Gods project is a waste of time for you.

The protesters immediately ask how they know of the Q Continuum’s existence. This raises the ire of the Negilum but they answer the question peacefully.

“We in the ancient races community all know each other. A Q, a Negilum, a Douwd, a Metron and an Imitari could all be friends. The ancient races clique is like a village where news travels fast. We don’t discriminate between power levels. All ancients see themselves as being in the same boat. Think about it. How could beings as powerful as the Q, the Douwd or the Preservers not be aware of each other? These beings have the run of the cosmos, and sooner or later they would all run into each other. I can’t believe I have to explain this to an adult sentient being.”

This puts the protesters in their place. The Negilum go onto say they can run a trial against the murderous Negilum if they want to, but the murderous Negilum will have to be imprisoned in the Negilum’s pocket plane because the Federation can’t practically imprison the murderous Negilum. Given that the murderous Negilum is already in custody in the pocket plane nothing would change from the murderous Negilum’s perspective, not that he has a perspective in his vegetative state.

With that the Negilum kick the protesters out of their territory. The protesters and their starship are relocated to just outside the rift. Some of the protesters onboard realise they are completely out of their league. They had no idea the ancients all knew each other. This changes their outlook. They thought the ancients were totally divided and could thus be easily made to look bad without the while ancient race community turning on their movement.

The protester character just listens as he goes to the navigation console and sets course back to Federation space. He then goes to the helm and flies the ship himself. The last we see of the protesters starship is them going to warp with the protesters inside still arguing about if they have made the right choice in opposing the Realm of the Gods project.

The protester character has to remind himself that his following are completely unaware that the protest group he runs is fake and is backed by powerful forces in the Federation who want to see the Realm of the Gods project fail for their own reasons of hating the crew of the USS Anracosh going rogue and getting away with it. He has to admit to himself that his followers are so dumb that they don’t question how he is financing his protest movement. Nobody is asking how he could afford the large cost of the starship they are using? How moronic is that?!?!

Back on the USS Anracosh the diplomatic talks between the USS Anracosh and the Negilum are going well. The Negilum offer to give the Federation the technology to make its own pocket planes and make pocket planes for the Federation. The Negilum try to sell the pocket planes as stand-ins for starbases and science research centres for dangerous experiments that need to be contained somewhere safe.

The crew of the USS Anracosh don’t need convincing. New powerful technology is one of the things they are looking for in their diplomatic endeavours with the ancients. The captain however has other things on her mind. She takes the first officer aside to the ready room and tells him to arrange a meeting with themselves and the crew who were conned into joining the USS Anracosh on its rogue mission. The issues raised by the conned crew have to be resolved.

The first officer and captain go back through the bridge and head for the corridors, on the way telling the chief diplomat to continue the negotiations without them. They have work to do involving the starship. This leads to the B plot.

The B plot

The captain is very concerned about the anti-Realm of the Gods protesters sabotaging their diplomatic efforts. As the captain and the first officer discuss this as they walk along the corridor. They also discuss what to do about the crew who were conned into joining the mission thinking it was legal when it wasn’t. The captain admit they violated the rights of the conned crew but on the other hand the conned crew did not quit after the Federation president pardoned the crew of the USS Anracosh and made the mission legal. Them not quitting is on them, not the command crew, and that includes the captain and the first officer.

The first officer then figures out that the captain is leading him to the security chief’s office. He asks if the security chief is involved with her plans for the conned crew. The captain says no. The security chief is going to help them stop the protesters from sabotaging their diplomacy with the ancients.

The duo arrive at the security chief’s office and let themselves in, to which the security chief asks the purpose of their visit. The first officer explains their reason for being there. Soon the captain, first officer and the Security chief all teleconference with Starfleet command.

The security chief demands that Starfleet keeps the movements of the USS Anracosh a secret due to the nature of the work they do. Due to Starfleet regulations this is her right. She has a say in declaring the secrecy level of the USS Anracosh’s mission and asks her captain to back her up on this. Starfleet can’t legally refuse her because of its regulations, and if Starfleet does break its regulations they can go over the heads of their superiors and get the Federation’s civilian leaders involved. They even name drop the politician.

Starfleet agrees to their request of upping the security level on information. They hang up rudely because of their hatred for the crew of the USS Anracosh. This does not bother the three officers. They got what they wanted. Now the captain and first officer have one more task: Confronting the conned crew.

The captain begins contacting the conned crew members and tells them to report to the Melkot’s office immediately. The chief diplomat says she can’t. She is about to sign the Negilum/Federation treaty. The captain says to proceed with the signing and then go to the Melkot’s office.

We switch scenes to the bridge. It is time for the treaty signing. The Negilum give instructions that a portable table be put on the bridge with the treaty and a pen on the table. The items are teleported into place. The chief diplomat asks how the Negilum are going to sign a treaty when they are outside the starship and how will they get a copy of the treaty for their own records. One of the Negilum’s faces, the one that was called fat, suddenly has a copy of the treaty appear next to her. She says to sign the treaty on the table. The chief diplomat does so. As she writes her signature appears on the treaty next to the female Negilum’s face. The female Negilum suddenly creates a hand holding a pen next to her face. She signs the treaty. Her signature appears on the copy of the treaty onboard the USS Anracosh.

The bridge crew and the Negilum erupt into cheers. The Federation is now receiving pocket dimension technology, which appears in the cargo hold of the USS Anracosh. As agreed, and stated by the bridge crew, the USS Anracosh will immediately return to Federation space with the new technology. We see the starship leaving the rift and entering open space and going to warp.

We return to the interior of the USS Anracosh. We see the chief diplomat enter the Melkot’s office. This place is where the Melkot is connected to the starship’s computer. He is in place in the neural interface chamber with the Captain, the first officer and the conned crew in the vicinity of the Melkot.

The captain addresses the conned crew saying that she does not want this meeting to be an argument like the last one. She wants to keep it civilised. She also states that the reason they are meeting in the Melkot’s office is that what she has to say to them should only be said to their faces. Saying it any other way shows a lack of integrity. The Melkot disagrees about the face to face thing but understands the sentiment and respects it.

She has come to speak about resolving the conned crew issues. She admits what was done was wrong but necessary. Each of those in the crew that were conned into joining the rogue mission had skills vital to the mission, and that still applies. The captain says she will accept their resignations if offered but is asking them to stay. The captain explains that the reason she wants them to stay is the stakes are much higher than the lifestyles of a handful of people; the future of the Federation is at stake.

This is what the Zalkonian doctor says back to the captain, reiterating her last point. They all know the stakes of this mission, and that is why they don’t resign. Getting the ancients to side with the Federation will have benefits that are beyond imagination. Thus the conned crew decide to stay. The episode ends with the captain thanking them.


Season 1 Episode 9

Ancients capture USS Anracosh to set up dialog

The episode starts with an outside shot of the USS Anracosh and a monologue is played: Captain’s log: The USS Anracosh is in deep space examining a piece of technology onboard. On the drone’s insistence he has asked for the starship to stop in deep space and stay put while he shows us a device that is the backbone of ancient races technology. The drone calls this device the static mass reactor. The chief science officer and chief engineer are keen to understand the device.

We swap scenes to main engineering. The drone is showing a spherical device with a lot of attachments to the science and engineering crews. The drone speaks passionately of the static mass reactor, explaining how it works. It uses the cassimere effect [please look this up online] to generate what the drone calls static mass particles. These particles remain static as the universe moves past them. Countless static mass particles hit the outer part of the sphere after being created and the impacts can be used as a power source. That is the basic static mass reactor.

The drone brings up a hologram of the internals of the sphere. It contains a cube cut into eight pieces and turned inside out so all the cubes points meet each other. The eight pieces are set so the distances between their surfaces are microscopic. It an omnidirectional cassimere effect device with some ancient races technology attached to it. The additional ancients races technology give the device certain other uses.

The drone goes on to show the other uses of the static mass reactor. Because the particles always go in one direction no matter where the device is located in space it can be used as an interstellar compass. The most important use is that the device creates matter that obeys its own laws of physics.

The drone uses the static mass reactor to create some material that has negative mass, meaning it is anti-gravity material. It floats upwards to the ceiling and has to be pushed upwards to make it fall. The crew are very impressed with this device. The drone then makes a mistake and he causes the static mass reactor to spew out large amounts of anti-gravity material that pollutes the ceiling of main engineering.

Much to the drones surprise the crew just laugh at the problem, saying they will collect samples of the anti-gravity matter and they can clean up the mess at their leisure. The chief engineer is actually happy about the spill. This is a new piece of ancient race technology to study. The crew are delighted at the drone’s mistake, and this greatly confuses the drone.

Looking at the matter stuck to the ceiling the science officer notes that a certain type of special matter would greatly enhance faster than light communication if the Federation could create it and install it in their subspace radios. Could the static mass reactor create such special matter?

The drone promptly makes the special matter using the static mass reactor. The chief engineer seeing the special matter promptly gets very excited and installs it in a subspace radio in the engineering level. He notes that the subspace radio signals will have a distinct signature, but the special matter will make the subspace radios far more efficient on all levels in terms of range, clarity of signal and much more. The chief engineer installs the special matter and sends out a test signal.

We return to the captain giving her log in monologue with the scene being the USS Anracosh outside view as earlier. She reports that half an hour ago a test signal was sent using the special matter enhanced subspace radio. She then reports on the progress made by the drone and science and engineering crews in examining the static mass reactor. She is very impressed with the new technology, which the Federation can emulate, and notes that there are ancient races technologies onboard that the Federation can copy and make their own.

In the outside shot we suddenly see a starship of unknown design arrive warping in at high speed. In a bolt from the blue attack many energy beings leave the new starship and enter the USS Anracosh. Notably many of the invading energy beings are going in through the alcove.

The scene changes to the bridge where the captain has just left the ready room where she was doing her log and she immediately asks the bridge crew what is happening. They report that the energy being are identifying themselves as Paxans, who also say their subspace radio transmission was noticed by them and they came to investigate.

The captain says they have never heard of them before. The Paxans, still aboard their own starship, say that they have encountered the Federation before but managed to erase evidence of the encounter. However there are disturbing reports coming from the decks of the USS Anracosh. Many of the crew are being possessed by the Paxans, who are insisting on speaking to the officer core of the USS Anracosh, and even more disturbing is that the Paxans have conquered the alcove area of the starship and are spreading though the USS Anracosh.

The crew is attempt to fight by stunning their crewmates, only to find that thePaxans abandon the unconscious crew members and possesses conscious crew members. The Paxans say via possessed crew members that they are looking for the officer core.

It is a two way street; the Paxans are fighting back and shoot outs occur all over the USS Anracosh. However these are all shoot outs with phasers and energy blasts from the Paxans set a non-lethal setting. Nobody is being killed, but a lot of vandalism is happening onboard, and it is still a puzzle as to why the starship’s automated defences are not working. The USS Anracosh’s interior is significantly vandalised, but nobody is being injured, it is just property damage.

The captain hails the new starship and insists that the Paxans cease their attack. Then she asks the bridge crew why the USS Anracosh’s automated defence systems are not fighting the Paxans. The bridge crew discover that the Paxans are not seen as hostile by the starship, to which the captain says that could mean the USS Anracosh may have a serious problem with its systems and some repairs are needed.

We change scenes to see the chief diplomat is possessed by a Paxan. The Paxan controlling the chief diplomat asks where the chief diplomat is. The non-possessed crew point out that the Paxan is already possessing the chief diplomat.

“Where is your chief diplomat?”

“You’re possessing her”

“Oops …sorry”

Suddenly the Paxans possessing the crew members leave their hosts and retreat to the alcove. [This is a great chance to show off the alcove]. The hosts are not harmed by the leaving Paxans. In fact the hosts do not even lose consciousness.

The new starship hails the USS Anracosh and says that the Paxan diplomat is waiting for them in the USS Anracosh’s alcove. Please send their diplomatic team to the alcove for negotiations. They apologise for the crew that have been stunned and that now those same crew are recovering in the infirmary. Nobody has been hurt, and that is at least something. The captain is not that forgiving but at least orders the chief diplomat and her underlings to the alcove to talk to the Paxans.

We now see the alcove. We get an explanation as to what the alcove is. It is an area next to the surface of the USS Anracosh. Its purpose is to act as a space where space borne ancients can meet the crew “face to face” for want of a better way to describe it. The alcove is designed for energy beings to interact with crew without having to possess them and for beings who prefer to remain in the vacuum of space for various reasons. [A detailed description of the alcove can be found in the show bible notes].

The Paxans are waiting in the part of the alcove designed to house energy beings. The diplomatic team arrive, led by the chief diplomat who says to the Paxans that she does not appreciate being possessed by them. The Paxan start making profuse apologies. The talks get down to the nitty gritty of the negotiations. The Paxans say that their world is now open to all younger races. They will no longer set up a fake wormhole to distract younger races away from their home world. Any younger race or younger race government is welcome to approach them for diplomatic relations under the banner of the Realm of the Gods project.

We return to the drone who is now running a seminar in the party cargo bay. A large number of the crew are assembled here to see the static mass reactor in action. The drone is showing off the abilities of the device as he did in main engineering. He goes about producing many materials that obey their own laws of science and says how the static mass reactor is the backbone of many ancient race technologies.

It is noted by many in the crowd that this will in time revolutionise technology made by the Federation. The potential to enhance many devices like what was done with the special matter enhanced subspace radio system. This changes the mood of the assembled crew. They realise that it was the transmission from the upgraded subspace radio that attracted the Paxans and that resulted in many of their colleagues now resting in the infirmary.

The drone realises he is facing a potentially hostile crowd, but feels that he has to warn them that some ancients will seek them out and “capture” the vessel every so often. This is part of running a Realm of the Gods project. To some ancients this is standard practice. The best thing to do is not to fight the ancients but to direct them to the alcove where they can meet crew members “face to face” without creating an unwanted confrontation. This is why the USS Anracosh itself did not fight back when the Paxans invaded the USS Anracosh. The starship interpreted the action as a non-hostile act.

This does not go down too well, even after the drone tells them that the ancients are not like the younger races, the ancients have a different outlook on life and do things differently. The drone apologises, and before he can do anything else the captain announces that the Paxans are going to appear to the crew and apologise “in person” to every crewmember for their actions

A Paxan appears via hologram in the party cargo bay. It appears next to the drone on the stage where the drone is showing off the static mass reactor. The crew are professional and listen to what the Paxan has to say.

The Paxan notes that it is currently sitting in the alcove and from there is using the alcove’s facilities to talk to the crew. It makes a promise its people will let the ancient races community know that the younger races do not appreciate having their ancient races contact ships being invaded. The Paxans make a promise that they, or any other ancients, will not capture the USS Anracosh ever again. From now on the ancients will ask permission to board or will only enter the USS Anracosh when invited to do so.

The drone can now continue with his demonstration of the static mass reactor. The Paxan hologram disappears and the drone continues his talk. We change scenes back to the alcove. The diplomatic talks are being would up. This time most of the officer core is present for the talks. The Paxans agree and offer the official invite for all younger races to come to their world to meet them. Then it is the usual friendship treaty stuff.

The Paxans offer compensation for the crew’s troubles. The captain gets smart and asks the Paxans to do an inspection of the outer hull, fix the USS Anracosh’s security system, clean up the mess made in the gun battles and to clean up the mess made by the crew’s experimentation with the static mass reactor. Too many crew are resting in the infirmary for them to do the job themselves. This will let the crew have some time off and it is easy to guilt trip the Paxans to do the work as they caused many of the crew to wind up in the hospital.

The Paxans now totally guilt tripped get to work immediately following the captain’s request of clean up and inspection. The crew take a well earned break as they watch the Paxans work on and around the starship. The captain walks around the starship inspecting the Paxan’s work.

She sees some of the officer core doing the same as her, inspecting the cleanup efforts. They make a point of saying “well played” to the captain. You solved multiple problems all at once. The crew needs a rest and the starship needs a cleanup from the recent experiments and battle. Getting the hull inspected and the security system fixed are bonuses as well. The episode ends with the officer core saying: “Well done Captain. …Well done.”


Season 1 Episode 10

The USS Anracosh’s mission to the Andromeda galaxy

This mission is the first official extra-galactic mission of the Federation, which is a momentous occasion, so in spite of the animosity towards the crew of the USS Anracosh, it is a fantastic event with a ceremony. This shows off the hatred towards the USS Anracosh and Starfleet brass wishing they would get lost in the Andromeda galaxy never to return. The smiles and speeches given in the ceremonies surrounding the first official intergalactic mission ring false. Everyone knows about the bad blood between the crew of the USS Anracosh and the rest of the Federation.

The crew and starship are transported via wormhole to the Andromeda Galaxy to see the ancients in action fixing that galaxy’s radiation problem. The USS Anracosh is fitted with a wormhole projector so the USS Anracosh makes the wormhole themselves.

The reason the ancients want the USS Anracosh to go to the Andromeda galaxy is to show the crew what the Realm of the Gods project will lead to in a few decades or at least in under a century at the most, that being the ancients and younger races cooperating and coexisting with each other.

The crew and starship are transported via wormhole [made by the USS Anracosh itself] to the Andromeda Galaxy to see the ancients in action fixing that galaxy’s radiation problem.

The crew of the Anracosh then meet the inhabitants of the Andromeda galaxy, who explain they approached the ancients of their galaxy with the radiation problem of their galaxy and found the ancients were willing to help. The various species of the Andromedans then started their own Realm of the Gods project. All this was done after the missions to other galaxies to find a new home for the Andromedans. Therefore with the help of the ancients the need to evacuate the Andromeda Galaxy now no longer exists.

The younger races of the Andromeda galaxy assumed that the ancients would refuse to help and were surprised when the ancients said yes. They were even more surprised when the ancients offered them a Realm of the Gods project.

The Andromeda galaxy is now in a post Realm of the Gods era and the crew of the USS Anracosh are shown how ancients and younger races can peacefully co-exist and thrive with each other. [This is part of the six stage cycle mentioned the ancients section of these documents.]

A “tour” is organised for the crew of the USS Anracosh, where they are shown the “coalface” of the repair site where the radiation problem is being fixed. They see countless ancients working together with machines of their own design collecting radiation and storing and selling it as batteries.

The USS Anracosh is taken to the “coalface” to a refuelling facility where the starship is hooked up to a device that plugs into the BHM and refuels the USS Anracosh’s power cells. As that happens a summit is organized with the ancients and the inhabitants of the Andromeda galaxy meeting the USS Anracosh’s diplomacy team. This is a multilateral meeting of Ancients, younger races of the Andromeda galaxy and the diplomatic team of the USS Anracosh. The refuelling facility has the necessary space for the multilateral conference.

The officer core of the USS Anracosh note that this must have been planned by the ancients all along, and ask the ancients if that is the case. The ancients say yes and the purpose of the tour of the Andromeda galaxy is to showcase what the inhabitants of the Milky Way galaxy are in for after starting contact with the ancients. The crew of the USS Anracosh find out that the Realm of the Gods project is done on a galaxy by galaxy basis. It is in this episode that the six stages of Realm of the Gods are revealed to the crew [and the audience].

The B plot

The crew not involved in the diplomatic talks are assigned to the refuelling process and have the opportunity to reverse engineer the technology the ancients are using to refuel the USS Anracosh. Some of the ancients express disappointment that the crew has not completed the Black Hole Manipulator [BHM] and the crew explain to them the four schools of thought [see series bible notes] that the crew have about completing the device. The ancients assumed completing the BHM would be the first thing the crew of the USS Anracosh would do.

The ancients of the Andromeda galaxy fully refuel the USS Anracosh, saying the reason they organized the trip at this time was that the starship needed refuelling and this was the perfect place to do it without the USS Anracosh using a black hole to refuel with. Some ancients also express that they are disappointed with the progress they crew has made in reverse engineering ancient race technology on the USS Anracosh.

The ancients explain that the BHM was meant to be the battery for the USS Anracosh among the BHM’s myriad of uses. Without the BHM fully operational the starship needs another fuel source. Batteries fuelled by Andromeda galaxy radiation will refuel the USS Anracosh for now. Once the batteries on the USS Anracosh are full the starship will have enough fuel to last a millennium. The engineering crew continue their reverse engineering of ancient’s technology and the ancients continue their refuelling efforts.

We return to the multilateral conference. The conference is a twofold diplomacy mission. The crew are running diplomacy with both the ancients of the Andromeda galaxy and the younger races of the Andromeda galaxy. In both cases these are races they have never met before bar for the races who have been to the Milky Way galaxy. Transportation between galaxies will not be an issue, the Andromedans and the Federation both have access to ancient race technology that will make the huge journey very easy.

The federation delegates have a question for the Andromedans and the ancients. Why are the Andromedans humanoid like the species of the Milky Way Galaxy? The crew of the USS Anracosh are told by the ancients that the Preservers are comparable to the Q Continuum in terms of power and influence and much of the universe is inhabited by humanoid sentient life.

The ancients then make an important announcement at the conference. They want the Federation to see the Andromeda galaxy and what is happening in it, to show where diplomacy with the ancients leads to. The Andromedans and the ancients are working together with the ancients no longer taking a passive role in their galaxy as the Federation has seen the ancients do in the Milky Way galaxy until the Federation started its Realm of the Gods project. This is what the Realm of the Gods project will lead to as the six stages of the project progress. What the Federation delegates are seeing in the Andromeda is what the Milky Way galaxy is in for within a century.

The ancients say that now they have seen the results of diplomacy with the ancients the Federation has to make a choice. The Federation can back out now and surrender the USS Anracosh to the ancients. If the Federation does not like what they see now is the time. At this point in time the ancients will let them walk away from the Realm of the Gods project no questions asked. If they do walk away the crew of the USS Anracosh will be immediately returned to Earth.

At the same time as this conference the ancients in the Milky Way galaxy have contacted the Federation’s civilian leadership and bought them up to speed on the situation of the multilateral conference, and given the Federation’s civilian leaders the choice of backing out of the Realm of the gods project, to which the Federation’s civilians leaders have said no.

The conference goes on to signing the various treaties between the Federation and the ancients and younger races of the Andromeda galaxy, notably signing a treaty with the Douwd species, who are indigenous to the Andromeda galaxy. We also check in on the engineering and science crews who have been reverse engineering ancient’s technology and refuelling the USS Anracosh, they note that the refuelling is complete and they are waiting for the conference to end.

The scene switches to various ancient and younger races starships of the Andromeda galaxy gather at the wormhole leading back to the Milky Way galaxy. The wormhole is modified by the ancients so it is stable and permanent. It will be a permanent link between the two galaxies. The USS Anracosh heads back home with lots of leads for the Federation to follow up on in contact with the Andromeda galaxy. The modified wormhole will serve as a meeting place for beings of the two galaxies to meet each other. The ancients and younger races of the Andromeda galaxy will represent themselves in a united front as they are already working as one in fixing the Andromeda’s radiation problem.

The Andromedans both ancient and younger assure the crew of the USS Anracosh that this is only the beginning. Plenty of follow up missions will happen. The Andromedans have access to ancient race technology. Getting to and from each other’s galaxies will not even be a challenge.

The crew of the USS Anracosh are given an official message for the governments of the Milky Way galaxy, that the mass migration of Andromedans is now cancelled and that the ancients have fixed the radiation problem of the Andromeda galaxy.

The USS Anracosh has to be seen returning from the Andromeda galaxy. The starship goes back through the wormhole and finds itself back in the Milky Way galaxy.

We switch to a staff meeting of the officer core in the captain’s ready room. The chief engineer is pleased to report that the USS Anracosh is fully refuelled and fully operational [bar the incomplete BHM]. The Chief diplomat reports on the events of the multilateral conference and the status of the Andromeda galaxy as learned from the interactions within the conference.

At the meeting the officer core realise that what they did when they started the rogue operation is something that will change their whole galaxy. They have started a process that will in the end result in species of the Federation eventually joining the ancient races clique. They realise the true impact of the six stage process and they are responsible for unleashing it on their galaxy.

They conclude that what they have done to save the Federation will in the ultra long term wind up destroying the Federation. This is the opposite of what they wanted. The show ends with the captain saying that they will have to come to terms with that fact.


Season 1 Episode 11

The first Klingon episode involves a Klingon delegation visiting the USS Anracosh to learn how to undergo a Realm of the Gods project

Early in the Realm of the Gods project the Klingons send a starship to meet with the USS Anracosh. They are transporting a delegation to the USS Anracosh to learn about the Federation’s efforts in diplomacy with the ancients. With the encouragement of the ancients, the crew of the USS Anracosh give the Klingons a grand tour of the USS Anracosh, noting that the starship was upgraded by the ancients as a reward for being the first race/group of races in the galaxy in eons to try to establish systemic diplomacy with the ancient races and be public about it.

The crew are initially hesitant to give the Klingons free access to their starship. There is a Mexican standoff with the Klingons before they enter the USS Anracosh because of security concerns of showing off the most powerful starship the Federation has to forces of another government. The captain herself has to step in and remind the crew that this tour has already been approved by the Federation High Council. Then the tension shifts as to how the command structure had broken down. The crew should have been informed that they should let the Klingons pass unhindered.

The Klingons ask why they can’t have a starship like the USS Anracosh – a Federation ancient races hybrid starship. It is explained to the Klingons that if they had been first to try diplomacy with the ancients, they would have received a starship with God like abilities like the USS Anracosh. The Klingons then learn from the crew of the USS Anracosh how to run an encounter with the ancients. The crew of the USS Anracosh visit an ancient race with the Klingons in tow so the Klingons can see how it is done, although Klingons are already great at diplomacy and some in their number see witnessing diplomatic talks as a waste of time, and complain about it.

The ancients welcome the Klingons to the talks but the price the Klingons pay is a lecture from the ancients. The ancients remind the Klingons that they have an impressive space fleet. However, they have not organised one starship painted in diplomatic insignia and not one crew or team of diplomats dedicated to meeting and greeting the ancients. The Klingons do not react well to being lectured but admit the ancients are right. They could have at any time set up a starship as the ancients described and created diplomatic relations with the ancients.

The Klingons and the Federation personnel present are smart enough to know that attacking the ancients won’t work. They would be assaulting beings who could quickly organise the total eradication of the Klingon Empire and the Federation if they wanted to.

Instead of the Klingons swearing revenge or some such they give a diplomatic response that is very out of character. They recall that the Klingons have has their own encounters ancients like the Federation has. Apart from the usual plethora of ancients the Klingons have met members of the Q continuum and members of the Douwd [although not the Douwd the Federation met]. Those are two very powerful races in the ancient races clique.

The Federation crew are very surprised that the Klingons have had so much interaction with the ancients. They were under the assumption that after the Hurq conquered Klingons and the Klingons drove the Hurq of their homeworld that the Klingons would want nothing to do with any ancient.

The Klingons put it this way: [This comes from my show bible notes] Imagine you encounter a very powerful ancient who you have a serious falling out with. You walk away and go back to your empire. When you reach your empire you find nothing. Your entire civilisation has been erased. You go back to the ancient and ask forgiveness and ask for your empire to be restored. The ancient agrees to both. You go home again. This time everything is back to normal – except for yourself. You now have to live with the knowledge that everyone you meet in your civilisation is a replica. The original people you knew are dead – killed by the ancient who forgave you. What is worse the deaths were not honourable, nobody was bested in combat by a worthy foe, they were simply erased out of existence by a god like ancient.

This previous paragraph encapsulates the Klingon attitude towards the ancients. What is the point of battling the ancients if it costs you the whole Empire? Up to now the Klingons took the same attitude as the Federation before launching the Realm of the Gods project. That is map out where the ancients live and put up the no trespassing signs.

While this is happening, the USS Anracosh, with the ancients involved in the current diplomatic talks, flies to Klingon space so the Klingons can take a closer look at the starship. They crew gives tours of the USS Anracosh to the Klingon delegation and eventually the starship winds up at a Klingon starbase that features in the episode finale.

The B plot

While on the USS Anracosh the Klingons encounter the half Human half Klingon member of the crew [Ensign Ghezhear]. He is the nearest thing the Klingons have to someone on the starship. Ghezhear’s father left the Klingon Empire for the Federation before he was born. They approach Ghezhear and ask him and the USS Anracosh’s officer core if he can give them a tour of the USS Anracosh.

The Klingons ask many questions of the Klingon Human hybrid, including asking him to join their crew, he refuses, so they ask him to be their man on the USS Anracosh, he again refuses. They ask him all kinds of things and he strongly states that he will not betray the Federation or his crewmates. He will help the Klingons, but the aim is to help them start their own Realm of the Gods project. They can then ask the ancients for the kind of help they want from him.

The security chief gets wind of the Klingons attempt to get a crew member to be their spy on the USS Anracosh. Ghezhear has refused to be a spy for the Klingons and promptly reported it to his superiors. The Klingons are let off with a warning from the Captain and the security chief of the USS Anracosh. She also investigates why the crew were not told the Federation high council had approved of the Klingon visit. It turns out it was someone simply forgetting to pass on relevant information. Disciplinary action is taken.

An official complaint is registered with Klingon high command, but it is the ancients that ask for forgiveness of the Klingons. The ancients are the ones who smooth things over because the ancients have a policy that all younger race beings/civilisations are welcome to approach them.

After the grand tour the Klingons are encouraged by the ancients to set up their own Realm of the Gods project. They won’t get a God like starship, but they will get a few technologies that will help them with meeting and greeting the ancients. They are also free to reverse engineer the technology as well, with help from the ancients to do so.

After the talks an ancient races starship retrieves the ancients from the USS Anracosh and the ancients featured in this episode are shown turning the no trespassing signs around their solar system into welcome signs. The ancients make a point of showing [via video conferencing] this action to the crew of the USS Anracosh and their Klingon guests.

The story ends at a Klingon starbase where the USS Anracosh is docked showing a Klingon vessel being repainted with diplomatic seals and insignia, Ancient race beings are present to install ancient race technologies on the vessel. The Klingon delegation are there watching the vessel being repainted noting that it is a new era, the Klingons will now approach the ancients without the attitude that they are risking the empire in doing so. This is a much more honourable way to do things and the Klingon delegation wishes they had thought of diplomacy with the ancients first.


Season 1 Episode 12

The security chief helps the crew get supplies via her Section 31 connections

The episode focuses on the resupply effort and what that entails.

The USS Anracosh faces supply problems because the rest of Starfleet is shunning them. Presented with this problem they look at resupplying from sources outside the Federation or from private providers within the Federation. This means having to put up with non-authentic parts and other supply issues. In time this will create serious problems with the USS Anracosh.

What brings things to a head is Starfleet sabotaging their supplies because of the hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh. It not enough to deny them supplies, the supplies they do get are wrecked by spiteful officers.

At the staff meeting discussing the issue the idea is floated of getting their supplies from the ancients themselves. The Security Chief points out that she can get supplies via Section 31 [The Federation’s intelligence service]. She reveals that she is well connected in Section 31, and has been authorised by her Section 31 superiors to reveal she is a Section 31 agent to the officer core of the USS Anracosh.

The Security Chief can arrange for supplies via Section 31 so they won’t have to visit starbases where they get the cold shoulder and worse. To the crew’s surprise in a short time a Section 31 flotilla arrives, which consists of a series of escort vessels and a dedicated cargo vessel, with supplies.

The security chief, being of Section 31 herself, does most of the talking. She assures the crew that Section 31 has their backs and understands the Realm of the Gods mission and its consequences. They just wish others in the Federation could see what the benefits of contact with the ancient races.

Section 31 agents set up an ordering system for the USS Anracosh. The crew of the Anracosh can order what they want via Section 31. The spies say that the work the USS Anracosh does is worth the extra expense to Section 31. They say “How much is having god like beings on your side worth?”

The agents of Section 31 make it clear that the supplies come at a price. That price being Section 31 wants to swap supplies for the crew of the USS Anracosh doing black ops missions for Section 31. The crew of the USS Anracosh did countless numbers of black ops missions during the Dominion war. This is what the crew used to specialise in. Section 31 knows this and that is why they asked for the deal. The crew eagerly accepts the offer knowing that this will assure them of their supplies, make Section 31 into a firm ally and it is something well within their skill set.

As the Section 31 flotilla joins the party, the officer core of the USS Anracosh takes a very different view of the Security Chief, now that they know that she has so much influence with Section 31. They are grateful that she has solved their supply problem, but they have to ask themselves just how powerful she really is, and can they trust her? The ending [at the party described below] is the some of the core officers talking in a small group focusing on making the point that the Security Chief’s actions raise more questions than answers. What else is she hiding from them? Could they have a Greek God read her mind or should they trust her?

The B plot:

The B plot involves the Greek God Ancients from the original series asking for neo-pagans to volunteer to “worship” them on the Greek Gods world. The chief diplomat has to handle this situation.

The scene is the chief diplomat, her entourage [include the alternate timeline ensign] sitting vis a vis ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. They are ancients who visited Earth thousands of years ago. They are asking if there are any pagans still on Earth or its colonies. The diplomat has to say that she thinks there are but their numbers are tiny.

Knowing that human pagans still exist, the Greek Gods make an offer for the Federation – give them worshippers in exchange for a close alliance with the Greek Gods. They offer all kinds of help the Federation could find really useful. One of the chief diplomat’s underlings asks if this is an offer only applying to humans and the Gods say no, any younger race is welcome to move to the Greek God’s world and be a worshipper. If the Federation supplies worshippers the Federation will get a close alliance with the Gods, and the Gods will be very generous with the help they give the Federation.

The crew of the Anracosh would eagerly say this is a great deal, the help they want from the ancients in exchange for providing a bunch of Federation citizens to worship the Gods of old.

With the diplomatic team giving an initial agreement to giving the Gods worshippers; the conversation turns to what will the fate of these worshippers be. The Deities give assurances as to the safety and welfare of those who volunteer to worship them. They stress that they won’t take unwilling conscripts. It must be willing volunteers only.

This begs question: How many volunteers? Easy, up to as many people as can comfortably live on the Greek Gods world. The number is flexible, anywhere from a few hundred to a few billion. With billions of Federation citizens finding enough volunteers will not be a problem.

This lightens the mood of the meeting. The people who would be sent to the Greek Gods world would not be sacrifices; they are going there to worship and will get cared for; in exchange the Federation gets some really powerful allies, just what the crew of the USS Anracosh wants.

The next question is how much and what kind of help is being offered. The Greek Gods say that they are restricted in helping fight the Borg because of the cease fire agreement between the Borg and the ancients. All other help is on the table within reason, i.e. no miracle factory rubbish. Help could include new technology, doing tasks the Federation can’t handle themselves, help in contacting other ancient races. In other words pretty much the usual fair for what the ancient offer the younger races in a Realm of the Gods project, but the Greek Gods are also offering help with long term projects, not just step in and fix the problem and leave. If the Federation needs a long term commitment from an ancient race the Greek Gods will be the ancients to turn to.

Ending: The Section 31 supply fleet personnel, [including Alena Malgum], gets to meet the Greek Gods as proof that the USS Anracosh is getting great results. The Section 31 agents are thrilled to learn about the Greek Gods/Federation alliance. The ending includes a meeting of the three groups and takes the form of fresh supplies being sent to the USS Anracosh. Section 31 gets the answer of what it is like to have a god on your side as they meet the Greek Gods in person.

The last act of the episode is a party thrown by the Greek Gods to celebrate the alliance of the Federation and Greek Gods. The party takes place in the “party centre” cargo bay in the USS Anracosh. This is a Greek style party with music and Greek style line dancing, plenty of food and drink and fun. This is one of the good memorable times on the USS Anracosh and it shows. There are a few scenes showing different crew cliques, like the core officers mentioned above and the chief diplomat congratulating her team on a job well done, but the ending shows the party still going on with a cheering crowd, celebrating at the fact they found what they are looking for – allies among the ancients.


Season 1 Episode 13

Neural education episode

A story dedicated to the neural education centre of the starship.

This episode makes it clear that the neural education device is NOT a virtual reality device or a surgical device; it imprints knowledge directly into the brain without an experience of learning it. It also sees ancients forming a cue in space near the USS Anracosh, seen as a comedic action by the crew and the audience.

The B plot:

The B plot covers the ethical debates like devaluing professions by being able to churn out professionals like confetti, and what it means to have everyone overqualified and feeling unchallenged. To sum up: What are the ethics, pros and cons of having neural education technology? The debate covers the aspect that the ancients gave the technology as an object lesson, to let the crew of the USS Anracosh know what it is like to have the knowledge base of a low level ancient. The ancients did not intend it to be a powerfully disruptive technology, but if the Federation can’t handle it, then they are not ancient race material. That is the core of the problem. The starship and all the ancient races technology in it are object lessons. If you can manage the power and abilities of the USS Anracosh you can handle joining the ancients. If you can’t, forget about running a Realm of the Gods project.

Going to an area full of ancient races

The ancient races expert drone directs the USS Anracosh to an area of space that he knows is crawling with ancients so the crew of the USS Anracosh can make lots of contacts all at once. When the crew get to a disused area of space the drone instructs the crew to turn on the ancient race attracting beacon.

The crew ask the drone why this area of space would have so many ancients in it. There is nothing special about this area except that it has no younger race activity in it. The drone says they have answered their own question. This is an area of space where the ancients can live a quiet existence.

The drone says this is an ideal place to look for ancients. You will find ancients in the disused areas of space where younger races tend not to go. Neutral zones, remote areas, places of no strategic importance to anyone, anywhere that is away from bustling areas of younger race activity is the place to find ancient race beings living their lives. It is revealed that this area of space used to be the domain of the Husnock before an ancient race being known as a Dauwd wiped out them out. The ancients moved in after the Husnock were obliterated.

All is quiet as the beacon broadcasts and the crew ask if this is actually working. The captain begins to question the drone about this and the answer soon comes when all kinds of ascended beings and ancient race starships appear on sensors. The time from the area being calm and empty to the area swarming with ancient race starships and ascended ancients from those starships ready to board the USS Anracosh is not even half a minute.

The USS Anracosh finds itself in the eye of a hurricane of ancient race beings and ancient race starships, then the ancients do some strange manoeuvres in space and actually start queuing outside the USS Anracosh.

This is met with shock and laughter as the crew realise what the ancients are doing around their starship. The chaos outside is being turned into order as the ancients go from a cyclone formation to a line formation, and that line has one end next to the USS Anracosh with the other end extending deep into space. The ancients have formed a que and are waiting to be served by the starship’s diplomatic team.

The drone apologises to the chief diplomat and her subordinates as he did not anticipate such a large reaction to the ancients attracting beacon. He did not think that so many ancients would take the time to respond.

This is not as good as it sounds as it means the diplomatic teams are forced to work on the fly interviewing a small number of ancients at a time. They have to get to know them and then work out diplomatic negotiations on very limited information.

Seeing as the diplomatic staff are horribly over worked, the chief diplomat asks the captain for help. She says to the captain that the ancients have to wait over an hour until they have the staff ready to process each of their diplomatic negotiations. The crew thinks that this is making some of the ancients unsettled, although none have left in frustration yet, that time is fast approaching if nothing is done, even though the crew does not know that this is not true.

The diplomat says she and her underlings can’t handle the workload of all these ancients and the Captain orders all of the crew currently on shift and herself to the neural education devices to learn diplomacy so they can cater to the long cue of ancients outside and inside the starship. The captain made a point of putting herself through a neural education device to show the crew that no crew member including herself is above using neural education technology.

Immediately the crew go to the neural education devices in their cabins and get the diplomacy knowledge put into their brains. Once all the crew have diplomacy knowledge the captain starts issuing orders. The Bajoran doctor is the one who programs the neural education devices, and he sets them to diplomacy from his terminal in the neural education centre. The reason each cabin has a neural education device is to avoid traffic problems during shift changes as many of the crew would make a bee line to the neural education centre before going to work. The other reason is having neural education devices in crew quarters encourages casual use of neural education devices.

The first order is: The crew are to divide into teams of three to form a diplomatic team and talk to the first ancient that they see onboard the USS Anracosh.

Math of the above paragraph:

There are 518 crew in total, with 170 off duty because they are part of the 2 night shifts [85 per shift, 2 x 85 = 170]. That leaves 348 crew, 85 of which are already on the diplomatic staff. That means the remainder of the crew [263 people, 348 – 85 = 263] are using the neural education devices to get diplomacy skills. 348 crew are divided into 116 teams of 3 [116 x 3 = 348].

Since there are 85 in the diplomatic staff, we reduce that by 1 for the Chief diplomat who liaises with officer core. This leaves 84 diplomatic staff, divide that number by 3 for diplomatic teams, that makes 28 diplomatic teams [84 / 3 = 28] before the rest of the crew join the negotiations.

The captain then orders the drone to broadcast via the ancients attraction beacon that they are to board the USS Anracosh and approach the first crew member they find and commence diplomatic negotiations with that crew member. She orders Niffy [crew member acting as starship A.I.] to disable the security system so the ancients can board the vessel unhindered before he joins a diplomatic team. He has a neural education device as part of his connection to the starship’s main computer.

The next scene shows the starship overrun with ancients and impromptu negotiations taking place anywhere that can be repurposed into a desk. During these negotiations it becomes obvious the rank and file crew are learning firsthand the true power of the ancients as the ancients are offering their help to the Federation and telling the crew what they can do for the Federation – and they are not bluffing – the ancients mean what they say.

In time the negotiations get to agreements and the diplomatic efforts wind down. The crew can return to their duties and the diplomatic department can have a well earned break. As the ancients leave the USS Anracosh and then the crew start talking to each other about the days events. The Captain realises the toll the day’s events have taken on her crew and makes a promise to never try using the beacon to attract ancients again unless they have no other option.

The third [last] act of the episode focuses heavily on the B plot and consists of a serious debate about neural education that acknowledges that it is ancient races technology that is beyond the Federation’s ability to build. The vast majority of the crew find the neural education devices an amazing piece of technology and are amazed that if they wanted they could gain many lifetimes worth knowledge in a day or two.

The pros and cons of neural education are debated and the crew appreciates the potential and power of it. On that day all of the crew interacted with the ancients face to face and have seen their god like powers. It sinks into them just how powerful the ancients are. They already know that the ancients use the Realm of the Gods project for recruitment of younger races into the ranks of the ancients.

The debate goes from neural education to any given ancient race technology on the USS Anracosh. Much of the systems onboard would change the Federation in ways they can’t imagine. They have a starship full of disruptive technology. They ask themselves; have they made the right choice in reaching out to the ancient races and what are the consequences of everyone getting access to the ancient race technology on the USS Anracosh?

The story ends with the realisation that it is too late to turn back. The crew want the ancients as allies of the Federation. Retreating from the project now forfeits that, and would mean that their mission of protecting the Federation by getting the ancients help is a failure. Like it or not the ancients are here to stay, or more accurately were here before they were and are here to stay. It is time to accept the power of the ancients because the Federation needs that power to stop any future threats. The crew of the USS Anracosh will keep going because there is no other option they want to choose.


Season 1 Episode 14

Sample of section 31 missions

The A plot for the two parter is the dojo officer [Carol] leading the crew in encountering the space barnacles. The B plot for episode one is the commando raid.

This episode showcases the dark side of working on the USS Anracosh. In exchange for resupplying the USS Anracosh the crew of the USS Anracosh must do black ops missions for Section 31. The Alena character gets some character development in this episode.

The starting scene is a resupply mission where the Section 31 flotilla of a cargo starship and its starship escorts are meeting the USS Anracosh and supplies are being transferred. The Commodore of the flotilla is meeting with the officer core of the USS Anracosh and is asking for them to “pay up” on the deal with Section 31 and supply commandos from the rank and file crew for black ops missions. The commandos are given to Alena [who is introduced at the meeting] for briefing and going on the mission.

Alena is explained in this episode, including her backstory [including a flashback and what her abilities are]. Her job is to command the commando raids that involve crew from the USS Anracosh. She briefs/debriefs them and may lead the raids herself, or at least acts as support for the raids.

The officer core is happy to accept this deal and start a lottery system for the crew and themselves that involves all those who fought in the Dominion war. The exception is when Section 31 needs someone with specialised skills. To show fairness those in the officer core will take the first black ops missions that Section 31 asks of them. This means the first officer, the captain, the Bajoran doctor and the security chief [who is also a Section 31 agent] are all going on a commando raid plus a rank and file crew member needed for his skill set. This is the officer who eventually admits to fragging a superior in the Dominion war. This is a Checkov’s gun bought up in the fragging/anti mandatory reporting laws episode.

The crew were told of the deal with Section 31, since it was struck, and they knew that sooner or later they would be called up for a mission. This does not bother them, this was the kind of work they did during the Dominion war. In fact many of them are happy to rise to the challenge, but they know the rules of the lottery. Once they have been on a mission they will not be called up for another one until all the qualifying crew have done a black ops mission or if they have specialised skills needed for a particular black ops mission.

It is at this point that the Captain leaves the dojo officer in charge. She needs more command experience and the crew have a high respect for her. Transitioning command will be easy, and the dojo officer takes the captain’s seat on the bridge. The officers say farewell and wish the dojo officer good luck on her first command.

A shuttle transfers the four officers to the Section 31 supply starship, and they meet a couple of agents who are going to help them steal incriminating evidence from the Orion Syndicate of the Syndicate’s crimes. The agents are a couple of computer experts with black ops training, but are nowhere near as talented in black ops as the USS Anracosh crew.

The story then follows the four and their Section 31 colleagues as they covertly raid an Orion Syndicate compound and hack a computer. This is the standard fare of watching a commando raid in an action movie. It looks like a stealthy break in done by a professional heist crew. The usual stuff of stealthily taking out guards, and picking locks, and the like.

As a cover the team splits in two and while one team copies the data using hacking techniques to cover the fact they are copying data the other team steals some valuable items and incriminating evidence as a cover to make the Orion Syndicate think that the data was not the real target. We follow both teams in their raid and see them doing a perfectly executed commando raid.

The officers clearly state that this might be an easy mission, but they are knowledgeable enough to know that easy missions and commando raids can be much more dicey situations in terms of what needs to be done and who or what has to be fought. That does not include the morally grey areas that are involved in the kind of work most of the crew of the USS Anracosh were trained to do.

The next scene is seeing Carol left in charge by the officer core on the first commando raid done by the crew. The officer core decided to go first in a sign of good faith and fairness. Carol assures the officer core that although she has never been a bridge commander, and definitely never for a mission quite like this, that she will have it under complete control.

The bridge crew is going about their business. Unusually the dojo officer is serving on the bridge and it is highlighted that she is filling in for the security chief. The dojo officer is the highest ranking officer on the bridge so she is therefore the commanding officer at this point in time.

Without warning space barnacles [junior’s species from next generation] appear coming out of high warp and begin latching onto the USS Anracosh. The dojo officer looks up the procedure for removing the barnacles. It is a simple exercise in having the starship emit certain electromagnetic frequencies that repel the space barnacles.

The dojo officer thinks about why the security chief chose her to fill in while she was away. They had a friendly debate last week where the dojo officer said “I can do your job, I can go to the neural education centre and get the same qualifications that you have, and do so in half an hour.” The security chief disagreed but thought it would be fun to give the dojo officer a chance to do the security chief’s job, so the dojo officer finds herself on the bridge in a command role the security chief would have normally been doing.

These barnacle breakouts happen in thirds; The first time, it’s an oddity, the second time is arouses concern, the third time they are much larger in numbers and try to hack their systems.

The dojo officer sees the space barnacles as a minor inconvenience. Just arrange for the frequencies to be emitted and the barnacles detach and go elsewhere. Writing the reports will take longer than the task at hand. As orders are given and preparations are made the space barnacles do something unexpected and not seen before: The creatures attempt to hack the USS Anracosh’s systems.

The dojo officer calls for a red alert and has the I.T. department mount a fire wall e-defence and counter attack. A rank and file officer on the bridge points out that the barnacles are solely targeting the communications system.

Rank & File Officer: “Ma’am, they’re attacking our systems! They appear to be trying to hack us, they’ve broken right through our… Communications Array…?”

Carol: “Status Report on the rest of the ship, what else has been compromised?”

Rank & File Officer: “…Everything’s fine, Ma’am. Nothing else has been affected. Systems are running… Perfect, in fact.”

The big hook of the episode, right before the commercial break is the reveal of the barnacles’ intent: They just want to talk.

Returning to the commando raid all goes well, until they try to leave. It is at this point is time that their break-in is discovered and the alarm goes off. Lots of Orion Syndicate thugs arrive and the officers have to shoot their way out with the stolen data. Two of the Section 31 operatives are badly wounded and they have to drag them out as well as carrying the data rods [Star Trek equivalents of USB sticks]. Fortunately the hacking they used was undetectable. The valuables stolen were things easily visible and identifiable at a distance when carried to add to the illusion that the data was not what the commandoes wanted.

This is the opposite of the previous commando raid scenes. Here the mission has gone utterly pear shaped. It is a running fire fight out of the facility, with the commandoes setting fire to the compound as a distraction. The officers and their Section 31 colleagues escape to the edge of the compound, beaming out with a blaze behind them all action movie style with explosions in the massive house fire as well.

We return to the dojo officer and the rest of the bridge crew saying to the space barnacles that they had no idea that the barnacles were sentient. The barnacles say hello via the ancient race enhanced translation system. The dojo officer calls for the chief diplomat. The chief diplomat replies via intercom that she is on her way.

The next scene is on the bridge with the dojo officer and the chief diplomat in negotiations with the barnacles. The dojo officer thinks that she doesn’t need the drone’s help right now, but it would be useful to bring him into the negotiations pretty soon. If she has questions about the space barnacles she can ask the barnacles directly.

The conversation with the barnacles turns to the previous encounters between the barnacles and the Federation. Namely they talk about the barnacle nicknamed “junior” attaching to the USS Enterprise and the events that took place in that Star Trek episode. This raises the issue that the crew of the USS Anracosh want to know the race name the barnacles call themselves.

The barnacles say that they have no race name that translates to something terrestrials would use. But since the Federation named the creature that attached to the Enterprise “junior” terrestrials can call the space barnacle race Junior because it is what they called the first barnacle that they named. It would be an honour to be christened with the title of the pioneer of their race that first made contact with the Federation, a goal they hold in veneration. An impressive feat for an infant of the barnacle race.

The Barnacles, or Juniors, reveal they have a sophisticated culture and values; they are anything but mindless space whales. They have a cultural exchange with the crew teaching about barnacle culture and identity. The chief diplomat remarks that this is a great start to establishing government to government relations with the Juniors. This is the first time the Federation has ever done successful diplomacy with a non-terrestrial [i.e. space borne] species. It is major cause of celebration for the Federation and the Barnacles congratulate them. This is a big deal and must be acknowledged for the achievement that it is. The Barnacles note that it is a pity they can’t physically party with the crew onboard the USS Anracosh.

We return to the commando raid to see the end of it. The whole commando team are seen beaming onto a transporter pad with the stolen items. There the Bajoran doctor is given some sophisticated medical equipment by the Section 31 agents waiting for them at the transporter, and he heals the wounded Section 31 agents that went on the commando raid with them. The data rods are connected to the starships computer and Section 31 anonymously forwards the stolen Orion Syndicate data to the police. Mission accomplished.

Before being returned to the USS Anracosh the four discuss the black ops missions with Section 31. They have a debriefing and learn that borrowing crew for commando raids is going to be a very regular thing. Section 31 will probably ask for a crew every time they resupply or are in Federation territory.

They know that it is only being realistic to assume Section 31 would want a price for being their main supplier. They do not see it as a conflict – Section 31 is an ally and fellow part of the Federation. Besides, the Security chief is the Section 31 agent who also put them on to Section 31 resupplying the USS Anracosh.

The commandoes from the USS Anracosh are informed that the ship they are on is heading to their starship. They are informed that something is wrong. The USS Anracosh cannot move from its position to pick them up. This is not a setback but a concern, the starship they are on is only under an hour’s warp travel away from the USS Anracosh.

We switch to scene where the Section 31 starship approaches the USS Anracosh and the officer core are seen as very concerned. A space barnacle has attached to the USS Anracosh and the starship is powerless to stop it. This is a time to be worried. Something is very wrong and the cliff-hanger ending is that the USS Anracosh is not responding to their hails.

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Season 1 part 1

Season 2 part 1

Season 1 Part 1

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Introduction to a sample Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV show

Season 1 part 2

Season 1 Episode 1

Pilot: Rogue mission part one

The first pilot episode focuses on assembling the crew and stealing a mothballed starship.

No need for a B plot, the episode is like a heist movie

The opening scene in the pilot part 1

From the outside it looks like two couples going on a double date. A Bajoran, a Vulcan and two Humans. A male human is dating a female Vulcan and a female human is dating a Bajoran. They are all starfleet and meeting at a cafe, still nothing unusual. They ask for a private booth in the back. Nothing unusual about that, they want some privacy. Why they want privacy is revealed in the next scene.

The couples are not couples at all; they are here to discuss serious matters. They are discussing the recently ended Dominion war and its aftermath. They discuss that the Klingon Empire is effectively bankrupt and is being propped up by the Federation. The Romulans are retreating back to their Empire and are going back to business as usual. They will soon be enemies again. No other government in this region of the galaxy can match the Federation, the only two for want of a better word “local” super powers are the Romulans and the Federation, who will soon be each other’s enemies.

The conversation turns to how close the Federation was to being defeated. This raises the issue of what about other threats to the Federation? Those present discuss the other threats and what to do about them. This leads to the point of the Federations allies, and what they can do. What they can do in the face of ultra powerful enemies like the Borg is not much. The conversation turns to who else can the Federation turn to, which is nobody. Any government that has not yet been mentioned are lesser governments that are not friendly towards the Federation, such as the Breen, who sided with the Dominion in the recent Dominion war.

There is one other option, the only civilisations more powerful than the Federation that are anywhere near the Federation are the ancient races. The ancients are those millions of years technologically ahead of any of the beings the Federation usually interacts with. The keep to themselves residing on worlds, in solar systems or in deep space. When a younger race encounters them it is brief and dangerous and when the encounter is over younger races put up “no trespassing signs” around the area the ancients occupy. The younger races are wary of beings who are as to them as younger races are to bugs.

But here is the problem, the Federation faces more and more powerful enemies, soon it will face a foe it can’t defeat and nobody the Federation knows can help. The only beings that could help the Federation are the ancients, the very beings younger races run away from at high warp speed.

It is only a matter of time before the Federation faces a new ultra powerful enemy and the human male in the “double date group” suggests the unthinkable, make alliances with the ancient races.

This is greeted with utter shock by the rest of the group, who look in horror at the human male. The Federation would never swallow its pride and come to terms with the fact that there are civilisations far more powerful than themselves, what is truly horrifying to the Federation is the idea of individuals more powerful that the Federation. It totally breaks the idea of Federation exceptionalism – that the Federation is the top dog, with other galactic governments are at best secondary powers.

One of them accesses via his handheld computer a historical record of Admiral Kirk making a plea to start diplomacy with the ancients. But the civilians in from of him, who are all Federation Council politicians, refuse Kirk’s request saying it is too dangerous for the Federation. This is shown to prove the point that the Federation’s leaders would never approve of approaching the ancients and asking for an alliance.

It is the security chief who realises that the first officer is right. The only ones who can take on the Federation’s most powerful enemies and potential enemies are the ancients. This is an idea unsellable to their superiors both civilian and military. Nobody is going to endorse a mission that destroys the concept of Federation exceptionalism.

Another reason for the Federation not doing systematic diplomacy with the ancients is what if the Federation discovered that the ancients would accept any race joining their ranks, and that information was made public. What race would join the Federation or ally with it when the alternative is joining the ancient races and the applicant race soon becoming ascended super powered immortal beings?

The reason why none of the other governments of the galaxy tried systematic diplomacy with the ancients is that they are mostly dictatorships who would be terrified of provoking a hostile reaction from the ancients. They ask themselves: Are the ancients as ruthless as they are and would have no qualms about destroying them, or are they bleeding hearts who loathe their system of government and would destroy them anyway? The dictatorial governments of the galaxy don’t want to find out.

However, all those present at the conversation realise the truth, it does not matter who else would try or not try diplomacy with the ancients. It is up to those in the cafe booth to reach out to the ancients on behalf of the Federation. It is the only way to ensure the Federation is no longer threatened by enemies that could defeat it.

Doing diplomacy with the ancients means one thing, friendly contact with them has to be a rogue operation because nobody will sign off on it. Once again this is unthinkable to the starfleet officers. But it sinks in; this is what needs to be done.

The group starts planning, they will need a ship and a crew and a group of specialists to understand and engage in diplomacy with the ancients. They can use their starfleet positions to search for the experts and crew they need; they can research the mothballed starships to find one that suits their needs. This is all within the skill sets of the four officers.

The Vulcan, being the highest ranking, will research mothballed starships. The female human, a security officer, will find Dominion war buddies of the four to be rank and file crew. The male human will design the ancient races contact missions, and help the security officer. The Bajoran doctor will look for experts the mission needs.

The four set about their tasks of their rogue mission and we go through a series of scenes showing the four doing their tasks. We see the Vulcan finding a suitable starship in the mothballing shipyards. We see the male human designing the missions, we see the doctor researching resumes of various experts and others who know about the ancients. We see the human female contacting old war buddies and recruiting them, with help from the male human.

At this point we meet the core officers/main cast of the show in a series of scenes that reflect the backgrounds described in their character notes. They are recruited to the cause, sometimes by being told it is a legitimate mission rather than a rogue operation. We see the Bajoran doctor look at resumes of Wesley Crusher and Beckett Mariner detailing their biographies. The Bajoran doctor dismisses recruiting Wesley and Beckett as they have close ties to Starfleet officers who would stop at nothing to prevent a rogue mission. Put simply Wesley and Beckett are too much of a security risk.

After the vignette scenes introducing the main cast, the four regroup to find that the starship selected by the Vulcan is far bigger than what the male human was planning to use. The female Vulcan explains that their mission will be a long range mission and they need a long range craft for the distances they will be travelling in contacting the ancients. The rest reluctantly agree, and the focus becomes recruiting many more Dominion War veterans to make up the rank and file crew. The four of them start contacting more of their old comrades to make up the numbers.

Now the final act of part one of the pilot mission. It is the raid on the mothballing shipyards. The Dominion war vets are back in action and are running a commando raid taking over the shipyard and high jacking shuttles and the main starship. Shuttles will be used to fetch the experts. They can’t be part of the raiding force; they do not have the relevant skill set.

We see the commandoes take control of the main office of the mothballed starship yard’s office and the starship being stolen. Here’s a plot twist, when the commandoes tell the mothballed starship yard’s staff why they are stealing starships, the staff voluntarily help them. They are willing participants in the raid. They help to get all the commandoes onto the stolen starship; they also donate a couple of shuttles to the starship as well.

The starship flies off to a rendezvous point where a small fleet of shuttles meet them. The shuttles board the starship. We see a scene on the bridge with the core officers seen in the starting scene at the coffee shop. The Vulcan is the captain, the human male is the first officer, the Bajoran is the chief doctor and the human female is the security chief.

One of their underlings on the bridge states that all shuttles are onboard, so all the experts are onboard. The captain asks for a more comprehensive status report. Various staff give their replies. The fake IFF [identify friend or foe] codes are working; they can pass for the modern USS Excalibur, the starships systems are working optimally. Rations and various other perishables are being replicated at peak efficiency. They have everything they need to begin the mission. The captain says good work everyone, now it’s time to meet the ancients, she orders the first officer to start the diplomatic contact missions with the ancients.

The end scene is of the starship doing some manoeuvres in space leaving the mothball shipyard and heading off at warp.

End of part one of the pilot


Season 1 Episode 2

Pilot: Rogue mission part two

The second pilot episode focusses on meeting ancients in the Federation’s region that are known to be welcoming. It also focuses on ancients appearing on Earth and contacting the Federation’s leaders to say they accept the Federation’s diplomatic overtures.

This episode introduces John Doe, the ancient races expert

The episode starts with a recap of the previous episode and shifts to the crew on their stolen starship doing things like checking the systems and basic repairs. The focus shifts to the bridge. The captain orders the crew to the nearest ancient race site to approach the ancients.

This site is that of the Douwd, an individual of this race settled on a Federation colony, destroyed a race called the Husnock for destroying the colony and killing his human wife, then the Federation investigated and declared the ex-colony a no go zone.

The crew do not know if the Douwd is still there, but it is worth a try. If he is not there, then they will try the Organians after that and then proceed through a long list of ancients that live close to or inside federation territory.

Arriving at the site of the destroyed colony they go pass the no trespassing buoys near it and ignore them. They have already committed quite a few crimes, ignoring these signs is nothing to them. What they find at the colony amazes them, a bunch of ancient race technology machines and a non-corporeal being operating them. It is unclear what the machines do because they are far more advanced than anything the federation has.

The captain muses that the non-corporeal being is the Douwd. The bridge crew try hailing him to see if he has any kind of communication system. They are in luck and he answers, but his voice sounds much younger than what the reports suggested of him being an old man. He says to come and see him in person, but use a shuttle. He does not want them teleporting around the ancient race technology as it would be unsafe to do so.

The captain agrees and arranges a shuttle with an away team in it to visit the Douwd on the surface of the world. When they get to the surface they meet the Douwd, who has de-aged himself. He says he is making an ancient races teleporter to return to the Andromeda galaxy, where he came from. He also says that he has gotten over the death of his human wife and is ready to move on and that they are very lucky. Within a week he would be gone and the ancient races teleporter would be destroyed.

One of the crew asks for a copy of the blueprints of the ancient races teleporter to which the Douwd gives them a computer drive [wishing it into existence] with the blueprints on it and says that they would not understand the technology, it is far beyond what the Federation can make.

The away team [which includes the captain, the chief diplomat, the science offer, the chief engineer and two rank and file crew] explains why they have come to see him. He reacts very positively and asks who else they have contacted and who they plan to contact. The chief diplomat says he is the first and they are going to the see the Organians next. To this the Douwd gives an even more happy response. He asks them to take him to Organia and he is willing to gift them the ancient races teleporter and its support machinery if they say yes.

This is a no-brainer [an easy decision], the Douwd “magics” the equipment ready for packing saying it is powered down and can be teleported. The away team arranges for transporters to teleport the machinery to the starship and the Douwd returns to the starship with them. One of the crew says he should consider moving back to Earth. He liked living there and he could do so again. The Douwd considers this and says he wants to return to ranks of the ancients.

Arriving on board the Douwd goes to the conference room with the chief diplomat and her entourage. They talk about the ancients with the Douwd for a while as the Douwd educates them about the ancients. When the starship goes to warp the Douwd stops talking and starts concentrating. The starship goes at hyperwarp speeds and they find their starship orbiting Organia. The crew are shocked and go to red alert. The Douwd teleports himself to the bridge and apologises for his actions. After that the red alert is cancelled.

The Organians call the starship and see the Douwd on the bridge. The Organians put two and two together. They realise the Federation vessel was transported here by the Douwd. The Douwd and the bridge crew explain what they are doing here to which the Organians invite them to the surface for talks.

In a short time an away team with the same members as last time is organised. The team is teleported straight to a large conference room arranged like a traditional Earth conference room, ancients on one side, Federation personnel on the other. The Douwd takes a seat on the ancient’s side. Facing the Federation are the Douwd they transported, an Organian, a member of the Q Continuum, a Preserver, a being that looks like a Borg drone without any cybernetics and a Human, that we find out later in the series is an Imitari.

The crew is amazed; they are meeting the really powerful races of the ancients that they know about. They don’t know where to start the talks except to give their spiel about why they are doing diplomacy with the ancients.

Then there is the fact that one of the ancient races present is a Preserver. The ancient race they have so many questions for and the ancient race every younger race wants to meet. Just contacting the Preservers by themselves would be a career maker. They could write their own ticket just for that. It sinks into the away team that these are the Preservers, ancients that had a direct hand in making many of the younger races. They should be starstruck, but they have a job to do, and if they can get the Preservers to ally with the Federation, then everything they have risked would be worth it.

The ancients seem to know what the away team is thinking and respond by giving them an ancient races expert in the form of the fully organic Borg like being at the conference table. John Doe introduces himself and explains his backstory [flashbacks included]. He uses his Preserver name and his backstory is found in the character notes section.

The ancients make a condition for doing diplomacy with them: Take John Doe as a crew member, they are going to need his expertise. The crew realise this is a golden opportunity and accept. He could prove very useful in their quest to make allies of the ancients.

While the Q, John Doe, the Douwd, and the other ancients are all present the Vulcan captain has to ask why her race is not invited into the ancient races group. The answer given to her exposes a few home truths about immortality, as detailed in my musings about the ancients. Vulcans are too serious to survive as immortal beings. Without the ability to have fun immortality is a death sentence. Also the Vulcans are far too benevolent to be invited into the ancient races clique. They would create dependency situations with younger races. The Vulcan does not take this well and withdraws into herself. What happens to her is resolved in the next episode.

The crew at the negotiation table then proceed to engage in diplomacy with their hosts, who then explain that the Q is only here as a taxi service, her job was to teleport John Doe here, then she and the Douwd then take their leave by Q teleporting out of the conference room. The Preserver, Imitari and the Organian then say that they will see the Q and the Douwd again.

The remaining ancients say that the ancients refer to systematic diplomacy with the ancients is referred to as a “Realm of the Gods Project”. They will let ancients far and wide know that the Federation wants diplomacy with the ancient races community. They mention that multilateral diplomacy with ancient races is the exception not the rule with the ancients. The Federation will have to approach each ancient race separately as they are not politically affiliated with each other.

The crew get to the details of diplomatic talks with the Preserver, the Imitari and the Organian. As this happens the B plot commences. Ancients of various types appear at the Federation’s seat of power – on Earth, namely Starfleet HQ and the Federation’s council and presidential palace.

The B plot

In a short time delegates from the very powerful ancient races began appearing at Starfleet command and the Federation Senate explaining the actions of the USS Anracosh’s crew. To get the attention of the Federation’s leadership the “big guns” of the ancients go in first, such as the Organians, the Q continuum and other god like ancients the Federation knows about.

The ancients are there to say they accept the Federations diplomatic overtures. All kinds of ancients appear to the Federation leaders civil and military. At first the Admirals and Politicians think it is a prankster Q’s trick, but the other ancients try to convince the leaders that this is legitimate. The ancients talk about the rogue crew and their mission to Organia. At first the Admirals and Politicians are disgusted that a whole Starfleet crew was undertaking a rogue operation. Then it sank in what the crew had done for them, namely getting the ancients to ally with the Federation. It was a bizarre situation where USS Anracosh’s crew would have to be court martialled and jailed and be given the highest accolades the Federation at the same time.

The Federation’s leaders organise an impromptu summit with the ancient race delegates. At the summit the ancients proposed rebuilding the USS Anracosh with ancient race and modern Federation technology. The starship would be remade into a vessel designed for the sole purpose of contacting ancient races and god like beings. The price being that the ancients demanded was that it works both ways. If a member race of the ancient races clique wants to seek out the Federation it was their right to do so. This includes ancients the Federation has had bad experiences with, including the inhabitants of Talos 4, the Metrons and the Q Continuum.

If the Federation wanted a Realm of the Gods project they had to lift travel bans to ancient race sites like Talos 4 and the Guardian of Forever. It was a no brainer, the bans were lifted and at the end of the summit the Realm of the Gods Project was declared an official Starfleet mission. The ancients also demanded a full pardon for the entire crew of the USS Anracosh and whoever else aided them in their rogue operation. Once again, a no brainer, the crew of the USS Anracosh stayed with the starship to continue their work not as renegade officers but officers on an official mission. There were some who could not forgive them for doing a rogue operation and the crimes that entailed, and not just getting away with it, but being rewarded for it.

Afterwards Federation leadership makes public statements about encountering the ancients. The Federation’s leaders explain that a plethora of various types of ancients have come to Earth in order to open up dialog with the Federation. They have a message for the Federation and other governments of the galaxy: The ancients will welcome their diplomatic efforts.

During the summit the ancients say to the Federation delegates that they would be the junior partners in the Realm of the Gods Project, but that is expected given how much more powerful the ancients are compared to the younger races.


The rogue crew are still orbiting Organia with the diplomatic team negotiating with the Preservers, Imitari, Organians, Q continuum and a few other ancients. The second round of talks is taking place on the stolen starship with the chief diplomat and her underlings and the ancients. The other high ranking rogue officers have returned to duty and are happy with their success in contacting the ancients.

The rest of the crew are celebrating their making friendly contact with the ancients, and celebrate contacting the Preservers, what a feather in their caps! This is it, mission accomplished, with the Preservers, Douwd and the Organians on their side the Federation’s future is secured. The crew don’t care what happens now. They can go to prison knowing that nothing can threaten the Federation. The Captain is about to contact Starfleet so they can turn themselves in when she gets a message from Starfleet command. The captain orders the hailing frequencies open.

Onscreen are some Ancients, high ranking Federation politicians and Starfleet admirals. The rogue crew is ordered to take their vessel to dry dock for refitting. The ancients want the rogue crew to continue their mission as an official mission and to that end the ancients are going to fill the stolen starship with ancient race technology useful to contacting the ancients. The Captain gives the orders and the starship flies to the Utopia Planetia Dockyards for retrofitting. Ancients onscreen say that this is not the end of their mission, it is just the beginning.

End of part two of the pilot


Season 1 Episode 3

Pilot: Rogue mission part three

The third pilot episode is the mission becoming an official mission

Note that the captain is in the sick bay in this episode, she has fallen into a state of shock from being told why the Vulcans are not invited into the ancient races clique.

Rebuild the USS Anracosh as the Ancient Races Contact Ship

The episode starts with a recap of the previous episodes

The second “scene” is of the USS Anracosh in its USS Excalibur form in dry dock. Various machines are all around it dismantling it and putting it together again and we see the shot go down to what are obviously not Federation machines adding organic components that are obviously not of Federation origin to the secondary hull of the USS Anracosh. Ancient race beings can be seen around the ancient race machinery rebuilding the USS Anracosh’s secondary hull. They are manning the rebuilding equipment. This story dedicated to upgrading the USS Anracosh with ancient race and Federation technology. It showcases what the ancients have given the Federation to help them in their Realm of the Gods project.

The scene switches to inside the starship. The crew are all over the place upgrading the interior of the starship. There is one difference; ancient race beings are helping them, either as advisors, doing physical work themselves or in a role reversal where the Federation crew are advising the ancients on upgrading Federation technology. We see that the interior is a true fusion of organic and inorganic technology.

It is now we are introduced to the ascended Mythbuster. He is introduced as the designer of the ancient races hull upgrades to the secondary hull of the USS Anracosh. He “tour guides” the officer core in the upgrades to the starship. Part of the tour is showing off the neural education centre provided by the ancients. He ends the tour by introduces the officers to the black hole manipulator. It is a device with god like abilities. This is the first time the audience sees the device and the reactions of the crew to the device.

The crew present reflect the various attitudes the whole crew has to the device. Everything from “this is why we started the Realm of the Gods Project” to “cut it off the starship right now”.

The ascended Mythbuster is the stand in for the ancients attitude to the black hole manipulator. They think nothing of it. There are ancients more powerful than the machine out there. Why is such an invention a big deal?

The ascended Mythbuster explains that a black hole captured in the black hole manipulator is the power source for the starship. It can however work for millennia as a ferry service for diplomats meeting the ancients because this would not strain the battery of the starship in any serious way.

What would happen if you used the black hole manipulator on the black hole at the centre of the galaxy? The ascended Mythbuster says casually and with a plain deadpan “yeah, whatever” expression that it would rip the galaxy apart, disbanding its stars to interstellar space after a slow motion cataclysm lasting hundreds of thousands of years of stars going from an orbital motion to a straight motion through space disrupted by the gravity of the stars near them. This is greeted by horror by the crew. How can this guy be so blasé about technology of this magnitude?

It is here the ascended Mythbuster tells them his hobby of making super weapons and blowing up inanimate stuff for fun. The officer core does not know how to react. The ascended Mythbuster says he is loved and hated equally by ancient race clique for his hobby of making weapons of mass destruction and testing them in uninhabited systems, and he always cleans up after himself. You would never know he had tested him super weapons after he has gone home.

The crew are lead to a conference room onboard where the ascended Mythbuster takes his leave. The other ancients in the room have a mixed reaction to him. It’s obvious that he was saying the truth. Other ancients either love him or hate him. The officer core are invited to take their seats vis a vis the ancients in a diplomatic meeting like those seen on the news. That being a long table with two sides taking a long side of the table each.

At this table the ancients reiterate the conditions of using the USS Anracosh and that the ancients are only going to give the Federation one hybrid starship. Thus the rebuilding technology is going to be taken away after the USS Anracosh is completed. Apart from that the ancients are the opposite of the Abrahamic faith God in that they want the Federation to taste the forbidden fruit of ancient race technology. They want the Federation to develop to more than what they are now, and not be stuck being “garden cherubs” in the Garden of Eden. They explain that they want the younger races to join them in the ancient races clique but the younger races have to go through the six phases [they explain what that is, as stated in my musings on the ancients] of the Realm of the Gods process in order to do this.

However, the Federation has to gather the forbidden fruit of ancient race technology from the USS Anracosh. There is plenty of ancient race technology onboard as well as the means to build more of it. It is up to the Federation to reverse engineer the USS Anracosh’s ancient races technology, with the ancients helping them if help is required. As for the question of the black hole manipulator, the ancients thought that the Federation may freak out at a machine of such abilities, so the ancients are leaving it without a black hole in it. The ancients say that it is the Federation’s choice to complete it or not.

As the negotiations continue those in the conference room learn that the upgrades to the USS Anracosh have been completed. The ancients say goodbye and good luck and a member of the Q Continuum who has taken a back seat in the talks says she is just there as the taxi service for the ancient races negotiation team. She snaps her fingers and the ancients disappear.

The rest of the ancients leave taking their rebuilding technology with them and it is time to launch the USS Anracosh. The story ends with the now hybrid starship going into the depths of space seeking out the ancients in order to make alliances and friends with them.

The B plot:

Is the reshuffling the crew ranks to incorporate the new systems and the new crew introduced in the previous episode. We see the Bajoran doctor take over the neural education centre. We see the Zalkonian doctor being promoted to chief medical officer. We see Niffy become the starship’s A.I. Niffy volunteers to be starship’s A.I. because of his physiology.

Niffy agrees to be the starship’s A.I. chip as he is not that useful on a starship designed for bipeds. All the equipment is designed for the ascended ancients or the standard two arm two leg one head body structure. Being the starship’s A.I. chip allows Niffy to do something useful onboard after the drone takes his place as the ancient races expert. The B plot showcases the neural interface that can let a crewman become the A.I. for the USS Anracosh by uniting with the starship’s computer, which by itself is not sentient.

The B plot introduces crew members, and crew sections/departments who/that have not been properly introduced in the other pilot episodes such as recurring characters that serve on the USS Anracosh. The B plot covers the various denizens on the USS Anracosh settling into their jobs and roles on the starship. In short it rounds of the introductions that need to be made in the series pilot.

We also see the captain in the sick bay having her mental breakdown. This is the captain’s existential crisis upon being told why the ancients reject the Vulcans. She becomes a Vulcan heretic after realising it is her people’s ways that are the reason the Vulcans are not invited to join the ranks of the ancients. She starts acting like a Romulan and rejects the following of logic like a religion. She starts showing her emotions and speaking her mind. She is still being in sick bay being treated at the end of the episode but the doctors say she is on the road to recovery.

End of part three of the pilot


Season 1 Episode 4

Ostracised by the Federation

This episode shows what contacting the ancient races can do and the captain’s breakdown and recovery

The officer core of the USS Anracosh meet to discuss the refit of the starship to turn it into an ancient races contact ship. They discuss the upgrades that have been recently added and how the ship now looks and is half organic.

Absent from the meeting are the captain and the two doctors. The remaining officers contact them and ask why they are not there. The Bajoran doctor says that the captain is in the USS Anracosh sick bay and in a catatonic state. They have already contact Vulcan about how to treat her. The captain is very ill and the Zalkonian’s healing powers cannot help the captain. What is happening to the captain is something psychological, and too far beyond the Zalkonian doctor’s ancient race healing abilities, or it is better to say that given the complexity of the Vulcan brain using Zalkonian healing abilities would be too risky. Therefore the USS Anracosh is docked at a star base because the captain is sick and may need to be either sent back to Vulcan on a hospital starship or put in the hospital on the starbase, which has one of the best hospitals in the Federation.

Both doctors are doing what they can to help the captain but they are both out of their depth. The captain’s only hope is what the Vulcans can do for her. Fortunately they are sent a prompt response to get her off the sedatives and other drugs they have put her on and give her psychological counselling. A flash back occurs showing the ancient telling the captain why the Vulcans are not invited into the ancient races clique.

The first officer, who is has a natural talent for psychology takes charge of the captain’s mental health. This episode shows off his skill for psychology. He sees the captain in the medical bay and talks to her. She is suffering from a form of Vulcan shock. It is like a nervous breakdown. She is obviously suffering but is able to answer the first officer’s questions.

The first officer asks what is wrong, the captain responds it was the shock of learning why the Vulcans have never been invited into the ranks of the ancients. She repeats what was said in the previous episode about Vulcans being too serious to cope with immortality and being too benevolent and thus creating dependency situations with younger races.

The first officer gives her psychological help saying he is willing to help her work through her issues. However, he is surprised that the issue she has is that the Vulcans are not in the ranks of the ancients. Why should something like that cause such a problem?

The captain explains that the Vulcans discovered through their own efforts the criteria for joining the ancients [as explained in my musings about the ancients]. It should be the case that the Vulcans got into the ancient races clique 1000 years before the Federation was formed. Until recently she never knew the reasons the ancients never issued an invitation to the Vulcans. Finding out why gave her a mental breakdown.

The first officer is still confused and asks the Vulcan to explain herself. She responds that the reasons for no invitation are so easy to fix. If the Vulcans put their minds to it [powerful amazing minds] they could alter their culture to something the ancients would welcome into their ranks. The problem is that the Vulcans as a whole won’t do that, they are very resistant to change and would not try to make themselves worthy of the ancient races clique. The issue would have to be forced on the Vulcan civilisation, and nobody is going to force them to change. The first officer acknowledges her answer.

The scene switches to the B plot

The news shows watched in the starship’s pub show that the anti-Realm of the Gods protest group knows about the captain’s mental breakdown. How do they know this? Someone has leaked information to them. It is obvious that the protest group is getting help from inside Starfleet. The security chief investigates to find that there are some in Starfleet who back the protesters.

Does this mean that the crew of the USS Anracosh has a traitor onboard? This is unthinkable given the nature of how the rank and file crew were recruited. The security chief has to find out how the information was leaked to the anti-realm of the gods protesters.

The security chief starts interviewing suspects where the USS Anracosh is docked and discovers that Starfleet hates the crew because they are a rogue crew who got rewarded for their rogue operation. Seeing doors close in front of her she switches tactics and has Section 31 agents do her interviews for her. This means that she can concentrate on a technological solution to the case. This means checking for bugs on the USS Anracosh and in the space dock. Did someone hack the communications between Starfleet and the USS Anracosh?

Checking for bugs on the starship comes up with nothing. She asks Niffy the starship’s A.I. for help and he also checks for bugs and information leaks. This rules out anyone on the USS Anracosh being responsible for giving confidential information to the anti-realm of the gods protest group. This means it is someone on base who responsible. The security chief has to rely on her Section 31 connections to find out who leaked the information. She does this discreetly as nobody on the USS Anracosh knows that she is part of Section 31.

The scene switches back to the medical bay of the USS Anracosh. The medical information about how to heal the captain has been delivered. The cures are applied. This involves injections that restore the captain’s brain chemistry to normal while she still undergoes psychological counselling, which the first officer provides.

The captain is still saying that the Vulcans are the ones who should change so they can join the ancients. She says it is no slight against the Federation or Humanity. It’s just that Vulcan could be reaching its destiny and full potential by joining the ancients. Would Humanity do any different? Given the choice of founding a Federation or becoming ascended beings that qualify as deities, what would Humans choose to do?

The first officer agrees that she has a point. Federation or ancient races, the choice is obvious. At this time the medicine kicks in and the captain starts to look better and seems to become more functional. She is more accepting of the ancients reasons and starts to rationalise the ancients point of view.

This appears to be greatly helping the captain so the first officer goes along with it. The doctors remind him that this is part of the Vulcan recovery process. Any deviation from the behaviour the captain is showing will damage her recovery, and possibly damage it permanently. The first officer takes this onboard and proceeds with caution. The captain starts to understand the ancients’ reason and agrees with them, to which the first officer offers support.

The scene switches to the security chief in her office. She receives a surprise visit from the drone, who is new to the crew. He wants to talk about his recent questioning and offers help. The help he offers floors the security chief. The drone offers to call his parents, who are Preservers and have them help her investigation into the information leak.

The Preservers are the ancients everyone wants to meet, and the crew of the USS Anracosh has met them before. The Preservers are responsible for seeding the galaxy with sentient life and are second in power only to the Q themselves. These are the ancients that could answer many questions about the history of the galaxy and the universe.

Preservers walking freely around a Federation starbase would cause pandemonium and they would have the authority to ask questions and get answers. The security chief confesses to the drone that the investigation is going nowhere because the starbase personnel will not cooperate and the officer core of the starbase is backing them up. The leak must be fixed and the security chief is having no luck in finding out how confidential medical information got into unauthorised hands – namely the anti-realm of the gods protest group. Given the bad time the security chief is having with the investigation she agrees to drone’s proposal.

The drone contacts his parents via the dial a deity device in his personal effects and asks them to come see him in person as soon as they can. The drone’s parents ask if there is a problem to which the drone says he needs them to help a friend he has made among the crew he has joined. All they have to do is go to a starbase with him and his friend. The drone’s parents, who are intrigued, agree and arrive sooner than expected via some kind of wormhole the Federation has never seen before, and they bring a bunch of Preservers with them.

The wormhole and the Preservers in ascended form appear near the starbase. This results in the pandemonium that the security chief predicted. The starbase inhabitants are amazed that the Preservers have arrived and have boarded the starbase. The security chief and the drone greet them. They walk around the base doing a meet and greet. Other crew of the USS Anracosh join them and try to sell what contact with the ancients can do for the Federation. It becomes a public relations exercise for the USS Anracosh’s mission.

The starbase’s people are amazed by the Preservers and have a lot of questions for them. Why seed the galaxy and beyond so that sentient life follows the same template? Why transfer younger races between worlds when they are in their equivalent of the Neolithic era? There are a lot more questions but they follow similar lines to what has already been stated here.

The Preservers take pressing the flesh in their stride. They are like seasoned politicians working a crowd and greeting people. Everyone wants to meet them and they want to meet everyone. The crew of the USS Anracosh follow in tow acting as spin doctors. They stress how that this is what running diplomacy with the ancients can benefit the Federation. If the crew of the USS Anracosh can summon the Preservers what else can they do? What does that mean for the Federation to be able to access beings and civilisations this powerful? Think about it.

This is not like the appearance of the ancients on Earth when the crew of the USS Anracosh started diplomacy with the ancients. When the ancients arrived on Earth they approached the dignitaries of the Federation both civilian and military. Here the ancients are in the thick of it facing common citizens and running a meet and greet with the average person. This is part of the security chief’s plan. She is hoping this display of an ancient race among the people gets the attention of the starbase’s authorities.

Without prompting one of the Preservers gives a demonstration of the power of the ancients by altering perceptions across the starbase. Colours go all weird and everything turns black and white and then the process is reversed, turning everything back to normal. This gives the reaction the security chief wants. The starbase’s security forces quickly respond to the Preserver’s stunt.

The security forces escort a few of the Preservers, the drone and the security chief to the command centre of the starbase. When the officer core sees the entourage they do not know how to react. The Preservers are the stuff of myths and legends and now they are here in person and are as real as anyone else. The Preservers cause quite a scene at the starbase’s command office. The Preservers ask questions of how the medical information from the USS Anracosh was leaked.

The base commander freaks out at the situation. These are the Preservers in his office and they are saying that they know he has hindered the security chief’s investigation behind her back. Now she has come forward with two Preservers who want to ask the same questions that he and his subordinates stonewalled her on. What does he do now? Offending the Preservers and ruining future relations with them would be a career ender to him and all of those under his command. They would be as ostracised in Starfleet as the crew of the USS Anracosh.

The commander and his underlings give in, knowing they have been beaten. They admit that they read the reports about the captain’s breakdown and leaked the information. They apologise but say they hate the fact the crew of the USS Anracosh were pardoned and rewarded for a rogue mission. This is everything Starfleet stands against and that they should get used to the idea of being pariahs. The security chief does not press charges against them. She knows they are right and it will make things awkward during the refit if the people they are working with are being prosecuted for actions they took against the crew of the starship they are upgrading. As she leaves the command centre she hails the USS Anracosh and asks how the captain is.

Back at the sick bay the captain has almost recovered and the first officer is amazed at how quickly the Vulcan has gotten back on her feet. He explains that Human psychological conditions are usually permanent. The captain reminds him that she is not human. The doctors back both of them up. They remind the captain that Humans have a different experience to Vulcans when it comes to mental health and they remind the first officer that the Vulcan brain is different to the Human brain and can do things the Human brain cannot do. This is why Vulcans can after treatment make a full recovery on mental health issues whereas humans cannot.

The captain asks if she is cleared for duty to which the doctors give their OK. She resumes her command. She is forthright with the crew for the reasons of her mental breakdown. She states that the Vulcan mind can recover where many other species cannot and that she wants to see the Vulcans join the ancients but accepts why they can’t and won’t.

However, the crew notice that she has lost her logical persona. She now acts like a Romulan. She is emotional, sometimes brash and speaks her mind. They think that maybe she is still recovering and her logical self will return. It will become obvious in following episodes that this new persona is here to stay. The captain has renounced the Vulcan way of logic. This leads to the Vulcans making her an outsider, she is still welcome but has no credibility. She does not care about being rejected.

For now it is time for the USS Anracosh to resume its mission. It’s time to contact more ancients and the episode ends with the USS Anracosh leaving the starbase and flying off at warp. We also see the Preservers leave via a wormhole just like the one they arrived in.


Season 1 Episode 5

The USS Anracosh visits ascended proto Romulans

This is the first ST – ROTG Romulan episode

The USS Anracosh goes to meet the Riharsha – an offshoot of the Romulans from the time when the Romulans left Vulcan. The Riharsha, who were originally the Debrune, split off from the Romulans and what became their new homeworld is now the heart of the neutral zone. The USS Anracosh is ordered to go to the set of co-ordinates of the Riharsha homeworld. Part of their orders includes a note that there will be a flotilla of Romulan starships arriving at the Riharsha home world to monitor the diplomatic efforts between the Federation and the Riharsha.

The Romulans are completely aware that the Riharsha exist, but it is the usual story where the younger race avoids the elder race and puts up “no trespassing signs” around the area the ancients occupy. Not long before the creation of the neutral zone the Romulans tried to make contact with the Riharsha only to find their homeworld abandoned and a message buoy left in orbit saying that the Riharsha had joined the ancient races. They treated the situation like any other ancients contact. This means they put up the no trespassing signs and sped away from the Riharsha homeworld at high warp with their tails between their legs.

The USS Anracosh arrives at the Riharsha homeworld to find that the Romulan flotilla has yet to arrive. The Riharsha have a small starship orbiting their home world, alongside the message buoy, which they are doing some maintenance on. The homeworld appears to have been abandoned. The small starship hails the USS Anracosh via its ancient race translation system. On the main view appear Vulcan/Romulan like people who are ascended beings.

They introduce themselves as the Riharsha, and proceed to tell how their people got into the ancient races clique. The Riharsha split off from the Romulans and colonised their own world to explore what their minds could do. It is just luck that the world they settled millennia ago is in the middle of the neutral zone. They received an invite to join the ancients because they experimented with what their minds could do and became very powerfully psionic over several generations with the help of genetic engineering and cybernetic implants. In time they became super powered. This gained the attention of the ancients and they invited the Riharsha to join them.

The captain was listening intently and further quizzes the Riharsha. The captain has a plan. The Riharsha are culturally Vulcan/Romulan. She can introduce them to the Vulcans as a way of showing the Vulcans that they can be part of the ancient races clique if they put in the effort. The Riharsha can guide them into the realm of the ancients. The captain asks for face to face talks and the science officer asks if the starship the Riharsha are using is the same type as that was used in the Star Trek “Sun around the Moon” episode. One of the Riharsha says yes, and that she was the one who made mental contact with Deanna Troi.

Soon the captain and the Riharsha are in face to face talks with the chief diplomat also at the negotiation table. A friendship treaty is being worked out and the Captain asks the Riharsha to send a delegation to Vulcan as part of the treaty to show the Vulcans that they too can become ascended beings. The diplomat is upset and it shows that there is some friction between the captain and the diplomat, but the Riharsha agree to make a delegation going to Vulcan part of the friendship treaty and that they must also set up a permanent embassy on Vulcan. The diplomat protests the captain’s interference but the Riharsha don’t have a problem with it.

The captain and the chief diplomat then ask why the Riharsha abandoned their homeworld. The Riharsha respond that they no longer need the resources of it because they are ascended beings, but they still come back to it now and again for sentimental reasons and to maintain the orbiting buoy.

On a side note the Chief engineer and Science officer lead a delegation to analyse the orbiting buoy. The Riharsha are happy to show them. It is a bit of a letdown, as it is only a buoy that has the message that the Riharsha once lived here with an explanation to their Romulan cousins about what happened to the Riharsha. Now that the Romulans and the Riharsha area about to make contact the buoy is being removed as it no longer serves a purpose.

The B plot:

The scene cuts to the bridge where the first officer informs the captain that the Romulan flotilla has arrived. They are hailed by the Romulan Admiral of the flotilla who states that even though the Romulans were allies in the recent Dominion war now that marriage of convenience is over and the Romulans are retreating back into their empire. They are currently not happy that a Federation vessel is in the neutral zone because it is forbidden by the Treaty of Algeron.

The USS Anracosh is standing “vis a vis” to the Romulan flag ship. What occurs next happens without warning or provocation. The Romulans break off radio contact and one of the Romulan vessels breaks formation and does a deep scan of the USS Anracosh. The bridge crew of the USS Anracosh is worried that they should prepare for the worst.

A few seconds later one of the Romulans starships flies off at high warp [so high it risks breaking its engines] towards Romulan territory. For a short time there is tense moment as the Federation waits for the Romulans to do something. That something is the Romulan Admiral hailing the USS Anracosh and Romulan flotilla in a mass hail of all starships.

His speech and expressions are an equal mix of horror and morbidity. He says his words in utter shock. He says “You have a starship of that magnitude – our sensors can’t even measure how much its raw power output is!” He goes on into a tirade that all the efforts to make a war fleet superior to everyone else was all for nothing if the Federation has the USS Anracosh. He concedes that if the Federation wanted to they could have the USS Anracosh go to the Romulus to destroy it and there is nothing the Romulans could do about it. The Admiral then points out that the USS Anracosh reads as ancient races starship at long range, and that’s what they thought it was until they dropped out of warp and realised that the USS Anracosh is ancient race Federation hybrid starship. They originally thought the USS Anracosh was a Riharsha starship.

The Captain then informs the bridge that the friendship treaty with the Riharsha has been signed and the mission is complete. The First officer says that the mission over and they have no reason not to leave. Without warning a bunch of ancient race starships enter the area. These are starships owned by the Riharshans. They hail the fleets and ask what the holdup is. The USS Anracosh hails them back saying they have finished negotiations. The Riharsha say not to leave yet, they want to talk to the Romulans and the Federation. They have a warning for the Romulans.

The Riharshans say that if the Romulans are going to complain about the Federation possessing the USS Anracosh they will drive the ancients into the arms of the Federation. They state that the USS Anracosh was modified as a reward for being the first government in the galaxy in recent times to start an “open to the public” Realm of the Gods Project. This is why ancients were very generous with the Federation. It was a reward for being first. If any other government complains too much about it the end result will be the Federation getting an armada of USS Anracosh type vessels.

The Romulan Admiral gives of vibes off utter dread and after regaining composure asks what the Realm of the Gods Project is. The Riharshans explain what it is. The Romulan Admiral says he is heading straight to Romulus to recommend that the Romulan Empire start its own Realm of the Gods Project. The story ends with the Romulan flotilla heading back to Romulus at high warp, leaving the USS Anracosh and the Riharsha starships to go about their business with the Riharshans bidding them a fond farewell.


Season 1 Episode 6

The Admiral’s episode – The confrontation with Starfleet

This episode introduces the Admiral the USS Anracosh answers to

The B plot is the chief engineer, chief scientist and many others going around the starship like kids with a new toy. They are thrilled that they have so much ancient race technology to play with. Here they introduce the black hole manipulator to the audience and discover the true power of the USS Anracosh. Other ultra powerful devices on the starship are introduced as well, with the same varied reaction from the crew as is created by the black hole manipulator. This creates conflict as they realise that the USS Anracosh is a super starship. Some of them begin to doubt if what they are doing is such a great idea and others in their number say this is mission accomplished, they have what they want. The debate about the amazing power of the USS Anracosh composes most of the B plot.

The USS Anracosh is travelling through Federation Territory and all is well, or so they think. The USS Anracosh has recently been upgraded to its ancient race starship form. A few bugs have to be worked out as they get used to the new form of their starship, but it’s nothing serious.

They fly through space in what they think of as friendly territory, all systems working as expected as the bridge and main engineering work closely to monitor the starship to see that it works well.

Long range sensors reveal an armada of Federation starships intercepting them. This is a large number of starships lead by an Admiral’s flagship, this is Admiral Havazia Kreck’s flagship. The Federation vessels are heading to them at very high warp. They receive a message from the armada to stop and wait for them.

The Captain orders the USS Anracosh to full stop and awaits the armada, the bridge crew discuss what could the Admiral and her fleet want. They will be here in a few minutes. The crew have a suspicion that it can’t be good. Why bring so much backup just to say hello?

They soon get their answers when the armada arrives. This is the entire fleet the Admiral answers to, meaning a large number of starships. In front of the USS Anracosh is a vast amount of Federation Starship’s who sit vis a vis them in what is clearly a confrontation.

The Admiral hails them. She is an Andorian, and they know who this is. She reveals that the USS Anracosh has been transferred to her command and she is not happy about it. She does not want to command a bunch of rogue officers who got rewarded by being given the most powerful starship the Federation has access to.

She gives them even more of a dressing down, saying that the biggest issue she has with them is not that they are renegades who got rewarded for the their crimes, but that they have sabotaged the Federation.

This is met with a puzzled reaction by the bridge crew. How could they have sabotaged the Federation? The Admiral is eager to give the answer.

The areas the ancients occupy are no go areas for a reason. The ancients are very dangerous to deal with. One wrong move means gaining enemies they have no defence against. That’s obvious; the crew of the USS Anracosh is learning the power of the ancients just by being on the USS Anracosh itself. This is where the A and B plots converge.

The Admiral then explains her real reason for hating the crew of the USS Anracosh. She says: If the ancients will allow any race to join them what race would want to join the Federation? The ancients can better any offer the Federation makes to a candidate race. If the ancients have an open door policy the Federation will stagnate at best or decline at worst. What if Federation members defect to the ancients? That puts the Federation in a very weak position.

The Admiral invites the crew of the USS Anracosh to speak in their defence, and they would have if not for the ancients appearing around the USS Anracosh and the armada of Federation vessels. This is a repeat of the Admiral using the armada to intimidate the crew of the USS Anracosh.

The ancients bring their own armada of powerful starships and space borne ancients, and to top it off the Q have one of their “space cages” surrounding the whole ancients/Federation armada.

A group of ancients appear on the USS Anracosh and ask to speak in their own defence rather than have the bridge crew speak on their behalf. The ancients on the bridge are just as heady a bunch as appeared on Earth when the ancients announced a rogue Starfleet crew was trying diplomacy with them. On the Bridge are a Q, a Preserver, an Organian and few others. These are the big players in the ancients community – members of the most powerful races of the ancient races clique.

The Admiral immediately asks the ancients to remove the Q “space cage” from around their fleets. The Q makes some kind of signal and the cage disappears. The Admiral orders a small percentage of her fleet to return to duty and asks the ancients to remove their fleet, the ancients comply.

The ancients ask the crew of the USS Anracosh to drop certain shielding that is designed to sabotage scans of the USS Anracosh. The ancients then ask that the Admiral and the other Federation starships still in the area to do a deep scan of the USS Anracosh. The Admiral suspects some kind of trickery, but agrees to scan the USS Anracosh to see what the scans reveal. The Admiral states that there is not much point to scanning the vessel. The Federation already has detailed files on the vessel, to which the ancients reply: “You should have read those files”.

The scans reveal something that has the Admiral break off the communications feed. The bridge crew on the USS Anracosh detect large amounts of communications radio between the numerous starships in the Admiral’s armada.

Puzzled as to what is going on, the bridge crew read some of the messages and the ancients offer to let them eavesdrop on the various Federation vessels. The captain of the USS Anracosh hesitates to take up the ancients offer; this would be a breach of regulations, but listening into open communications is not illegal. The onus is on the broadcaster of the signals to encrypt them, the bridge crew intercepting the open signals is not at fault for “reading” them. What the radio intercepts reveals are the various Captains and the Admiral discussing that the USS Anracosh is powerful enough to take down the entire Federation fleet sent to intimidate the crew of the USS Anracosh. The whole mission to punish the rogue crew was a waste of time. If the Federation fleet attacked the USS Anracosh they would have been wiped out if the crew of the USS Anracosh had desired to obliterate them.

After a few minutes of listening in to the open radio messages the Admiral hails the USS Anracosh again. The mood is still very belligerent. She acknowledges that the USS Anracosh is by itself a vessel powerful enough to take down a whole Federation fleet, and that she knows the bridge crew has been listening into the radio signals between the fleet’s starships. She says that the crew of the USS Anracosh still answer to her and nothing is going to change that. She hates the situation, but says they have to answer to someone, and answering to a civilian leader is not an option, but why not?

At this point the ancients begin speaking in their defence saying that an Admiral should know the difference between capability and intent, if she doesn’t then she is incompetent. If the ancients wanted the younger races extinct the younger races would be extinct. If the ancients want them dead why are they still alive? The Admiral can’t and won’t answer. The ancients go on to say that if the crew of the USS Anracosh wanted the fleet destroyed, the fleet would be destroyed, and they would not need the ancients help to eradicate the fleet sent to intimidate them.

The Admiral order’s the rest of her armada to return to duty, the ancients ask what is left of their fleet to leave as well as a gesture of good faith, save for one vessel. So it’s just an ancient races starship, the USS Anracosh and the Admiral’s flagship in a formation that resembles an equilateral triangle.

Not sure what to do next the Captain attempts mediation between the ancients and the Admiral. The ancients want to educate the Admiral on the nature of the Ancients and to answer her questions.

The ancients tell them the price they will have to pay in terms of suicides from becoming immortal and how they will have to change in terms of culture and thought processes. This shocked the Federation high command because it means Federation members may try to join the ancients, but this quickly turned to relief when the cost of becoming an ancient is exposed to the younger races. The ancients want the Federation to see what a younger race has to do to join the ancients if they do not qualify to get an invitation. The Federation gets an answer to the question: Can any race join the ancients? The answer is yes, but the sacrifices that must be made before and after ascension are very costly. The race decides to bite the bullet and make the changes, which is long drawn out process taking more than a generation. The ancients want the younger races to watch and learn from the process, to make them understand what it means to become an ancient, and learn the pitfalls of doing so.

After the lesson one of the ancients reveals his race is into time travel and saw what would have happened if things had gone badly. They tell the Captain and the Admiral that they can’t see what the ancients prevented from happening because they can’t see through time like some ancients can. If the ancients had not intervened in the confrontation, the risk was the Federation cancelling their Realm of the Gods project.

The finale is the reveal that the ancients reveal that they need the Realm of the Gods project to replenish the number of ancients that fall to self-destruction from not being able to cope with immortality. The Ancients need the Realm of the Gods project more than the younger races do.


Season 1 Episode 7

The Negilum seek out the USS Anracosh part 1

The first two parter episode

The USS Anracosh receives orders to make contact with the Negilum. This is an ancient race that the Federation has encountered before and has had some bad experiences with. USS Enterprise under Captain Picard encountered a psychotic Negilum who killed a member of its crew.

This is a case where the Federation has to honour its agreement with the ancients that any ancient can contact the Federation and establish diplomatic relations, this includes ancients the Federation has previously had bad encounters with, like the Talosians, Greek Gods and the Negilum.

The crew are apprehensive, the previous encounter with the Negilum nearly resulted in the USS Enterprise being destroyed and a crew member was killed. This could be a risky mission, but the ancients have promised that ancients that the Federation has had a bad time with will behave themselves. This is part of the pact made in relation to the Realm of the Gods project. What makes matters worse is the Drone saying that the Negilum have a reputation in the ancient races clique for being quick tempered.

Starfleet has provided coordinates to a rift made by the Negilum, so the USS Anracosh can enter their dimension. This does not worry the crew, the USS Anracosh can dimension hop by itself, so they will not be stranded there. Travelling to the rift the diplomatic crew prepare themselves, studying what the Federation knows of the Negilum and consulting the Drone, the ancient races expert and Niffy the Melkot, who is now ship’s AI and the previous ancient races expert.

The Federation by itself does not know much about the Negilum except for what the USS Enterprise learned in the Federation’s previous encounter with the Negilum. The Drone lets the crew know that the Negilum are a pretty standard ancient race. The discovered ascension, and how to make their own pocket universe. They created their own personal paradise in their own new universe then it all went to hell as many of them could not cope with being immortal. The drone does remind them that the Negilum the Federation previously encountered was psychotic. The creature does not represent the Negilum people as a whole.

The USS Anracosh approaches the rift and enters it. Once fully inside the rift the starship is confronted by a number of faces on the walls of the pocket dimension they have entered. These are the Negilum. They welcome the USS Anracosh and say to them that they would prefer to stay as faces in the pocket plane rather than take on a humanoid form and enter the USS Anracosh for the negotiations. However, they can accommodate the crew’s preference on the matter if need be.

The captain and the chief diplomat consult each other and disagree on how to answer. The chief diplomat wants face to face talks; she feels that she can better assess the Negilum if she has some body language to read off them. The captain is happy to let the Negilum stay where they are to keep them happy. The captain pulls rank and the Negilum stay on the edge of their pocket plane.

The diplomatic talks begin and we switch scenes to outside the rift where a small starship comes out of high warp. It also enters the rift. Onboard are the protester and members of the anti-realm of the gods protest group. They have an arrest warrant for the Negilum who killed the officer who died in the previous encounter with the Federation. The protester explains how they will confront the ancients, arrest the murderous Negilum and sour the ancients to running diplomacy with the Federation.

The protester’s following cheer as the plan revealed. Their starship enters the rift and detects on scanners the USS Anracosh and the faces of the Negilum. What they don’t realise is that the Negilum have detected them. This is their pocket plane, they are effectively in the Negilum’s backyard. The Negilum confront them and ask them to go to negotiation site. One of the protesters presents the Negilum on the screen with an arrest warrant for the murderous Negilum. The Negilum says they should go to the diplomatic talks with their grievance.

The protesters crash the diplomatic talks and make demands that the murderous Negilum be handed over to them. They present their arrest warrant. This does not go down well with the crew of the USS Anracosh. They hate that a protest group against their mission exists. The Negilum are a bit more cool about it.

The Negilum say to the crew of the USS Anracosh that they will retrieve the murderous Negilum and that they want to negotiate with the protesters directly. The diplomatic talks are postponed while the Negilum talk to the protesters. The crew of the USS Anracosh keep the communications link open and monitored by the bridge staff while the officer core meets in the captain’s ready room.

At the meeting the chief diplomat confronts the captain about undermining her work. She says they should have had the Negilum talk to them on the USS Anracosh. Again the captain tries to pull rank. The chief diplomat reacts by stating that she, like some of the officer core, were conned into thinking they were on a legitimate mission back when the Realm of the Gods project was a rogue operation.

Note: The crew who were conned into joining the USS Anracosh crew when their mission was illegal becomes the B plot of the first episode. It is resolved in the second part of the two parter.

The Zalkonain doctor, the drone, the chief engineer, the chief diplomat and the starship’s AI [The Melkot] all say they joined the crew thinking it was a legitimate mission. The Melkot talks from his office and is in the ready room in a “virtual” state. Being lied to is something the crew who thought it was a legitimate mission resent, but the drone admits that when he joined he was in a position where he really should have asked more questions, so he is partly at fault. In short the drone did not ask if it was a rogue mission and should have done some fact checking on his own.

This causes the conference to erupt. The captain and the officer core who know it was a rogue operation say that they are under no obligation to stay with the USS Anracosh. They can leave and get on with their lives. The captain does not want to kick them off the starship, they each serve a vital purpose to the mission, especially the drone.

The whole meeting degenerates into a loud argument between the crew who were conned and the crew who knew it was a rogue mission from the start. This can even be heard from the bridge and the bridge crew are wondering what is going on. The captain, trying to diffuse the situation even asks the crew who were conned to stay. She then puts in the effort to try to diffuse the situation. One of the bridge crew enters the conference and asks what the shouting is all about.

The captain says it is not the bridge crews business and asks about the talks between the Negilum and the protesters. Before the bridge officer can start his report the chief diplomat reminds the captain that they will take up their grievances some other time. This is not over. The bridge officer explains what is going on and the scene switches to the talks between the protesters and the Negilum.

The protesters are demanding the murderous Negilum face murder charges. The Negilum figure out they want a show trial to paint the ancients on a bad light and thus sabotage the Realm of the Gods movement. The Negilum confront the protesters with this information. The protesters do not exactly deny it, but still stress that their quest is for justice. The Negilum sympathise but say that the Negilum they want has gone dormant.

The Negilum have to explain what going dormant is to the protesters. The murderous Negilum has since its encounter with the USS Enterprise gone completely dysfunctional and is now in a state of being dormant, as described in the show bible notes. He has a tiny sliver of consciousness that is aware of his surroundings, but is otherwise he is halfway between comatose and catatonic.

The Negilum ask what is the point of putting the murderous Negilum in prison if he is utterly unaware of his surroundings. The protesters, still unconvinced, demand to see the murderous Negilum. The Negilum they are talking to say they will have to wait; it will take a short time to retrieve the murderous Negilum.

We return to the conference room where the bridge officer is addressing the officer core. He has finished his explanation and those in the ready room meeting return to the bridge. The chief diplomat addresses the Negilum diplomatic team and is bought up to speed about the negotiations between the protesters and the Negilum.

Right on cue the murderous Negilum appears as one of the faces on the wall of the pocket plane. His eyes are dead and obviously the creature does not react to its surroundings. The protesters try to film it and set up a protest in the vacuum of space with protest signs against the Realm of the Gods project. They use the now dysfunctional Negilum as a poster boy for their cause.

This greatly upsets the Negilum. The murderous Negilum can’t consent to being a poster boy. The Negilum set about stopping the protesters to which the protesters say the worst things they can say. They say two things that enrage one particular Negilum and the Negilum as a whole.

They say that the crew member on the USS Enterprise did not consent to being killed by the murderous Negilum and call the Negilum [who is obviously female] trying to usher the murderous Negilum away should get her fat butt out of their affairs.

This is where it all goes to crap. The Negilum called fat loses it. She is about to attack the protesters and their starship when the USS Anracosh has to intervene, with the chief diplomat and the captain stating that the Negilum are playing right into the hands of the protesters by proving the ancients are dangerous to younger races.

The show ends on a cliff hanger of Negilum about to attack both starships and the crew of the USS Anracosh getting ready to defend the protesters even though they are the enemy and to fight of the Negilum attacking both starships.

End of part one

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Introduction to a sample Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV show

Season 1 part 2

A sample Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV show

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Season 1 part 1

Season 5 part 2 [In case you want to work backwards]

It is a set of plot synopses

Here is a sample of a series of plot synopses for a Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV show lasting five seasons with fourteen episodes a season. Therefore it includes seventy plot synopses with normally two plot lines each. [Obviously two per episode].

I have made a refined TV show bible, which is a document that sets out the parameters of a TV show before it is filmed. The TV show bible defines what can and cannot happen in the TV show’s plot lines. I feel that a TV show bible for Star Trek Realm of the Gods is needed because it helps with the TV show plot synopsis section. Even though the section is only designed to be a plot generator for anyone who wants to take Star Trek Realm of the Gods and run their own ideas with it, I feel that making a “bible” will aid the creative process of anyone working with what I have made. Apart from that, go for it with all you wish to add to Star Trek Realm of the Gods.

As stated in the introduction section the two only rules I have with Star Trek Realm of the Gods that I want you to follow is that ancient race technology works “as advertised” and neural education devices work without side effects. This means that the ancient race technology [including neural education technology] on the USS Anracosh does what it is meant to do without any side effects or malfunctions except for when it is intentionally misused. The reason I think this is that I assume that a culture one million years ahead of us would certainly not make faulty technology, especially if the technology was very familiar to them.


The reason for a sample TV show

The TV show section is included to show what is possible with Star Trek Realm of the Gods. In my documentation it serves the purpose of being a plot generator for the various media Star Trek Realm of the Gods could take. For example one of the synopses could be the inspiration for a graphic novel or a fanfiction story or some other form of artistic expression. This has already happened with Star Trek, some Star Trek TV episodes and movies have inspired officially published Star Trek novels that were spinoffs from the episode’s plotline.

Remember that I feel that once I have published this document I feel that my work is done. It is up to those who want it to go further to do that themselves. After the document is published online I want Star Trek Realm of the Gods to take on a life of its own. I want it to spark all kinds of creativity. The idea of the sample TV show is make plenty of plotlines available for those reading it to be inspired to create their own Star Trek Realm of the Gods creative projects, be it fan-fiction, fine art, comics or whatever within the official copyright owner’s [Paramount and CBS] guidelines.


The introduction sequences for pilot episodes and regular episodes

There will be two introduction sequences, one for the stolen starship and one for rebuilt version of the stolen starship.

The sequence both last about two minutes. There is one version for the rebuilt version of the starship and one version for the version of the original starship.

The sequences will be the same for the unmodified starship and the final version of the USS Anracosh.

Note: All the ancients and ancient related objects are from the series itself. If it is in the opening sequence, it is in the series. What is shown must be from the series and only from the series.

Each of the scenes below is 15 seconds long.

The first scene is the USS Anracosh entering into view at high warp, they meet some space borne ancients [the Calamarian] who board their starship via the spaceborneancient’s alcove area, and are greeted by unnamed crew members. This part shows the Star Trek – Realm of the Gods logo.

The second scene shows the USS Anracosh entering into an orbit of a world with structures visible from space that are so large that they must obviously be made by god like beings. It is the ancients inhabited world shown in this part is the ancient race world seen in one of the episodes.

The third scene is of the USS Anracosh flying through intergalactic space with galaxies moving by as if they were stars seen in the background during normal warp travel, with the USS Anracosh arriving at another galaxy.

The fourth scene sees the space borne ancients [the Calamarian] leave the starship via the alcove into a nebula like phenomenon and are greeted by others of their kind. One of the space borne ancients makes an arm like structure come out of itself and waves goodbye to the USS Anracosh as it leaves the nebula like area.

The fifth scene is the USS Anracosh entering a pocket plane in space. A pocket plane is an area of space that is like a cul-de-sac area in a suburb. It is an area of space cut off from the rest of the universe and can only be entered via a wormhole type opening. In this pocket plane they meet a Negilum type creature, it is obvious by the Negilum’s facial expression it is welcoming the USS Anracosh with open arms.

The sixth scene shows the USS Anracosh meeting with the section 31 flotilla and shows small craft going back and forth towing supplies for the USS Anracosh.

The seventh scene is of the USS Anracosh in various close ups highlighting that is of both organic and inorganic construction.

The eighth and last scene is of the giant starship of the ancient nomads, an Earth sized world and the USS Anracosh. The USS Anracosh is flying towards the earth like world and the giant starship. As the USS Anracosh gets closer to them it looks like the giant starship and the world are getting closer. It looks like the giant starship will pass before the world and rendezvous with the USS Anracosh. Instead the giant starship passes behind the earth sized world revealing it to be bigger that the earth sized world.


Information about the credits in the opening sequence and notes on the show’s structure.

In the opening credits the first scene is of starships, stars and planets and so on

Then the logo/title.

Then the main star’s name.

After that comes the other cast’s names.

Then the credit of created by the Realm of the Gods team [I won’t use my real name].

Then the legal blurb of “based on star trek by Gene Roddenberry”.

Then list executive producers of show.

Then ad break and then first act.

Start of first act has name of episode and guest star’s names and the writer’s and the director’s name.

End of every act has a cliffhanger/teaser leading to the next act.

Show had four acts with commercial break between each act.

After act 4 you return for an epilogue and then end credits – end credit sequence goes for about a minute to a minute and a half and mentions minor part actors in the show and anyone else involved in making the show.


Commando raids for Section 31 explained

Section 31, the Federation’s intelligence service, makes a deal with the crew of the USS Anracosh

Section 31 functions as a life line to the Federation for the USS Anracosh. By life line I mean getting supplies to the USS Anracosh amongst other things. This means getting news reports to the USS Anracosh, arranging contact with loved ones, shipping personal items to and from the crew and whatever else is needed to keep the USS Anracosh and its crew in contact with the Federation. This excludes commands and anything else related to Starfleet, such as taking orders from the Admiral the crew of the USS Anracosh answers to.

In exchange for being the life line to the Federation Section 31 borrows crew members from the USS Anracosh to do Section 31’s “muscle work”, i.e. covert ops, commando raids and similar operations. A large portion of the crew of the USS Anracosh fought in the Dominion war. They are soldiers with a lot of experience doing commando raids and fighting in toe to toe combat.

Only the crew members that have combat experience qualify to do commando raids/covert ops for Section 31. Those crew perfectly suit Section 31’s needs for commandoes to do missions that nobody outside Section 31 knows about. Not even Starfleet would normally know about the “activities” done by the crew of the USS Anracosh for Section 31.

The nature of the commando raids can be anything. It could be an assassination, stealing a valuable piece of information or valuable item, breaking someone who needs to be interrogated, destroying a strategic target with explosives or anything else Section 31 needs some “muscle” for. Most of the work is nothing many in the crew have not done before when they fought the Dominion.

Why is Section 31 helping the USS Anracosh?

When Section 31 learned of the rogue mission via the woman who was going to become security chief of The USS Anracosh they saw an opportunity. Section 31 agreed with those who started the rogue mission about how contacting the ancients would play out. The rogue crew would make a handful of friendly contacts within the ancient race community along with many unsuccessful attempts at diplomacy. The rogue crew felt that the Federation would catch them sooner rather than later. This would mean being captured and going to jail, but with a few ancient races or ancient race beings as allies the Federation in could finish what they started. At the minimum the Federation would have a few powerful allies to help it in time of need. The rogue crew was happy to go to jail knowing that the Federation was safe from ultra powerful threats.

Section 31’s original plan for the rogue crew was to intercept on the way to jail and make them an offer to join Section 31 to be agents that handle the “dirty work”. I.e. assassinations, commando raids and the like – meaning give them a choice of jail or join Section 31. Given the past of the rogue crew in fighting the Dominion war Section 31 felt that most of the crew would chose to become secret agents rather than become prisoners serving long prison sentences.

What Section 31 and the crew of the USS Anracosh did not anticipate was the rogue mission being such a success and the ancients wanting the rogue mission being continued as an official mission. Section 31’s resupply missions were an adaptation to the unthinkable: A large number of ancients saying: “Yes, we will be your allies”. It was pure luck that Section 31 did not need to sabotage the supplies that Starfleet was sending to the USS Anracosh.

What does Section 31 know about the ancients?

Section 31 knows as much about the ancients as the Federation and the other galactic powers do. This includes classified information the Federation has and a portion of the classified information from the hands of other galactic powers. Section 31 has not done its own missions relating to the ancients as they are not a major threat to the younger races. There really isn’t the need for Section 31 to have a department that investigates the ancients. In the early days of Section 31 they did an investigation into the ancients and came to the conclusions mentioned in this paragraph. At that time they never learned about the Realm of the Gods project or the six stages of ancient races contact.

How this translates into the show

Every season of the show will have three to five commando raids as part of the plot lines as C plots or B plots. Shown onscreen is the crew of the USS Anracosh acknowledging that doing the raids are the price they pay for Section 31’s help. There is conflict within the crew about doing the commando raids. For many it is simply a continuation of what they did in the Dominion war, but many also want to put that war behind them. It is a mix of many who do not like doing this kind mission anymore and others who see it as what they were born to do.

Some of the combat vets and others in the crew see the raids just as a means to an end. Like it or not, if they want a life line to the Federation and for the missions of the USS Anracosh to succeed the commando raids/covert ops are the price they have to pay. However, many of the crew’s combat vets feel that they cannot integrate back into society and must be commandoes as a career. Therefore during the last episodes of the series many of the crew arrange for permanent transfers to Section 31 to be full time “muscle” for the organization.

During the C plot and B plot scenes in the show related to the commando missions the above points are part of the plot lines. The crew mentions the conflicted feelings and play out the conflicts about having to do the commando raids. Also the raids will make for some great action sequences and plot points for the show’s episodes. The raids can also be used as filler for shows that do not have enough material to make a full episode. They can also spice up an episode covering a dull topic. Additionally, in the commando raid plotlines we will see otherwise rarely use characters, such as the Captain of the Section 31 resupply flotilla, Alena Malgum and the politician. Some of the rarely use characters in the crew of the USS Anracosh such as Ensigns H’yol and Ghezhear and the alternate timeline ensign would participate in the covert ops missions.


The episode order with nine 2 parters and the 2 three parters

Season 1

Pilot [parts 1, 2 and 3] – Recruit the crew and the heist

Ostracised by the Federation

First Romulan episode

The Admiral’s episode

First two parter – Negilum in another dimension and the USS Anracosh

Ancients capture USS Anracosh to set up dialog

The USS Anracosh’s mission to the Andromeda galaxy

The first Klingon episode – a Klingon delegation visiting the USS Anracosh

The security chief helps the crew get supplies via her Section 31

Neural education episode

Second two parter 1 The Section 31 “concurrent” episodes

Season 2

Second two parter 2 The Section 31 “concurrent” episodes

The USS Anracosh encounters the Q Continuum

Massive holodeck episode

Nomadic ancients episode

Visiting the Iconians on their homeworld – second Romulan episode

Tellarites ask to join the ancients

Third two parter – Stop the Romulan supernova

Dormant ancients episode

The crew of the USS Anracosh go to visit the Edo ancients

The Voth from Voyager get invited into the Ancient races clique

The Vop – one of the oldest of the ancients

Ferengi Episode

Fourth two parter 1 – Distress call and Omega 1

Season 3

Fourth two parter 2 – Distress call and Omega 2

A day in the life of a rank and file crew member on the USS Anracosh

The race that is a copy of the Preservers

The Hurq garage sale

Second Klingon episode

Encounter the Yertholm

Fifth two parter – Bajoran doctor’s episodes

Science officer’s episode – Accidentally making a super weapon

Talos 4 episode

Chief engineer’s episode – he suffers a mental breakdown

Chief diplomats episode: Meeting the Metrons

The Helmsman’s episode

Sixth two parter 1 – Imitari vs Orions

Season 4

Sixth two parter 2 – Imitari vs Orions

The USS Anracoch tries using itself as a grand central station

Four dimensional space on the USS Anracosh

The confession of fragging

Encountering space borne ancients

Visiting a world with morbid social policies

Seventh two parter – Dark Federation

The Ancient race called the Imitari

A faction within a Klingon house willing to become ancients

The ascended Mythbuster’s conference at his laboratory

Starbase Nexus Point

The Akezhek – a race of teeth and claws

Eighth two parter 1 – Black hole manipulator

Season 5

Eighth two parter 2 – Black hole manipulator

Stellar Engineering episode

A barely warp capable species joins the ancients

Zalkonian Doctor’s episode

Going rogue in the Dominion

The Melkot’s episode

Ninth two parter – Cat call of Cthulu / Operation sour grapes

Tying up loose ends [3] Giant machine episode

Crew transfer protocol

A look into the future

Finale [parts 1, 2 and 3] – Federation and the Ancients vs the Borg, stop the ancients turning on each other and the Borg escape to another dimension

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Season 1 part 1

Season 5 part 2 [In case you want to work backwards]

Recurring characters

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Introduction to characters section

Main and semi-main characters

Admiral that the crew of the USS Anracosh crew answers to:

Name: Admiral Havazia Kreck

Age when introduced to the audience: Early fifties

Sex/Race: Female Andorian

Skill set:

She obviously has the starfleet training and knows how to run a starship. Being an admiral she has a lot of command skill and knows how to run a whole armada of starships.

Important possessions:

Is proud of her Starfleet career so is proud of the awards and the like she has earned and the rank bars she has achieved. The only blemish on her perfect career is being assigned as the superior that gives orders to the crew of the USS Anracosh. In time this blemish transforms into another source of pride after the ancients become a great asset to the Federation.


Is the personification of Starfleet hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh until the benefits of contacting the ancients becomes widespread and well known. After that she merely becomes the superior they answer and even after a while she is happy to see them as she herself sees what the ancients can do for the Federation. She is wise enough to admit when she is wrong and smart enough to see that the crew of the USS Anracosh are right.

Special relations with other characters:

Being at the top she has few friends she really trusts. Being a bit lonely can make her act out, hence her hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh. Until she sees the benefits of having the ancients around she, like the rest of Starfleet, has a burning hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh.


Obviously a bit prematurely aged because of the high stress of her job, apart from that standard Andorian appearance.


She is the admiral that the crew of the USS Anracosh answer to. She makes no secret that she hates the crew for doing and getting away with a rogue operation, and then being greatly rewarded for it. She typifies the attitude of many in Starfleet and the Federation – they have a cold attitude to the crew of the USS Anracosh. She is short with them and just gives orders as required to them. She at least initially represents Starfleet’s fear and hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh and their mission.


To get to the rank of Starfleet Admiral she obviously is a career Starfleet officer who started out in Starfleet at a young age. The Admiral has had a long Starfleet career where she has had more than her share of handling the weird and wonderful. It is not a question of what has she seen, but what hasn’t she seen.

One might think that having so much experience in this area would make her sympathetic to the crew of the USS Anracosh and their mission. This assumption is dead wrong.

The Admiral understands just how dangerous the ancients can be given that she has had firsthand experience with them. This makes her think that what the crew of the USS Anracosh is doing in trying to establish diplomatic contact with the ancients is utter insanity. This is added to the fact that the crew were rogue operatives who were rewarded for their crimes, which to her is a disgusting situation.


In spite of her heartless attitude to the crew of the USS Anracosh she is at heart a fair minded person. She will give credit where it is due. This is the main part of her persona that comes out as the series moves forward. Initially she hates them, but her attitude softens as the crew of the USS Anracosh does their job in getting allies in the ancient races clique and do heroic acts that only someone with access to their super starship can do. Eventually she grows to like them as does the rest of Starfleet.

Story arc:

As the crew of the USS Anracosh progress on their now legitimate mission what they are doing in getting allies in the ancients and doing heroic acts that the Federation starts to set in. The Federation could not do some of the heroism without the abilities of the USS Anracosh. She and the rest of Starfleet change their attitude as the series progresses, especially so as they see the benefits of the “Dial a Deity” system. In the finale when the Borg are driven away the crew of the USS Anracosh are fully redeemed in the eyes of the critics inside Starfleet and the rest of the Federation.


Captain of the Section 31 supply flotilla:

Name: Cyrisha Brelek

Age when introduced to the audience: Mid forties

Sex/Race: Female Bolian

Skill set:

Very skilled in running a starship and skilled in all things espionage thanks to Section 31. Also has business and trade skills from working in and running a freighter business.

Important possessions:

Her vessel and its escort vessels, even though they technically belong to Section 31.


Has a real passion for spying, she feels that is her calling even though she was destined to be a freighter starship captain.

Special relations with other characters:

Is a good friend of Alena Malgum and gets along well with her freighter crew.


Like many female Bolians she is a Bolian with hair, but it is strikingly green/blonde hair that makes her stand out to non-Bolians. This hair colour is not unusual for Bolians so she doesn’t notice how it makes her stand out. This is why Section 31 had her command the flotilla rather than be a field agent. Her having a short career doing contract work in Starfleet influenced that choice as well.


She commands the flotilla that resupplies the USS Anracosh. She is a Section 31 agent posing as a successful interstellar trader. She has a freight vessel and some out of date smaller armed vessels to protect it. Her job is to provide Section 31 agents with a discreet way to travel around and beyond the Federation. The selling point of her business is that her freighter has armed escorts. Ideal for extra protection for cargo and passengers, it is the perfect fit for anyone wanting to transport anything of value.

Since she has the freighter Section 31 has commissioned her to resupply the USS Anracosh when elements of Starfleet sabotages the USS Anracosh’s supply lines. She wants the crew of the USS Anracosh to finish the black hole manipulator so that Section 31 can use it for their own ends, and is lobbying to have the device completed. The crew of the USS Anracosh keeps good relations with her as she controls their supply lines so therefore they need her. She was secretly in contact with the security chief until she learned that the crew have no secrets from each other.

For the record the supply missions are done far away from any starbase or starships not involved in the resupply efforts. The transfers are done in deep space away from prying eyes, so Starfleet can’t sabotage it and nobody gets to know what the USS Anracosh is getting resupplied with. One wonders why, the resupplies mostly involve anything the crew wants to get from the Federation like stuff for their cabins.


She was born into being a space farer and has spent much more time on starships and starbases than in natural environments. She was born to spacefaring parents who ran their own space cargo business. Her siblings inherited that business while she pursued her own passions of espionage. In fact her corporate spying in rival companies got the attention of Section 31 because of her natural talent for spying. They gave her an offer after they discovered her. She could join Section 31 or be handed over to the police. She loved being a spy so she eagerly joined Section 31, and it was the perfect fit for her.


She has been on every type of starship in her long career of being a spacefarer. This makes her obsessed with the USS Anracosh as she has never seen a starship as powerful as the USS Anracosh before in her life, or seen a starship like the USS Anracosh in that it is a half organic hybrid starship. She might have seen something like the USS Anracosh had she ever disobeyed the no trespassing signs left by younger race governments around ancient races sites, but she never did that.

She took a tour of the USS Anracosh when she first started doing supply runs for it, and wanted to learn about the ancient race technologies onboard. She is obsessive but keeps it under control for the sake of the resupply missions. She is someone who truly understands the potential of the Realm of the Gods project and what it will do for the Federation.

Her being obsessiveness neatly sums her up as a person. She is passionate about what she does and always puts the maximum effort into her projects, whether that is spying or hauling freight in space. She loves what she does and she does what she loves, and that applies to hauling supplies for the USS Anracosh or being a Section 31 agent.

Story Arc:

She was originally a professional space cargo hauler but was recruited to Section 31 as a second career. She was the one who struck the deal for the supplies from Section 31 being traded for borrowing crew members from the USS Anracosh for black ops missions. Her Section 31 superiors loved the idea and it became standard practice that when Section 31 resupplies the USS Anracosh. Goods are traded for crew members who will be returned at the next resupply mission or in a week or two, whichever comes first.

As time goes on she tries to influence the crew of the USS Anracosh to finish the black hole manipulator. She wants the device finished so it can defend the Federation from future threats. She is overjoyed when the crew finally decide to finish the device in order to field test it. In time she becomes a key ally to the crew of the USS Anracosh. Like the security chief she ensures Section 31 becomes a major ally to the USS Anracosh crew and the Realm of the Gods project as a whole.


Ensign from alternate or changed timeline:

Name: Ensign Daniel Downer

Age when introduced to the audience: Early thirties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

Usual set of Starfleet skills of running a starship, and he has specialities in diplomacy and command. He also has knowledge of another timeline.

Important possessions:

Some the items that he had to replace because he never owned them in this timeline. He still wants a connection to his former life.


Misses some of the friends he lost when he transferred timelines, but it is a bit like getting a transfer. There is a good chance you will drift away from people you used to work with but really like. Still wants a connection to his old life, but he does not want to go back because he has his dream assignment.

Special relations with other characters:

Loves being a part of the USS Anracosh crew and does not want to be anywhere else.


An average joe Federation Ensign


A surprise for the crew in discovering that someone altered their own past so they were picked to serve on the USS Anracosh during the rogue operation. The crew discover by accident about the ensign being from another timeline courtesy of the Q Continuum. Daniel is a living example of another object lesson by the ancients to make the rest of the crew understand the power the ancients have. They can alter the timeline to such precision that one person’s life can be rewritten while cancelling out any other effects on the timeline. To do such surgical time alteration on that level is an extremely powerful ability. Once again it is get the crew to comprehend the impossible: Just how powerful the ancient races clique is. The ancients wanted him to be discovered by the rest of crew of the USS Anracosh and given the kind of sensor technology on that starship, discovering the ensign was from another timeline would happen sooner rather than later.


A guy who grew up as a Starfleet Brat so he has a much higher tolerance to the weird and wonderful than your average person. He has seen the strange since a young age. Therefore seeing a Q and many other strange phenomena did not faze him as it would someone else. This is what made him approach the Q without hesitation. The Q that appeared on the starship he was serving on was offering the crew a chance to see their lives if they had made other life choices. Naturally the rest of the crew thought Q was wasting their time and put up with him until they could convince the Q to leave. Daniel was different, he took up the Q’s offer of another life. He said a fond farewell to his then crewmates and promised to look them up in the new timeline, even though they would have no memory of him. He did look them up on the Starfleet personnel roster. Danial looked at the roster and it made him think, who did he replace on the USS Anracosh when the Q altered his timeline? Daniel has never bothered to find out, but during his episode the crew of the USS Anracosh figure out who would have been on their starship instead of Daniel.

This character is the one tie in with Star Trek: Lower Decks when the crew of the USS Anracosh realise that he took the place of Lt. Shanks of the USS Ceritos. Lt. Shanks was invited to join the rogue operation, but refused and kept quiet about it.

Daniel approached the Q after the USS Anracosh and its mission were public knowledge. Daniel, who loves the weird and wonderful really wanted to join the crew of the USS Anracosh but couldn’t because its mission was already underway. Danial really wanted to meet many more ancients than the Q.

Danial wanted to do the Realm of the Gods project but couldn’t due to bad timing, but the Q could change that and so Danial took up Q’s offer of another life where he got the chance to serve on the USS Anracosh.

He knew from the experiences of the Q offering altered lives that nobody would be uncreated by the Q altering the timeline. Danial was sent to an altered past and had to live a few years over so he could be on the USS Anracosh. He knew his then crew would not suffer from him leaving them for a new alternate timeline life.


A guy living his dream of being on a starship meeting and greeting the ancients. He is in the dream job and gets to meet ancients on a regular basis. This gives him a confident demeanour and is fun to be with. He has all he wants, he can ask for nothing more. He is like the chief engineer without the existential crisis. This and his confidence and good looks makes him the crew’s ladies man. It is possible he and the chief diplomat are dating or have dated and remained close friends. Having said that he is completely professional and puts his work first. He is bit like Commander Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation – highly confident and highly competent with a winning smile and looks to match.

Story Arc:

This is a person who took up the offer of the Q to live an alternate life. He was a Dominion War veteran in the timeline he abandoned, but did not stand out in his war record. The Q changed that and his past was altered so he served in some crucial battles and as a result he became a highly decorated soldier that fought alongside some of the crew of the USS Anracosh when they served in the Dominion war, thus he was on the list of candidates for the rogue mission. After he joined the crew he volunteered to serve under the chief diplomat in the diplomatic mission team.

He gets an episode where he is found out and confesses to being from another timeline. The crew debate what to do with him; they can ask the ancients to reverse what the Q did to send him to this time, but they decide to let him stay. He becomes a real asset for the crew and plays a role in reverse engineering ancients technology, helps with diplomatic talks and can be seen on the bridge on a semi regular basis.


Ensign Ghezhear – The Mr. Everyman of the starship crew:

Name: Potab Ghezear [he has taken a Klingon name]

Age when introduced to the audience: Late twenties

Sex/Race: Klingon/Human Hybrid [Klingon father and Human mother]

Skill set:

Has the Klingon skill for combat, so is very good at fighting. Has the usual Starfleet skills of running a starship. He is basically a brawler type security agent/soldier.

Important possessions:

Has a set of Klingon style bladed weapons and their training equivalents, and he likes to practice with them when he gets some time off.


Wants to fight for the Federation and protect it. Also has some allegiance to the Klingon Empire and Klingons in general, but the Federation comes first.

Special relations with other characters:

Is the romantic interest of and eventually the husband of Ensign H’Yol. Is very loyal to his fellow crew members of the USS Anracosh, who he sees as fellow warriors.


Obviously a Klingon/Human hybrid, meaning not quite Klingon but not quite human either. It is the same concept as B’Elanna Torres in Star Trek Voyager in terms of milder Human and milder Klingon features in the one person.


A Mr. Everyman in the crew. He is also the second in charge after the first officer in the PTSD support group. He is a way of seeing what life is like on the USS Anracosh for the average crew member. He usually works maintaining the dojo but is reassigned with the work team as required.


He grew up on a border world between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. He has had a Klingon upbringing because of his father and a Federation outlook on life because of his mother. This gives him some internal contradictions but he has a talent for finding a balance between the two halves of his being. He choose to live in the Federation because of his mother’s influence and eagerly joined the battle against the Dominion because of his father’s influence. He is a professional soldier in mind, body and soul. Fighting the Dominion was his calling. Therefore he is a career soldier in the Starfleet and wants no other job. It’s not just a career to him, it is his way of life.


The Klingon side of his being comes out in his personality. He is a man of honour and loves that he is serving on a starship full of, as he sees it, warriors. Given the type of crew it is almost like serving on a Klingon vessel. He is the reverse of B’Elanna Torres, who was a human in a Human Klingon hybrid body. Potab is a Klingon in a Klingon Human hybrid body. He believes in honour, courage, loyalty and reverence for tradition. These traits make him really fit in on the USS Anracosh. He is one of the Dominion war veterans recruited and thus he knows it was a rogue operation. He felt that if he did not take the rogue mission he would be betraying the people he fought alongside of in the Dominion war. Being caught did not scare him, in his way of thinking his honour is more important than his freedom. He gets on well with the security chief as they both have a fanatical streak. However, the fanatical streak in Ghezear comes from his following of the Klingon way of thinking.

Story arc:

He is introduced as the Mr. Everyone in the crew in the episode where we follow him and Ensign H’yol around for a day. This shows their daily routine and the people they interact with. Before this episode they can occasionally be seen in the background. He appears in various other episodes like the Klingon episodes and episodes involving the dojo. He becomes a mover and shaker in the crew and gains a reputation as a head kicker’s head kicker in the black ops missions the crew do for Section 31. He also becomes the husband of Ensign H’yol.


Ensign H’yol – The Ms. Everywoman of the starship crew

Name: Vethva H’yol

Age when introduced to the audience: Late twenties

Sex/Race: Female Vulcan

Skill set:

Has the standard Starfleet training of running a starship. Has the combat training and soldiering experience from fighting in the Dominion war. Was originally in the science division of Starfleet before the Dominion war so she has some science skills, but that has not been developed as it should because she had to become a soldier fighting the Dominion.

Important possessions:

She is not materialistic, her possessions in her cabin are what are important to her. She has researched quite a lot about sex because of her role in the full life sect. Therefore she has a large collection of research material related to sex, such as The joy of sex, the Kinsey report and their equivalents from countless cultures around the galaxy, but that can’t really be used in a TV show, so it has to be downplayed.


Is the champion of the full life sect on the USS Anracosh and believes that it is the way Vulcans should evolve their culture. She wants the Vulcans to change and sees it as necessary to advance the Vulcan people.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a special bond with the other Vulcans onboard who are in the full life sect and becomes the husband of Ensign Ghezear. Also a friend of Lt. Carol Johnson who runs the starship’s dojo. She joined Carol’s team instead of returning to the sciences because of their friendship. Sees the captain as an ally who could help change the Vulcan people. For the captains sake it helps get the Vulcans closer to joining the ancient races clique. For her own sake it makes the Vulcans better people.


Standard Vulcan starfleet officer


A Ms. Everywoman in the crew. On the USS Anracosh she is the local head of a sect of Vulcans that believes an active sex life does not conflict with a life dedicated to logic. These Vulcans do not go through a Pon Farr mating ritual like other Vulcans because they do not suppress their sexuality. Not all the Vulcans onboard follow the sect’s beliefs, but the sect is rapidly growing in numbers on Vulcan and across the galaxy and long term the Pon Farr ritual could become a thing of the past. She usually works maintaining the dojo but is reassigned with her work team as required.


A Vulcan born on a Federation colony world rather than Vulcan itself. Being in a very multi-cultural environment has profoundly influenced her. Here are some examples:

She has had a lot of exposure to non-Vulcan people. This gives her a very cosmopolitan outlook.

She joined Starfleet because she likes interacting with a wide variety of people from a lot of backgrounds. She grew up multi-cultural and wanted a career that keeps her in a multi-cultural environment.

Growing up in a very multi-cultural background gave her exposure to countless martial arts forms. She has practiced mixed martial arts since her teenage years. This is her main hobby.

Ironically she has had less exposure to Vulcan culture than to all the other cultures on the Federation colony world she grew up on. This made her reject the idea of the once a seven year Pon Farr mating ritual as she has seen so many races go without it. This is what inspired her to join the sect that rejects the idea that a logical life is an asexual life.


H’yol is heavily into martial arts as well as being the sect’s onboard representative. Her love of martial arts got the attention of Lt. Johnson, who created a work team to help her maintain the dojo. She is one of the dojo’s instructors along with the others in her work team. Having said that almost all of the crew are so well versed in unarmed combat that they could all teach martial arts in the starship’s dojo. She loves martial arts but her passion is the Vulcan sect, she likes to proselytise the sect to Vulcans onboard and to other Vulcans that she meets. [Although that is a very uncommon occurrence since she became a crew member on the USS Anracosh]. She has the standard Vulcan logical personality but her passions boil below the surface and it does not take much to bring those passions to the surface. She knows about what happened when the Captain asked why the Vulcans were not in the ranks of the ancients. She is having a toned down version of the same reaction the Captain is having. H’yol’s solution to what the ancients said is to redouble her efforts with the sect. One of the effects of this would be to loosen the Vulcans up, as many thousands Vulcans are joining the sect every day. [Humour intended]

Story arc:

She is introduced as the Ms. Everyone in the crew in the episode where we follow her and Ensign Ghezear around for a day. This shows their daily routine and the people they interact with. Before this episode they can occasionally be seen in the background. They appear in various other episodes like the Klingon episodes and episodes involving the dojo. She becomes a mover and shaker in the crew and becomes one of Lt. Carol Johnson’s helpers. She also becomes the wife of Ensign Ghezear.


Federation politician / Head of the Federation’s foreign affairs:

Name: Senator Opaniop Ytrid

Age when introduced to the audience: About fifty

Sex/Race: Male Trill

Skill set:

Debating, fast talking [salesmanship], politics, bureaucracy, any skill useful to a politician/bureaucrat/big wig

Important possessions:

Everything valuable that he owns


Wants to stay in power and be immortal, be an immortal leader. Doesn’t know what it means to earn, suffer or sacrifice for something.

Special relations with other characters:

He sees the USS Anracosh, its crew and its mission as a means to an end and would turn on it in a heartbeat if it was politically necessary and has other politicians allying with him following the same ideas. He and his political cohorts have no hatred for the politicians who are leading the charge against the Realm of the Gods project. Both groups of politicians are using the situation to advance their own careers. Time will tell which side has “backed the right horse”.


Well dress civilian – as in formal dress equivalent of a modern business suit.


He represents the Federation citizens that are sympathetic to the crew of the USS Anracosh and more importantly he understands why this mission is so important, so much so that it gets the personal attention of himself and other Federation’s political leaders. This politician [and others like him] especially see the potential of the Realm of the Gods project and how it could pay off, and are treating it like an investment.

One of the senators on the Federation council is his biggest political rival and opponent. This opponent hates the Realm of the Gods project because he only sees its dangers. Ytrid Opaniop mainly supports the Realm of the Gods project because his enemy in the council doesn’t. This is the kind of petty arrogance that is the true core of Ytrid.


Has the typical private school well off background of a politician with successful “high income” white collar corporate leading parents. His teenage years were the usual stuff of debate teams, political clubs [i.e. young “insert party here”] and an interest in politics as a means to an end starting from his teenage years. He was destined for politics from a young age because of his well off background. Being a politician is his destiny, getting elected was just a formality.

He has had everything given to him, he has never had to earn/work for anything for himself – this affects how he thinks. He has never had to endure or suffer, raised in “cotton wool”. Making a sacrifice to get something is a completely alien concept to him.

Even though the Federation does not use much money this paragraph explains the politicians attitude to wealth very efficiently: Ytrid cannot value any material possessions as he has never paid for them or if he has they cost next to nothing for him as he is from an ultra high income background. He is possessive about his stuff in that “what’s mine is mine” attitude, but will not care if he damages something he owns because it can easily be replaced with enough money.

Because of his privileged spoilt background he has a strong streak of looking down at people. Since childhood he has had a born to rule attitude and hatred for people below his social status. The darker side of his personality are kept well hidden from the voters.


He has no inside but for the personality traits he hides from people, especially voters and other supporters. The previous paragraphs explain his personality nicely. A born to rule type who has never had to work or suffer for anything. Earning or suffering for something is a foreign concept to the character.

Very much a career politician, you never know if he is buttering you up or is treating you with sincerity. You just don’t know his real motives. He is very nice to you and says what he thinks you want to hear. He comes across as nice and friendly and willing to please. A good analogy is like a used car salesman giving you a sales pitch pretending to be your friend. The crew of the USS Anracosh realise this and do not fully trust him. However he serves a purpose to them, which is keeping Starfleet of their backs. As a civilian leader he outranks the Admiral who they answer to. They can use him for protection if the Admiral ever truly turns on them. He is like a balance to the Admiral. Starfleet really gets pissed off when he is used by the crew of the USS Anracosh to “pull rank” with them. Underneath it all is the born to rule attitude. He feels it is his right to rule, but he keeps that fact well hidden.

Story arc:

This is a man who merely wants the ancients to make him immortal, and become the immortal permanent leader of the Federation. One of the reasons he wants immortality is that he was rejected for hosting a trill symbiont on physical medical grounds. His physiology was not good enough for blending with a symbiont. This was his one chance to have a form of immortality and it was taken away from him. Thus this motivates him to find a way to get the ancients to make him immortal, and the fact he has megalomania stemming from narcissism. He is also a Dark Empath.

He tries to force the issue by publically demanding the ancients give the secret of immortality to the Federation so Federation citizens don’t have to die of old age. In response the ancients point out the pitfalls of immortality and how for many immortality is a fate worth than death. They are happy for people to seek immortality from the ancients, but they have to give informed consent to the ancients that they understand that for many immortality is a death sentence or worse.

Then the politicians delivers his ultimatum: Ask the ancients for immortality or have the ancients provide proof of the afterlife. The ancients show him hell and promise that even if hell isn’t real they can make it real for him. The ancients call him out on his true motives for being immortal and say he is the last person who should be allowed to live forever, and they think he could not cope with immortality anyway, to add to their response the ancients show him the true horrors of immortality and it does not affect him.

He finally has to see what it is to suffer, but he is too arrogant to think it will be a problem for him. The ancients show him what it means to be an ancient and he shrugs this off as well. The ancients show him what it means to have countless tomorrows and why the ancients live the way they live, especially why some of them act like clowns acting up because at heart they can’t cope with living forever.

What the ancients have made sure of is that all this was done as publically as possible. The politician may think he should be immortal and be able to cope with it, but the cost is that the public sees him for what he is and thus his political career is over. He was once a politician on the way to the top, but now he will soon have to be nobody that is even too “on the nose” to be given a private sector job of any kind. Enough evidence of the politician’s real activities is shown on TV that the police will investigate, and that will lead to the politician being charged, found guilty and his assets will be confiscated.

The politician has to face a fate that for him is worse than death – a life of being a nobody with nothing to his name. Being equal to the plebs he thinks are scum is something that could potentially drive him to suicide or a life of crime to regain his lost glory. Fortunately he his none of the skills needed to be a successful criminal and if he does take that path he will be in jail in no time.


Generic USS Anracosh crew member

Important note:

This character sheet exists for the purpose of playing role playing games, but it can be used as a resource for creating the Star Trek: Realm of the Gods TV show, but primarily the document exists for creating role playing game characters.

Name: Varies

Sex/Race: Varies

Skill set:

At the start of the rogue mission it varies, but all crew skill sets comprise of combat skills, skills relating to their specialities/hobbies/interest and skills relating to running a starship.

Important: Many of the crew have had careers before joining Starfleet. They joined to fight the Dominion war. This gives them random career skills that have nothing to with anything space or combat related. It is important to note that for many of the crew that Starfleet is their second or even third career.

Important note about neural education and the crew’s skill set:

Having the neural education centre means that the crew can gain new skills as needed or wanted. An excellent example of this is the episode where the whole crew get diplomacy skills in order to deal with a large number of Ancients that they have to negotiate with. The crew can go to the neural education centre and gain skills, such as a crew member gaining chef skills to impress a bunch of guests in their quarters. As the show progresses the crew get an impressive array of skills in their interests/hobbies and from using neural education technology for missions on the USS Anracosh and for Section 31’s commando raids.

Important possessions: Varies


Very patriotic to the Federation, want to protect the Federation and see making allies of the Ancients as a way to do that. Fearless [but not foolish] in combat.

Special relations with other characters:

A strong sense of camaraderie between all members of the crew of the USS Anracosh. They are friends and allies of Section 31. They feel a series of negative emotions about the rest of Starfleet for rejecting them for getting rewarded for a rogue mission that resulted in the USS Anracosh being turned into a super starship that is a blend of Federation and Ancient race technology. They have a genuine hatred for those against, and protesting against, the Realm of the Gods project.

Age: Varies

Appearance: Wears the standard lime green uniform of shame that are issued on the USS Anracosh, except in the last season when their uniforms are returned to normal.


Varies according to their job speciality, and their main “roles” are ferrying diplomats between ancient races and reverse engineering the ancient race technology that is either on the USS Anracosh or encountered elsewhere.


Most of the rank and file crew of the USS Anracosh are Dominion war veterans who have seen the worst of it. They fought in the front lines of the war and have seen all the evil a theatre of war has to offer. This is something they never wish to see again and doing diplomacy with the Ancients is a way to prevent another war. Giving the Federation God-like allies will mean the Federation is protected, without the need for another major conflict, or if there is one the ancients will be helping the Federation fight and win the war.


Varies, but the overall theme is of combat veterans who have seen the worst and are at some stage of coming to terms with what they have experienced during the war. Many have varying degrees of PTSD, and are being treated for it. Having said that, these are dedicated professional soldiers who act as such. They are NOT an unorganised rabble of thugs. There is a strong level of discipline among the crew and it shows with professionalism coming first, you can even see sometimes them walking in lock step as they go through the corridors of the USS Anracosh.

Story arc:

The crew of the USS Anracosh are for the most part on a path of redemption with the Federation. At the start of the rogue mission they were doing criminal acts in starting diplomacy with the ancients, then they were pardoned and given the upgraded USS Anracosh with it being an Ancient races/Federation hybrid starship, this being the most powerful vessel ever possessed by the Federation.

The crew are redeemed by their actions and the actions of the Ancients in relation to the Federation. How the Federation sees them depends a lot on when the rest of the Federation encounters the crew of the USS Anracosh, early on and the crew is shunned, later on they are treated as heroes. The crew know what they are doing is right, and know that in time they will be vindicated. Their vindication happens in the fourth and fifth seasons as what they are doing begins to pay off for the Federation.


Lt. Carol Johnson – Officer that runs the main social hub of the USS Anracosh:

Name: Carol Johnson

Age when introduced to the audience: Late forties

Sex/Race: Female Human

Skill set:

Is a qualified gym instructor and a qualified martial arts instructor. Has combat training and Starfleet training, knowing how to run a starship. Is an experienced fighter that specialises in short range and hand to hand combat. Has the skills of a soldier because she is a soldier.

Important possessions:

Her own personal martial arts training and gym equipment and the various black belts she has in various martial arts. Also her qualifications in gym instruction and martial arts instruction.


Has a maternal interest in the rest of the crew. Love martial arts, also has the bond of being comrades in arms with those she fought alongside in the Dominion war [which is much of the crew of the USS Anracosh.]

Special relations with other characters:

Is the den mother of the USS Anracosh. Also has a special bond with the staff who help her. Especially with Ensign Ghezear and Ensign H’Yol.


Small and pitite, but amazingly strong for her size. For a woman she has well defined muscles, but they look within normal parameters for real person. To the untrained eye she looks like a fitness instructor.


She is in charge of the USS Anracosh’s social areas, which is next to the pub. Because of the crew mainly being head kickers the crew’s hobbies mostly reflect that. There the dojo [martial arts centre] and pub and other facilities the crew are likely to hang around in are in one large semi-integrated area. By default she is in charge of the social area, but because of her love of martial arts she can almost always be found in the dojo. Even though the dojo has a master who answers to her in terms of military rank, Carol likes to run the dojo directly. She is officially head of the crew services department, but delegates a lot of her job to her underlings as her role as starship den mother is very important to her.


Carol is in Starfleet as a second career. She was originally a gym and martial arts instructor. When the Dominion war broke out she heard the call to go and fight the war. Therefore she joined Starfleet later in life, and it is her second career. In Starfleet Carol discovered leadership potential in her that she never knew she had and got officer training.

Because of the desperate times of the Dominion war she quickly rose through the ranks and joining the crew of the USS Anracosh as its social areas officer was actually a demotion for her. This did not bother Carol, she fought alongside the First officer and the Security chief in many battles and was glad to be serving with them in any capacity.

After the Dominion war finished she decided to stay in Starfleet to explore her previously unknown skill for leadership. She also had friends serving with her that fought alongside her in the Dominion war, and because their bonds were “forged in fire” she was very reluctant to leave them. It was these friends that, namely the First officer and the security chief that invited her to join the rogue mission of contacting the ancient races.


An upbeat confident person whose confidence comes from the fact that she could pulverise a burly person three times her size with ease. She has a fun charming side to her personality and can be much louder than her small size would suggest. That pretty much sums her up, her small petite stature makes her fighting skills very ironic, and uses that to her advantage. She is an extrovert because of her confidence and is very outspoken as well, but is not opinionated or wants to force her will on others, she is more relaxed and her charm and wit makes her many friends.

A veteran of the Dominion War, she’s esteemed by the crew members, and takes a great pride, almost maternal in nature, in nurturing them. That said, she can still definitely kick back with the boys and get rowdy. She knows how to play to their strengths and get them to listen up when crap hits the fan. Think of a current day Diane Lane. Tough, sweet, and motherly. Sort of like a mama wolf.

Story Arc:

In time she becomes like a community leader on the starship. She is looked up to for these various reasons: Her charisma, her martial arts skills, the fact she runs the social centre and she has leadership skills. She is also respected because she is a valued comrade in arms who fought alongside many of the crew in the Dominion war.

Over time more and more of the crew thinks she deserves a command position on the USS Anracosh, the problem is none are available. This causes problems as she fears becoming the crew “advocate” against the core officers, some of whom are her comrades in arms. The reasons for this are that it would disrupt the chain of command and she sees it as a betrayal of her friends/comrades in the core officer group.

Carol feels that she has to fight off being pushed into the position of crew advocate. Ironically this problem does not exist. The crew are far too disciplined to need or want a crew advocate. Carol has to discover that her fear is of an event that will never happen.


Section 31 agent Alena Malgum:

Name: Alena Malgum [A corruption of amalgam]

Age when introduced to the audience: Looks like a cross between late teens and late thirties. She has signs that should not be on a young body, such as old age wrinkles on a teen face.

Sex/Race: Female Undefined Hybrid

Skill set:

Has the standard Starfleet training six times over. She is a commander, medical doctor, psychologist, security guard, engineer and science officer. She knows everything you need to know to run a starship. The better question is what isn’t she skilled in?

Important possessions:

She has six keepsakes [nick knacks] that remind her of each of the families that rejected her. She does not hate those who rejected her, instead she realises she has to move on with her life, even if she can’t accept that fact.


Is still very much hurt by having six families reject her. She had so many close relatives that she loved that utterly rejected her. Therefore she sees the people around her as her family because of this. Therefore she is a very loyal friend.

Special relations with other characters:

Is a good friend of the section 31 flotilla captain Cyrisha Brelek. She is friends with the Section 31 agents she works with. Really likes the crew of the USS Anracosh because their skill set approaches her own, so she can easily relate to them.


The standard “uniform” of a Section 31 starship crew uniform, but she has a few extra rank pips to indicate her very high rank. The six people she was made from were: A Vulcan, a Trill, a Deltan, a Bajoran and two Humans.

She has the ears of a Vulcan, the nose of a Bajoran, the spots of a Trill and normal coloured skin. Please note that she is 2/3rds human and 1/6th Deltan. Being 1/6 Deltan only gives her an unusually high forehead that simply looks like a swept back hairstyle that almost passes for normal. She does not have a receding hairline, just an unusually high forehead, like one sees in the fashionable styles of some women from Africa.


She is the spy in charge of the covert ops missions the crew of the USS Anracosh is trading for supplies. The Captain of the flotilla drops of supplies and the covert ops teams are sent to Alena onboard the supply ship. She is the result of a transporter accident. A Starfleet away team of six officer core crew members with a variety of skills was beaming back to their starship. These included the engineer, doctor, captain, science officer, crew counsellor and head of security. The away team consisted of four women and two men, all of which were various Federation member species. Six people beamed up but seven appeared on the transporter pad. The woman who became Alena Malgum was arrested and interrogated and it was discovered that she was a merged being of all of those who transported with her. She had six lifetimes worth of education and was incredibly multi-skilled. Starfleet realised that she had every right to exist and sent her to Earth to start a life for herself. It was here that Section 31 agents recruited her. They were interested in her because she had no past and was very multi-skilled. Both these attributes make her ideal Section 31 material.

Legally she does not exist, no finger prints [occurred in transporter accident], weird DNA that doesn’t conform to any species, making it hard to scan, no paper trail, she is totally off the grid, a real nowhere woman. This makes her very useful to Section 31. Tracking her down through her paper trail won’t work. The only weakness she has is that she is hard to treat medically.


She has the lives of six people as her life’s story, but her existence started when she was created in the transported accident. Having six lives of experience makes her a very wise person. In a way she has no background of her own because of how she came into being. Once she was recruited to Section 31 she was a model agent who earned the right to pick her postings. She learned of the Realm of the Gods project by being in Section 31 and wanted to be a part of it, so she got a job in the supply Flotilla supplying the USS Anracosh. Her job is commanding the black ops missions that the crew of the USS Anracosh do for Section 31.


She has had six families [of the crew she originated from in the transporter accident] disown her by not recognising her as one of their own. This was psychologically devastating. When Section 31 offered her the family she craved [in her psychosocially weakened state] she jumped at the chance. She is still recovering from the blow of losing six families and it sometimes shows. She is incredibly loyal to Section 31 and the crew members of the USS Anracosh she does covert missions with, and loyal to the crew of the USS Anracosh who don’t qualify to do commando missions. They are the only family she has. To sum her up, her colleagues are her family and she treats them as such.

Story Arc:

She has toyed with the idea of transferring to the crew of the USS Anracosh but she is far too useful to Section 31 for them to allow it. For now she has taken a halfway solution and gotten an assignment on the resupply flotilla where she commands the commando raids done by the crew of the USS Anracosh. The reason she is so interested in joining the crew is she sees the comradery the have as exactly the “family” environment she is looking for. Also due to the skill set of the crew of the USS Anracosh being greatly enhanced by neural education devices, Alena feels that the crew are people she can easily relate to, especially as the series progresses and the crew of the USS Anracosh gets very skilled. Late in the series she realises Section 31 is right, she is far more useful where she is and she already has plenty of contact with the crew of the USS Anracosh, so in a way she is already part of their family. Therefore she is getting what she wished for. She has to make the realisation that she is already where she is meant to be and is getting what she wants out of life. Added to that is that she can always retire with them on their private island on Risa. The private island was acquired when the crew of the USS Anracosh and Section 31 finally disbanded the anti Realm of the Gods protest group.


The Ascended mythbuster / weapons maker:

Name: Greg Popadoulis

Age when introduced to the audience: Several centuries old [he is one of the oldest of the Imitari]

Sex/Race: Male Imitari

Skill set:

He is every kind of scientist from all disciplines. He’s an ancient, what would you expect?

Important possessions:

Has his own ancient races starship, called the Bushido. Has a massive dwarf planet sized laboratory that he built himself not long after ascending. It is meant from day one to be a glorified man cave and it shows in the appearance of the place.


Wants to be accepted by the ancients community, because he is only trying to cope with being immortal in his own way. They are doing the same, so how can they criticise him when they are in the same position he is.

Special relations with other characters:

The Chief engineer and the Science officer see him as a “bigger” version of themselves. The crew of the USS Anracosh see him as an important ally. Ancient race individuals/governments either love him or hate him.


Clothes that are somewhat outdated given the era he lives in, but the clothes are ascended just like him. [THE CLOTHES ARE NOT TRANSLUCENT!]


He created many parts of the ancient race part of the USS Anracosh, and is called in every now and again to check its systems. He meets the chief engineer and chief science officer. They see him as a bigger version of themselves. His government commissioned him to create the ancients part of the USS Anracosh. His government is as much divided as to what to make of him as the rest of the ancient race community is.


When the Eugenics wars raged he was one of the many Human Augments who refused to follow Khan Noonien Singh. One of Khan Noonien Singh’s black projects was analysing a faulty Iconian wormhole that appeared on Earth and was faulty only because it was visible to the naked eye. Normally Iconian wormholes are invisible.

The people who would become the Imitari learned of the black project, took control of it and used the faulty Iconian wormhole to escape the Earth. The ascended mythbuster was one of the people who escaped Earth via the faulty Iconian wormhole. The other side of wormhole was on a world near the edge of the galaxy. That world used to be an Iconian colony world and had functioning Iconian technology on it. The Human Augments named the world Viridis [Latin for Green] because of how green it is.

The Human Augments renamed themselves the Imitari because they decided that they would copy themselves memories and all rather than reproduce sexually. They had big plans as to how their society would function once they settled on Viridis but this was cut short when they met the ancients on the other side of the wormhole, who invited them into the ancient races clique.

The Ancients told the Imitari that the Iconian wormhole was deliberately made faulty by the ancients and left on Earth as a way to rescue the Imitari. The Imitari were stunned to hear this news and the Ascended Mythbuster was just as shocked as any other Imitari to hear it. The ancients explained that due to the personality alterations the Imitari had undergone they were going to create a society that had an ancient race social structure, and that qualified them for an invitation into the ancient races clique. The ancients rescued them because the Imitari belong in the ranks of the ancients, and if left on Earth the people who would become the Imitari would have been destroyed.

What else has this got to do with the Ascended Mythbuster? He was a leader of the Augments who refused to be part of the Eugenics wars. He is largely responsible for designing how Imitari civilisation would function once the Imitari settled Viridis. He is one of the founding fathers of the Imitari nation. This earns him some respect with the Imitari people. Like all other Imitari he has never come to terms with being rescued by the ancients so they could join the ancient races clique.


This is at heart a sad character – making and testing weapons keeps himself sane. You can be a super powerful being and still have a tragic life. Ancients either love him or hate him. The ancients who hate him see the abilities not the man, the ancients who love him see the man not the abilities. He loves his weapon making hobby, which ironically is the reason many ancients hate him, but he has a horrible choice, if he gives up weapons making the effects of immortality destroy him, if he keeps his hobby half the ancients will keep loathing him. He has chosen weapons making, because the alternative is unthinkable – effectively asking him to kill himself.

Story arc:

He is looking for acceptance. His attitude is how could any ancient be against him when they are all in the same boat of fighting the dangers of immortality? He is a passionate believer in the Realm of the Gods project because if he can’t be accepted by his fellow ancients he could try his luck with the younger races. This is why he upgraded the “Dial a Deity” system so it could be used by younger races. He still knows that half the ancients love him, but that is not enough, he wants to be accepted by all, or at least tolerated. He does get some redemption in the eyes of the ancients when he is one of the main players in beating down the Borg in the shows finale. He was a main player because of his immense arsenal of super weapons.

How does the drone react to him? Ironically the drone is neutral towards him; a very unusual position for someone in the ancients community. He sees the usefulness he has to the USS Anracosh as he helps maintain the starship. However, he is a liability to have around during diplomacy with the ancients because half the ancients hate him. It is best that he is a part timer during maintenance cycles, because the repair times can be scheduled in between diplomatic missions.

The symbol he chose for him and his following is a sign that says and symbolises “A-igol’ beppendages” [Big old Appendages], a send up of “Tig ol’ Bitties”. The insignia is of all sorts of insignia style symbols of “attractant” appendages from all sorts of creatures. It neatly summaries the purpose of him and those who follow him in that his laboratory is actually a glorified man cave for dudes and dudettes that have fun blowing stuff up for the heck of it. This makes him even more hated by those who dislike him. In their eyes it shows he has no serious side, even though that is not true.

“But that’s exactly it, Engineer. The problems I’ve got aren’t the ones you can just blast away.”


The leader of the anti-contacting the ancients protest group:

Name: Phil Hoffmier

Age when introduced to the audience: Early thirties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

Knows how to protest and how to run a protest. Knows how to study and how to memorise for exams. Lots of head knowledge, very little practical knowledge. Everything he knows is theory which would not translate well into practice. Not a very practical person. Also knows a lot about politicking, office politics and politics in general.

Important possessions:

All the degrees he has earned but will never use because he sees his future as being a professional student and professional protester for the rest of his life.


Does not know much about real life, hence his obsession with being a professional student. Deep down he knows he can’t make it in the real world. Thinks that protesting is the key to power.

Special relations with other characters:

Considers the people following him in his protest group as a means to an end although he pretends to be their friend. Does not know that his anti-Realm of the Gods protest group has been completely compromised by Section 31 agents. Sometimes there are more Section 31 agents at his groups meetings than there are actual protesters.


A Federation civilian who has some “hippy” atonements to his outfit and some badges and patches of various causes on his jumper and other clothing.


He is secretly in league with those in Starfleet and the Federation Council who are against contacting the ancients. They are secretly funding him and providing rent a crowd services. He is protester who needs a windmill to tilt at and is not happy unless he has a cause to champion. That is the case until he gets enough power and/or money to be rich and comfortable; then screw his following and causes. He is the public face of those against the Realm of the Gods project. He probably doesn’t really care about it, or even understands what the Realm of the Gods project really is. His main episodes are the “Cat Call of Cthulu” and “Operation Sour Grapes” episode.


He grew up in an average home but obviously showed smarts and this got him into university. When he got to university he found his home and part of his calling being a professional student. This guy went to university and simply never left it doing course after course after course. This is his side job, his proper job and other half of his calling is protesting. He loves protesting and leading others in protest, no matter what the cause. Because of this he became very active in university politics and he grew to love controlling others in his political movement.

His “career” is in street protesting and tilting at windmills and if it wasn’t for getting busted embezzling his movement [as described below] this would have been his life. He would have gone to his grave being a professional student and “permanent” protester if he had not been against the Realm of the Gods project.


A pure opportunist who will appear as all things to all people to get his way. You never know his true personality because he masks himself to make sure those he wants to manipulate think of him as a close friend, when that is clearly not the case. He would have no qualms about letting someone he recruited to his cause rot in jail and be forgotten after violently protesting after he told them to do so. He is of himself and for himself but is puts in a lot of effort to appear anything but that. Nobody knows his true personality underneath all the falsehoods he projects, but he is nothing good.

Story arc:

He is willingly a puppet of more powerful forces who have no real interest in him, but in fact have their own agenda that has nothing to do with the issues he pretends to have. Near the end of the series these forces realise which way the tide is turning as the USS Anracosh restores its reputation and his sponsors drop their sponsorship of him. He then embezzles his own movement while publicly saying it is bankrupt. He then does a runner and retires to a private island on Risa.

The fate for protester described in the sour grapes episode. In short he embezzles his own movement and he does not know that Section 31 is spying on him and reports him to the police. While this is happening he puts all the embezzled money and other assets like a private island bought with the embezzled money into an investment firm which he does not know is a front for Section 31. The end result is the private island gifted to the crew of the USS Anracosh so they can use it as a holiday home and eventually a retirement village.

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Introduction to characters section

Main and semi-main characters

Main and semi main characters

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Introduction to characters section

Recurring characters

Ancient races expert:

Name: John “The Drone” Doe

His real name is Midlivsev Serarkverg [a Preserver full name], but he took the name John Doe which the crew gave him when he first met him and referred to him as John Doe. At the time John Doe did not know what the term really meant. He is called John Doe in day to day life, but his parents, who are Preservers, gave him and call him by the Preserver names Midlivsev Serarkverg.

Age at start of rogue mission: Mid twenties

Sex/Race: Male/Is a unique organic being created by the ancients. He has no race, in fact he is one of a kind. He is like an organic robot. A being created from scratch by the ancients and is not templated from a race, instead he is a template for a race.

Skill set:

The drone has some ancient race abilities, notably of the techno path and merging with technology type. This means he does not need basic Starfleet training. This means he has abilities that would be very useful to a Borg. However, he does not like to show off these abilities on the USS Anracosh. He is there to grow as an individual and advise the crew about all things ancient.

Notably he can interact with ancient races technology as if he were an ancient. It is like he can have his limbs go partly ascended to be able to handle ancient races objects. He does not like to show off these powers because it is so mundane and so much a part of him and his day to day experience that he thinks it’s nothing special. To the drone showing off these abilities is just like showing that he can breathe.

The Drones other great skill is knowledge of the Ancient races community and knowledge about the ancient races themselves. This and his access to all kinds of ancients and being able to get their help make him very powerful.

Important possessions:

Has his own “Dial a Deity” telephone system in his quarters for his personal use.


Wants to explore the younger race ways of life and to learn what it means to be in the younger races.

Special relations with other characters:

Is close to the chief diplomat because they work closely together. Could they be a love interest?


Looks like a Borg drone but without any cybernetic attachments. Has the Borg drone style skin and has a full head of near black hair. Does not have the expressionless Borg face, instead he shows his emotions on his face like any other younger race being.


A logical person in the officer core like Data [Star Trek: The next generation] and Spock [Star Trek: The original series]. He has the same niche as Data as someone still learning how to interact with people. He knows his way around ancient race societies and can easily handle ancient race beings, younger races not so much. He works closely with the chief diplomat but could not do her job because of his social awkwardness with younger race beings and lack of diplomatic qualifications until he uses the neural education devices.


A Borg drone built by the ancients and offered to the Borg as a drone they could build themselves rather than assimilating cultures. The Borg could then free drones and replace them with “home-made” drones. The Borg refused them and without a place to go the ancients raised him. He spent his life around ancient beings and was given to the crew of the USS Anracosh as an ancient races expert. He was donated to them on their first visit to an ancient race in the time it was a rogue operation. He has not had much interaction with non-ancients and is still socially “finding his feet”.


A good way to sum up this guy’s personality is in the word “Adorkable”. He is socially awkward in a way that is charming. His social faux pas are cute and generate humour. He is naïve in the ways of younger races, but is a quick learner and wants to fit in with the crew. He knows he will return to the ancients eventually but sees what he is doing now a learning experience that will make him a better person.

Story Arc:

This guy knows the truth of the Realm of the Gods project [meaning he knows about the six stages of the Realm of the Gods project.] The end result will be the ancient races openly co-existing with the younger races and then in a few centuries invite younger races to join the ancient races clique. He will never have to choose between being in the ancient races clique and living with the younger races. He has little experience with interacting with non-ancient beings and is eager to learn what it is like to be around non-ancients. He wants to grow as a person and sees being on the USS Anracosh as way to develop. He feels that he needs to mature and the USS Anracosh is the perfect way to round out his personality and “grow up”.

He was raised by a group of Preservers who were approached by a member of the Q continuum who convinced them to give him to the commanders of the USS Anracosh. In spite of his young age his Preserver parents thought the Q had a point – he is like a member of the younger races, he should spend some time around them so he can learn and develop. He can quit the USS Anracosh anytime he wants to, but he wants to stay until the Realm of the Gods project reaches the point where having the USS Anracosh running diplomatic missions is no longer necessary.

In time the ancients and younger races will have active parts in each other lives and he can live his life with the two sides being as one. He also knows all the secrets of the Preservers and why some races exist. This is something that really weighs heavily on him. How would some races react if they knew the reason the Preservers created them? That usually does not end well, so he is in two minds about it. On one hand he thinks some of what he knows should be secret, but on the other hand he thinks everyone has the right to know what his Preserver parents have taught him. There are good arguments for both sides of the case.

The crew eventually get sick of him withholding information and later in the series order him to tell them everything he knows in the form of reports and logs stored on the USS Anracosh with copies sent to Starfleet.



Name: Vozdi Zahrav

Age at start of rogue mission: The Vulcan equivalent of middle aged

Sex/Race: Female Vulcan

Skill set:

Her main skills are in command and leadership. She was chosen as captain for her command experience. Also she has the standard Starfleet skillset of science/flying a starship and combat/soldier skills from fighting the Dominion war.

Important possessions:

Some antiques she bought after she became a heretic. They are historical texts from the time when the Romulans and Vulcans were one people. They predate the time when Vulcans embraced logic. The texts date from the last time in Vulcan/Romulan history when the Vulcans/Romulans could have successfully made the attempt to qualify in joining the ancients.


Originally wanted to know why the Vulcans have not been invited into the ranks of the ancients. Now wants her people to understand why the Vulcans have not been invited in the ancient races clique and what they have to do to join the ancients.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a strong bond with the core group that started the Federation’s Realm of the Gods project. Apart from herself, that is the First officer, the Security chief and the Bajoran doctor.


Had the normal Vulcan short hair and standard Vulcan look until she was told the reason her race is kept out of the first ones clique. From that point she became a heretic and changed her appearance. She left her hair grow long and wild and is willing to wear her emotions on her sleeve. She is expressive in facial expression and body language, and because of her behaviour she is sometimes mistaken for a Romulan.


She has the most command experience of the crew that were involved in the rogue mission; therefore she was made captain of the USS Anracosh. She is not the true brains of the outfit, but more of a figurehead leader who rules the ones who make the command decisions on the starship. She is a consensus style leader who wants her officer core’s input on important decisions when that is the best option.


A Vulcan who wanted to know why her race is not in the ranks of the ancients. Although she is one of the original four who started the rogue mission and did so to get the Federation powerful allies, she [for a time] sees this new secondary reason as why she wants to be a part of the Realm of the Gods mission.

On the first rogue mission of the USS Anracosh she got the answer: The Vulcans are too serious to survive immortality and Vulcans are far too benevolent. Younger races would become dependent on them. She lost all faith in logic and became a heretic. She freely displays emotions and told her race what the ancients told her. The Vulcan government unsuccessfully lobbied to fire her from Starfleet for being a heretic and being loud about it, making it so public why she turned away from logic and why the Vulcans are not part of the Ancient races clique. To reflect her new personality she has redone her hair with a long haired free flowing look. She could pass for a Romulan.


She was standard Vulcan before becoming a heretic and acts like a Romulan after becoming a heretic. She has completely renounced the worship of logic as a lifestyle. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and is proud of it.

Story arc:

Upon learning that her race has some major obstacles to joining the ancient races she is fearful for the future of her people. She feels that they are walking into a dead end and must change their ways. She is on a crusade to make them understand what the ancients have said to her. She can fake being logical, but the spell of is broken, she no longer feels it in her heart.

She is trying to re-join the Vulcan fold but she knows the truth and really wants her race to come over to her side. Since she has freed her emotions she has opened up to the people around her. Now is willing to be very forthright with her colleagues and the Vulcan people. She may be a heretic and not far from being disowned by her race, but she will not give up on them. It is not the fact she is a heretic that caused her race nearly disown her but the fact she is so vocal about it. A quiet heretic would be tolerated, one so outspoken is seen as a problem.

She will try to get her people to change even if it means she does so on her deathbed. To help her people get invited to the ranks of the ancients she introduced them to the Reharsha, the ascended proto-Romulans who originate in the neutral zone. She shows them off as an example of where the Vulcans could be if only they freed themselves and took the ancient’s advice on how to improve their race.


Chief Diplomatic officer:

Name: Meridith Yang

Age at start of rogue mission: Late twenties

Sex/Race: Female Human

Skill set:

All the kinds of skills a professional artist would have with a specialty in creating large art installations like the nebula sized one that got the attention of the ancients. She is also a skilled diplomat and has had some basic Starfleet training because she serves on a starship.

Important possessions:

She has art supplies in her cabin and she still likes to be an artist when she is off duty. She leads interested crew members in artistic endeavours.


Long term she would like to return to being a professional artist, and sees her current gig of being a diplomat as a means to an end by “paying the bills”.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a close bond with the Drone because they work closely together. Could this be a love interest?


Doesn’t wear the standard starfleet uniform. Instead she tends to decorate it with additional clothes like scarfs and other types of clothing. This is an expression of the creative side of her personality.


The non-scientist of the bunch who needs all things science explained to her [for the benefit of the audience]. She is a talented diplomat and people person, but never had the talent for science.


She was born and raised in an east Asian face culture. An artist who turned a nebula into the largest work of art known to exist. This endeavour attracted the attention of the ancients, who went to speak to her and she established a repour with them. Because of this experience she has been made head diplomat in the USS Anracosh. She is still foremost an artist, but has the natural talent to be a diplomat, although she was not trained in diplomacy until she was put into a neural education device. She used to be a struggling artist trying to make something of herself via her art before attracting the attention of the ancients. Up to that point her art career was going nowhere. Getting noticed by the ancients changed that, and it attracted the attention of the core of officers that started the rogue operation, who sold the job offer to her as a legitimate job opportunity, not a rogue operation.

How was the nebula altered by artist

The artist used custom made missiles [derived from science probes] with large warp fields that can affect matter over a large area. The missiles were used as a gargantuan brush with the nebula as a canvas.

In case you are wondering, the reason why the missiles are not weapons is that the missiles can be stopped by even a moderate shield that any starship would have. The science probes the missile come from are off the shelf technology available to any starship operator. The probes are civilian equipment, so you need a permit for them, and that is not a major issue. They are simple probes that can be sent into dangerous areas of scientist interest like very close to a star, essentially to a place where it would be dangerous for a starship and its crew.

The missiles were modified to enhance the warpfields to go over a large area, we are talking half a light year type of length. As said earlier the missiles are the paint brush and the nebula is the canvas, and the missiles are reprogrammable to move in ways desired to the user.

Who commissioned the artwork? She did it herself to build her reputation as an artist. She treated this project as a massive roll of the dice. If it did bankrupt her she thought at the time it would be a temporary situation. Once everyone saw the nebula art she would be super famous and could write he own ticket. She did get famous and the ancients noticed the artwork.

With the ancients involved the Federation rapidly lost interest and abandoned the area like they do with many ancient race areas, and put up the “no trespassing signs” and the Federation undid her work, but she was compensated for her losses. Her reputation as a famous artist never came to be. Now far from being bankrupt but despondent she sought a new challenge. She therefore jumped at the chance when the USS Anracosh crew offered her a job they said was a legitimate mission.


Very flamboyant, she is an artsy type of extrovert, having said that, she takes her job as being head diplomat of the USS Anracosh very seriously. She senses that being the head diplomat is a job opportunity she should not miss, it could open up doors for her. If it makes her famous or infamous it could be a great way to turbo-charge her artistic career, or give her a fall back career as a diplomat if her art career falls through again. Her heart says be an artist, her head says be a diplomat. Near the end of the series she relaunches her art career at the same time the Melkot gets his Zee-Magnees Prize – the equivalent of a Nobel Prize. She uses the fame and late in the series good will towards the USS Anracosh to follow her dreams of being an artist.

Story arc:

Out of the specialists on the USS Anracosh she is the one most pissed off about the rogue operation being sold to the specialists as a legitimate Starfleet posting. It burns with her that she was conned and lied to, but is smart enough to stay on board knowing the kind of opportunity being the USS Anracosh’s chief diplomat is. Hers is a journey off forgiveness. She has to learn to forgive the crew members who lied to her for the greater good, and that is what she must learn, that the Realm of the Gods project is being done for the good of the Federation. She must learn that it is a mission far bigger than any one person, and her role in it is important not just for her but for everyone. She still likes being an artist, so that is a side gig she pursues while she is chief diplomat on the USS Anracosh. This is reflected in her off duty activities like leading a drawing art group and the like.


Chief Doctor:

Name: Deweni Gothameer

Age at start of rogue mission: Early forties when she ascended

Sex/Race: Female Zalkonian

Skill set:

Has the abilities of an ascended Zalkonian, meaning having an energy form that can go through solid objects and glowing and having the ascended Zalkonian healing ability. Her skills from once being corporeal are that of being a doctor and that of starship operations from serving in the Zalkonian fleet.

Important possesions:

Has a lot of the personal effects she owns from her previous life as a mortal being, notably clothing.


Strongly idenfties as female even though she is now an ascended genderless being. She does not want to let go of being a corporal mortal. She was ascended against her will and is bitter about it, but hides this from her crew except when she is in a dark mood.

Special relations with other characters:

Sees the crew of the USS Anracosh as her people, the starship is her adopted home. It reminds her of when she served in the Zalkonian fleet and thus she feels the USS Anracosh is where she belongs.


A middle aged woman of straight forward appearance, meaning she does not try to spruce up her looks, this reflects that she is a very down to earth person who does not see the point in presenting herself as anything but what she is. She refuses to go around in her ascended form as it is a reminder of what she lost when her race became non-corporeal.


Like the ascended mythbuster, she shows that being an immortal ascended being is not the paradise one might think it is. One can still have a bad life as an immortal energy being. Her job is being the chief medical officer being greatly aided by her Zalkonian healing powers, she has mixed feelings about her abilities, they greatly enhance her medical skills but are a reminder of all that she lost when her race ascended.


She became a doctor because of the caring side of her personality. She has a compassionate and loving side to her that wants to help others, which is why she chose her medical career. When she was a flesh and blood being she lived under the despotic Zalkonian regime. This has affected her even in her youth in that she saw the brutality of the regime and rejected it. This is why she developed a strong compassionate side to her personality. She knows what it is to grow up in a dictatorship and this is why she also has a strong democratic and fair minded attitude, she wants to be free, which is why that for now she is not re-joined her people in the ancient races clique.

She was the ship’s doctor on the Zalkonian starship that confronted the USS Enterprise D. When the Zalkonians ascended she used the starship’s resources to track back where the Enterprise D came from. She stole a Zalkonain shuttle after ascension and made her way to the Federation and asked for asylum. Much to her surprise the Zalkonians did not follow her and left her alone for a few years before trying to make contact. She knows that a small number of other Zalkonians made it to the Federation, but they took up the offer to return to the Zalkonian people when the Zalkonians made contact with the Zalkonain refugees.


She is a Zalkonian who was ascended against her will, which she is still bitter about. When her race became non-corporeal she found herself out of a career. To add insult to injury she gained the ascended Zalkonian healing powers. She abandoned her people and fled to the Federation as a refugee. She keeps her pre-ascended appearance as a protest.

She was recruited because the core founding group [First officer, Captain, Security Chief and Bajoran doctor] thought having an ascending being on the USS Anracosh could be an asset. Even though being an ascended being means she has become genderless, she hates that fact and still identifies as female. She is deeply offended by anyone calling her genderless because she is an ascended being. In spite of being bitter she still has a very caring side to her personality and shows it.

Story arc:

This character is flipping back and forth through the stages of grief. She has lost her people, lost her career, lost her home, technically lost her gender, in effect lost everything and become a refugee in the Federation, a government she knew nothing about. She is a compassionate loving person, which is why she became a doctor. She has to work through her grief to the point where she can accept what has happened to her and eventually re-join her race in the ranks of the ancients. Even though she told them to get lost they have forgiven that action and will give her time to work though her issues. Her people eventually want her to return to them but for now she only wants to be around the younger races, as they remind her of who she used to be. It will take her a long time to come to terms with her situation.

“Of course, we understand this may take a long time, return to us when you feel you’re ready.”

“I think you’re forgetting who else is immortal here.”

“Well, I suppose we’ve only been like this for so long, have we not? I suppose we’ll simply come to see what a long time constitutes.”

“Don’t worry, You will.”


Chief engineer:

Name: Victor Gotlieb

Age at start of rogue mission: Mid thirties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

He has basic starfleet training because he serves on a starship. Other than that his skills are in science and engineering. His job before joining the USS Anracosh was reverse engineering unknown technologies. His skill set will reflect that.

Important possessions:

A large collection of puzzles from many cultures across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants


Has an affinity for puzzles and oscillates between being obsessed and despondent when it comes to dealing with ancient and weird technologies.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a friendship with the Science officer and the Helmsman, and they get on the Captain’s nerves when they do stupid stuff.


Being in his dream job he has kept the bounce in his step and a smile on his face. His enthusiasm shows in his appearance. That goes away and returns with his story arc.


The chief engineer, he “officially” manages the running of the starship and has a big role in reverse engineering the ancient race technologies onboard. Unofficially he spends most of his time reverse engineering ancient race technology and thus he leaves day to day starship maintenance to his underlings.


He was once the Federation’s go to guy for weird, unknown and unexplainable technology. If it was an item that was unknown to the Federation is was given to him to figure it out.

He was a scientist working in the Vulcan academy of sciences and was never an official member of Starfleet but had its basic training. He was also one of the specialists who was lied to when he was recruited to the original rogue mission. It was sold to him as an official, albeit secret, mission. This does not bug him all that much as he is living his dream job.


A tinkerer who is the Federation’s go to guy for reverse engineering unfamiliar technology. Loves solving puzzles and has a large collection of them. Loved the idea of being offered a chance to examine working ancient race technologies, which is why he accepted joining the Realm of the Gods project. He was over the moon about the USS Anracosh being upgraded by the ancients. A natural born sceptic who is now living his dream job. He is always overjoyed and upbeat. To say he is a man who is living his dream and loving it neatly sums up everything about his personality. He does have the occasional dark mood when things are not going his way, but is overall a happy person, this will wane and ebb as his story arc progresses.

Story arc:

After the USS Anracosh is upgraded with ancient races technology he realises that much of the upgrades are utterly beyond anyone in the Federation’s ability to reverse engineer. It would be like asking a pre-modern human to reverse engineer a mobile phone. He gradually gets more and more disillusioned as he only learns superficial knowledge about the USS Anracosh’s ancient race systems.

The neural education centre only teaches people how to repair and maintain the ancient race systems rote style. It does not teach them the underlying way the systems work, which is what the chief engineer wants to learn. He asks the ancients for help only to be told that it would take several lifetimes to learn all there is to learn about ancient race technologies.

When he is at his lowest point is when the crew decide to finish the black hole manipulator because he realises the starship is so far more advanced than anything the Federation has. He becomes prominent in the anti-finish the black hole manipulator camp. At any other point in this mission he’d be salivating at the chance to finish the Black Hole Manipulator and see what it’s capable of. A year ago, the idea was tantalising. Now, it’s terrifying. At this point in the story, his giddy enthusiasm gives way to a knowing, thousand yard stare.

His descent into despair comes to an abrupt halt when the black hole manipulator episodes take place and the USS Anracosh is powered up to its full potential. When the starship operates as it is meant to, many of the mysteries of the starship are solved. This changes the attitude of the chief engineer to what he once was. Now that he can see how it works he can solve it. He regains his old demeanour and keeps it.

The chief engineer fully recovers but he learns something about ancient race technology in that he has a healthy respect for it. He understands the potential of ancient race technology, but also has an excellent understanding of its risks and dangers. It has infinite potential but is also infinitely dangerous.

The ancients say to him:

“Yes, it has infinite potential and is infinitely dangerous, but if you can’t handle the risks you have no business growing your civilisation and no business trying to join the ancient races clique.”


First officer:

Name: Jason Remierez

Age at start of rogue mission: Early forties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

The usual set of Starfleet skills of running a starship and combat skills from fighting in the Dominion war. He also has command experience and is a natural leader. His other skills are in psychology, he is a natural psychologist. He has a deep understanding of how people think and why they think what they do. He has a great ability to psychoanalyse someone, and that was before he went to the neural education centre to get psychologist type skills, now those skills are even sharper than before he served on the USS Anracosh.

Important possessions:

The medals, awards and similar that he earned fighting the Dominion war


Wants to protect the Federation and sees the ancients as a way to do that. Is NOT jealous of the Helmsman’s unearned medals, awards and similar because the Helmsman was just following orders and it was the Admirals that gave the rewards to the Helmsman. If anything the First officer thinks well of the Helmsman because the Helmsman followed orders as a good soldier should.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a strong bond with the core group, which apart from himself is: The Captain, the Bajoran doctor and the Security chief. He runs the PTSD support group on the USS Anracosh.


His face obviously shows that he has seen a lot, namely the worst of the Dominion war. He has a grizzled appearance and is obviously a trained professional soldier in his bearings and how he holds himself.


The brains of the outfit and the officer who first thought of establishing permanent diplomacy with the ancient races. He is the one most responsible for starting the Realm of the Gods project. He is the one truly in charge of the USS Anracosh but doesn’t have the command experience to be captain. There is no friction between him and the captain as they fought alongside each other in the Dominion war and she values his input.


A traumatised combat veteran who saw the worst of the Dominion war. He thinks the Federation needs very powerful allies and first thought up the Realm of the Gods project. He is a patriot and passionate about defending the Federation. He is being treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] and every now and then shows PTSD symptoms. His goal is to make powerful allies in the ancient race community, the more powerful the better. This is the typical washed out veteran stereotype, but with a Star Trek twist to him. He is a warrior at heart, a man’s man and is a man of action in spite of his PTSD.


Jason has a strong helper and caring side to his personality. As shown when he runs the PTSD support group on the USS Anracosh. Most of the crew saw the worst of the Dominion war and some have to learn to live with what they have seen. He wants to help those who have gone through the same experiences as himself. He is the kind of officer that cares for his subordinates and tries to get the best out of them in a paternalistic fashion. He is at heart a compassionate person who has seen the worst, but still wants to keep his humanity by continuing to be compassionate. He is also a “natural psychologist”, in other words he has a natural talent for people and can psychoanalyse them even though he has not had formal psychology training [until he got access to neural education technology].

Story arc:

He focuses more on his compassionate work as the show progresses. Running the PTSD group and similar activities are as much for his benefit as it is for the benefit of the people he helps. He finds he would rather pursue a caring career than become captain a starship. This works out as doing the rogue operation means he will never be promoted again. This is the case until the crew of the USS Anracosh has its reputation restored via the actions of the ancients helping the Federation. Late in the series when the reputation of the crew is restored he could get a transfer, but he thinks his work on the USS Anracosh is far more important. This includes both types of work, i.e. the official mission of gaining ancient race allies and his compassionate PTSD group work.


Head of security

Name: Elizabeth Craft

Age at start of rogue mission: Late twenties

Sex/Race: Female Human

Skill set:

The usual set of Starfleet skills of running a starship and combat from serving in the Dominion war. Because of her security background she has extra combat skills and police/law enforcement style skills. For example: She knows how to investigate crimes and knows about crowd control.

Important possessions:

A secret hidden and disguised communicator that she can use to communicate with Section 31.


Is a Federation nationalist, a fanatical supporter of the Federation, which is why she jumped at the chance of working for Section 31.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a strong bond with the others in the core group, that being [other than herself] the First officer, the Captain and the Bajoran doctor.


Short bun style hair and grizzled like the rest of the crew, she could be attractive if she put the effort in, but she doesn’t. A Dominion war vet who has seen the worst of it, and it shows.


The voice of fanaticism on the USS Anracosh. She is the security chief on the USS Anracosh and handles everything security wise. Also is Section 31’s representative on the starship, and speaks for their interests in the Realm of the Gods project.


She is a detective type security officer rather than a brawler. She has a remarkable talent for problem solving, observation and analysing data. She tracked down the type of crew members that the commanders of the USS Anracosh wanted. She is a female Sherlock Holmes. She is part of the original four [the others being captain, bajoran doctor and first officer] who started the Realm of the Gods project, and her investigation skills are a great asset. She is Section 31’s representative on the mission. Section 31 is the Federation’s intelligence agency, and it supports the Realm of the Gods project.


A fanatical believer in the Federation, so much so that the rest of the crew think it is unhealthy. They are trying to get her to calm down and take a more moderate attitude. This gets worse before it gets better.

Story arc:

When the rogue operation was launched her Section 31 superiors gave her an unbelievable order. She was told to tell her commanding officers on the Starship that she was a Section 31 agent and that Section 31 was at their disposal to help them with the Realm of the Gods mission. This was clearly a very unusual act, but her superiors in Section 31 saw the potential of what making alliances with the ancients could achieve.

As the mission progresses she becomes more and more ruthless in what she is willing to do to make the mission a success. She is effectively becoming more and more fanatical, and her superiors don’t want her to go down a dark path. They are trying to help her keep it together. The first officer is leading the charge in trying to get her to become more moderate in her beliefs as he sees part of his job to help those who are traumatised by the Dominion war, and the security chief fought alongside him in the Dominion war.



Name: Samuel Benson

Age at start of rogue mission: Early Twenties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

Has all the usual Starfleet skills of starship operation, but does not have the combat skills of his peers on the USS Anracosh because he did not fight in the Dominion war. He trained as a pilot/helmsman as his specialist skill and has public relations skills from being a poster boy. He can be the USS Anracosh’s P.R. man/spin doctor.

Important possessions:

All the awards he got when he was a poster boy for Starfleet. He knows he never earned them, but he has enough positive feelings towards the awards that he has them all displayed on the walls of his cabin.


Never wants to be a poster boy ever again, just wants a normal Starfleet career again. Given that he is on the USS Anracosh that is a pipe dream until Starfleet forgives them. He hopes that his time on the USS Anracosh can become a respected Starfleet career.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a friendship with the Chief engineer and the Science officer, and they get on the Captain’s nerves when they do stupid stuff.


A young clean cut officer, crew cut haircut, the perfect model of the everyman Starfleet officer. A real boy scout. As the show goes on and Benson feels more comfortable in his skin and in his abilities aboard the Anracosh, he begins to “let loose”, his hair begins to grow out and he gets a bit of peach fuzz on his face. By the end of the series, it’s somewhat of a wind-blown, swept back mid-length cut with a “curtain” fringe and five o’clock shadow.


Pilots the starship/can be a shuttle pilot


Just an ordinary [or so he thought] cadet who legitimately beat the Kobayashi Maru test with pure strategy, fair and square.The first ever member of Starfleet in history to do so without breaking the rules. As a result, this catapulted him into being not only Starfleet’s golden child, but their poster boy as well. Media and press interviews, Starfleet propaganda featuring him as their spokesman, there are few holographic projectors on Earth that don’t have his face on them. If you could buy non-specialty food in Star Trek, there’d be boxes with his face on them. For Benson, this is an absolute waking nightmare set in the deepest, darkest circles of Hell. Benson, despite his wunderkind piloting abilities, was a young man completely enamoured with the comfort and benefits of routine Starfleet life. Unfortunately, when you’re so good you can’t be ignored, you’ll be noticed whether you like it or not. He only ever tried to do what every other cadet does when he took the test, and that was to fail in the most successful way he could. How was he supposed to know his implementation of the Blossom manoeuvrer with the deflector dish W.M.D. was actually going to work? Only out of the Academy for 2 years, and he’s not done a single thing he’s trained to do. Instead he has been called upon to shake hands, cut ribbons, do photoshoots, for Samuel there was no variance, no adventure, no fulfilment.

Amongst the myriad awards, accolades and privileges he’d been granted, the one made most obscure to him was the clause to “write his own ticket”, that is to say, sign up for any Starfleet assignment he so desires. Of course, that would get in the way of all of his appearances he’s making and keeping, so it was never made all that apparent to him.

For a while it was a running gag that high ranking Starfleet officers kept giving him awards and wanted to see him. When he has his dress uniform on with all his awards he can barely stand up. He is the comic relief character. Joining the crew of the Anracosh was in a way, his defining moment of wayward rebellion. He was sick and tired of the pomp and circumstance and he was counting down the day.

Joining the crew of the USS Anracosh has ruined his reputation and career prospects, so in a way he has already got what he wanted, but at a very high price. Before he wrecked his reputation Section 31 approached him to spy for them as his fame could open doors for them. It was through Section 31 that he learned of the Realm of the Gods project as it was being founded in the rogue operation phase. He jumped at the opportunity to join them as it was an escape from his then celebrity life.

The admirals and other high ups cannot forgive him joining the USS Anracosh, but they understand his actions. He hated fame and not being productive. He has thrown away a career that was going nowhere. They know Benson never wanted to be a poster boy, although from the Admirals perspective it was the perfect use for the ensign, plus he was disciplined enough to follow their orders of being a poster boy.


Was once someone who ate, drank and slept Starfleet until he defeated the Kobayashi Maru test. After he got famous he hated being famous.Where once he would be over the moon to meet a Starfleet Admiral, especially a famous Admiral in person, the whole thing gets old after the 100th time.

As someone fresh out of Starfleet’s academy keen to get to work he feels right at home on the USS Anracosh. He is doing the job he trained for and is happy knowing he is doing his job well.

Because he is doing what he loves and because he rejected being a poster boy, socially he feels as though he’s amongst his people; the outcasts, the misfits. Most importantly, these are the Federation’s best who are now their untouchables. Guys like Bahaal [Science Officer] and Gottlieb [Chief Engineer] are his peers. They and everyone else come to be the people who get him, and he loves to rise to the new challenges he encounters every day. Added to this are the supportive network of officers who understand that they are a rogue crew

One thing is for certain, however…

What was once his dream job is now just a pipe dream. Apart from being on the USS Anracosh his career is over, but its heaven compared to being a poster boy…

“I wouldn’t wish fame on my worst enemy.”

Story arc:

At the time of the start of the series he is two years out of the academy. He believed he was going to have a normal Starfleet career and led a very ordinary life until the day he beat the thought to be unsolvable Kobayashi Maru test with a simple “blossom” manoeuvre using deflector dish WMD that destroyed the simulated enemy starships in one blow. [A “blossom” manoeuvre is where the starship spins around firing all weapons at once hitting the enemy at close range].

The deflector dish WMD was a weapon that turned a starship’s deflector dish into a super cannon by funnelling massive amounts of energy from the warp core through the deflector dish. Crude, powerful and can destroy very powerful targets, but puts a lot of strain on the starship using it and destroys the deflector dish and the equipment leading to it after a while. In the simulation Benson’s starship was trashed but he managed to finish the simulated mission in total victory.

His instructors literally fell out of their chairs when they saw such an easy straightforward strategy was the key to defeating the test. The trick to beating the test is to look at it as a strategy puzzle and forget the emotional lesson it is trying to teach. [A very Vulcan way of looking at things, because a Vulcan, namely Spock of T.O.S. era fame, invented the test]. The instructors burst in on Samuel and shook his hand and informed the Starfleet academy of his success.

His life was changed forever and being a celebrity did not feel real to him. He hates the attention beating the test has given him. When he graduated from the academy he asked for a deep space exploration posting to escape his fame. This was denied so he could be a poster boy and his superiors lied to him about being able to have his pick of any assignment he wanted.

During the time of him being a poster boy Section 31 recruited him and from them he learned about the rogue mission to make allies of the ancients. He jumped at the chance of a rogue mission as a way to escape his fame. He literally begged Section 31 to let him join the crew of the USS Anracosh. They were eager to recruit him to the mission given his skill set and way above average talents. Plus they did not need to con him into thinking it was a legit mission, as they had with some of the other specialists they were recruiting. He joined willingly and knew it was a renegade operation, so it was a match made in heaven.

Turning rogue ruined his reputation, but longer term it would be a way to live a normal life considering that he would face fierce opposition if he tried to resign from Starfleet. Going on a rogue operation is taking the past of least resistance. When Starfleet learned of him joining the crew of the USS Anracosh they used him to spy on the crew as an “inside man”. The crew are fully aware of how Starfleet is using him and he is effectively a double agent.

He did not anticipate that the rogue mission would eventually go full circle and he would long term again face being the darling of Starfleet with Admirals constantly giving him awards and the Starfleet rank and file officers wanting photo ops with him. He hates fame and such things are a nightmare to him, so much so that in his darkest moments he thinks about asking the ancients who are into time travel to help him go back in time and convince himself to fail the Kobayashi Maru test so he can have a normal life. He tries this in one of the episodes, and is given a Hobson’s choice that he has to remain with his life as it is, that being part of a rogue crew.

In the end when the USS Anracosh’s crew are redeemed Samuel realises that his job as the starship’s helmsman is where he wants to be. He has lifelong friends onboard and he has the Starfleet career he has always dreamed of. Also, with the crew back in the good books he can advance his career as he pleases, but by the end of the series, he wants to stay on the USS Anracosh.


Neural education expert:

Name: Rheens Fereth [first name is last as is the case with Bajorans]

Age at start of rogue mission: Early thirties

Sex/Race: Male Bajoran

Skill set:

He has the usual Starfleet skills of starship operation and combat from serving in the Dominion war. He is also a medical doctor and since joining the USS Anracosh has become a specialist in brain science and neural interface technology. He has also specialised in understanding how the neural education device works and what it does the brain.

Important possessions:

Still keeps his religious Bajoran Earing because it was a gift from loved ones back on Bajor. He never wears the ear ring but he keeps it for sentimental reasons not religious ones.


Wants to prove to his fellow Bajorans that the Bajoran wormhole aliens and their Par Wraith cousins are just ascended beings in the Ancients community instead of being Gods as Bajoran mythology calls them. He is a sworn atheist.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a strong bond with the core founding group who thought up the Federation’s Realm of the Gods project. The others in the core founding group are: The Captain, the First officer and the Security chief.


A Bajoran who makes a point of not wearing the religious earings other Bajorans wear, to symbolise that he is an atheist.


Runs the neural education centre and the neural education devices on the USS Anracosh. He also fills in for the Zalkonian doctor when she is unavailable.


He was a regular doctor on Bajor and was attracted to the profession because of his scientific sceptical mind and because he wants to help people. He is the classic “nothing outside scientific laws can exist” sceptic. Because of this he has always been an atheist. This obviously does not go down well on Bajor. He doesn’t mind being an outcast in his society and in time he drifted, eventually getting into Starfleet and becoming a Starfleet medical officer. He got to know the main players in the rogue operation by the fact that he treated them during the Dominion war. Because of this he became part of the core group who started the Realm of the Gods project.


As said before he is the classic “nothing outside scientific laws can exist” sceptic/atheist. He became a doctor who specialises in neurology and cybernetics after using the neural education devices to upgrade his skills. His current job is to run the onboard neural education centre. He is a heretic Bajoran who wants to show his people that the wormhole aliens that the Bajorans worship [and the par wraiths cousins of the wormhole aliens] are ascended beings and not Gods. Apart from being in the core group, his agenda in serving on the USS Anracosh is to prove his case that the wormhole aliens are just another ancient race. He learnt from the ancients the truth of the Bajoran “Gods”, they are ascended Bajorans. He also has a compassionate side to his personality and that shows every so often.

Story arc:

The difference between the captain and the doctor is that the doctor doesn’t care if his people don’t change their ways. He will simply present the evidence to his people and let them make up their own minds. The smart ones will realise the truth. His scientific well organised mind will not let him do things any other way. In an ideal world he wants the wormhole aliens to come clean with the Bajoran people and tell them that they are ancients and not deities. There is already archaeological evidence from Bajor that suggests the wormhole aliens are ascended Bajorans, but that is only debated in Bajor’s academic circles and is not well known to the public, who could not accept it as truth anyway. His story arc is that he is trying to get the ancients to help him get evidence he can give to his race, a confession from the wormhole aliens being the ideal he is aiming for.

Important note:

Because he is in charge of the neural education centre he has a very important job on the USS Anracosh. Therefore he always attends the staff meetings of the core officers. In the TV show I designed he doesn’t have much of a role in most episodes, but he will appear at all staff meetings to provide ideas and advice and act as a sounding board.


Science officer:

Name: Grezteg Bahaal

Age at start of rogue mission: Late Twenties

Sex/Race: Male Tellarite

Skill set:

Has the usual skill set of Starfleet personel of knowing how to run a starship, with a focus on science. He has combat skills because he fought in the Dominion war. Has knowledge of how the ancients do their tricks from the time he reverse engineered a Q’s tricks. He has quite a few ideas on how the ancients do things from analysing the actions of a member of the Q continuum.

Important possessions:

Not a materialistic person by nature, the nearest thing he has to important possessions are his personal effects in his cabin.


Does not like to lose an argument. Wants to vindicate his past criminal acts of turning on his former crew to get scan a Q and learn about their abilities. He knows that what he did was wrong, but wants to prove he was right in doing it.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a friendship with the Helmsman and the Chief Engineer, and they get on the Captain’s nerves when they do stupid stuff.


A “pig face” type Tellerite, while he face cannot emote he makes up for in speaking with his body language. He is a very energetic character who speaks with his hands and body movements.


The science officer managing all scientific enquires USS Anracosh’s mission. Everything from reverse engineering ancient race technology to investigating unknown space anomalies. If it needs scientific investigation it’s his job to investigate.


Someone who cracked a Q’s parlour tricks. He nearly got jail because he scanned the Q and forcibly took control of a scanning station from another crew member. In both incidents he was threatening and armed with a phaser.

He was arrested and court marshalled. In his defence he emulated some of the Q’s “magic”, namely by emulating Q’s short distance teleportation tricks. He avoided jail because the commanders of the USS Anracosh took control of the “paddy wagon” shuttle transporting him and offered him the job of the USS Anracosh’s head science officer. He thought it was this or prison, and since his career was over, he took up the offer.

After the rogue mission was legalised he was pardoned for his crimes, However, Starfleet command felt the assignment on the USS Anracosh was the perfect punishment for him, so they loved ordering him to stay on the USS Anracosh.

The core leaders of the USS Anracosh wanted him on the crew as he has knowledge of ancient race science. If he can crack the tricks of the Q, what other ancient race tricks and technologies can he figure out?


He hates losing an argument. He is as pig headed as he is pig faced. When he knows he is right he will stop at nothing to prove it. This makes him come across to some as petty, opinionated and arrogant, but is a very loyal crew member and a great friend, and a great comrade in arms. He has a polarised personality, great guy to have on your side, but not the kind of guy you want to be opposed to.

He does the wrong thing for the right reasons, and plays the long game knowing that he will in time be vindicated. He is a sore winner as well as a sore loser. His competence as a scientist is world class [or is that galaxy class [pun intended]], he may have a crap personality, but he is top of his game. Since he can reverse engineer ancient race technology he works closely with the chief engineer.

“I suppose I do owe you an… apology. Of sorts.”

“…Yeah, and?”

“You were right. About everything…About all of this.”

“<Bahaal pulls out a voice recorder.> Sorry, just gonna have to hear that one more time.”

“I just… How could we repay you?”

“Easy! What’s the most expensive drink on this junk heap?”

Story arc:

He is on a path of redemption trying to prove he was right in his actions. He knows what he did was wrong, but he knows that reverse engineering the Q tricks is in the best interest of the Federation. This is his opinion of the Realm of the Gods project. It may be hated by some in the Federation, but the mission is in the best interest of the Federation. He will be vindicated once what the ancients can offer is widely known. History is on his side and he knows it, it’s only a matter of time before he is proven right.


The Melkot, a Starship officer connected with the Starship’s computer

Name: NFM NMN NLM [nicknamed Niffy] No first name, No middle name, No last name

Age at start of rogue mission: Equivalent of early to late twenties, but given how alien he in this is a difficult figure to estimate and the figure may in fact be meaningless.

Sex/Race: Genderless Melkot

Skill set:

Not needing sleep and thus having a lot of spare time is a major advantage. He has excellent knowledge of the ancients and is a skilled bureaucrat. After joining the USS Anracosh and being hooked up to the starship’s computer he gains a lot of IT style skills like computer programming, hacking and any other computer related skill one can imagine.

Important possessions:

If it can be classed as a possession, his extra long tentacles, which he has grown in order to use as limbs. This is so he can walk around the starship and use his tentacles as hands. He feels that growing his limbs to become prehensile appendages became a necessity after he left his desk job.


Hates being mistaken for a female because of his female voice, he is genderless and has been so since birth. He wants to fit in and be a part of the crew and being connected the starship’s computer has helped him accomplish that goal. He wants to prove to other Melkots that their future is in the Federation.

Special relations with other characters:

Since his mind is been enhanced by being linked to the starships computer he can carry on who knows how many hundreds of conversations at once. He can use these abilities to befriend the whole crew simultaneously. He has done so and sees the entire crew as his friends.


A Melkot, which is like an alien head with short tentacles coming out of it. Because of his job he has grown his tentacles to a much more practical size. Thus he looks a bit like an octopus. Niffy has a female voice, and is mistaken for female, but is in fact genderless.


Takes the role of starship computer in the show. When the crew have to talk to the starship’s computer it is Niffy’s voice they hear as the starship’s computer voice. He effectively is part of the starship’s computer.


Important: Melkots do not need to sleep

Being stuck at a desk job Niffy thought that instead of begging for a transfer that may never come, he decided to use his large amounts of spare time to become the Federation’s ancient races expert. He studied every Starfleet and Federation file on ancient races he could find and soon built up a library’s worth of material about ancient races, which he compiled into a book about the Federation’s dealings with the ancients. When he was recruited to the Realm of the Gods project he had already established himself as the go to guy for knowledge about ancient races.

Niffy is a member of the Melkot species who wanted to join Starfleet but was initially disadvantaged by its physiology until he grew his tentacles to a practical length. Although the Melkot passed the tests with flying colours Starfleet did not know what to do with the creature. He is so alien compared to the other beings in Starfleet. They gave him a desk job and nine years later the officers who started the Realm of the Gods project recruited him as the Melkot who knows a lot about the ancients for someone in the Federation. He was going to be the crew’s original ancient races expert, but in time he wound up being connected with the rebuilt USS Anracosh’s computer system, becoming the starship’s “A.I.” He is very relieved to be on the USS Anracosh as he thought his whole career would be desk work. The Melkot went out to explore the Federation and wants to bring his people into the Federation’s fold.


He is an explorer at heart and hated being stuck in desk job. He is one of the specialists that was conned into joining the crew of the Anracosh, so there is resentment on some level. He sees the Melkot as having no future unless they open up to the Federation and Starfleet. Melkot society is stagnant and he wants to do something about it and sees the Federation as the “magic bullet” that can help his people.

Niffy is actually a good conservationist and the crew do talk to him a lot, but his mind has been immensely enhanced by being directly united with the starship’s computer. He could feasibly engage the entire crew in separate conversations all at once. He is actually quite friendly even if his appearance is somewhat off putting and his [for want of better words] “body language” is incompressible to those speaking to him face to face. He has learnt that he has to say what his body language means so others can understand him. He thus puts in the effort to saying how he feels and modulates his voice to express his emotion.

He’s putting in the effort to become “less alien” to the crew, over the course of the series, he loses his “alien cadence”, which is however how the Melkots spoke in the original Star Trek episode. Due to his strong resolve, Niffy is quite the diligent worker, and places the Federation on a pedestal [thus he gets on well with the security officer] due to the Federation exemplifying his ideals and what he perceives to be the future of the Melkots. Over the course of the series, he learns that not even the Federation is above criticism and he gains a more measured, mature outlook on the Federation. Many hijinks ensue earlier on in the series in his attempts to be friendly and relate to the crew.

The ancients were expecting the entire crew to rotate being “ship’s A.I.” so they could all get an insight into what it is like to have the powers of an ancient. They were surprised when only one crew member was given the job. The mind machine interface with the main computer was yet another technology meant to be an object lesson.

Story arc:

Niffy sticks to the position of Ship A.I. due to the fact that after a lifetime of having to compensate for his shortcomings, he can now finally “serve the Federation” in a position that plays to his strengths. As the Ship’s A.I. organic interface, he is truly in his element.

Becoming the starship’s “A.I.” has opened up a whole new world for him. Previously the Melkot was in a rut stuck behind a desk with his career going nowhere, and he seriously considered quitting Starfleet because he was stuck in desk job, and making being the Federation’s ancient races expert his full time job.

The USS Anracosh is his big break. It was now or never when it comes to advancing his career. When he first boarded the USS Anracosh he tried his best to prove to its superior officers that they made the right choice in making him part of their crew. Since he was connected to the starship’s computer and becoming the starship’s “A.I.” A new world has opened up to him. The Melkot is now able to understand computers on a whole new level. His experience being part of a computer gives him insight into computing that other beings can’t attain. The Melkot is using his time to comprehend computers to an amazing degree with the plan to become the Federation’s best computer scientist. He does a lot of side projects aiding in that effort. That is the character’s story arc.

He eventually wins the Federation Zee-Magnees Prize – the equivalent of a Nobel Prize for his contribution to computer science. This is done late in the series and this is the Melkot’s episode. This makes him a hero and an example to other Melkot, showing them that it is time to abandon their xenophobia and that their future is in the Federation, where they can potentially do great things for themselves and others.

He is like a ship’s mascot

He has to ask himself if can he make it in another society, especially given the restraints of Melkot physiology expressing understandable body language. The character has a lot of potential with regards to the theme of a person coming from a xenophobic society and making it in another one, only to hit a plateau, a ceiling. With Niffy you could discuss a lot of the racial and cultural aspects of Star Trek. While most of it seems to be solved with the big issues being mainly within the context of historical wars and through the eyes of government and soldiers rather than people in society, Niffy can be very useful in navigating the smaller, invisible cultural issues the different races, cultures and creeds in Star Trek can face. And who would have a harder time than someone who’s just a floating head with tentacles?

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Introduction to characters section

Recurring characters

Introduction to characters section

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Main and semi-main characters

Recurring characters

These are characters I designed for the Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV series mentioned elsewhere in this documentation. Please note that these are character outlines that can be changed by other creators as required for their creative projects. What I have written about the characters is not cast in stone, modify their parameters as you see fit. You can add more characters of your own design as well to the ones I have created. This is so you can have all the characters and character types you need for your own Star Trek Realm of the Gods creation.

Note that I have designed the characters for the TV show and for role playing games. These character notes apply to both and are meant for those wanting to do a Star Trek Realm of the Gods role playing game or TV show. I have tried to make sure that the characters could be adapted to all sorts of role playing game systems. I originally wanted to make Star Trek Realm of the Gods a role playing game.

I used these characters for the sample TV show, and that gives you an idea as to how to put the characters into a story and how they can interact with each other. I have shown you how to use the characters so you can have an easier time altering the characters and using them in your own in your own Star Trek Realm of the Gods creative project. These characters include the officer core of the USS Anracosh, some of their underlings and some other characters you would find the officer core interacting with.

I deliberately made only a basic outline for each character so it is easier for anyone to change them. Feel free to add relationships between characters, change them in terms of personality alter their backstories or whatever. If you think a character can be improved then you are the one to improve it. The sky’s the limit, and remember to have fun with it. Star Trek as a whole is very character driven, so the better the characters are the better the Star Trek story is, and Star Trek Realm of the Gods is no exception to that rule.

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Main and semi-main characters

Recurring characters

Introduction and canon information

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Attention Star Trek Fans: Do you want to know what really happened after the Dominion war? Well here it is!

The Dominion and their allies have recently been defeated, but some in the Federation see a pattern, a pattern that disturbs them, the enemies of the Federation are getting more and more powerful. First the Romulans with starships equal to the Federation in quality and numbers, next the Borg, a hive mind “race” who sent a few starships that nearly beat the Federation, and then the Dominion, an Empire that plunged the entire Alpha and Gamma quadrants into an almost unwinnable war.

The Dominion war left the Federation without any powerful allies, the Klingon Empire is effectively bankrupt, the Romulans are returning to business as usual. They will soon be enemies again. The rest of the governments that the Federation know of are much less powerful than the Federation and could easily be defeated by the enemies the Federation has faced in recent times.

But as everyone knows, there are also the ancient races who live in the galaxy. Their civilisations make the Federation look like nothing. With some of the really powerful ancients like the Organians, the Dauwd and the Q Continuum, the individuals in these races make the Federation look like nothing. Normally when a younger race encounters the ancients the procedure is for the younger race to run away with their tails [or anatomical equivalent] between their legs, then put up no trespassing signs where the ancients were found.

With the Federation facing bigger and bigger threats we face the unthinkable, eventually facing a foe that can’t be defeated, one that will crush the Federation and destroy everything we have worked for. Billions of lives would be at stake. Since we will eventually face the unthinkable we are going to do the unthinkable – reach out to the ancients and ask them to be our allies.


Welcome to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods

This is a fan fiction work different to the rest. It is an idea for a new series of Star Trek that is different from the other canon Star Trek T.V. shows and movies. I want others who like making fan based material for Star Trek to continue what I have started. This documentation has hopefully given you all the tools you need to make your own additions to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods. Best of luck with your efforts.


Basic concepts for writing project:


In the various versions of Star Trek the crews occasionally encounter an ancient race like the Organians in Star Trek the Original Series, the Dauwd in Next Generation, or the Caretaker in Star Trek Voyager. These God like beings are seen for one episode and forgotten about. More importantly, they are never given depth in the show. They are used as plot devices and plots and they are never explored to their full potential in Star Trek. The exception is the Q Continuum.

My idea is to have a Federation starship dedicated to making official diplomatic contact with ascended races, ancient races and god like beings, with the stated goal of making alliances with them. Yet in the T.V. shows not so much as one follow up mission to go and talk with them is ever seen. The idea I have developed is an attempt to remedy this situation.

The reason I am setting my ideas in a Star Trek universe is that such a setting contains plenty of powerful ascended and ancient races and god like beings for a starship crew to do meet and greets with.

I want to make one thing clear: The civilisations or individuals encountered by the crew are not beings with technology somewhat more advanced than the Federation, they are encountering civilisations and individuals who are as far advanced beyond the Federation as the whole human civilisation is above an ant colony. If they are not that advanced, they have easy access to beings who are that advanced. In running diplomacy with these beings the starship crew is entering the realm of the Gods, hence the name: Star Trek – Realm of the Gods.

This idea shows Star Trek’s Federation on the receiving end of being the inferior race meeting a far more superior empire. Dealing with the ancients means dealing with beings way more advanced than you. I could imagine characters in Star Trek really hating being the inferior force in an encounter. Being around god like beings means the Federation is the small fish in the big pond, not vice versa.


What I find really amazing is that nobody else has thought of this idea!

In my research I found that Star Trek stories dealing with ancient races and non-corporeal beings fall into two broad categories:

One is where a Starship crew encounters an ancient [as described in my ancient races documentation] and the ancient is forgotten about in all future episodes with the exception of the Q Continuum and a few others.

The other is found in comic books and novels where the story involves the internal politics and activities of the ancients, good and bad, and how it relates to the Federation. I have to ask the question why the ancients would go to war with each other? It can’t be over resources, why go to war over resources when you don’t need resources? Why fight over anything when you can wish anything into existence or quickly access someone who can? I will cover these ideas more in the ancient races section of this documentation.

I find it amazing that nobody else has thought of the concept I bring forth, A Star Trek series that involves systematically establishing diplomatic relations with the ancients.


All about the size and scale of my writing project

Scope of the project

I am only going to make the backdrop information. It will be enough for fan fiction stories, comic books, role playing games, fine art or whatever that anyone would want to create using Star Trek – Realm of the Gods as a template. I only want to provide the backdrop information and the basic idea. I encourage anyone to make Star Trek – Realm of the Gods into a fan fiction or something else.

The exception is that I am providing a sample T.V. mini-series that lasts five seasons of fourteen episodes per season, or can be treated as ten seasons with seven episodes each. This is to give inspiration for story ideas for anyone who wants to progress what I have done into a novel, graphic novel or whatever.

The purpose of the mini-series plot synopses is a story generator for anyone wanting to create Star Trek Realm of the Gods fan fictions, be they as stated earlier, any type of creative endeavour.

Please remember that when you create material about Star Trek Realm of the Gods that my job is done. What you make is your creation – all I have done is give you the background information and the backdrop to what you have created.


My ambition for this project

What I would like to see happen is to publish online what I have done with Star Trek Realm of the Gods and see it take on a life of its own. By that I mean others who read it use it as inspiration to create their own Star Trek Realm of the Gods inspired media. I don’t care what type of media is created, it can be fine art, comic books, fan-fiction, 3D models of the USS Anracosh [which I would love to see], whatever the creator of the media can come up with that matches their skill set.

Once Star Trek Realm of the Gods is online my job is done. My only real goal is to provide the background information and the setting. If someone wants to add to it that is their project and wish them every success. Please, make something I would be proud to call part of Star Trek Realm of the Gods.


I would love it if my writing project had a “Happy Snaps” section and see some 3D models of the USS Anracosh

I really want to have a “happy snaps” section in my writing project. I define “happy snaps” as pictures taken of life onboard the USS Anracosh as if they crew were taking them to document want it is like to serve on the vessel. I think having a collection of such images would greatly enhance this writing project. The inside of the ship looks like a fusion of the ancient races organic looking technology and Federation techonology.

The pictures I created of the USS Anracosh were made using a computer game [The Star Trek Starfleet Command Series], a model extractor for the game and Microsoft paint. I used the Printscreen key to get the images I wanted from the game and added backgrounds that I found online to form finished pictures that can be found in the Star Trek Realm of the Gods documentation. I know to some of you who do CGI work it sounds like I was doing cave paintings, but to be honest I can’t draw for anything. With that said I would love to see 3D models of the USS Anracosh that can be put into fine art pieces.


Canon and creative information about my project:

Canon followed and time it takes place in

I will follow the original canon of the Star Trek T.V. shows, that being Star Trek Original Series, Star Trek animated series from the 1970’s, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Star Trek movies 1 through to 10 and Star Trek Enterprise. Anything after that is not part of this project, including Star Trek Online. In other words it will only be prime universe Star Trek, although it can be argued that Star Trek Lower Decks feels like it is prime universe Star Trek and I will clarify my position on it below.

The Realm of the Gods project’s rogue operation phase starts after Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378. The meeting where the idea of contacting the ancients is floated is in late 2377, and the USS Anracosh first flies in its rogue operation in early 2379. For the record, the Dominion war ended in 2375.

As for Star Trek – Lower Decks I am undecided. I would prefer to have Star Trek – Lower Decks as canon for Star Trek – Realm of the Gods, but at time of writing that may not be practical. Because of the kind of plot lines Star Trek – Realm of the Gods would involve having it as a nu-trek series [including star trek online] would not make any sense in terms of plot development and plot points. The only canon piece of information I will transfer from Star Trek – Lower Decks to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods is that Lt. Shanks, the chief of security on the USS Ceritos, was approached to join the crew of the USS Anracosh before its rogue mission phase but he refused them and agreed to keep quiet about it.


If you are making something with what I have written these are the only two rules you are to follow:

Rules of the show – the two commandments

Neural education devices are NOT virtual reality machines or use surgery to transfer knowledge

Neural education devices infuse knowledge into the brain without a virtual reality experience of learning the knowledge. The effects the person who uses the neural education device would be like remembering something they have not thought about for a while. The knowledge the device gives them just appears in their minds without the experience of having learned it. No surgery required either. Since the neural education device can alter the parts of the brain that affect movement physical skills can be learned via neural education devices.

The reason I have the above rule is that having the devices as VR machines gives Star Trek – Realm of the Gods some very serious plot holes and nonsense storylines because it would make using the neural education machines extremely disorientating or turn the show into a gore-fest. These are things I do not want.

For example: Someone getting a doctorate level qualification via the neural education device would experience six years of subjective time in the machine. They would emerge from the device having forgotten the names of their workmates and have similar problems adjusting to their lives on the USS Anracosh every time they use neural educator technology, and they would be using the technology at least every other day. The crew would be perpetually disorientated to the point where they would be dysfunctional and unable to perform even the most basic duties required to keep the starship operating.

Ancient race technology does exactly what it says it does without any side effects of any kind

There is to be no side effects to neural education or mind machine interfaces or any other ancient races technology, except when misused. Apart from misuse they do exactly what they say they do without any unforeseen medical or other side effects of any kind. This applies to ALL ancient race technologies. The black hole manipulator, the wormhole generator and much more does what they say they do, without any unwanted side effects, unless misused.

The reason for this: The technology is made by beings at least one million years ahead of us, what they make is going to be perfect, or so close to it that you can’t tell the difference.


A creative issue and a canon issue

Creative issues:

I learnt the hard way that I can’t write a story where the characters discover a problem, go running in circles for the first three quarters of the story and then find a solution out of nowhere that involves connecting a couple of pieces of technology and pushing a button to make things all better again. I can’t write a story that insults my intelligence.

Giving the crew of the USS Anracosh a worthy opponent for series is challenge. Because the USS Anracosh can outgun anything having an enemy that can be shot is not viable from a storytelling perspective. All the crew has do is have their starship shot the enemy – one shot one kill – no more enemy and thus no more storyline.

This is why I made the two main enemies of the crew of the USS Anracosh the rest of Starfleet and an anti-Realm of the Gods protest group. The crew can’t so much as hurl an insult at their Starfleet superiors without getting an insubordination change or worse. They can’t fight their fellow Starfleet officers without being court marshalled, nor would they want to. The crew is trying to protect the Federation doing their jobs as Starfleet officers, just like the rest of Starfleet. The same applies to the anti-Realm of the Gods protest group. The crew can’t legally violate the protests group’s freedom of speech and basic rights. In both cases the crew of the USS Anracosh have few options when it comes to countering the two foes mentioned above, and this is why they make good enemies for this writing project.

Canon issue:

I will never include the supernova that destroyed Romulus and Remus in this version of Star Trek except to fix it. In this version I follow the original canon from the 90’s Star Trek shows, not anything after the Star Trek Enterprise series, with the exception of Star Trek Lower Decks, although since Star Trek Lower Decks is still in production at the time I write this using Lower Decks as a resources will have its limitations.

If you know anything about astronomy you would know that a star going supernova would be known about centuries or millennia in advance, and it would be known with technology made in the 20th century. Imagine how much more accurate predictions of supernova would be with technology centuries more advanced than what we have now. The idea that a supernova would be unpredicted is once again insulting to my intelligence. The Romulans would have had from the time of their colonization of Romulus thousands of years ago to prepare for it. It does not matter that nu-trek canon contradicts itself in saying which star in the Romulan Empire is going supernova, the same ideas apply either way.

It gets worse, if you know your Star Trek lore you would know that Romulan starships are powered by artificial singularities, basically synthetic mini black holes. They could rig one of these mini black holes to form a small but proper black hole, warp that black hole to the centre of the star about to go nova and force the star to implode rather than explode. No supernova and thus no destruction of the Romulan Empire or its resulting aftermath. My Star Trek Realm of the Gods writings will reflect this in the colossal two middle fingers to nu-trek episodes [Preventing the Romulan supernova episodes].


Canon followed and time it takes place in

I will follow the original canon of the Star Trek T.V. shows, that being Star Trek Original Series, Star Trek animated series from the 1970’s, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Star Trek movies 1 through to 10 and Star Trek Enterprise. Anything after that is not part of this project, including Star Trek Online. In other words it will only be prime universe Star Trek, although it can be argued that Star Trek Lower Decks feels like it is prime universe Star Trek and I will clarify my position on it below.

The Realm of the Gods project’s rogue operation phase starts after Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378. The meeting where the idea of contacting the ancients is floated is in late 2377, and the USS Anracosh first flies in its rogue operation in early 2379. For the record, the Dominion war ended in 2375.

As for Star Trek – Lower Decks I am undecided. I would prefer to have Star Trek – Lower Decks as canon for Star Trek – Realm of the Gods, but at time of writing that may not be practical. Because of the kind of plot lines Star Trek – Realm of the Gods would involve having it as a nu-trek series [including star trek online] would not make any sense in terms of plot development and plot points. The only canon piece of information I will transfer from Star Trek – Lower Decks to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods is that Lt. Shanks, the chief of security on the USS Ceritos, was approached to join the crew of the USS Anracosh before its rogue mission phase but he refused them and agreed to keep quiet about it.


Bad guys in ST ROTG

Who are the bad guys in Star Trek Realm of the Gods?

There is no point giving them a “standard” star trek enemy they fight toe to toe with because the USS Anracosh can outgun anything the younger races can throw at it.

Outside threats…

The Borg

Some ancients who have various issues with the Federation, they can be treated like renegade ancients.

Insane ancients

Rival governments to the Federation – those who started running their own Realm of the Gods projects. InInitially rival governments freak out at the power of the USS Anracosh. They see the ancient races enhanced starship as threat and major imbalance of power in the Alpha and Beta quadrant.

Enemies within the Federation:

These are enemies they can’t so much as hurl an insult at for fear of an insubordination charge.

People who think negotiating with the ancients could backfire into a cataclysm.

People who don’t like that the crew of the USS Anracosh got away with the rogue operation.

People who want to sabotage the mission of the USS Anracosh, such as the protest group.

The anti-Realm of the Gods protest group – a group of people puppeteered by much more powerful forces who have their own agenda for making the Realm of Gods project fail. The protesters are like a rent a crowd group, and the public face of the anti-Realm of the Gods movement.

What really upsets those against the crew of the USS Anracosh is that a once rogue crew is in charge of the most powerful starship and weapons the Federation has ever possessed.

The biggest enemy of the USS Anracosh is the most of Starfleet and most of Starfleet command, and some of the civilian government and civilians of the of the Federation.

Re-supplying becomes such a problem for the USS Anracosh that Section 31 has to step in and help provide supplies.

When dealing with the rest of Starfleet, the crew are forced to keep their green uniforms as punishment as a way of singling them out. The starship and crew get a frosty reception at star bases and from other Federation starships. They eventually have to get resupplied by Section 31 vessels. This dies down as ancients do “impossible” missions for the Federation and changes to warm greetings and normal relations in the fourth season.


Other information and links related to my writing project:

There is no symbolism in my work

You know you have a hit when people notice symbolism in your work that you never put there. That sums up my point in this paragraph. I want to make it clear that there is absolutely no symbolism in my work. If you find any symbolism in what I have written then it is a product of your imagination, not mine.

Very little is recycled from my old Star Trek – Realm of the Gods project

I tried this make this project about fifteen year ago [at time of writing], and back then it was something that had little resemblance to traditional Star Trek. At the time I wanted to make it a role playing game. Because I could not get it to work and because I could not get anyone interested so I shelved the project. In more recent times I have revived my Star Trek – Realm of the Gods idea. This time I am setting it in the prime Star Trek universe and the only resemblance it has to my earlier ideas are the premise, the name of the project and some of my concepts for what the ascended beings and ancient races are like.


Links for Realm of the Gods project HYPERLINK “”i/Category:Non-corporeal_species


For those who want to make their own Star Trek – Realm of the Gods fanfictions:

Messages for creators be they fan, official or otherwise

In this section I am speaking directly to anyone who makes anything Star Trek from the online written fan-fiction stories and fan art to the professional made series seen on movie screens, T.V. and streaming services. Please do not take offense to anything said here, it is not my intention to insult. This particularly applies to the fans first laws section below. Original drafts I made for fans first laws were much more “fire and brimstone”. The version seen below is a watered down version of what I originally wrote, and in case you are wondering I erased the original version of the fans first laws section. Anyway, here is what I have to say:

I am not using my real name

If it was not for others on my writing project these documents would never be published. I agreed to publishing because it is as much their project as it is mine. My colleagues can do with this body of work as they please.

I proved the concept, that’s all I care about

You don’t need me. If you want to add something to this project feel free to do so. If you wish to improve upon my work, that’s your job and I welcome you to try, best of luck!

I have done my job

I would not have written the sample T.V. plotlines section and sample characters section except for others in my project recommending it. All I originally wanted to do was write about the USS Anracosh, a few general details about its crew, an outline of its mission and thoughts on what ancient races are like.

Contact details are not available, I’m not interested. I’m not on social media, I don’t trust such technology. If others on my project want to have publically available contact details, that’s their call.

Why I choose Star Trek – the mythology fits exactly what I want to write about. Star Trek has many stories encountering god like aliens and it is far easier to write for an existing franchise than creating something from scratch.

I’m O.K. about publishing the work, but I want the work to speak for itself. If it is published I’d like to see it take on a life of its own.


For creators:

For those who want to do fan inspired work

The whole purpose of my writings for Star Trek Realm of the Gods is to inspire others to create their own fan works set in the Star Trek Realm of the Gods storyline. These writings serve as inspiration for fans who want to create something in the Star Trek universe [while following copyright owner rules].

This project is open to any form of fan made materials. Anything from 3D CGI models of the USS Anracosh [most welcome] to fan-fiction stories to amateur made graphic novels to fine art.

Treat what I have written as a resource for your fan made projects, and best of luck in your creative efforts.


For official/professional creators

I hope you like what I have created in Star Trek Realm of the Gods. I once heard that Star Trek Voyager was a inspired by a Star Trek fan clubs efforts and I can’t confirm if this is true or not [I wish I had proof]. To be honest, I do not really care if Star Trek Voyager was originally thought up by a Star Trek fan club, it does not affect my writing project.

I am perfectly fine with you using Star Trek Realm of the Gods to create something in the Star Trek franchise. You do not even need to track me down, I am giving you my blessing in using Star Trek Realm of the Gods for your endeavours in making official Star Trek.


Legal stuff:

Copyright concerns

Star Trek is the copyright of Viacom, Paramount and CBS [see copyright notice on introduction page]

I in no way endorse violating CBS/Paramount’s rules for creating Star Trek fan made media/products/toys/whatever. If someone does violate CBS/Paramount’s rules they did so without my knowledge or consent and I do not support the copyright violator in any way. I do not want any Star Trek Realm of the Gods fan made materials to go against CBS/Paramount’s rules about their intellectual property.

I used to be paranoid about copyright issues [I probably still am], which is one of the reasons why my original Realm of the Gods project was a so far removed from Star Trek, but had a Star Trek label on it. I was trying to avoid being sued for copyright infringement. [It was later on that I found out that even just having a Star Trek label on it is still a copyright concern].

There are no commons licenses for Star Trek, and what’s a commons license?

A commons license is a license to use copyrighted material provided the commons licensee does not profit from the copyrighted work. Commons licenses are usually free. Viacom, Paramount and CBS do not issue commons licenses for Star Trek.


I propose fans first laws

Please note earlier drafts of this document were much more fire and brimstone than what is written here. This is a watered down version.

I am of the school of thought that many modern long lasting franchises/intellectual properties [I.P.’s] have a powerful cultural significance. This means they go beyond just being a corporate product to something with a significant influence on modern culture and with a permanent following of fans.

Unfortunately this is not acknowledged in the eyes of the law, and given the situation of franchises/I.P.’s having a powerful cultural significance in the creation of modern culture, this needs to change.

What I propose is something I call “fans first laws”. This involves legal protection for fans who want to express their devotion to their favoured franchises//I.P.’s. What this means in practice is that fans can override unpopular decisions about a franchise/I.P. and be able produce fan made material unhindered – and have the backing of their governments to enforce it.

What franchises/I.P.’s qualify as being covered under fans first laws? Easy – any franchises/I.P.’s that generate a permanent recognisable fandom.

Any deviation from what the fans want in a franchise/I.P. could be solved by the fans making a quick phone call or email to the F.B.I., New Scotland Yard, R.C.M.P. or equivalent organisation. As you can see by my last sentence, I would want fans first laws as federal and international law, meaning there is nowhere to hide from it.

Speaking of nowhere to hide, I want fans first laws to cover all possible media broadcast variants. Any form of broadcast media would be covered, for example, movie releases, streaming services, internet tube channels, cable T.V., traditional broadcast T.V., satellite T.V. or any other type of media release. As stated earlier, there would be nowhere to hide from fans first laws and word the laws in such a way that no loopholes could be exploited inside the fans first laws.

Unauthorised people or groups making money from fan made materials and piracy of existing franchises/I.P.’s are still illegal under fans first laws

In no way does fans first legislation nullify copyright issues. Profiteering of existing franchises/I.P.’s that is not done by the copyright holder is not allowed under fans first laws. The same goes for pirating [illegal copying] of existing franchises/I.P.’s. This would not legal under fans first laws. Fans first laws are only about protecting fans that make their own tribute materials to their beloved franchises/I.P.’s without the fans profiting from it.

Why make it criminal law?

It would have to be criminal law rather than civil law as this makes enforcement much easier. If it is civil law corporations and others with plenty of financial resources could pull a “Mc Libel”, meaning a corporation that keeps a civil trial in court for as long as possible until their opponents run out of money and have to give up.

The big advantage of making it criminal law is that it would be a very effective deterrent to going against the fandom’s wishes for a franchise/I.P. I want fans first laws to be so strong enough that it is a deterrent to initiating civil legal action in the first place.

There would be protections in fans first laws for creators and other “coalface” individuals against corporate interference

Fans first laws would not only protect fans making fan made materials, it would protect creators [meaning authors, screen writers and so on] and “coalface” individuals in the creative process [meaning actors, their agents, directors and so on].

The reason to have fans first legislation protect creators and people involved in helping them in the creative process is to make it fair. Fans first laws are not about hijacking a creator’s efforts. From a creator’s point of view fans first laws protect their ideas as to what their creation should be. To reintegrate, fans first laws are about protecting fans that love what a creator creates and want to express their enthusiasm in the form of fan made materials.

If creative decision by the creator of a franchise/I.P. destroys the franchise/I.P. or does damage to it too bad, it is the creator’s call as to what to do with their creation.

Cancelled shows and fans first laws

As for cancelled T.V. shows, and the equivalents of them mentioned and not mentioned above, give them up to the fans. When a show is cancelled and the company making it never intends to ever produce any more of it, have the show classified as abandoned property [meaning it is anyone’s for the taking] when it comes to fan made productions/fan-fiction/fan made toys and models/fan whatever, and then leave it up to the fans to produce more of the show and anything derived from that show.

This has one very desirable side effect: Any business that makes/broadcasts popular franchises/I.P.’s who abandons them in order to avoid fans first laws is giving those popular franchises/I.P.’s directly to the fans.

Please be aware that in the situation of cancelled T.V. shows the wishes of the creators of the show i.e. the writers and not the broadcasters takes priority over the fans. The creators still have the final say in what form there creation takes [meaning themes, plot rules, character development and so on].

If the business that makes/broadcasts popular franchises/I.P.’s tries to make more of their popular product without notice that fans still get the abandoned franchise/I.P. protection on the grounds that they acted in good faith [in the legal sense of the term] that they believed that the franchise/I.P. was genuinely abandoned. Also, because of the protections of fans being able to override business decisions about franchises/I.P.’s is another layer of protection as well.


Plot line stuff:

Deliberately leaving some parts of it vague and open ended

I deliberately wrote Star Trek Realm of the Gods with some areas of the documentation, for example like details on the characters, as missing some information. This was done so anyone who wants to create their own Star Trek Realm of the Gods material with a lot of flexibility as to what they want their creative efforts to be.

You can create your own characters, missions, ancient races and whatever else involving a Star Trek Realm of the Gods setting, and I want you to use the “wriggle room” I have provided to aid you in your efforts.

I found in my own research that information about ancients in the shows was lacking. The ancients had no background to them and were plot devices. This is a double edged sword. It did not give me much to build on when making Star Trek Realm of the Gods but it means I can create my own backgrounds for ancients, meaning I can customise my storylines about that ancients in Star Trek however I like.


Advice for writers:

My advice about writing is about what not to do, namely you do not need a “crutch” for your writing. This means not falling back on writing a story without a Mary Sue/Marty Stu where you are playing the main character. If Mary Sue/Marty Stu writing is your style try writing a story with an ensemble cast of main characters that are very different to each other. Another thing to try is writing a story without the themes you want to put into it. Try to “break the mould” of your writing.

To expand on what I am saying: Focus on characters you would have a hard time writing for. Try writing a character you could not relate to in real life, or a character you say can’t design. A good writer is a writer who can design and write a specific type of character that a reader can relate to. A great writer is someone who can design and write any type of character they need for the story they are writing and make them relatable.

Keep practicing writing that works on the weak points of your writing. If you have trouble with making the backdrops/settings for your stories, focus on making a story that heavily relies on the backdrop/setting. If you have problems creating a variety of different characters, write a story with an ensemble cast. In short practice on your weaknesses in writing and focus on fixing those weaknesses so you become a well rounded writer that can take on any writing challenge.

The worst thing you can do is use your writings as psychotherapy. Get your personal issues in order before writing something at a professional level. Without the psychological distraction you will find you will be able focus much better and produce high quality work that will be of publishable standard or better. Better yet, it will make you a much more adaptive writer that can write material that someone employing you will want you to write, and you will be able to produce what they want with ease.

Miscellaneous advice: Never write on an empty stomach or when needing water. Please feed and hydrate yourself before you write. NEVER proofread your own work. No matter how hard you try you will not pick up on enough of the errors in your own writing.

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

All about the Crew of the USS Anracosh

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods


The characters section describes most of the core officers serving on the USS Anracosh. This section describes details about the rank and file crew and some information related to them. Note that this is a random selection of information. It is enough someone writing their own Star Trek – Realm of the Gods work to get some ideas of what it is like for the average crew member to serve on the USS Anracosh.


USS Anracosh Crew various details

Order in which officer core crew joined the starship:

1] The captain, First officer, Head of security, Bajoran Doctor as medical chief who became the neural education expert

2] The Melkot as ancient races expert, Diplomatic officer, Science officer, Zalkonian Doctor, Chief engineer, Helmsman

3] The ancients built drone

The specialists who were conned into thinking it was a legitimate mission:

Chief Doctor: Female Zalkonian

Chief engineer: Male Human

Diplomatic officer: Female Human

Starship officer who is the Starship’s “A.I.”: Genderless Melkot

Specialist who did not ask the question if the mission was legal or not:

Ancient races expert: Male artificial organic species

Joined knowing it was illegal:

Science officer: Male Tellarite

Helmsman: Male Human

Core group:

Head of security: Female Human

First officer: Male Human

Neural education expert [was the chief doctor]: Male Bajoran

Captain: Female Vulcan

There will be a core crew of 6 men and 4 women and 1 genderless being [who is voiced by a woman and is sometimes mistaken for being female]

Note: This version of Star Trek has an ensemble cast. There is no one main character of group of characters.

Races of the core 11 crew at a glance:

Captain: Female Vulcan

First officer: Male Human

Helmsman: Male Human

Science officer: Male Tellarite

Chief Doctor: Female Zalkonian

Head of security: Female Human

Chief engineer: Male Human

Diplomatic officer: Female Human

Starship officer who is the Starship’s “A.I.”: Genderless Melkot

Ancient races expert: Male artificial organic species

Neural education expert: Male Bajoran


The crew “culture”

Because of the history of the majority of the crew serving in the Dominion war there is a testosterone laden dynamic in the crew’s “culture”. If they aren’t lampooning you they don’t like you. In spite out outward appearances the crew do take the job seriously. This is not easy to do as they are going to places and meeting individuals completely outside their experience.

One important thing to remember: The crew is NOT a gang of thugs. Apart from the specialists they are very disciplined professional soldiers.

Many of the crew have been trained and upskilled by Klingons during the Dominion war, so they have some sympathy towards Klingons, although no Klingons serve abroad the USS Anracosh.

Like with other Federation vessels fraternisation between crew members is allowed. On the USS Anracosh it is celebrated because the crew realise all they have is each other. Starfleet rejects them and many in the Federation see their mission as a dangerous undertaking that could backfire badly.


Crew demographics

Because it started as a rogue operation no families are on the starship. I will not make the mistake done in some other versions of Star Trek. That is having families onboard with young cast [kids] as a way to attract a younger audience. It was a bad idea. During the rogue mission the youngest people in the crew are some of the specialists bought onboard for their expertise about the ancient races.

There is extra space on the USS Anracosh because it is crew only starship. Therefore every crew member gets their own cabin. However, if crew members become partners, they can be assigned cabins big enough for two if they wish.

There is also a gender balance policy on the starship [for some reason the ancients thought this was important]. The personnel onboard have reflect the fact that there are equal numbers of men and women serving on the USS Anracosh. The gender balance was fixed when the rogue operation was legalised. The new crew assigned were mostly female.

One of the criteria for joining the original rogue crew was that they must be single [can be divorced] and not have dependants [i.e. looking after older relatives or have dependent children. Having adult children is totally acceptable]. The reason for this is that it means not breaking up families because of the rogue crew going to jail for running a rogue mission. What was not known at the time was that the ancients would arrange for the rogue crew to get a Presidential pardon for starting diplomacy with the ancients.

Many of the crew joined Starfleet as a second career

A good number of the crew joined to fight the Dominion war. Thus they have had other careers before joining Starfleet. This means they can have random skills that have nothing to do with a career in space. The crew can draw on a lot of real life experience that a younger fresh out of academy crew does not have.

The crew who knew it was a rogue operation knew the risks.

The crew who were not conned into thinking it was a legal mission knew that they would go to jail after the rogue mission was exposed. They accepted that risk and knew they were sacrificing their freedom and their careers so the Federation could have a safe future. They were hoping that once they were vindicated in their actions the courts would give them a much lighter punishment. As it turned out that was unfounded when the ancients arranged full pardons for them.


USS Anracosh uniforms

Because the crew of the USS Anracosh use neural education devices they change professions like they change their clothes. Thus there is no point to having different coloured uniforms as seen in other Star Trek series. If yesterday’s navigator is today’s dentist and tomorrow’s computer programmer [coder], then different coloured uniforms are obsolete.

The uniforms of the crew of the USS Anracosh have two district features that separate them from the standard Starfleet uniforms.

One is obviously the colour. They are green rather than tan, blue or red. As said earlier, because of neural education technology different coloured uniforms have become meaningless. Green was a deliberate choice as the uniforms can thus easily be seen to be different to the other Starfleet uniforms.

The other feature is that the medical shoes are now standard issue. The reason for medical shoes as standard is that any crew member could be called upon to do medical or biological work at a moment’s notice.

Because of the Stigma around the USS Anracosh the green uniform is nicknamed “The green uniform of shame”.

There is no dress uniform variant; once again, this was done as a punishment.


What Starfleet thinks of the USS Anracosh

The rest of Starfleet hates the crew of the USS Anracosh for getting away with a long list of crimes in stealing the starship that became the USS Anracosh. The crew of the USS Anracosh were officially pardoned by the President of the Federation at the behest of the ancients. The forgiveness only exists on an official level. Starfleet command and the rank and file of Starfleet loathe the crew of the USS Anracosh as much as they hate any renegade Starfleet officer, doubly so as the crew of the USS Anracosh not only got away with their crimes, but were rewarded for their crimes.

Unofficially the USS Anracosh is shunned and treated with contempt and sabotaged by the rest of Starfleet. It gets to the point where the USS Anracosh has to be resupplied by Section 31 starships.

The rest of Starfleet has two unofficial policies towards the USS Anracosh and its crew – 1] They are to be treated as scum. 2] The USS Anracosh is the starship they don’t talk about unless they have to for work purposes, such as the Admiral who commands them having to deal with them.

This is why the USS Anracosh is not talked about in other versions of Star Trek. There is a code of silence surrounding the starship.

These policies persist for most of the series, but as it progresses and Starfleet learn of the USS Anracosh’s adventures they see the benefit of diplomacy with the ancients and the attitude towards the USS Anracosh improves, the transformation in attitude takes place in season 4.

The contempt towards the USS Anracosh and its crew is only fully rescinded when the benefits of the dial a deity system are fully realised. Upon reaching that point in the series, the USS Anracosh is officially welcomed back into the Starfleet fold with open arms and treated as heroes of the Federation.

Reaction of Starfleet personnel when you mention the USS Anracosh can be heard when they react to questions about the starship:


That is until later in the T.V. series [season 4] when they see how diplomacy with the ancients pays off. Then they become much more open about discussing the USS Anracosh. They become proud of the work of the crew of the USS Anracosh.


Official Starfleet Communication

From: Captain Vozdi Zahrav and First officer Jason Remierez

To: New crew member [You!]

Welcome to the USS Anracosh.

As you already know, this is the ancient races contact ship, hence the name Anracosh, which takes the first two letters from each of the words “ANcient RAces COntact SHip” to give the starship its name. Our mission is to make and continue contact with the ancients, who are the non-corporeal, ancient and god like beings and civilisations that populate the universe. Keep in mind that we are, for many of the ancient races, the first contact with the Federation, your conduct will reflect on what the ancients will think of the Federation. Remember that first impressions are lasting impressions, and that the ancients are immortal, so figure that out. What they think of us now they will think of us for eternity.

This is no ordinary starship; it is a hybrid of Federation and ancient races technology. It is the most advanced and powerful starship the Federation has, and it is not even technically ours. The ancients will confiscate this vessel if we misuse it, meaning it must be used for diplomacy with the ancients, and the ancients warmly invite us to reverse engineer the technology they have put on this starship. Do not be intimidated by dealing with technology far in advance of what the Federation has. The ancients want us to examine what they have given us. They see it as an object lesson in what it means to be an ancient.

When you get some time off go and check out the neural education centre and the neural education alcove in your cabin. That is a part of the starship where you can get knowledge directly put into your mind by brain alteration means [Thankfully, IT DOES NOT INVOLVE SURGERY]. It is not a V.R. centre – that is what the holodecks and similar technologies are for. On the insistence of the ancients, every crew member is welcome to use the neural education technology anytime they want to learn anything they want. If you feel under skilled, go to the neural education centre and get some knowledge – seriously, you are going to need it!

As you are reading this you will notice that you have been issued a green uniform. This is because of the neural education centre. The red, tan or blue uniforms that you are used to mean nothing here. This is because part of your job is to go to the neural education centre and get more skills as required. You may be working in life sciences tomorrow, be coding for the I.T. department the next day and be the helmsman the day afterwards. This is gift of neural education; you can gain more skills in day than you could normally get in a lifetime. It is a job requirement for serving on the USS Anracosh that you use the neural education centre when ordered to do so. Quick F.Y.I: Neural education technology was created by the ancients.

Serving on the USS Anracosh is not like serving on any other Federation vessel. This is because of the command structure we use was something the ancients designed. You will be assigned to a work team who you will be working alongside of for your time on the USS Anracosh. There are four rank and file crew members and a team leader in your team. You will be working with them as a team being assigned when and where you are needed. We use this command structure because of the neural education centre, which makes any crew member’s original skill set irrelevant as the neural education devices can give the crew members any skills they need. At any time you could be assigned to be team leader or an officer, please be prepared for that.

Finally, a note on crew fraternisation. We encourage it! Given the nature of our mission is it almost impossible for you to find a life partner outside our vessel. With that in mind, if you want to pursue a relationship focus your efforts on finding a partner among your crew mates. To aid in this our crew has a gender balance policy in place, equal numbers of men and women on board. Sorry to say it so bluntly, but we are only telling you the truth. The gender balance policy was something the ancients insisted on.

Once again, welcome aboard, everyone is looking forward to working with you.


Vozdi Zarav, Jason Remierez

Captain Vozdi Zarav, First officer Jason Remierez


The crew of the USS Anracosh’s opinions about the black hole manipulator

The crew of the USS Anracosh is deeply divided about what to do with the black hole manipulator. There are four schools of thought in the crew, each about the same size, and with their own philosophy about the black hole manipulator.


The schools of thought are NOT at each other’s throats. It is simply seen as a difference of opinion. Having different schools of thought on the starship it does not affect the starship’s operations or personal relationships. The crew are absolute professionals who would not normally let the debate about the black hole manipulator get in the way of doing their jobs or interacting with other crew members.

Here is a description of each of the four schools of thought:

Those for “heavy”

This part of the crew thinks the black hole manipulator should be completed and made a permanent part of the starship. They see the black hole manipulator as exactly what they were looking for when they started the Realm of the Gods rogue mission. It is a super weapon that can bring any foe of the Federation to its knees or worse. [Or better depending on how you see it.] Starfleet is here to protect the Federation and now it has been given a machine that will assure the Federation has a prosperous future. Once the device is completed those who want study it can do so to their heart’s content, but for now it’s time to finish the weapon.

Those for “light”

This part of the crew thinks the black hole manipulator is the scientific advancement of the century. Studying its completed form will unlock all kinds of scientific mysteries. This faction is not asking that the black hole manipulator be completed as a weapon but as a scientific endeavour. When the device has been gone through testing and they learn all they can from it they can disassemble it and leave the black hole as they found it. The crew can always complete the device again if it is needed. Assembling the black hole manipulator is a scientific learning opportunity not to be missed.

Those who are ambivalent

This part of the crew is either sitting on the fence watching the other factions, have not made up their minds or don’t care. For whatever reason these crew members are not part of the argument. Other factions are trying to recruit from this faction to build up their numbers and get their agenda for the black hole manipulator accomplished. For some of them the attitude is: If the ancients are not demanding that we finish the black hole manipulator, why should we care? All we need to do is ferry diplomats from point A to point B so they can negotiate with the ancients. Some ancients are as powerful, or more powerful than the black hole manipulator. If we have them as allies, do we need a functioning black hole manipulator in the first place?

Those against it

This part of the crew thinks that the black hole manipulator is a terrifying device of absolute power. Some of this faction think that nobody should have absolute power. Some of this faction are afraid stuffing up completing the device and accidently killing the entire crew. Some of this crew think completing the device is unnecessary when the Federation now has access to the ancients themselves, besides the USS Anracosh is just a taxi for diplomats, why does it need a black hole manipulator in the first place? The mission of the USS Anracosh is to ferry diplomats, and having a fully functional black hole manipulator does not do anything towards that mission.

Some think that the crew should follow the policy of the Federation not having weapons of mass destruction, and that is exactly what the black hole manipulator is; besides they have orders not to turn the starship into a weapon of mass destruction. However it could be debated that the USS Anracosh is already a weapon of mass destruction as it is. Although those against it all have different reasons, they all agree that the black hole manipulator is something best left as it is: Incomplete and not functioning.

There are some in this faction who think that the crew should remove the black hole manipulator from the starship. They should literally cut the device from the USS Anracosh.


Crew structure and organisation

Information about crew numbers

Crew structure: One gives rise to four. This command structure comes from the ancients themselves.

The concept of the crew structure is that one gives rise to four is that for one officer there are four crew directly underneath them in the chain of command. This means that the lowest ranking crew member is in a team of five, one team leader and four other people one rank below them.

The team leaders answer to officers who in turn answer to the core group of department heads and core officers. At the top is the Captain and two underlings of equal rank, the first officer and the neural education officer.

Team leaders and crew become teams of one team leader and four crew members that act as a unit that is transferred to departments as needed.

Crew numbers

The total crew numbers 518 people after the mission was legalised. This includes the officer core and the specialists therein, the Dominion War veterans and the newbies after the mission is legalised. The First officer did not fight alongside all of the Dominion War veterans personally, but got recommendations from those he did fight alongside of until he got a list of people who had fought in the Dominion War that was large enough to make a crew for the USS Anracosh.

Captain 1

Neural education officer and first officer 2

Specialists 5

Department heads 6

Officers 24

Team leaders 96

Crew 384

Total starship crew: 518

Numbers of the 7 departments on the USS Anracosh:

Core officers: 14 in total [Captain, First officer, Neural Education officer, Specialists, Department heads]

This means 8 officers in the core group and the 6 department heads mentioned in the information below, this makes a group of 14 people.

Starship services [anything starship related]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Crew services [anything crew related]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Mission services 1: Diplomacy with the ancients

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Mission services 2: Reverse engineering of ancient race technology

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Night shift 1 [skeleton crew to keep starship running]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Night shift 2 [skeleton crew to keep starship running]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

The advantage of having this crew structure is that it makes the crew very flexible. New sub-departments can be made and disbanded as needed. The disadvantage is that the crew command structure is somewhat top heavy.


Relevance of the neural education device to the starship departments

The neural education devices make a crew member’s initial skill set irrelevant because they are employed to give the crew members more skills so they can be transferred to different departments [like diplomacy, crew services and so on] as needed. Because of neural education they will have the skill set required for the department they are reassigned to. The department crew numbers seen above are quite flexible as crew are reassigned and if necessary put through neural education devices.

Please note that neural education makes the command structure very fluid with the exception of the high ranking commanding officers, namely the Captain, First officer, Neural education officer, other core officers and department heads [i.e. the officer core]. Someone in a command role could be a subordinate officer the following day, so they are careful about how they treat each other.


Command restructuring after the rogue operation was made legal

Note 1: The Bajoran doctor was originally the starship’s chief doctor as he had Starfleet experience, but when neural education and interface related technologies were installed on the USS Anracosh he decided to specialise in their use and was thus put in charge of the starship’s neural education centre. The Zalkonian doctor, who was his immediate underling, was then promoted to chief medical officer on the USS Anracosh.

Note 2: The Melkot was initially the starship’s ancient races expert. This was until the ancients gave them the Drone. The drone proved to be far more knowledgeable about the ancients. It was planned that the two then work as a team being an ancient races consultancy team until the USS Anracosh was given neural related technologies and the Melkot was assigned to connect to the starship’s computer and be the starships “A.I.” This was done because Melkot do not sleep and the restrictions of the Melkot’s physiology.

Note 3: The rank and file crew were recruited by the first officer mostly from the ranks of Dominion War veterans. These are battle hardened troops, effectively the Federation’s head kickers, who have put their lives on the line for the Federation. They all think that the Realm of the Gods project is the best thing the Federation can do. These are mostly people that the first officer and the rest of the four who planned the rogue mission have fought shoulder to shoulder with and their trust for each other is unbreakable. The specialists mentioned above were recruited by the Bajoran Doctor.

Note 4: This is NOT the kind of crew where the Captain needs the security team as intimidators and the core command officers are oblivious to the crew’s wants and needs. The Dominion War veterans in the crew are blood brothers/sisters in every sense of the word, them betraying each other would be unthinkable. There is a very healthy respect among the crew goes from the Captain all the way to the lowest ranking ensign and all the way back again.

Note 5: The chief diplomat has a small number of non-Starfleet professional diplomats under her command. The diplomats were assigned to the USS Anracosh after the mission was legalised.

Note 6: During the rogue operation the Bartending and Restaurant staff are Starfleet officers that joined the rogue mission. After the mission was legalised regular bar and restaurant staff were assigned to the USS Anracosh. It is normal that the bar and restaurant staff on Starfleet vessels are subcontractors rather than Starfleet personnel.

Note 7: During the rogue mission the command structure was fluid as the crew were still being assessed by the officer core and being assigned according to their skill set and their aptitudes. This is operating procedure for new Starfleet crews. It is common for crew to be reassigned from their first jobs onboard when a crew is first assigned to starship, The reason I have not included a crew structure for the rogue mission part of the show is that the structure was not yet fully formed at that time. The assessment process was stopped by the mission being legalised and the neural education technology offered by the ancients.

Note 8: The crew number of 518 refers to the number of crew after the mission was legalised. During the rogue operation [in the first two episodes in the series the number was considerably less than this]. The crew numbered 433 at the start of the USS Anracosh first flying in the rogue mission.


Officer core command structure or the USS Anracosh after the mission was legalised:


Of equal rank: First officer, Neural education officer

Of equal rank: Core officers and Department heads

Note: Core officers have roles so important to the starship’s mission that they are given a very high rank.

Core officers [and why they are there]:

Head of security [Importance of security and Section 31 resupplying them]

The Melkot [Acts as Starship’s A.I.]

Zalkonian Doctor [An actual ancient/ascended being in the officer core]

Helmsman [Unlike the rest of the crew has a good relationship with Starfleet]

The ancients built drone [The ancient races expert]

Department heads:

Crew services: Anything to do with the crew; Eg. medical, catering, security, housekeeping, laundry and so – on

The officer who runs the Dojo has this position

Starship services: Anything to do with the starship; Eg. main engineering, repairs/maintenance, computing/information technology and so – on

Chief engineer leads this department

Mission services 1: Diplomacy with the ancients

Chief diplomat runs this department

Mission services 2: Reverse engineer ancient race technology

Chief science officer leads this department

Night Shift 1: Skeleton crew to keep the starship running

Department not run by any main character

Night shift 2: Skeleton crew to keep the starship running

Department not run by any main character


Details of why are the core officers chosen for their positions

Head of security: Given how powerful the USS Anracosh is, it’s protection is paramount, hence the security chief being in the officer core. Also she helps organise the resupplying of the USS Anracosh via Section 31.

The Melkot as Starship’s A.I: The technology to blend crew with the starship’s main computer is something the Federation has very little experience with. The ancients recommended that the position of starship’s A.I. be made an officer core position and Starfleet command agreed.

Zalkonian Doctor: She is an actual ascended being and given that the USS Anracosh is dealing with the ancients, having an ancient in the officer core would be an advantage in dealing with the ancients.

Helmsman: Given the Helmsman’s history in legitimately beating the Koybarashi Maru test, having him on the bridge and in the officer core is a good idea. He is the one crew member Starfleet actually likes, so having him on hand to deal with Starfleet is the reason he is in the officer core, tactical genius notwithstanding.

The ancients built drone: The ancient races expert, given the mission of the USS Anracosh his expertise is essential, thus he is in the officer core.

The Captain: Even though the First Officer was the one who suggested contacting the ancients the Captain is the officer with the most command experience. This is why she is the Captain instead of the First Officer taking the role during the rogue operation part of the mission.


Shifts on the starship USS Anracosh:

Three “time zones” exist on the USS Anracosh. The time zone a crew member follows depends on their shift. If it is 8am for main shift it is midnight for night shift 1 and 4pm for night shift 2.

Each shift is 8 hours time difference between each other. For example: It would be normal for a couple on date night to see several crew members eating lunch together on the next table over from them.

Main shift is the large shift that contains most of the crew; night shift 1 and night shift 2 are skeleton crew shifts.

If you are happy being in a big crew choose the main shift, if you prefer a smaller crew choose one of the night shifts.

Please note: All ranks are expected to participate in any work no matter how mediocre. If a ranking crew member had the attitude that some work was below them they would be beaten senseless in the starship’s Dojo.


Typical day:

6.30am to 8am

Wake up and prepare for the day. I.e. get dressed have breakfast, hygiene and so-on then arrive at shift. A bit of time for personal business as well.

8am to 4pm

Working the shift, which includes staggered lunch breaks from 11am to 1pm. Lunchtime is 11am to Noon, 11.30am to 12.30pm or Noon to 1pm so the starship’s posts are never “really” unattended.

Note: Given the automation onboard work time is closer to four to five hours rather than the official seven hours.

4pm to 10.30pm

Dinner and personal time. Dinner is a flexible time just like lunch. This time is for the crew to relax and entertain themselves and deal with their personal lives.

10.30pm: lights out and time for sleep. It is exactly 8 hours of sleep.


Time comparisons for shifts:

Main Shift, Night shift 1, Night shift 2
8am, Midnight, 4pm
9am, 1am, 5pm
10am, 2am, 6pm
11am, 3am, 7pm
Noon, 4am, 8pm
1pm, 5am, 9pm
2pm, 6am, 10pm
3pm, 7am, 11pm
4pm, 8am, Midnight
5pm, 9am, 1am
6pm, 10am, 2am
7pm, 11am, 3am
8pm, Noon, 4am
9pm, 1pm, 5am
10pm, 2pm, 6am
11pm, 3pm, 7am
Midnight, 4pm, 8am
1am, 5pm, 9am
2am, 6pm, 10am
3am, 7pm, 11am
4am, 8pm, Noon
5am, 9pm, 1pm
6am, 10pm, 2pm
7am, 11pm, 3pm


Plot related crew information

Crew death is rare in the Star Trek – Realm of the Gods series

The reason I do not want crew death as a common thing is that I do not want to be a repeat of Star Trek – The original series where a crew member dies or is lost on a semi-regular basis. I want crew death to only be occasional at best [or worst] because it has much more dramatic impact if it is an occasional thing.

Treating crew as expendable pawns is NOT what Star Trek – Realm of the Gods is about. It goes against the plot to have crew members dying every few episodes because it makes no sense plot wise given the challenges faced by the USS Anracosh in the T.V. series storylines I have created.


Addressing why I am not recycling canon main characters

I want Star Trek Realm of the Gods to be a whole new branch of Star Trek. Previous main and side characters can make a guest appearance; there is no reason for that not to happen, even if it means time travel for the TOS crew of Star Trek. However, I did not want to rehash existing characters. I wanted an all new crew for the USS Anracosh because it is easier to change and develop them rather than see a character from a Star Trek series do something that makes no sense given who they are. Also don’t forget about copyright issues concerning existing characters as well.

Therefore this is an important plot point: Why wasn’t Wesley Crusher, who is a Federation citizen that lived among the ancients, invited to join the Realm of the Gods project? He is not the only main character not invited to the project. The same can be said of Seven of Nine, who has all the knowledge of the Borg from the time she was assimilated into and part of the Borg Collective.

When the Realm of the Gods project was a rogue operation the four who originated the idea did not approach Wesley Crusher, Beckett Mariner, Seven of Nine and other “main” characters. They looked at their social connections and realised they had close relationships with Starfleet officers who are high ranking and would stop any rogue operation at all costs. They were seen as security risks and therefore were not recruited into the rogue mission to contact the ancients.


Other crew related information:

The Vulcan “Full Life” sect

The above title is the name of the Vulcan sect that believes that a life dedicated to logic does not mean a life of celibacy except for the once a seven year Pon Farr mating ritual. The members of this sect do not suppress their sex drives as other Vulcans do. They believe that a life with sex can be a life devoted to logic as well. Because of this members of the sect do not go through the Pon Farr hormone overload every seven years.

That’s all there is to it. The sect has this simple message for all Vulcans: Sex and logic are not mutually exclusive. They encourage Vulcans to explore their sexual side and embrace and in a sense live up to the name of the sect of having a full life.

The sect of having a full life is not a sex cult. They do not have sex at their meetings. They are an advocacy group promoting their stated aim of informing Vulcans that an active love life does not conflict with the Vulcan devotion to logic.


Crew hangout places:

Party central cargo bay – Cargo bay three

One of the sets used in the T.V. series of Star Trek: Realm of the Gods is a cargo bay reserved for large functions on the USS Anracosh. Officially it is for large diplomatic functions like multi-government summits. Unofficially it is for large parties of all sorts thrown by the Crew of the USS Anracosh and their guests. The set features anytime the crew has a party or large diplomatic function.

The set itself is of a cargo bay that is empty and disused save for some holographic projectors/replicators programmed to make furniture and decorations customised to the needs of whatever function is called for. The cargo bay has large and numerous doors so cargo can be transported to and from it easily and large numbers of people can use the cargo bay.

That is what is important is that the cargo bay can accommodate a large crowd. The whole crew of the USS Anracosh [518 people] could fit in this cargo bay, but it would be crowded. Accommodating a large crowd is why the cargo bay was repurposed as a party and official function room.

Where is cargo bay three located? In the saucer section of the starship. Remember that the USS Anracosh and the starship it used to be – the USS Excalibur – was never a cargo vessel. The Starship’s cargo capacity is not that of a freighter because it was never meant to be a freighter.

The USS Anracosh has three cargo bays leading off the shuttle bay. One on the left, one to the right and one going further into the saucer section. Cargo bay three, party central cargo bay is the one going further into the saucer section. The reason this cargo bay was chosen is that it is easy to access this cargo bay from various directions inside the saucer section of the starship. This is great for diplomatic meetings and political summits where the parties involved have to be kept separate before scheduled meetings. When cargo bay three was set up, the crew of the USS Anracosh had no idea where the Realm of the Gods project would take them.

The main social area – Starship’s Dojo

Because of the demographics of the crew this is the main social area. The Federation’s head kickers want to keep in top shape ready for combat and this is the place to do it. They train together because they fight together. Since the crew spend a lot of time here this has by default become the main social area. When you visit the dojo there is always a number of people using it in the background.

The crew are normally athletes in terms of physical activity. Their actions in the dojo reflect this. If not improving their fighting technique they are doing fitness related activity. Lt. Carol Johnson oversees the whole dojo, which includes a gym and other exercise related facilities as well.

The Dojo is much bigger than what you would expect because it has been expanded to accommodate the large numbers of crew that hang out there.

Starship’s pub/restaurant

This is a combination pub and restaurant. Like with other Starfleet vessels, on the USS Anracosh this is a combined facility. It is a dedicated eating and drinking area and is not preferred for parties because all three shifts eat and drink here. Small gatherings are OK, but large events are hosted in cargo bay three. The area has a reserved tone because it is basically where the crew “refuels” and unwinds.

The pub/restaurant reflects that it has all three shifts there at once. Someone could be having breakfast and at the next table over is a couple having a romantic dinner. This is why the relaxed atmosphere is maintained, raucous partying in such a place is disruptive to many of the patrons who want a quiet and/or quick meal.

The pub/restaurant was moved to the lower back part of the saucer section when the Dojo was expanded during the rebuild after the rogue mission.

The pub/restaurant overlooks in part the organic part of the starship. It is at the back lower part of the saucer section ahead of the pylon that leads to the organic part of the starship. This is an important plot point as the black hole manipulator [BHM] is visible from the pub/restaurant, which is one of the reasons the confrontation in the BHM episodes takes place there. Seeing the uncompleted BHM is what gets the discussion [and brawl] started that leads to the BHM being completed.


Having two of each archetype prominent in the crew

I could not decide whether to have Beverly Crusher / Julian Bashir doctor type character or a Bones McCoy / Dr. Palowski doctor type character. Then it hit me, have both! Then I realised why not do that with all the characters? Have two Spock / Data characters, two Miles O’Brian / Scotty characters and so on. That is, two of every character type, except for the Melkot, who is basically a stand in for the starship’s computer voice in the show. This way you can have the Melkot breathe during a conversation with it acting as starship’s A.I. and it will make perfect sense plot wise.

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All about the Ancients

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Welcome to the section where I describe the ancient races of the Star Trek universe as a collective group, which I call the Ancient races clique. There are such a plethora of ancient races in Star Trek, which is why I choose the Star Trek franchise as the setting for this writing project. With Star Trek there is so much ancient race mythology to work with, and that makes Star Trek the ideal setting for writing about making contact with ancient races.


Information on canon ancients can be found online

I will not put already published information in this documentation. I see no purpose repeating here the materials found on websites such as Memory Alpha and its sister sites. For me, adding the information found on these sites to my writings is not only plagiarism but also reinventing the wheel.


The Federation and the ancients

The Federation’s previous relationship with the ancients

The information below pertains to any younger races relationship with the ancients prior to the Realm of the Gods project.

Before the Realm of the Gods project the relationship between the Federation and the ancients was what was seen in the Star Trek TV shows and some other Star Trek media: They had an aloof relationship. They had semi-regular encounters by being in the same area at the same time. Some of the encounters were hostile, some were friendly and some were in between [neutral].

Before the Realm of the Gods project there was no attempt at permanent diplomatic relations between the Federation and the ancients. They had the occasional diplomatic dialogue only when necessary, but nothing that lead to proper official and permanent diplomatic relations. It is like the Federation had a policy of keeping the ancients at arm’s length. In fact the Federation’s legal documentation does not even mention the ancients except for instances of times when there was direct contact with them.

Before the Realm of the Gods project there was no effort to try to get to know the ancients. The Federation did not take the time to learn about and understand the ancients they came across. The ancients have a policy that states that they do not reach out; younger races have to come to them. The ancients are not impressed by those who do not put in the effort.

The Federation had a policy of putting up no trespassing signs near areas known to be inhabited by ancient races and running away at high warp speeds from Ancient race inhabited systems; this is not unusual, all younger race governments had these types of policies of avoiding ancients for fear of taking on beings far superior to them.

As for the ancients, much of their antics in dealing with the Federation and other galactic governments was to try and provoke the younger races into starting a Realm of the Gods project. However, they have to be cryptic about it because the ancients have a policy that they cannot tell the younger races about Realm of the Gods. The younger races have to figure it out for themselves.


The Federation cannot cope with something more powerful than themselves

One of the main ideas I have with Star Trek Realm of the Gods is the idea that the Federation has to come to terms with co-existing with races and individuals more powerful than the whole Federation. One of the core concepts of Star Trek is that the Federation is the top dog, and an unbeatable top dog at that. Star Trek Realm of the Gods turns that idea on its head. Every week the crew of the USS Anracosh meets ancients races and even ancient race individuals more powerful than the Federation. How would Starfleet and the Federation handle discovering they are a small fish in a big pond? [More like an amoeba in an ocean].

Remember that the younger races are not hosting ancients in their backyard, they are playing in the backyard of the ancients. The universe is the territory of the ancients, the younger races are hanging around in it with the ancients tacit approval. [Doing nothing to stop the younger races even though the ancients could crush the younger races without any effort].

Many in the Federation would not be able to accept that the Federation is just another small galactic government to the ancients. The crew of the USS Anracosh have their own reasons to seek out the ancients and make them into allies of the Federation. This is why the greatest enemies to the USS Anracosh and its mission are found within the Federation.

The Federation has already had the precedent of encountering individuals more powerful than the Federation, in encountering the Dauwd and the Q and some of the other ancient races and ancient race individuals. However with the Dauwd [and many other ancients] it is the usual story of the Federation encountering them and forgetting they ever existed and putting a lot of effort into avoiding where they know ancients hang out. Star Trek Realm of the Gods addresses this issue. It is a follow up mission to meet and greet the ancients that evolves into a systematic establishment of diplomatic relations with ancient race governments.


About the ancients

The ancient races clique explained

The ancients are the elder races both encountered by and unknown to the Federation. I.e, the Organians, Dauwd, Q Continuum, Preservers and many others. The term “ancients” covers all sorts of ancient races, non-corporeal life forms [energy beings], immortals, god like entities and beings that qualify as a phenomena. They prefer to be called ancients as a broad term that covers the whole group.

The ancients are not politically organised. They are not allied to each other like the worlds of the Federation. There is no “grand council of the ancients.” Imagine the kind of political and military power an executive branch of government for ancient races would have, and that is precisely the reason it does not and should not exist.

If anything, the ancient races clique is little more than a social circle! There are rules in this social circle, but you can’t classify them as laws because they were not made by any kind of statutory body. All ancient races are members of the ancient races clique. There is a rule of etiquette about there being no rank in the first ones group: A Metron, an Imitari, an Organian and a Q are all considered equal to each other in the clique of the ancients. This rule is more about the fact that the ancients clique functions like a social circle. An Iconian, a Q, a Metron and a Dauwd and could all be close friends with each other.

Anyone approaching the ancients has to do so on a race by race basis. The ancients have no agenda or conspiracy or other secret mission, except for waiting for the younger races to initiate a Realm of the Gods project, and occasionally trying to provoke them into doing a Realm of the Gods project. Apart from that, their mission is to not have a mission. They simply want to live their lives and have an eternity to do it in. Some could interpret this as a lack of focus, but it is usually the case that the ancients have nothing more to prove and want to enjoy the endless time they have ahead of them, provided immortality is not driving them insane.

The ancients are not out to help or harm anyone. On the whole the sane ancients are not hostile, they will not deliberately hurt younger races or other ancients, but renegade ancients do exist and are usually dealt with by the ancient race community, with the same race as the renegade ancient in question normally taking care of the problem. To elaborate, the ancients do not want to upset the balance of the cosmos. There is no morality to this; they just don’t want to clean up a mess that they may have created in changing anything.

A border or territorial claim is meaningless to the ancients. They long ago lost the need for such things. Younger races have territories that they fiercely guard without realising that the “real estate” they possess was once the backyard of the ancient races. The reason the ancients don’t care about territory anymore is that as ascended extremely advanced races they no longer need the resources of a given territory. They may however still want to hold onto a place for sentimental reasons. For example: considering a planet as their home because they lived there when they were still creatures of flesh and blood. They will go where they to want when they want, and do not care in the slightest about anyone objecting to their travels. Complaints about ancients moving across the cosmos will be ignored. Be warned: Constant complaining about the ancients travel habits will result in some form of retaliation.

The ancient race clique has a rule about non-intervention that is similar to the Prime Directive. It is, however, a rule of etiquette as opposed to a codified law. The attitude behind this rule is different to the Federation’s reasons for having the Prime Directive. The ancients feel that if they start helping the younger races that it will never end. The younger races would eventually wind up being completely dependent on the older races and they would never stand on their own two feet. At what point would the ancients have to say “Will you please do things for yourselves?” Having said that, the ancients feel that there is no reason why the younger races and the ancients can’t co-exist. This is what the Realm of the Gods project is for, one of the phases of the project is the ancients and the younger races openly co-existing with each other. Also, if a younger race is doing a Realm of the Gods project the ancients will waive the rule about not helping. The reason being is that the longer term the younger race will join the ancient races clique and thus will not require permanent help.

The ancients do not interfere in each other’s affairs. They feel that what an ancient does is his/her/its own business. For example, Bajor’s Wormhole aliens appear as Gods to the Bajorans, but nobody ever forced the Bajorans to worship the Wormhole aliens. To an ancient this is not seen as a con job, because the Bajorans made the choice to make a religion out of what the Wormhole Aliens told them. An ancient would feel that it is up to the Bajorans to research the facts of the situation and realise the truth. Another example is Q, who the ancients see as a prankster. Because he is only committing what are effectively harmless pranks, the ancients don’t care.

The ancients have a rule of etiquette of not committing genocide, unless there is no other choice because an advanced race threatens the ancients. If the ancients eradicated the Borg, who do not currently threaten the ancients because of the Ancients/Borg cease fire treaty, then the ancients would then have to say “Why not eradicate other problem races, and if we do that, what are the criteria we use to justify their annihilation?” The ancients don’t want to go there; they do not want to be put into a position where they would be killing of entire cultures for even the most trivial of infractions.

Certain things won’t work on ancients: Illusions and mental attacks do not work on ancients, holograms, cloaking devices, the fake things the Q continuum can cook up, mental tricks like the Vulcan mind meld and Vulcan sleep pinch do not affect ancients of any description, be they anything from the Metron to the Preservers/Progenitors. Any ancient will see any type of illusion, no matter what it’s origin for what it is. They can still witness the illusion if they chose to, because it may be used for entertainment or education purposes, and thus ancients may wish to view it. Ancients and some non-ancient races can also sense when the time line has been manipulated. Be warned that many more tricks than mentioned here do not work on the ancients and they will see these tricks for what they really are.

Some ancients are heavily into time travel and have an intimate knowledge of the future. They will warn the ancient race community if there is some upcoming cataclysm to avoid or warn them of any important upcoming event they need to know about, but they are not in the habit of telling the whole ancient race clique about every minor incident that is going to happen.

The ancients always co-operate with each other, and have a rule of etiquette about doing so. They give each other technology and work together in their scientific endeavours and other projects. They have a community attitude in that every ancient pitches in and helps their fellow ancients in whatever capacity that they can. If they need some sort of service or product from other ancients, all they have to do is ask, but there is a catch: Within the ancients community it is preferable, but not essential, to teach the ancient race who asked for help how to do the service or make the product for themselves. This especially applies to less powerful races in the ancient’s clique like the Zalkonians, Akezhek or Imitari. This rule is not hard and fast, sometimes it is simply easier to do things for each other rather than copy each other’s technology and/or abilities.

News travels very fast in the ancient races community. The clique functions like a village, so gossip is commonplace. If one ancient finds something out or invents a new technology, it quickly spreads among the ancients. Gaining a reputation, or ruining one, happens very fast in the ranks of the ancients. Be aware that when interacting with ancients that your actions will be widely known among the ancients in a short space of time.

Who wrote the rules of etiquette? There was no one author, but the ancient races heavily into time travel were a big influence on the content of the rules. The reason for the rules of etiquette are [according to the ancients who are time travel enthusiasts] is to prevent possible futures that the ancients would find disagreeable. That is the only reason. Eons ago the ancients that existed back then looked into the possible futures of the universe and wrote the rules of etiquette based on their findings about the future from that point in time.


What does it take to join the ancient races clique?

There are the three reasons a culture gets to join the ancients: A race having an ancient race social structure/thinking like an ancient [the two go hand in hand], ascension to a higher form of existence, that is, becoming an energy based life form [non corporeal life form], and technological advancement. A race has to have one or more of the above attributes in order to get invited into the ancients club. The three criteria go together. In order to reach the ancients level of technology a race must think like the ancients. The changes creatures must make when they become energy beings also leads to thinking like ancient races.

Once a race is technologically advanced enough, the ancients will approach them and invite them into the ranks of the ancients. Sometimes this means having the technology to turn the race into energy beings, but rarely a race can convert to energy through non-technological means, usually that means evolution. When cultures get to a level of technology that makes them almost God like by Federation technological standards, an invitation to join the first ones is issued.

A culture could be as primitive as one with early 21st century technology, but if they think like ancients and have a social structure like the ancients then they are warmly invited into the ancient’s community. If the invitation is accepted, the new member of the clique is bought up to the level of the ancients.

Thinking like ancients and having an ancient race social structure go hand in hand. When a group of beings think like the ancients they will develop an ancient races social structure. What does an ancient races social structure and thought processes look like? The best example of a race that thinks like ancients and has an ancient race culture are the Vulcans. They are the classic example of a younger race that looks like an ancient race, however the ancients have good reasons not to invite the Vulcans into their ranks, which is explained later in this document.

Many highly advanced cultures have not been invited into the community of ancients. There are many races much more advanced than the Zalkonians were when they were invited in who have not been asked to join the ancients. The Zalkonians were similar in level to the Federation when they were invited, but the Zalkonians reached ascension by evolutionary means rather than by finding an artificial way to become energy beings. It must be noted that to get to the level of technology required to get invited into the community of ancients it is essential to think like an ancient. Put simply, if you wish to become a God, you must think like a God.

This begs the question, why haven’t Humans, Klingons, Changelings and Vulcans been invited into the first ones clique? There is no single answer, the ancients are choosy as to who they invite into their ranks. Having said that, there has to be a good reason for an invitation not to be issued to a race that qualifies to join.

If Humans or Vulcans did accept an offer to join the ancients they would have to give up the Federation. The Changelings would have to give up the Dominion. The Klingons would have to give up their empire. The ancients have a rule that nobody in their group can be a member of the younger races and their own crowd at the same time.

Changelings, the founders of the Dominion, could not be trusted with ancient race technology. Their track record of conquest and oppression of others proves they are not ancient race material. This younger race accessing elder race technology would put them at such an advantage that they could take over and brutally rule many of the younger races. Changelings would want to harm the younger races, and thus the ancients would not invite them into the ancient races clique. This is not because the ancients really care, it is just that a race bent on conquest would eventually turn on the ancients, so giving them access to ancient race technology is a bad idea, hence no invitation being issued.

Klingons and Humans don’t qualify to join the ancients as they do not have ancient race social structures or think like ancients. The morality Humans have given to the Federation is not consistent with how ancients think; the same can be said of the Klingons and their empire. Also, Humans and Klingons have no plans to become energy beings and do not have the technology to qualify for an invitation to join the ancients.

To the untrained eye, the Vulcans not being invited into the ancients clique is something of a mystery. They qualify as they have an ancient race social structure, and think like ancients. The reason for no invitation is that the Vulcans would try to help the younger races too much. They are kept out of the ancient races clique for the opposite reason as the Changelings, and rather ironically the Romulans, who are cousins to the Vulcans. Vulcans would try to be a guiding light for the younger races. The ancients do not want that to happen as it would eventually evolve into a dependency situation.

Another thing the Vulcans have going against them is that they are very serious. Having no sense of fun is a death sentence for an immortal being. In fact a Vulcan once asked an ancient why she could not join the ranks of the ancients. She was told that because of her serious personality she would live longer in her current form than she would as a non-corporeal being. Being told this drove the Vulcan to renounce logic and become a heretic.

What happens to a race that refuses to join the ancients? Simple answer is that this does not happen. The long explanation is that an invitation to join is kept open for the rest of time. A race could theoretically be invited to join the ancients and take one thousand years to make up its mind to join the ancient races clique. For an ancient, particularly one that has lived for millions of years, a millennium is very short space of time. Then again it has to be said that given what the ancients have to offer why would anyone or any race refuse to join them?

A lot of races that are thought to be extinct are actually in the ancient races clique.


Ancients’ automatically being hostile is utter stupidity

With the exception of psychotic ancients, an ancient being hostile defies logic. It may make for great drama, but makes no sense in a more realistic or at least logically consistent setting.

The ancients being at war with each other does not make sense when you think about it and not for the reasons you think about it

Here’s a thought exercise: Try to find a reason for the ancients to be at war with each other, it’s harder than you think.

A resource war? – Ancients do not need resources

A territorial war? – Ancients do not need territory like younger races do

Taking out a threat within the younger races – given how powerful the ancients are the younger races are not threats to the ancients. Ancients would not see younger races as a threat in the first place.

How do ancients benefit from being hostile to begin with? – They do not

This leads into my other points, namely never confuse ability with intent. Therefore why can’t an ancient or a group of ancients be friendly? Imagine meeting a sincere and friendly ancient who is happy to talk to you and negotiate with your government.


Dangerous things to do concerning the ancients

Here is a list of very dangerous things to do when it comes to interacting with the ancients:

Doing the wrong thing with ancient races technology

Gravely insulting an ancient

Nagging the ancients to become miracle factories

Nagging the ancients so they let you into the ancient races clique

Dishonouring your efforts to do the Realm of the Gods project

Dangerous things to do with the USS Anracosh:

Here is a list of very dangerous things to do when it comes to working with the technology on the USS Anracosh:

Stuffing around with the timestop function of the USS Anracosh

Reverse engineering any ancient race technology without proper preparation

Making weapons out of random ancient race technologies


Ancient races and younger races made specifically for Star Trek – Realm of the Gods

I want to keep new ancient races to a minimum, there are plenty of ancients in the Star Trek universe and I have an attitude of “why reinvent the wheel?”.

To that end, if some generic ancients are needed for a few minor scenes use some ancient race seen in the show at some point. For example if negotiating with some ancients is a “side note” in one of the shows, use some ancients seen in the Star Trek franchise at some point. If an ancient race that isn’t featured prominently in Star Trek Realm of the Gods and is seen once in another Star Trek T.V. show, they can be used for ancients seen but not prominently featured in a Star Trek Realm of the Gods episode.

New ancients made for Star Trek Realm of the Gods:


The Akezhek are a reptilian race that has been in the ancient races clique for a century. They were a race that was born with razor sharp teeth and claws. Having everyone born armed to the teeth literally and figuratively has profoundly affected their culture. They got lucky a few centuries ago in having one of their people being their answer to Albert Einstein/Isaac Newton/Stephen Hawking. It was this individual that discovered how to make their race energy beings. Becoming energy beings got them into the ancient races clique.


They are genetically enhanced humans [Human Augments] who refused to follow Khan Noonian Singh during the Eugenics wars. Instead, they fled Earth using a faulty Iconian wormhole that was visible to the unaided eye and settled on a very remote world once owned by the Iconians near the edge of the galaxy. Upon reaching their new home the wormhole collapsed and the ancients invited them into the ancient clique. The big difference between Khan Noonian Singh’s followers and the Imitari is that the Imitari are mostly adult Humans who were upgraded whereas Khan’s people were mostly born as Human Augments.

Nomadic ancients

These are an ancient race not indigenous to our galaxy. They have built a starship larger than an Earth sized world and their whole civilisation travels the universe in it. They are a very open and welcoming people who are perfectly fine with people travelling with them and joining their community. The do not have a conventional name for their race as they welcome anyone to travel with them and consider their guests part of their race. The prefer to be called Nomadic ancients.


Ascended proto-Romulans. When the Romulans split off from the Vulcans this Romulan group settled in what is now the neutral zone and began to experiment with the full abilities of the Vulcan/Romulan mind. In a few generations they became very powerfully psionic and that attracted the attention of the ancients, who invited them into the ancient races clique. The Reharsha are the Debrune. When the Debrune attracted the attention of the ancients they recalled their race to their new home world and had all the Debrune join the ancient races along with the Debrune on their new home world. After that they renamed themselves the Reharsha.


A race as old as time itself. These are the beings billions of years old. They have all but forgotten what it means to be a younger race. They sometimes call on other ancients to help them relate to the younger races. They have forgotten what it means to have a physical body. The way they get around it is to copy and impersonate the younger races they meet so the younger race has something to talk to at their own level. The Vop [full name Vopbrelek] are not evil, they are just hindered by having been an ancient race for billions of years. Added to this, they were never humanoid to begin with, they were a race of sentient spider like creatures.


An ascended warrior race that has not given up the ways of the warrior after becoming non-corporeal. Their aim is to prove that any warrior race can become an ancient race without “selling its soul” by giving up their warrior ways. They are the race that the Jem’Hadar soldiers of the Dominion are based on.

Note on the Progenitors/Preservers [two different names for the same race].

They are a canon Star Trek race with one important piece of information seen here: They are comparable to the Dauwd, the Organians and the Q Continuum in terms of power. The Progenitors/Preservers have for eons been one of the most powerful of the ancient races with influence that extends over the universe. Also, in the Progenitor/Preserver language preserver and progenitor are the same word. They call themselves those names because both meanings of their word for Progenitor/Preserver describes exactly what their race does in the ancient races community.

New younger races made for Star Trek Realm of the Gods:


A younger race with social policies that kill off anyone who they deem worthless. This is done via technology. They use an additive in their water systems that makes illegal drugs in carcinogens inside the body so an illicit drug user dies of cancer within a year. They lock up use people with anger management and use disinhibiter type drugs on them so they go into a permanent rage state and kill their fellow inmates and themselves.


A younger race that has a mating cycle akin to cats and dogs. They were invited into the ancient races clique while having a technology level about the same as that of early 21st century Humanity. They were invited into the ranks of the ancients because they have an ancients style social structure like what the Vulcans have, it’s just that the Stathjol have a sense of humour.


There is a race in a small galaxy orbiting a much larger galaxy. They are a copy of the Preservers. They have discovered that their galaxy was a major base of operations for the Preservers and one of the Preservers projects was their creation. They used to be a race of scavengers who went through ancient Preserver sites to gather technology to reverse engineer. When they stumbled across a way to contact the ancient races they called the ancients and were invited to join the ancients clique.

A list of all the canon ancients in star trek is available online

For a list of canonical ancient race beings and ancient races look up Memory Alpha Star Trek on the internet. Search Memory Alpha online for the list of canon ancient races in Star Trek.


The Realm of the Gods project

Realm of the Gods project is above politics

Whatever issues the ancients have with each other in terms anything from philosophical outlook to clashes of personality one thing is an unbreakable rule with the ancient races clique:

Realm of the Gods projects are above politics.

Whatever is going on with the ancients takes secondary importance to Realm of the Gods. The price of immortality, which creates the need to have new ancients, is the reason why Realm of the Gods projects areso important to the ancients.

However, that is not to say that the ancients drop everything to do a Realm of the Gods project. Realm of the Gods is but one of many things the ancients do.

There are plenty of other ancient race activities both known and unknown to the younger races. For example…

…the barrier that existed for a time at the edge of the galaxy.

…the extra-dimensional beings of the temporal cold war.

…the probe sent to Earth to talk to whales.

…ancients hanging out on worlds that they don’t need.

…the rescuing of the Augmented Humans from Earth that became the Imitari.

…and much more.


Co-existing with the ancients and the ROTG project

The current situation with the ancients in the Milky Way Galaxy is that the ancients and younger races are separate and don’t interact much with each other. [Except for those younger races who qualify to receive an invitation to join the ancients.] This is because until recently no younger race attempted a systematic public effort to establish permanent diplomatic relations with them. The ancients call this a “Realm of the Gods” project, because the younger races who attempt it are entering the realm of the gods, which has several stages. Right now stage one is in progress.

Stage one …is a younger race or more than one younger race opening up to the ancients and expressing the desire to make the ancients part of their lives. This involves younger races running meet and greets and establishing official ties with the ancients.

Stage two …is when the diplomacy evolves into the ancients and the younger races openly interacting with the ancients as if the ancients were just another younger race. The ancients become an active part of the galaxy and are involved in the affairs of the younger races.

Stage three …lasts several centuries. This is where the ancients quietly assess the younger races. They gauge how well the younger races would fit into the ancient races clique as they are. This is a slow carefully done process executed with absolute precision. There is no margin for error because the ancients know the dangers of immortality and how it can be a death sentence, and they don’t want to risk creating potentially abusive or psychotic ancients. Having said that, it is not a perfect system; sometimes mistakes are made and a younger race gets ascended and become abusive, socially withdrawn or psychotic ancients.

Stage four …starts when the assessments are done. This is when invitations are issued and younger races that fail the assessments are told why and offered a cure for their failings in their assessment. When many younger races are recruited to the ancient races clique it starts a domino effect. The younger races who do not qualify take the cures and join the other younger races that have recently become part of the ancient race community. The end result is the galaxy devoid of advanced younger race civilisations because they all have joined the ancient races.

Stage five …explains why in Star Trek lore there are regular occurring eras where ancient advanced civilisations all disappear without a clear explanation as to why. In stage five evidence that the younger races started a Realm of the Gods project is erased. This is because the ancients want younger races to figure out for themselves that they should do a Realm of the Gods project. They should not just be given the answer, it is something they must figure out for themselves.

Stage six …is where early warp capable species appear in the galaxy and find it inexplicably empty with plenty of room to expand and find other early warp capable species and sentients who have yet to invent warp drive. They will also encounter ancients who do not appear to have an active role in the galaxy. It is up to the younger races to figure out that they should engage with the ancients and establish diplomatic relations with them. This is where Realm of the Gods projects are launched and it all cycles back to stage one.


Ancients and the consequences of immortality

The best way to understand immortality is to do a thought experiment. Imagine your need for sleep is removed. You will remain conscious indefinitely. Now imagine sitting somewhere bored out of your skull for ten minutes. Now try sitting somewhere bored out of your skull for an hour. Now extended that out to a day, a week, a month, a year and then ten years, and remember that for all that time you never sleep, you are conscious the whole time. How long do you think you could go on before you completely lose your mind?

That is the true danger of immortality. The risk is that when you realise you have an infinite amount of time ahead of you that you will not be able to find a way to use that time, and literally get bored to death. Many proto-ancients discover how to become immortal, they think it’s amazing, give themselves immortality and then over the next few decades face a horrendously high suicide rate. They lose a lot of people and learn the hard way that immortality is not for everyone. Another option is the ancients in question go dormant, which is worse than suicide, and it is explained below.

The way to cope with immortality is to be able to amuse yourself and be happy within yourself. For someone who is too serious and has no sense of humour, immortality is a death sentence [pun intended]. When proto-ancients become immortal and join the ranks of the ancient races the ancients advise the proto-ancients that the best thing to do with those who cannot cope with immortality is to let them die. Trying to save them is delaying the inevitable. It is a brutal way of doing things, but anything else simply won’t work.

For an ancient who can’t bring themselves to commit suicide the next – for want of a better word – “best” option [or worst depending on how you look at it] is to go dormant. Going dormant means to almost switch themselves off, leaving a tiny amount of their awareness up and running. Be aware that these ancients are in a very bad mental state and should not be approached. They are irrational and will usually lash out if disturbed. The best thing to do with them is to leave them to their self imposed purgatory [or hell would be a better description]. It is sad, but there is nothing else you can do with them.

For ancients who can cope with being immortal the sky is the limit. They have an infinite time to work on whatever they want to work on. They will be quite a fun bunch to hang around with because all the drab serious ones are dormant or dead. The frosty greeting that younger races sometimes get from the ancients is usually just for show because the ancients just want to get back to whatever they are doing to amuse themselves.

That is not to say all the ancients are a jovial bunch that are a hoot to hang around with. Some of them are halfway to going dormant or committing suicide. Many ancients are living on a knife edge barely hanging on to their sanity, or even failing to keep their sanity. Be aware when dealing with ancients that you may be encountering individuals who not too many steps from being dysfunctional.


Immortality ties in very closely with a younger civilisation running a Realm of the Gods project.

If your government is running a Realm of the Gods project then that is a game changer. The ancients will welcome you with open arms / tentacles / wings / or any other prehensile appendage. This is because you have expressed the intent to hang out with the ancients and join in the fun and that you think that the ancients are worth your time. The ancients are always looking for ways to amuse themselves, and if you can help them with that it means the ancient are far more likely to offer you help and give help you if ask [within reason]. When your government is running a Realm of the Gods project, the ancients also have the long term [several centuries] aim of bringing your civilisation into the ranks of the ancient races.

Conversely if your government isn’t running a Realm of the Gods project they are saying that the ancients are not part of your life and that you don’t want to interact with them. Therefore they will not put in the effort to reach out to you.

The ancients are utterly unimpressed with any space faring government that has a large fleet of starships and can’t organise one starship painted in diplomatic seals and insignia and one crew and a team of diplomats dedicated to meeting and greeting the ancients. The ancients want you to get off your lazy butt [or anatomical equivalent] and actually do what they see as the easiest job imaginable, which is running a Realm of the Gods project.


This phrase neatly describes what it is like to hang out with the ancients:

Everyone is insane; it’s just that some are better at managing their insanity than others.

The above phrase sums up dealing with the ancients on a personal level. They are all insane, it’s just some are able to manage their insanity better than others.

The idea of so called “enlightened” ancients is totally ludicrous as being serious is a death sentence to an immortal mind. If someone is expecting the ancients to be serious enlightened beings with a stuffy attitude and static outlook on life, then they will discover that the ancients are the opposite of that. The ancients that survive immortality are fun loving, have a happy go lucky attitude and are happy within themselves.

Serious ancients eventually kill themselves or go dormant. These are the ancients who do meet the “enlightened” stereotype. These are those who have ascended in last few decades. These beings are incredibly lucky if they last a century. They realise they an infinite amount of tomorrows before them and either destroy themselves or come to terms with their existence and lighten up. Being serious however makes them very dangerous as they can be utterly psychotic and can [and likely will] lash out if approached.

There is another saying which is very apt about the ancients: “What does not bend will break.” If an ancient can’t get into a happy mindset they will reach and surpass breaking point.

All of the above means that an ancient could be hanging on to their sanity by a thin thread. Every kind of coping mechanism can be seen among the ancients: Everything from burying their emotions with humour to appearing emotionless by suppressing their emotions to simply not coping in the first place.

The ancients who survive more than a century are the fun loving ones; even then they can still be in a battle to keep their sanity.

Are the ancients are fun to be with or completely dysfunctional and dangerous.

This is the choice Q [and all the ancients] face. He either keeps up his prankster persona or goes insane and goes on a rampage of destruction across the cosmos that becomes a threat to the rest of the ancient race community. Being a super powered immortal being is not all fun and games.


Ancients as individuals

This only applies to ancients who can cope with being immortal and can at least have a functional mindset

Ancients that can cope with being immortal can be surprisingly normal in their outlook on life and how they live it. They were usually once organic creatures and can maintain the habits they once had as biological beings. The ancient races clique is a very large and very diverse group and the individuals in the group reflect this.

The same can be said for groups or factions of ancient races. They can have agendas that sound very much like the agenda of a younger race group.

Ancients can form groups/factions not affiliated with their races. They are not considered rogue unless they do something illegal/unethical/harmful. Groups of ancients can get together to work on their own projects and nobody cares.

Remember that the ancients are very loosely organised. This means there is not a lot of control over ancient race citizens, unless they turn rogue and become a threat. In short they can live their eternal lives as they see fit. Their lives are defined by a lack of rules. It is up to the individual ancient to make decisions for themselves and to pick what ancient community to live in, or to go it alone, the choice is theirs.

What you will find when encountering an individual ancient is just about anything. They are as much individuals as members of the younger races are.


The dial a deity system

The dial a deity system is a communication system between the ancients and the younger races. It allows the younger races to access the communication systems the ancients use with equipment that a younger race being can use by themselves.

Ancient race technology is designed assuming that an ancient race being is using it, and its controls reflect this design philosophy. This has the added bonus that it stops powerful ancient race technology from being misused if it falls into the wrong hands.

The main uses of the dial a deity system

Keep contact between younger races and the ancients.

A distress call system to call for help, but only in distress situations that the younger races can’t solve by themselves.

Organising the ancients to do tasks that the younger races can’t do for themselves, such as pulling a planet into a new orbit, stabilising a star or something that breaks the laws of known physics.

Arranging for ancients to join science research endeavours where having an ancient around would be really helpful. Note that the ancients are not going to give us all their technology all at once, that would not be in their interests or in the interest of the younger races. The ancients are wise enough to know that most younger races have to be eased into the ranks of the ancients, this is why the Realm of the Gods project is the way that it is.


Ancients, Borg and the First Federation

The Ancients vs The Borg

The Ancients have an uneasy truce with the Borg. This was brought about by the Borg trying to assimilate a non-corporeal species that they named species 5973.

The ancients feared that if species 5973 was assimilated the Borg would learn far too much about the ancients and may succeed in assimilating other non-corporeal races. This means that the Borg could assimilate low grade non-corporeal races and work their way upwards to more powerful non-corporeal beings. If left unchecked the Borg could become a serious threat to the ancients.

The Borg found out that when they tried to assimilate species 5973 that other non-corporeal species would band together and attack them. Notably the Borg realised they would be facing off races like the Organians, Dauwd and The Q Continuum. The Borg realised that they were about to face an alliance that could destroy them. It would be a war the Borg could not win as they would be facing attacks they find extremely difficult to adapt to, namely very powerful beings wishing parts of their collective out of existence.

Both sides could become a serious threat to each other, or even eventually destroy each other. After the ancients came to the aid of species 5973 and saved them from the Borg, the ancients and the Borg negotiated a truce. This was a truce with a mutual assured destruction clause. If the Borg try to assimilate non-corporeal races the most powerful of the ancients will retaliate and obliterate the Borg. If the Borg can find a way to assimilate powerful ancient god like beings they will do so. Both sides agreed that if either side attacks it is case of succeed in defeating the other or be wiped out.

The Borg will not attack the ancients unless they know they can successfully assimilate them without being annihilated, however, if the ancients attack the Borg the Borg will nullify the truce and will assimilate any ancients that they can and hope it is enough to beat the ancients back without the Borg being destroyed.

This truce was made a long time ago and both sides are maintaining it. This is why prankster Q once said to another Q “Don’t provoke the Borg.” He said this in order to maintain the truce agreement. Having said that, if the ancients were to help younger races fight the Borg it would be in effect a proxy war with the ancients supplying younger races with super weapons the Borg can’t adapt to.

Important: The Ancients/Borg ceasefire agreement has a clause that forbids the Ancients from rescuing Borg drones and turning them back into their previous selves, i.e. de-assimilating them. This is an important plot point in the T.V. shows grand finale.

This was until the finale of Star Trek – Realm of the Gods, when the Borg declared war on the Federation and the ancients. During that war the Borg hope they can force the ancients to retreat by bloodying their noses enough that the ancients back down and let the Borg go on with business as usual, or if lucky assimilate enough of the ancients that the Borg become a serious threat to the ancients that can defeat them, or even have the Borg defeat the ancients.


The First Federation and the Ancients

Known members of the First Federation: The Talosians, the species seen in piloting the starship in the original series, the Metron, who pitched the Federation against the Gorn in a one on one dual situation between two starship captains. There were other races in the First Federation, but they are now in the ranks of the ancients as ascended beings.

The Vulcans knew of the First Federation, but did not qualify to join them because at the time they were too primitive for the First Federation.

A race wishing to join the First Federation had to be very advanced to qualify to join the group.

Some of the ancients encountered by the USS Anracosh were members of the First Federation.

The First Federation were a loose coalition of worlds that occupied an area centred near the Federation, Klingon border and with the Vulcan, Romulan and Klingon worlds formed a triangle around the First Federation’s territory.

By the time of the TOS era the last of the First Federation was in the process of joining the ancient races clique. The starship Kirk’s USS Enterprise encountered was one of the last starships the First Federation was running before the last of the First Federation’s races ascended. This is why the captain of the First Federation acted the way he did when he encountered Captain Kirk. Why hang around talking to Kirk when he can become an ascended being instead? As for the crew member left on the First Federation ship, give him the tour and teach him about the First Federation then return him to the United Federation of Planets.

It was in the century before leading up to the Star Trek: Enterprise era that the First Federation started its own Realm of the Gods project. The difference is that the First Federation made a couple of mistakes. The first was they assumed that establishing diplomatic relations was exactly that. They were just trying to establish some kind of mutually beneficial relationship with the ancients. The second was keeping the diplomacy with the ancients a secret to all but the high ranking members of the First Federation government.

Here’s why the above mistakes are mistakes:

When the First Federation started diplomacy with the ancients they were not aware that doing so meant eventual recruitment into the ancient races clique. When the ancients told them the truth of what the First Federations Realm of the Gods project would lead to the First Federation quickly accepted the challenge of getting themselves to qualify to join the ancient races clique. Many younger races make this mistake, they assume diplomacy with the ancients means diplomacy with the ancients, instead it means joining the ancient races clique, so the ancients were forgiving on this point.

For some ancients the other mistake is a deal breaker. Keeping your Realm of the Gods project to yourself is frowned upon in the ancient race community. The point of the Realm of the Gods project for the ancients is the mass recruitment of younger races into the ranks of the ancient races clique. The more younger races joining the better, but the younger races must initiate the contact. The ancients won’t give you the answer, you have to figure it out for yourself.

As for the risks of immortality, which is why the ancients have the Realm of the Gods project, the First Federation government was willing to accept the dangers of being immortal. Their populations would be told of the dangers when their races qualified to join the ancients. The First Federation felt that the gains of being god like beings with god like abilities was worth the risk of the pitfalls of being immortal.

Once the First Federation government learned of the real the nature of the Realm of the Gods they secretly put in plans to make their member races qualify to get into the ancient races clique. The general public of the First Federation was never told the truth until invitations to join the ancients were issued. The First Federation kept the secret only to themselves, not sharing it with anyone outside their government, even after the ancients told them Realm of the Gods was a mass recruitment drive and asked if they willing to change so they could join the ancient races clique as “newly made” ancient races. The First Federation was amazed at learning this and eagerly did what they needed to do to become ascended beings.

The ancients did not like the First Federation being so secretive about running a Realm of the Gods project, hiding the fact from their own populations. This worked against them when dealing with the ancients, but since the First Federation was sincere about joining the ancients, the ancients agreed that the First Federation should be given a chance to prove themselves worthy of being ancient races material.

The First Federation started programs to change their ways to meet what the ancients wanted them to be. All ideas were tried: Changing their cultures, technological advancement and becoming energy beings. Technological advancement and becoming energy beings proved beyond the capacity of the First Federation, but changing their cultures was successful through various means. These methods mostly included alter genetic behavioural predispositions so their populations would think like ancients. The logic the First Federation government was that because of their willingness change and do whatever it takes to join the ancients race clique, the ancients would let them in.

The ancients begrudgingly had to acknowledge that the races of the First Federation were putting in the effort to qualify to join the ancient races clique. It took more than a few decades to do but having made themselves meet the criteria to join. With no reason to keep them out the ancients issued the invitation to the First Federation to join the ancient races clique. It was after the First Federation joined the ancient races that the First Federation disbanded because the government had no more reason to exist now that the member races of the First Federation were ancient ascended races.

Important plot point:

The ancients don’t class the First Federation’s efforts to join the ancients as a true Realm of the Gods project because it was not in the eyes of the ancients a mass recruitment effort. Ancients do not acknowledge the First Federation as starting a galaxy wide recruitment drive for the ancient races clique. The important reason for this is that the First Federation kept their Realm of the Gods project a secret. This is also why the First Federation never got an equivalent to the USS Anracosh, the USS Anracosh was a reward for the Federation publicly launching a Realm of the Gods project and making it an option anyone can pursue. The First Federation keeping it secret meant they were not rewarded except for getting an invite when they qualified to join the ancients.

Why did the First Federation keep it a secret?

Centuries before the First Federation launched their Realm of Gods project they saw the rise of the Klingons and the banishing of the Hur’q. At the time that happened the First Federation freaked out at how the Hur’q were kicked off the Klingon home world. How could a primitive race like the Klingons beat the Hur’q? Centuries later this is what inspired the First Federation to seek out the ancients in secret. At that time they did not want ancient race technology falling in the hands of the Klingons. If the Klingons could reverse engineer Hur’q technology what other technology could they reverse engineer? The races that were in the First Federation [now ascended] know differently now.

How this relates to the modern Realm of the Gods project started by rogue elements in the Federation:

The Federations efforts in their Realm of the Gods project will result in eventual mass recruitment of countless races into the ancient races clique. The First Federation’s efforts merely resulted in a handful of civilisations joining the ancients.

The ancients don’t care why the crew of the USS Anracosh sought out the ancients. The crew started the mission to get an advantage over enemies of the Federation. At the time the crew started the mission they made the same mistake as the First Federation – they did not know that the Realm of the Gods project lead to younger races joining the ancient races clique.

In the centuries to come many races will join the ancients, and for an ancient being millions of years old, a century is a short amount of time. The ancients have the Federation to thank for bringing in so many races into the ancient races clique. Thus giving the USS Anracosh to the Federation is a way to thank the Federation for bringing countless billions into the fold.


Diplomacy and treaties with the ancients

How to handle official diplomatic dialogue with the ancients

This is a general overview that covers the basics of making contact with the ancients, remember that each ancient race has its own quirks, but will mostly follow what is written here. Each ancient race has to be approached individually because they are not politically organised. There is no “Federation of the Ancients”; therefore each ancient race has to be dealt with independently of the other ancient races.

Do not be afraid to ask the ancients you are visiting if they know of other ancients that are open to the idea of first contact. It is very likely they will be able to give you information about other ancients who would like to meet you.

You can ask if your race can join the ancient races clique. However, the ancients decide who is welcome into their club. If your race meets one or more of the three criteria to join the ancients, the three criteria being technological advancement, thinking like an ancient/having an ancient race social structure and becoming a non-corporeal being, then you do not have to seek out the ancients. They will find you and give you an invitation, unless there is a good reason not to do so.

If you still want to persist and keep asking for your race to be invited to join the ancients the ancients will tell you that you have to meet the criteria to join the ancients. Your race can do that if they want to and the ancients are willing to help, but think of the price paid to join and the consequences of giving your race immortality. Any race can be bought up to the level of the ancients, but the cost of changing culture, technology and re-inventing the whole of a races society is very high. Are your people willing and ready for such changes? Even if you get to be ancients think about the suicide rate or going dormant from being immortal. Yes, you can have your race join the ancients, but the cost is so high, so is it worth it?

Try to remember when greeting an ancient that you are most likely interacting with a creature at least several million years more advanced than you are, or if not, has quick access to beings who are super-advanced. Even though the ancients completely outclass the younger races in every way imaginable, and that is simply being honest about it, please don’t be intimidated or scared. The ancient will be happy to talk to you and more than willing to help you if what you ask will not wind up turning them into wish granting machines.

The obvious thing to not do is anything hostile or deceptive. The ancients will sense it immediately and be very insulted and quickly retaliate. Considering the ancients can crush entire younger civilisations like insects, doing a hostile or deceptive act is a really stupid thing to do.

Having said all of the above it is important to remember that you should never confuse capability with intent. Just because an ancient is god like and could destroy a civilisation as advanced as the Federation without much effort does not mean they will ever do so. They may have the powers of god, but that does not mean that they are hostile. The may be god like and very friendly and approachable at the same time. An ancient could be like a deity and still be a nice person.

Telepaths are warned not to try and read the minds of a first one. There are two reasons for this. One, it will not work, ancients have powerful blocks in place on their minds that make them unreadable. That is for the protection of the telepath! The reason for the protection is the second reason why telepaths should not read the mind of an ancient. The amount of information in the mind of an ancient is staggeringly large. If an ancient dropped the mental block and its mind was read, the telepath reading the mind could potentially go through a very damaging version of sensory overload. Depending on the situation, the telepath might have a reaction from anywhere between becoming slightly dizzy to the effect being instantly fatal. It’s better not to run the risk of such horrible outcomes.

Finally, think of the ancients you are visiting as your friends. They will try to accommodate you as best they can. Remember that in the majority of cases, they were once organic beings like yourself, so they will feel empathy towards you. Don’t try to reach them on their level. They have enough experience to communicate with you at your level of development. They do not expect you to think like an ancient, and do not demand that you act like one either. So remember: When you go to them they will talk to you on your level and not expect you to try to talk to them as if you were an ancient yourself.


Friendship treaties with the Ancients

In the context of Star Trek – Realm of the Gods a friendship treaty with any individual or group in the ancient races clique is a legal document recognising the god like being or god like civilisation/society/social group/whatever as a legally recognised entity to the younger race government the ancients signed the treaty with.

As stated elsewhere in the document the ancients are not politically organised. Friendship treaties have to be negotiated with individuals and groups within the ancients because there is no government that encompasses the whole ancients’ community, or comes anywhere near to doing so.

Friendship treaties are called as such by the ancients because they can be between individuals and governments, not just government to group or government to government. The reason it is done this way is that a younger race government could be signing a treaty with an individual more powerful than their entire civilisation. How is a treaty between an individual more powerful than an entire civilisation and a government any different than a treaty between two governments? Answer: It isn’t!

What are the contents of a friendship treaty with an ancient or group of ancients?

The legalities in the treaty entail formal younger race government/diplomatic recognition of the ancient or ancients group that signed the treaty and establishing lines of communication between the younger race government and the ancient race/individual signatory of the treaty. Other items involve help between the ancients and the signatory younger race government.

Help usually refers to the “dial a deity” system of help in disasters and various projects, and other aid only the ancients are capable of providing to the younger races. Lines of communication are usually done via the dial a deity communication system.

Other clauses in the treaty can involve items specific to the ancient or ancients signing the treaty, such as recognition of a territory as belonging to an ancient, restriction of the ancient’s movement into areas heavily guarded by the younger race signatory and specific requests made by the younger race government or the ancient or ancients.

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