Gary has lived under seven popes

This is his story

I first met Gary in 1970. He was then a middle level manager at John Martin and Co. in South Australia. John Martin’s was then a large retail organisation that had its principal office in Rundle Street, Adelaide, as well as three regional suburban stores. Gary was my boss.

Over time Gary and I became close friends and our respective families got along well with each other. Gary has been blessed with a very colourful and effervescent personality, that remains humorous and all embracing.  By this I mean that Gary has a very open and friendly personality, and somehow he seems to have had the knack of naturally attracting all manner of people towards himself. During his lifetime, Gary has assisted hundreds of people in putting their lives back in order, and he has also been a staunch and loyal member of the Roman Catholic Church in South Australia.

Gary also enjoys being part of the Australian political landscape, and he has had a close working relationship with Labor Prime Ministers Keating and Gillard. It is my opinion that, over many years, my friend Gary has played a significant role in the maintenance of Labor party unity and success in South Australia. He will be sadly missed when he is compelled to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of South Australian politics. Gary’s political stance tends to be left of centre. Gary is also my Godfather.

You will find Gary’s life story in the three sections that follow:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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