The minimum speed of the entanglement influence is just the one divided by the other, or 144,500 times the speed of light

This blog will help you to understand why it is that “things” can travel at 10,000 times the speed of light


It is generally believed in physics that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. A  quantum effect known as the EPR paradox has strongly suggested that this seems correct. It has been scientifically demonstrated  by experiment that a particle on one side of the universe can instantly influence one on the opposite side of the universe. In my Awareness model I postulate that such phenomena is possible.This is because instant communication is occurring outside Relativity space time (quantum space foam) and is travelling in an adjacent (concurrent) reference frame of absolute time (without time). I have nominated this reference frame as being Primordial-Awareness. The quote below has been extracted from an on line article that describes this phenomenon and furthermore a supporting laboratory experiment has been cited


“The minimum speed of the entanglement influence is just the one divided by the other, or 144,500 times the speed of light. However, a number of factors go into the interpretation of the results, which reduce the lower limit of the speed of entanglement influence to about 10,000 times the speed of light.

Notice that this result does not eliminate the possibility that the influence of entanglement actually is instantaneous – it merely sets a limit saying how close the influence must be to infinitely fast. Another possibility that is gaining credence is that entanglement dynamics may operate external to time, or at least may ignore time as it ignores distance”. The experiment that supports this hypothesis can be found here: