Recurring characters

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Main and semi-main characters

Admiral that the crew of the USS Anracosh crew answers to:

Name: Admiral Havazia Kreck

Age when introduced to the audience: Early fifties

Sex/Race: Female Andorian

Skill set:

She obviously has the starfleet training and knows how to run a starship. Being an admiral she has a lot of command skill and knows how to run a whole armada of starships.

Important possessions:

Is proud of her Starfleet career so is proud of the awards and the like she has earned and the rank bars she has achieved. The only blemish on her perfect career is being assigned as the superior that gives orders to the crew of the USS Anracosh. In time this blemish transforms into another source of pride after the ancients become a great asset to the Federation.


Is the personification of Starfleet hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh until the benefits of contacting the ancients becomes widespread and well known. After that she merely becomes the superior they answer and even after a while she is happy to see them as she herself sees what the ancients can do for the Federation. She is wise enough to admit when she is wrong and smart enough to see that the crew of the USS Anracosh are right.

Special relations with other characters:

Being at the top she has few friends she really trusts. Being a bit lonely can make her act out, hence her hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh. Until she sees the benefits of having the ancients around she, like the rest of Starfleet, has a burning hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh.


Obviously a bit prematurely aged because of the high stress of her job, apart from that standard Andorian appearance.


She is the admiral that the crew of the USS Anracosh answer to. She makes no secret that she hates the crew for doing and getting away with a rogue operation, and then being greatly rewarded for it. She typifies the attitude of many in Starfleet and the Federation – they have a cold attitude to the crew of the USS Anracosh. She is short with them and just gives orders as required to them. She at least initially represents Starfleet’s fear and hatred towards the crew of the USS Anracosh and their mission.


To get to the rank of Starfleet Admiral she obviously is a career Starfleet officer who started out in Starfleet at a young age. The Admiral has had a long Starfleet career where she has had more than her share of handling the weird and wonderful. It is not a question of what has she seen, but what hasn’t she seen.

One might think that having so much experience in this area would make her sympathetic to the crew of the USS Anracosh and their mission. This assumption is dead wrong.

The Admiral understands just how dangerous the ancients can be given that she has had firsthand experience with them. This makes her think that what the crew of the USS Anracosh is doing in trying to establish diplomatic contact with the ancients is utter insanity. This is added to the fact that the crew were rogue operatives who were rewarded for their crimes, which to her is a disgusting situation.


In spite of her heartless attitude to the crew of the USS Anracosh she is at heart a fair minded person. She will give credit where it is due. This is the main part of her persona that comes out as the series moves forward. Initially she hates them, but her attitude softens as the crew of the USS Anracosh does their job in getting allies in the ancient races clique and do heroic acts that only someone with access to their super starship can do. Eventually she grows to like them as does the rest of Starfleet.

Story arc:

As the crew of the USS Anracosh progress on their now legitimate mission what they are doing in getting allies in the ancients and doing heroic acts that the Federation starts to set in. The Federation could not do some of the heroism without the abilities of the USS Anracosh. She and the rest of Starfleet change their attitude as the series progresses, especially so as they see the benefits of the “Dial a Deity” system. In the finale when the Borg are driven away the crew of the USS Anracosh are fully redeemed in the eyes of the critics inside Starfleet and the rest of the Federation.


Captain of the Section 31 supply flotilla:

Name: Cyrisha Brelek

Age when introduced to the audience: Mid forties

Sex/Race: Female Bolian

Skill set:

Very skilled in running a starship and skilled in all things espionage thanks to Section 31. Also has business and trade skills from working in and running a freighter business.

Important possessions:

Her vessel and its escort vessels, even though they technically belong to Section 31.


Has a real passion for spying, she feels that is her calling even though she was destined to be a freighter starship captain.

Special relations with other characters:

Is a good friend of Alena Malgum and gets along well with her freighter crew.


Like many female Bolians she is a Bolian with hair, but it is strikingly green/blonde hair that makes her stand out to non-Bolians. This hair colour is not unusual for Bolians so she doesn’t notice how it makes her stand out. This is why Section 31 had her command the flotilla rather than be a field agent. Her having a short career doing contract work in Starfleet influenced that choice as well.


She commands the flotilla that resupplies the USS Anracosh. She is a Section 31 agent posing as a successful interstellar trader. She has a freight vessel and some out of date smaller armed vessels to protect it. Her job is to provide Section 31 agents with a discreet way to travel around and beyond the Federation. The selling point of her business is that her freighter has armed escorts. Ideal for extra protection for cargo and passengers, it is the perfect fit for anyone wanting to transport anything of value.

Since she has the freighter Section 31 has commissioned her to resupply the USS Anracosh when elements of Starfleet sabotages the USS Anracosh’s supply lines. She wants the crew of the USS Anracosh to finish the black hole manipulator so that Section 31 can use it for their own ends, and is lobbying to have the device completed. The crew of the USS Anracosh keeps good relations with her as she controls their supply lines so therefore they need her. She was secretly in contact with the security chief until she learned that the crew have no secrets from each other.

For the record the supply missions are done far away from any starbase or starships not involved in the resupply efforts. The transfers are done in deep space away from prying eyes, so Starfleet can’t sabotage it and nobody gets to know what the USS Anracosh is getting resupplied with. One wonders why, the resupplies mostly involve anything the crew wants to get from the Federation like stuff for their cabins.


She was born into being a space farer and has spent much more time on starships and starbases than in natural environments. She was born to spacefaring parents who ran their own space cargo business. Her siblings inherited that business while she pursued her own passions of espionage. In fact her corporate spying in rival companies got the attention of Section 31 because of her natural talent for spying. They gave her an offer after they discovered her. She could join Section 31 or be handed over to the police. She loved being a spy so she eagerly joined Section 31, and it was the perfect fit for her.


She has been on every type of starship in her long career of being a spacefarer. This makes her obsessed with the USS Anracosh as she has never seen a starship as powerful as the USS Anracosh before in her life, or seen a starship like the USS Anracosh in that it is a half organic hybrid starship. She might have seen something like the USS Anracosh had she ever disobeyed the no trespassing signs left by younger race governments around ancient races sites, but she never did that.

She took a tour of the USS Anracosh when she first started doing supply runs for it, and wanted to learn about the ancient race technologies onboard. She is obsessive but keeps it under control for the sake of the resupply missions. She is someone who truly understands the potential of the Realm of the Gods project and what it will do for the Federation.

Her being obsessiveness neatly sums her up as a person. She is passionate about what she does and always puts the maximum effort into her projects, whether that is spying or hauling freight in space. She loves what she does and she does what she loves, and that applies to hauling supplies for the USS Anracosh or being a Section 31 agent.

Story Arc:

She was originally a professional space cargo hauler but was recruited to Section 31 as a second career. She was the one who struck the deal for the supplies from Section 31 being traded for borrowing crew members from the USS Anracosh for black ops missions. Her Section 31 superiors loved the idea and it became standard practice that when Section 31 resupplies the USS Anracosh. Goods are traded for crew members who will be returned at the next resupply mission or in a week or two, whichever comes first.

As time goes on she tries to influence the crew of the USS Anracosh to finish the black hole manipulator. She wants the device finished so it can defend the Federation from future threats. She is overjoyed when the crew finally decide to finish the device in order to field test it. In time she becomes a key ally to the crew of the USS Anracosh. Like the security chief she ensures Section 31 becomes a major ally to the USS Anracosh crew and the Realm of the Gods project as a whole.


Ensign from alternate or changed timeline:

Name: Ensign Daniel Downer

Age when introduced to the audience: Early thirties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

Usual set of Starfleet skills of running a starship, and he has specialities in diplomacy and command. He also has knowledge of another timeline.

Important possessions:

Some the items that he had to replace because he never owned them in this timeline. He still wants a connection to his former life.


Misses some of the friends he lost when he transferred timelines, but it is a bit like getting a transfer. There is a good chance you will drift away from people you used to work with but really like. Still wants a connection to his old life, but he does not want to go back because he has his dream assignment.

Special relations with other characters:

Loves being a part of the USS Anracosh crew and does not want to be anywhere else.


An average joe Federation Ensign


A surprise for the crew in discovering that someone altered their own past so they were picked to serve on the USS Anracosh during the rogue operation. The crew discover by accident about the ensign being from another timeline courtesy of the Q Continuum. Daniel is a living example of another object lesson by the ancients to make the rest of the crew understand the power the ancients have. They can alter the timeline to such precision that one person’s life can be rewritten while cancelling out any other effects on the timeline. To do such surgical time alteration on that level is an extremely powerful ability. Once again it is get the crew to comprehend the impossible: Just how powerful the ancient races clique is. The ancients wanted him to be discovered by the rest of crew of the USS Anracosh and given the kind of sensor technology on that starship, discovering the ensign was from another timeline would happen sooner rather than later.


A guy who grew up as a Starfleet Brat so he has a much higher tolerance to the weird and wonderful than your average person. He has seen the strange since a young age. Therefore seeing a Q and many other strange phenomena did not faze him as it would someone else. This is what made him approach the Q without hesitation. The Q that appeared on the starship he was serving on was offering the crew a chance to see their lives if they had made other life choices. Naturally the rest of the crew thought Q was wasting their time and put up with him until they could convince the Q to leave. Daniel was different, he took up the Q’s offer of another life. He said a fond farewell to his then crewmates and promised to look them up in the new timeline, even though they would have no memory of him. He did look them up on the Starfleet personnel roster. Danial looked at the roster and it made him think, who did he replace on the USS Anracosh when the Q altered his timeline? Daniel has never bothered to find out, but during his episode the crew of the USS Anracosh figure out who would have been on their starship instead of Daniel.

This character is the one tie in with Star Trek: Lower Decks when the crew of the USS Anracosh realise that he took the place of Lt. Shanks of the USS Ceritos. Lt. Shanks was invited to join the rogue operation, but refused and kept quiet about it.

Daniel approached the Q after the USS Anracosh and its mission were public knowledge. Daniel, who loves the weird and wonderful really wanted to join the crew of the USS Anracosh but couldn’t because its mission was already underway. Danial really wanted to meet many more ancients than the Q.

Danial wanted to do the Realm of the Gods project but couldn’t due to bad timing, but the Q could change that and so Danial took up Q’s offer of another life where he got the chance to serve on the USS Anracosh.

He knew from the experiences of the Q offering altered lives that nobody would be uncreated by the Q altering the timeline. Danial was sent to an altered past and had to live a few years over so he could be on the USS Anracosh. He knew his then crew would not suffer from him leaving them for a new alternate timeline life.


A guy living his dream of being on a starship meeting and greeting the ancients. He is in the dream job and gets to meet ancients on a regular basis. This gives him a confident demeanour and is fun to be with. He has all he wants, he can ask for nothing more. He is like the chief engineer without the existential crisis. This and his confidence and good looks makes him the crew’s ladies man. It is possible he and the chief diplomat are dating or have dated and remained close friends. Having said that he is completely professional and puts his work first. He is bit like Commander Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation – highly confident and highly competent with a winning smile and looks to match.

Story Arc:

This is a person who took up the offer of the Q to live an alternate life. He was a Dominion War veteran in the timeline he abandoned, but did not stand out in his war record. The Q changed that and his past was altered so he served in some crucial battles and as a result he became a highly decorated soldier that fought alongside some of the crew of the USS Anracosh when they served in the Dominion war, thus he was on the list of candidates for the rogue mission. After he joined the crew he volunteered to serve under the chief diplomat in the diplomatic mission team.

He gets an episode where he is found out and confesses to being from another timeline. The crew debate what to do with him; they can ask the ancients to reverse what the Q did to send him to this time, but they decide to let him stay. He becomes a real asset for the crew and plays a role in reverse engineering ancients technology, helps with diplomatic talks and can be seen on the bridge on a semi regular basis.


Ensign Ghezhear – The Mr. Everyman of the starship crew:

Name: Potab Ghezear [he has taken a Klingon name]

Age when introduced to the audience: Late twenties

Sex/Race: Klingon/Human Hybrid [Klingon father and Human mother]

Skill set:

Has the Klingon skill for combat, so is very good at fighting. Has the usual Starfleet skills of running a starship. He is basically a brawler type security agent/soldier.

Important possessions:

Has a set of Klingon style bladed weapons and their training equivalents, and he likes to practice with them when he gets some time off.


Wants to fight for the Federation and protect it. Also has some allegiance to the Klingon Empire and Klingons in general, but the Federation comes first.

Special relations with other characters:

Is the romantic interest of and eventually the husband of Ensign H’Yol. Is very loyal to his fellow crew members of the USS Anracosh, who he sees as fellow warriors.


Obviously a Klingon/Human hybrid, meaning not quite Klingon but not quite human either. It is the same concept as B’Elanna Torres in Star Trek Voyager in terms of milder Human and milder Klingon features in the one person.


A Mr. Everyman in the crew. He is also the second in charge after the first officer in the PTSD support group. He is a way of seeing what life is like on the USS Anracosh for the average crew member. He usually works maintaining the dojo but is reassigned with the work team as required.


He grew up on a border world between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. He has had a Klingon upbringing because of his father and a Federation outlook on life because of his mother. This gives him some internal contradictions but he has a talent for finding a balance between the two halves of his being. He choose to live in the Federation because of his mother’s influence and eagerly joined the battle against the Dominion because of his father’s influence. He is a professional soldier in mind, body and soul. Fighting the Dominion was his calling. Therefore he is a career soldier in the Starfleet and wants no other job. It’s not just a career to him, it is his way of life.


The Klingon side of his being comes out in his personality. He is a man of honour and loves that he is serving on a starship full of, as he sees it, warriors. Given the type of crew it is almost like serving on a Klingon vessel. He is the reverse of B’Elanna Torres, who was a human in a Human Klingon hybrid body. Potab is a Klingon in a Klingon Human hybrid body. He believes in honour, courage, loyalty and reverence for tradition. These traits make him really fit in on the USS Anracosh. He is one of the Dominion war veterans recruited and thus he knows it was a rogue operation. He felt that if he did not take the rogue mission he would be betraying the people he fought alongside of in the Dominion war. Being caught did not scare him, in his way of thinking his honour is more important than his freedom. He gets on well with the security chief as they both have a fanatical streak. However, the fanatical streak in Ghezear comes from his following of the Klingon way of thinking.

Story arc:

He is introduced as the Mr. Everyone in the crew in the episode where we follow him and Ensign H’yol around for a day. This shows their daily routine and the people they interact with. Before this episode they can occasionally be seen in the background. He appears in various other episodes like the Klingon episodes and episodes involving the dojo. He becomes a mover and shaker in the crew and gains a reputation as a head kicker’s head kicker in the black ops missions the crew do for Section 31. He also becomes the husband of Ensign H’yol.


Ensign H’yol – The Ms. Everywoman of the starship crew

Name: Vethva H’yol

Age when introduced to the audience: Late twenties

Sex/Race: Female Vulcan

Skill set:

Has the standard Starfleet training of running a starship. Has the combat training and soldiering experience from fighting in the Dominion war. Was originally in the science division of Starfleet before the Dominion war so she has some science skills, but that has not been developed as it should because she had to become a soldier fighting the Dominion.

Important possessions:

She is not materialistic, her possessions in her cabin are what are important to her. She has researched quite a lot about sex because of her role in the full life sect. Therefore she has a large collection of research material related to sex, such as The joy of sex, the Kinsey report and their equivalents from countless cultures around the galaxy, but that can’t really be used in a TV show, so it has to be downplayed.


Is the champion of the full life sect on the USS Anracosh and believes that it is the way Vulcans should evolve their culture. She wants the Vulcans to change and sees it as necessary to advance the Vulcan people.

Special relations with other characters:

Has a special bond with the other Vulcans onboard who are in the full life sect and becomes the husband of Ensign Ghezear. Also a friend of Lt. Carol Johnson who runs the starship’s dojo. She joined Carol’s team instead of returning to the sciences because of their friendship. Sees the captain as an ally who could help change the Vulcan people. For the captains sake it helps get the Vulcans closer to joining the ancient races clique. For her own sake it makes the Vulcans better people.


Standard Vulcan starfleet officer


A Ms. Everywoman in the crew. On the USS Anracosh she is the local head of a sect of Vulcans that believes an active sex life does not conflict with a life dedicated to logic. These Vulcans do not go through a Pon Farr mating ritual like other Vulcans because they do not suppress their sexuality. Not all the Vulcans onboard follow the sect’s beliefs, but the sect is rapidly growing in numbers on Vulcan and across the galaxy and long term the Pon Farr ritual could become a thing of the past. She usually works maintaining the dojo but is reassigned with her work team as required.


A Vulcan born on a Federation colony world rather than Vulcan itself. Being in a very multi-cultural environment has profoundly influenced her. Here are some examples:

She has had a lot of exposure to non-Vulcan people. This gives her a very cosmopolitan outlook.

She joined Starfleet because she likes interacting with a wide variety of people from a lot of backgrounds. She grew up multi-cultural and wanted a career that keeps her in a multi-cultural environment.

Growing up in a very multi-cultural background gave her exposure to countless martial arts forms. She has practiced mixed martial arts since her teenage years. This is her main hobby.

Ironically she has had less exposure to Vulcan culture than to all the other cultures on the Federation colony world she grew up on. This made her reject the idea of the once a seven year Pon Farr mating ritual as she has seen so many races go without it. This is what inspired her to join the sect that rejects the idea that a logical life is an asexual life.


H’yol is heavily into martial arts as well as being the sect’s onboard representative. Her love of martial arts got the attention of Lt. Johnson, who created a work team to help her maintain the dojo. She is one of the dojo’s instructors along with the others in her work team. Having said that almost all of the crew are so well versed in unarmed combat that they could all teach martial arts in the starship’s dojo. She loves martial arts but her passion is the Vulcan sect, she likes to proselytise the sect to Vulcans onboard and to other Vulcans that she meets. [Although that is a very uncommon occurrence since she became a crew member on the USS Anracosh]. She has the standard Vulcan logical personality but her passions boil below the surface and it does not take much to bring those passions to the surface. She knows about what happened when the Captain asked why the Vulcans were not in the ranks of the ancients. She is having a toned down version of the same reaction the Captain is having. H’yol’s solution to what the ancients said is to redouble her efforts with the sect. One of the effects of this would be to loosen the Vulcans up, as many thousands Vulcans are joining the sect every day. [Humour intended]

Story arc:

She is introduced as the Ms. Everyone in the crew in the episode where we follow her and Ensign Ghezear around for a day. This shows their daily routine and the people they interact with. Before this episode they can occasionally be seen in the background. They appear in various other episodes like the Klingon episodes and episodes involving the dojo. She becomes a mover and shaker in the crew and becomes one of Lt. Carol Johnson’s helpers. She also becomes the wife of Ensign Ghezear.


Federation politician / Head of the Federation’s foreign affairs:

Name: Senator Opaniop Ytrid

Age when introduced to the audience: About fifty

Sex/Race: Male Trill

Skill set:

Debating, fast talking [salesmanship], politics, bureaucracy, any skill useful to a politician/bureaucrat/big wig

Important possessions:

Everything valuable that he owns


Wants to stay in power and be immortal, be an immortal leader. Doesn’t know what it means to earn, suffer or sacrifice for something.

Special relations with other characters:

He sees the USS Anracosh, its crew and its mission as a means to an end and would turn on it in a heartbeat if it was politically necessary and has other politicians allying with him following the same ideas. He and his political cohorts have no hatred for the politicians who are leading the charge against the Realm of the Gods project. Both groups of politicians are using the situation to advance their own careers. Time will tell which side has “backed the right horse”.


Well dress civilian – as in formal dress equivalent of a modern business suit.


He represents the Federation citizens that are sympathetic to the crew of the USS Anracosh and more importantly he understands why this mission is so important, so much so that it gets the personal attention of himself and other Federation’s political leaders. This politician [and others like him] especially see the potential of the Realm of the Gods project and how it could pay off, and are treating it like an investment.

One of the senators on the Federation council is his biggest political rival and opponent. This opponent hates the Realm of the Gods project because he only sees its dangers. Ytrid Opaniop mainly supports the Realm of the Gods project because his enemy in the council doesn’t. This is the kind of petty arrogance that is the true core of Ytrid.


Has the typical private school well off background of a politician with successful “high income” white collar corporate leading parents. His teenage years were the usual stuff of debate teams, political clubs [i.e. young “insert party here”] and an interest in politics as a means to an end starting from his teenage years. He was destined for politics from a young age because of his well off background. Being a politician is his destiny, getting elected was just a formality.

He has had everything given to him, he has never had to earn/work for anything for himself – this affects how he thinks. He has never had to endure or suffer, raised in “cotton wool”. Making a sacrifice to get something is a completely alien concept to him.

Even though the Federation does not use much money this paragraph explains the politicians attitude to wealth very efficiently: Ytrid cannot value any material possessions as he has never paid for them or if he has they cost next to nothing for him as he is from an ultra high income background. He is possessive about his stuff in that “what’s mine is mine” attitude, but will not care if he damages something he owns because it can easily be replaced with enough money.

Because of his privileged spoilt background he has a strong streak of looking down at people. Since childhood he has had a born to rule attitude and hatred for people below his social status. The darker side of his personality are kept well hidden from the voters.


He has no inside but for the personality traits he hides from people, especially voters and other supporters. The previous paragraphs explain his personality nicely. A born to rule type who has never had to work or suffer for anything. Earning or suffering for something is a foreign concept to the character.

Very much a career politician, you never know if he is buttering you up or is treating you with sincerity. You just don’t know his real motives. He is very nice to you and says what he thinks you want to hear. He comes across as nice and friendly and willing to please. A good analogy is like a used car salesman giving you a sales pitch pretending to be your friend. The crew of the USS Anracosh realise this and do not fully trust him. However he serves a purpose to them, which is keeping Starfleet of their backs. As a civilian leader he outranks the Admiral who they answer to. They can use him for protection if the Admiral ever truly turns on them. He is like a balance to the Admiral. Starfleet really gets pissed off when he is used by the crew of the USS Anracosh to “pull rank” with them. Underneath it all is the born to rule attitude. He feels it is his right to rule, but he keeps that fact well hidden.

Story arc:

This is a man who merely wants the ancients to make him immortal, and become the immortal permanent leader of the Federation. One of the reasons he wants immortality is that he was rejected for hosting a trill symbiont on physical medical grounds. His physiology was not good enough for blending with a symbiont. This was his one chance to have a form of immortality and it was taken away from him. Thus this motivates him to find a way to get the ancients to make him immortal, and the fact he has megalomania stemming from narcissism. He is also a Dark Empath.

He tries to force the issue by publically demanding the ancients give the secret of immortality to the Federation so Federation citizens don’t have to die of old age. In response the ancients point out the pitfalls of immortality and how for many immortality is a fate worth than death. They are happy for people to seek immortality from the ancients, but they have to give informed consent to the ancients that they understand that for many immortality is a death sentence or worse.

Then the politicians delivers his ultimatum: Ask the ancients for immortality or have the ancients provide proof of the afterlife. The ancients show him hell and promise that even if hell isn’t real they can make it real for him. The ancients call him out on his true motives for being immortal and say he is the last person who should be allowed to live forever, and they think he could not cope with immortality anyway, to add to their response the ancients show him the true horrors of immortality and it does not affect him.

He finally has to see what it is to suffer, but he is too arrogant to think it will be a problem for him. The ancients show him what it means to be an ancient and he shrugs this off as well. The ancients show him what it means to have countless tomorrows and why the ancients live the way they live, especially why some of them act like clowns acting up because at heart they can’t cope with living forever.

What the ancients have made sure of is that all this was done as publically as possible. The politician may think he should be immortal and be able to cope with it, but the cost is that the public sees him for what he is and thus his political career is over. He was once a politician on the way to the top, but now he will soon have to be nobody that is even too “on the nose” to be given a private sector job of any kind. Enough evidence of the politician’s real activities is shown on TV that the police will investigate, and that will lead to the politician being charged, found guilty and his assets will be confiscated.

The politician has to face a fate that for him is worse than death – a life of being a nobody with nothing to his name. Being equal to the plebs he thinks are scum is something that could potentially drive him to suicide or a life of crime to regain his lost glory. Fortunately he his none of the skills needed to be a successful criminal and if he does take that path he will be in jail in no time.


Generic USS Anracosh crew member

Important note:

This character sheet exists for the purpose of playing role playing games, but it can be used as a resource for creating the Star Trek: Realm of the Gods TV show, but primarily the document exists for creating role playing game characters.

Name: Varies

Sex/Race: Varies

Skill set:

At the start of the rogue mission it varies, but all crew skill sets comprise of combat skills, skills relating to their specialities/hobbies/interest and skills relating to running a starship.

Important: Many of the crew have had careers before joining Starfleet. They joined to fight the Dominion war. This gives them random career skills that have nothing to with anything space or combat related. It is important to note that for many of the crew that Starfleet is their second or even third career.

Important note about neural education and the crew’s skill set:

Having the neural education centre means that the crew can gain new skills as needed or wanted. An excellent example of this is the episode where the whole crew get diplomacy skills in order to deal with a large number of Ancients that they have to negotiate with. The crew can go to the neural education centre and gain skills, such as a crew member gaining chef skills to impress a bunch of guests in their quarters. As the show progresses the crew get an impressive array of skills in their interests/hobbies and from using neural education technology for missions on the USS Anracosh and for Section 31’s commando raids.

Important possessions: Varies


Very patriotic to the Federation, want to protect the Federation and see making allies of the Ancients as a way to do that. Fearless [but not foolish] in combat.

Special relations with other characters:

A strong sense of camaraderie between all members of the crew of the USS Anracosh. They are friends and allies of Section 31. They feel a series of negative emotions about the rest of Starfleet for rejecting them for getting rewarded for a rogue mission that resulted in the USS Anracosh being turned into a super starship that is a blend of Federation and Ancient race technology. They have a genuine hatred for those against, and protesting against, the Realm of the Gods project.

Age: Varies

Appearance: Wears the standard lime green uniform of shame that are issued on the USS Anracosh, except in the last season when their uniforms are returned to normal.


Varies according to their job speciality, and their main “roles” are ferrying diplomats between ancient races and reverse engineering the ancient race technology that is either on the USS Anracosh or encountered elsewhere.


Most of the rank and file crew of the USS Anracosh are Dominion war veterans who have seen the worst of it. They fought in the front lines of the war and have seen all the evil a theatre of war has to offer. This is something they never wish to see again and doing diplomacy with the Ancients is a way to prevent another war. Giving the Federation God-like allies will mean the Federation is protected, without the need for another major conflict, or if there is one the ancients will be helping the Federation fight and win the war.


Varies, but the overall theme is of combat veterans who have seen the worst and are at some stage of coming to terms with what they have experienced during the war. Many have varying degrees of PTSD, and are being treated for it. Having said that, these are dedicated professional soldiers who act as such. They are NOT an unorganised rabble of thugs. There is a strong level of discipline among the crew and it shows with professionalism coming first, you can even see sometimes them walking in lock step as they go through the corridors of the USS Anracosh.

Story arc:

The crew of the USS Anracosh are for the most part on a path of redemption with the Federation. At the start of the rogue mission they were doing criminal acts in starting diplomacy with the ancients, then they were pardoned and given the upgraded USS Anracosh with it being an Ancient races/Federation hybrid starship, this being the most powerful vessel ever possessed by the Federation.

The crew are redeemed by their actions and the actions of the Ancients in relation to the Federation. How the Federation sees them depends a lot on when the rest of the Federation encounters the crew of the USS Anracosh, early on and the crew is shunned, later on they are treated as heroes. The crew know what they are doing is right, and know that in time they will be vindicated. Their vindication happens in the fourth and fifth seasons as what they are doing begins to pay off for the Federation.


Lt. Carol Johnson – Officer that runs the main social hub of the USS Anracosh:

Name: Carol Johnson

Age when introduced to the audience: Late forties

Sex/Race: Female Human

Skill set:

Is a qualified gym instructor and a qualified martial arts instructor. Has combat training and Starfleet training, knowing how to run a starship. Is an experienced fighter that specialises in short range and hand to hand combat. Has the skills of a soldier because she is a soldier.

Important possessions:

Her own personal martial arts training and gym equipment and the various black belts she has in various martial arts. Also her qualifications in gym instruction and martial arts instruction.


Has a maternal interest in the rest of the crew. Love martial arts, also has the bond of being comrades in arms with those she fought alongside in the Dominion war [which is much of the crew of the USS Anracosh.]

Special relations with other characters:

Is the den mother of the USS Anracosh. Also has a special bond with the staff who help her. Especially with Ensign Ghezear and Ensign H’Yol.


Small and pitite, but amazingly strong for her size. For a woman she has well defined muscles, but they look within normal parameters for real person. To the untrained eye she looks like a fitness instructor.


She is in charge of the USS Anracosh’s social areas, which is next to the pub. Because of the crew mainly being head kickers the crew’s hobbies mostly reflect that. There the dojo [martial arts centre] and pub and other facilities the crew are likely to hang around in are in one large semi-integrated area. By default she is in charge of the social area, but because of her love of martial arts she can almost always be found in the dojo. Even though the dojo has a master who answers to her in terms of military rank, Carol likes to run the dojo directly. She is officially head of the crew services department, but delegates a lot of her job to her underlings as her role as starship den mother is very important to her.


Carol is in Starfleet as a second career. She was originally a gym and martial arts instructor. When the Dominion war broke out she heard the call to go and fight the war. Therefore she joined Starfleet later in life, and it is her second career. In Starfleet Carol discovered leadership potential in her that she never knew she had and got officer training.

Because of the desperate times of the Dominion war she quickly rose through the ranks and joining the crew of the USS Anracosh as its social areas officer was actually a demotion for her. This did not bother Carol, she fought alongside the First officer and the Security chief in many battles and was glad to be serving with them in any capacity.

After the Dominion war finished she decided to stay in Starfleet to explore her previously unknown skill for leadership. She also had friends serving with her that fought alongside her in the Dominion war, and because their bonds were “forged in fire” she was very reluctant to leave them. It was these friends that, namely the First officer and the security chief that invited her to join the rogue mission of contacting the ancient races.


An upbeat confident person whose confidence comes from the fact that she could pulverise a burly person three times her size with ease. She has a fun charming side to her personality and can be much louder than her small size would suggest. That pretty much sums her up, her small petite stature makes her fighting skills very ironic, and uses that to her advantage. She is an extrovert because of her confidence and is very outspoken as well, but is not opinionated or wants to force her will on others, she is more relaxed and her charm and wit makes her many friends.

A veteran of the Dominion War, she’s esteemed by the crew members, and takes a great pride, almost maternal in nature, in nurturing them. That said, she can still definitely kick back with the boys and get rowdy. She knows how to play to their strengths and get them to listen up when crap hits the fan. Think of a current day Diane Lane. Tough, sweet, and motherly. Sort of like a mama wolf.

Story Arc:

In time she becomes like a community leader on the starship. She is looked up to for these various reasons: Her charisma, her martial arts skills, the fact she runs the social centre and she has leadership skills. She is also respected because she is a valued comrade in arms who fought alongside many of the crew in the Dominion war.

Over time more and more of the crew thinks she deserves a command position on the USS Anracosh, the problem is none are available. This causes problems as she fears becoming the crew “advocate” against the core officers, some of whom are her comrades in arms. The reasons for this are that it would disrupt the chain of command and she sees it as a betrayal of her friends/comrades in the core officer group.

Carol feels that she has to fight off being pushed into the position of crew advocate. Ironically this problem does not exist. The crew are far too disciplined to need or want a crew advocate. Carol has to discover that her fear is of an event that will never happen.


Section 31 agent Alena Malgum:

Name: Alena Malgum [A corruption of amalgam]

Age when introduced to the audience: Looks like a cross between late teens and late thirties. She has signs that should not be on a young body, such as old age wrinkles on a teen face.

Sex/Race: Female Undefined Hybrid

Skill set:

Has the standard Starfleet training six times over. She is a commander, medical doctor, psychologist, security guard, engineer and science officer. She knows everything you need to know to run a starship. The better question is what isn’t she skilled in?

Important possessions:

She has six keepsakes [nick knacks] that remind her of each of the families that rejected her. She does not hate those who rejected her, instead she realises she has to move on with her life, even if she can’t accept that fact.


Is still very much hurt by having six families reject her. She had so many close relatives that she loved that utterly rejected her. Therefore she sees the people around her as her family because of this. Therefore she is a very loyal friend.

Special relations with other characters:

Is a good friend of the section 31 flotilla captain Cyrisha Brelek. She is friends with the Section 31 agents she works with. Really likes the crew of the USS Anracosh because their skill set approaches her own, so she can easily relate to them.


The standard “uniform” of a Section 31 starship crew uniform, but she has a few extra rank pips to indicate her very high rank. The six people she was made from were: A Vulcan, a Trill, a Deltan, a Bajoran and two Humans.

She has the ears of a Vulcan, the nose of a Bajoran, the spots of a Trill and normal coloured skin. Please note that she is 2/3rds human and 1/6th Deltan. Being 1/6 Deltan only gives her an unusually high forehead that simply looks like a swept back hairstyle that almost passes for normal. She does not have a receding hairline, just an unusually high forehead, like one sees in the fashionable styles of some women from Africa.


She is the spy in charge of the covert ops missions the crew of the USS Anracosh is trading for supplies. The Captain of the flotilla drops of supplies and the covert ops teams are sent to Alena onboard the supply ship. She is the result of a transporter accident. A Starfleet away team of six officer core crew members with a variety of skills was beaming back to their starship. These included the engineer, doctor, captain, science officer, crew counsellor and head of security. The away team consisted of four women and two men, all of which were various Federation member species. Six people beamed up but seven appeared on the transporter pad. The woman who became Alena Malgum was arrested and interrogated and it was discovered that she was a merged being of all of those who transported with her. She had six lifetimes worth of education and was incredibly multi-skilled. Starfleet realised that she had every right to exist and sent her to Earth to start a life for herself. It was here that Section 31 agents recruited her. They were interested in her because she had no past and was very multi-skilled. Both these attributes make her ideal Section 31 material.

Legally she does not exist, no finger prints [occurred in transporter accident], weird DNA that doesn’t conform to any species, making it hard to scan, no paper trail, she is totally off the grid, a real nowhere woman. This makes her very useful to Section 31. Tracking her down through her paper trail won’t work. The only weakness she has is that she is hard to treat medically.


She has the lives of six people as her life’s story, but her existence started when she was created in the transported accident. Having six lives of experience makes her a very wise person. In a way she has no background of her own because of how she came into being. Once she was recruited to Section 31 she was a model agent who earned the right to pick her postings. She learned of the Realm of the Gods project by being in Section 31 and wanted to be a part of it, so she got a job in the supply Flotilla supplying the USS Anracosh. Her job is commanding the black ops missions that the crew of the USS Anracosh do for Section 31.


She has had six families [of the crew she originated from in the transporter accident] disown her by not recognising her as one of their own. This was psychologically devastating. When Section 31 offered her the family she craved [in her psychosocially weakened state] she jumped at the chance. She is still recovering from the blow of losing six families and it sometimes shows. She is incredibly loyal to Section 31 and the crew members of the USS Anracosh she does covert missions with, and loyal to the crew of the USS Anracosh who don’t qualify to do commando missions. They are the only family she has. To sum her up, her colleagues are her family and she treats them as such.

Story Arc:

She has toyed with the idea of transferring to the crew of the USS Anracosh but she is far too useful to Section 31 for them to allow it. For now she has taken a halfway solution and gotten an assignment on the resupply flotilla where she commands the commando raids done by the crew of the USS Anracosh. The reason she is so interested in joining the crew is she sees the comradery the have as exactly the “family” environment she is looking for. Also due to the skill set of the crew of the USS Anracosh being greatly enhanced by neural education devices, Alena feels that the crew are people she can easily relate to, especially as the series progresses and the crew of the USS Anracosh gets very skilled. Late in the series she realises Section 31 is right, she is far more useful where she is and she already has plenty of contact with the crew of the USS Anracosh, so in a way she is already part of their family. Therefore she is getting what she wished for. She has to make the realisation that she is already where she is meant to be and is getting what she wants out of life. Added to that is that she can always retire with them on their private island on Risa. The private island was acquired when the crew of the USS Anracosh and Section 31 finally disbanded the anti Realm of the Gods protest group.


The Ascended mythbuster / weapons maker:

Name: Greg Popadoulis

Age when introduced to the audience: Several centuries old [he is one of the oldest of the Imitari]

Sex/Race: Male Imitari

Skill set:

He is every kind of scientist from all disciplines. He’s an ancient, what would you expect?

Important possessions:

Has his own ancient races starship, called the Bushido. Has a massive dwarf planet sized laboratory that he built himself not long after ascending. It is meant from day one to be a glorified man cave and it shows in the appearance of the place.


Wants to be accepted by the ancients community, because he is only trying to cope with being immortal in his own way. They are doing the same, so how can they criticise him when they are in the same position he is.

Special relations with other characters:

The Chief engineer and the Science officer see him as a “bigger” version of themselves. The crew of the USS Anracosh see him as an important ally. Ancient race individuals/governments either love him or hate him.


Clothes that are somewhat outdated given the era he lives in, but the clothes are ascended just like him. [THE CLOTHES ARE NOT TRANSLUCENT!]


He created many parts of the ancient race part of the USS Anracosh, and is called in every now and again to check its systems. He meets the chief engineer and chief science officer. They see him as a bigger version of themselves. His government commissioned him to create the ancients part of the USS Anracosh. His government is as much divided as to what to make of him as the rest of the ancient race community is.


When the Eugenics wars raged he was one of the many Human Augments who refused to follow Khan Noonien Singh. One of Khan Noonien Singh’s black projects was analysing a faulty Iconian wormhole that appeared on Earth and was faulty only because it was visible to the naked eye. Normally Iconian wormholes are invisible.

The people who would become the Imitari learned of the black project, took control of it and used the faulty Iconian wormhole to escape the Earth. The ascended mythbuster was one of the people who escaped Earth via the faulty Iconian wormhole. The other side of wormhole was on a world near the edge of the galaxy. That world used to be an Iconian colony world and had functioning Iconian technology on it. The Human Augments named the world Viridis [Latin for Green] because of how green it is.

The Human Augments renamed themselves the Imitari because they decided that they would copy themselves memories and all rather than reproduce sexually. They had big plans as to how their society would function once they settled on Viridis but this was cut short when they met the ancients on the other side of the wormhole, who invited them into the ancient races clique.

The Ancients told the Imitari that the Iconian wormhole was deliberately made faulty by the ancients and left on Earth as a way to rescue the Imitari. The Imitari were stunned to hear this news and the Ascended Mythbuster was just as shocked as any other Imitari to hear it. The ancients explained that due to the personality alterations the Imitari had undergone they were going to create a society that had an ancient race social structure, and that qualified them for an invitation into the ancient races clique. The ancients rescued them because the Imitari belong in the ranks of the ancients, and if left on Earth the people who would become the Imitari would have been destroyed.

What else has this got to do with the Ascended Mythbuster? He was a leader of the Augments who refused to be part of the Eugenics wars. He is largely responsible for designing how Imitari civilisation would function once the Imitari settled Viridis. He is one of the founding fathers of the Imitari nation. This earns him some respect with the Imitari people. Like all other Imitari he has never come to terms with being rescued by the ancients so they could join the ancient races clique.


This is at heart a sad character – making and testing weapons keeps himself sane. You can be a super powerful being and still have a tragic life. Ancients either love him or hate him. The ancients who hate him see the abilities not the man, the ancients who love him see the man not the abilities. He loves his weapon making hobby, which ironically is the reason many ancients hate him, but he has a horrible choice, if he gives up weapons making the effects of immortality destroy him, if he keeps his hobby half the ancients will keep loathing him. He has chosen weapons making, because the alternative is unthinkable – effectively asking him to kill himself.

Story arc:

He is looking for acceptance. His attitude is how could any ancient be against him when they are all in the same boat of fighting the dangers of immortality? He is a passionate believer in the Realm of the Gods project because if he can’t be accepted by his fellow ancients he could try his luck with the younger races. This is why he upgraded the “Dial a Deity” system so it could be used by younger races. He still knows that half the ancients love him, but that is not enough, he wants to be accepted by all, or at least tolerated. He does get some redemption in the eyes of the ancients when he is one of the main players in beating down the Borg in the shows finale. He was a main player because of his immense arsenal of super weapons.

How does the drone react to him? Ironically the drone is neutral towards him; a very unusual position for someone in the ancients community. He sees the usefulness he has to the USS Anracosh as he helps maintain the starship. However, he is a liability to have around during diplomacy with the ancients because half the ancients hate him. It is best that he is a part timer during maintenance cycles, because the repair times can be scheduled in between diplomatic missions.

The symbol he chose for him and his following is a sign that says and symbolises “A-igol’ beppendages” [Big old Appendages], a send up of “Tig ol’ Bitties”. The insignia is of all sorts of insignia style symbols of “attractant” appendages from all sorts of creatures. It neatly summaries the purpose of him and those who follow him in that his laboratory is actually a glorified man cave for dudes and dudettes that have fun blowing stuff up for the heck of it. This makes him even more hated by those who dislike him. In their eyes it shows he has no serious side, even though that is not true.

“But that’s exactly it, Engineer. The problems I’ve got aren’t the ones you can just blast away.”


The leader of the anti-contacting the ancients protest group:

Name: Phil Hoffmier

Age when introduced to the audience: Early thirties

Sex/Race: Male Human

Skill set:

Knows how to protest and how to run a protest. Knows how to study and how to memorise for exams. Lots of head knowledge, very little practical knowledge. Everything he knows is theory which would not translate well into practice. Not a very practical person. Also knows a lot about politicking, office politics and politics in general.

Important possessions:

All the degrees he has earned but will never use because he sees his future as being a professional student and professional protester for the rest of his life.


Does not know much about real life, hence his obsession with being a professional student. Deep down he knows he can’t make it in the real world. Thinks that protesting is the key to power.

Special relations with other characters:

Considers the people following him in his protest group as a means to an end although he pretends to be their friend. Does not know that his anti-Realm of the Gods protest group has been completely compromised by Section 31 agents. Sometimes there are more Section 31 agents at his groups meetings than there are actual protesters.


A Federation civilian who has some “hippy” atonements to his outfit and some badges and patches of various causes on his jumper and other clothing.


He is secretly in league with those in Starfleet and the Federation Council who are against contacting the ancients. They are secretly funding him and providing rent a crowd services. He is protester who needs a windmill to tilt at and is not happy unless he has a cause to champion. That is the case until he gets enough power and/or money to be rich and comfortable; then screw his following and causes. He is the public face of those against the Realm of the Gods project. He probably doesn’t really care about it, or even understands what the Realm of the Gods project really is. His main episodes are the “Cat Call of Cthulu” and “Operation Sour Grapes” episode.


He grew up in an average home but obviously showed smarts and this got him into university. When he got to university he found his home and part of his calling being a professional student. This guy went to university and simply never left it doing course after course after course. This is his side job, his proper job and other half of his calling is protesting. He loves protesting and leading others in protest, no matter what the cause. Because of this he became very active in university politics and he grew to love controlling others in his political movement.

His “career” is in street protesting and tilting at windmills and if it wasn’t for getting busted embezzling his movement [as described below] this would have been his life. He would have gone to his grave being a professional student and “permanent” protester if he had not been against the Realm of the Gods project.


A pure opportunist who will appear as all things to all people to get his way. You never know his true personality because he masks himself to make sure those he wants to manipulate think of him as a close friend, when that is clearly not the case. He would have no qualms about letting someone he recruited to his cause rot in jail and be forgotten after violently protesting after he told them to do so. He is of himself and for himself but is puts in a lot of effort to appear anything but that. Nobody knows his true personality underneath all the falsehoods he projects, but he is nothing good.

Story arc:

He is willingly a puppet of more powerful forces who have no real interest in him, but in fact have their own agenda that has nothing to do with the issues he pretends to have. Near the end of the series these forces realise which way the tide is turning as the USS Anracosh restores its reputation and his sponsors drop their sponsorship of him. He then embezzles his own movement while publicly saying it is bankrupt. He then does a runner and retires to a private island on Risa.

The fate for protester described in the sour grapes episode. In short he embezzles his own movement and he does not know that Section 31 is spying on him and reports him to the police. While this is happening he puts all the embezzled money and other assets like a private island bought with the embezzled money into an investment firm which he does not know is a front for Section 31. The end result is the private island gifted to the crew of the USS Anracosh so they can use it as a holiday home and eventually a retirement village.

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