Introduction and canon information

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Attention Star Trek Fans: Do you want to know what really happened after the Dominion war? Well here it is!

The Dominion and their allies have recently been defeated, but some in the Federation see a pattern, a pattern that disturbs them, the enemies of the Federation are getting more and more powerful. First the Romulans with starships equal to the Federation in quality and numbers, next the Borg, a hive mind “race” who sent a few starships that nearly beat the Federation, and then the Dominion, an Empire that plunged the entire Alpha and Gamma quadrants into an almost unwinnable war.

The Dominion war left the Federation without any powerful allies, the Klingon Empire is effectively bankrupt, the Romulans are returning to business as usual. They will soon be enemies again. The rest of the governments that the Federation know of are much less powerful than the Federation and could easily be defeated by the enemies the Federation has faced in recent times.

But as everyone knows, there are also the ancient races who live in the galaxy. Their civilisations make the Federation look like nothing. With some of the really powerful ancients like the Organians, the Dauwd and the Q Continuum, the individuals in these races make the Federation look like nothing. Normally when a younger race encounters the ancients the procedure is for the younger race to run away with their tails [or anatomical equivalent] between their legs, then put up no trespassing signs where the ancients were found.

With the Federation facing bigger and bigger threats we face the unthinkable, eventually facing a foe that can’t be defeated, one that will crush the Federation and destroy everything we have worked for. Billions of lives would be at stake. Since we will eventually face the unthinkable we are going to do the unthinkable – reach out to the ancients and ask them to be our allies.


Welcome to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods

This is a fan fiction work different to the rest. It is an idea for a new series of Star Trek that is different from the other canon Star Trek T.V. shows and movies. I want others who like making fan based material for Star Trek to continue what I have started. This documentation has hopefully given you all the tools you need to make your own additions to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods. Best of luck with your efforts.


Basic concepts for writing project:


In the various versions of Star Trek the crews occasionally encounter an ancient race like the Organians in Star Trek the Original Series, the Dauwd in Next Generation, or the Caretaker in Star Trek Voyager. These God like beings are seen for one episode and forgotten about. More importantly, they are never given depth in the show. They are used as plot devices and plots and they are never explored to their full potential in Star Trek. The exception is the Q Continuum.

My idea is to have a Federation starship dedicated to making official diplomatic contact with ascended races, ancient races and god like beings, with the stated goal of making alliances with them. Yet in the T.V. shows not so much as one follow up mission to go and talk with them is ever seen. The idea I have developed is an attempt to remedy this situation.

The reason I am setting my ideas in a Star Trek universe is that such a setting contains plenty of powerful ascended and ancient races and god like beings for a starship crew to do meet and greets with.

I want to make one thing clear: The civilisations or individuals encountered by the crew are not beings with technology somewhat more advanced than the Federation, they are encountering civilisations and individuals who are as far advanced beyond the Federation as the whole human civilisation is above an ant colony. If they are not that advanced, they have easy access to beings who are that advanced. In running diplomacy with these beings the starship crew is entering the realm of the Gods, hence the name: Star Trek – Realm of the Gods.

This idea shows Star Trek’s Federation on the receiving end of being the inferior race meeting a far more superior empire. Dealing with the ancients means dealing with beings way more advanced than you. I could imagine characters in Star Trek really hating being the inferior force in an encounter. Being around god like beings means the Federation is the small fish in the big pond, not vice versa.


What I find really amazing is that nobody else has thought of this idea!

In my research I found that Star Trek stories dealing with ancient races and non-corporeal beings fall into two broad categories:

One is where a Starship crew encounters an ancient [as described in my ancient races documentation] and the ancient is forgotten about in all future episodes with the exception of the Q Continuum and a few others.

The other is found in comic books and novels where the story involves the internal politics and activities of the ancients, good and bad, and how it relates to the Federation. I have to ask the question why the ancients would go to war with each other? It can’t be over resources, why go to war over resources when you don’t need resources? Why fight over anything when you can wish anything into existence or quickly access someone who can? I will cover these ideas more in the ancient races section of this documentation.

I find it amazing that nobody else has thought of the concept I bring forth, A Star Trek series that involves systematically establishing diplomatic relations with the ancients.


All about the size and scale of my writing project

Scope of the project

I am only going to make the backdrop information. It will be enough for fan fiction stories, comic books, role playing games, fine art or whatever that anyone would want to create using Star Trek – Realm of the Gods as a template. I only want to provide the backdrop information and the basic idea. I encourage anyone to make Star Trek – Realm of the Gods into a fan fiction or something else.

The exception is that I am providing a sample T.V. mini-series that lasts five seasons of fourteen episodes per season, or can be treated as ten seasons with seven episodes each. This is to give inspiration for story ideas for anyone who wants to progress what I have done into a novel, graphic novel or whatever.

The purpose of the mini-series plot synopses is a story generator for anyone wanting to create Star Trek Realm of the Gods fan fictions, be they as stated earlier, any type of creative endeavour.

Please remember that when you create material about Star Trek Realm of the Gods that my job is done. What you make is your creation – all I have done is give you the background information and the backdrop to what you have created.


My ambition for this project

What I would like to see happen is to publish online what I have done with Star Trek Realm of the Gods and see it take on a life of its own. By that I mean others who read it use it as inspiration to create their own Star Trek Realm of the Gods inspired media. I don’t care what type of media is created, it can be fine art, comic books, fan-fiction, 3D models of the USS Anracosh [which I would love to see], whatever the creator of the media can come up with that matches their skill set.

Once Star Trek Realm of the Gods is online my job is done. My only real goal is to provide the background information and the setting. If someone wants to add to it that is their project and wish them every success. Please, make something I would be proud to call part of Star Trek Realm of the Gods.


I would love it if my writing project had a “Happy Snaps” section and see some 3D models of the USS Anracosh

I really want to have a “happy snaps” section in my writing project. I define “happy snaps” as pictures taken of life onboard the USS Anracosh as if they crew were taking them to document want it is like to serve on the vessel. I think having a collection of such images would greatly enhance this writing project. The inside of the ship looks like a fusion of the ancient races organic looking technology and Federation techonology.

The pictures I created of the USS Anracosh were made using a computer game [The Star Trek Starfleet Command Series], a model extractor for the game and Microsoft paint. I used the Printscreen key to get the images I wanted from the game and added backgrounds that I found online to form finished pictures that can be found in the Star Trek Realm of the Gods documentation. I know to some of you who do CGI work it sounds like I was doing cave paintings, but to be honest I can’t draw for anything. With that said I would love to see 3D models of the USS Anracosh that can be put into fine art pieces.


Canon and creative information about my project:

Canon followed and time it takes place in

I will follow the original canon of the Star Trek T.V. shows, that being Star Trek Original Series, Star Trek animated series from the 1970’s, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Star Trek movies 1 through to 10 and Star Trek Enterprise. Anything after that is not part of this project, including Star Trek Online. In other words it will only be prime universe Star Trek, although it can be argued that Star Trek Lower Decks feels like it is prime universe Star Trek and I will clarify my position on it below.

The Realm of the Gods project’s rogue operation phase starts after Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378. The meeting where the idea of contacting the ancients is floated is in late 2377, and the USS Anracosh first flies in its rogue operation in early 2379. For the record, the Dominion war ended in 2375.

As for Star Trek – Lower Decks I am undecided. I would prefer to have Star Trek – Lower Decks as canon for Star Trek – Realm of the Gods, but at time of writing that may not be practical. Because of the kind of plot lines Star Trek – Realm of the Gods would involve having it as a nu-trek series [including star trek online] would not make any sense in terms of plot development and plot points. The only canon piece of information I will transfer from Star Trek – Lower Decks to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods is that Lt. Shanks, the chief of security on the USS Ceritos, was approached to join the crew of the USS Anracosh before its rogue mission phase but he refused them and agreed to keep quiet about it.


If you are making something with what I have written these are the only two rules you are to follow:

Rules of the show – the two commandments

Neural education devices are NOT virtual reality machines or use surgery to transfer knowledge

Neural education devices infuse knowledge into the brain without a virtual reality experience of learning the knowledge. The effects the person who uses the neural education device would be like remembering something they have not thought about for a while. The knowledge the device gives them just appears in their minds without the experience of having learned it. No surgery required either. Since the neural education device can alter the parts of the brain that affect movement physical skills can be learned via neural education devices.

The reason I have the above rule is that having the devices as VR machines gives Star Trek – Realm of the Gods some very serious plot holes and nonsense storylines because it would make using the neural education machines extremely disorientating or turn the show into a gore-fest. These are things I do not want.

For example: Someone getting a doctorate level qualification via the neural education device would experience six years of subjective time in the machine. They would emerge from the device having forgotten the names of their workmates and have similar problems adjusting to their lives on the USS Anracosh every time they use neural educator technology, and they would be using the technology at least every other day. The crew would be perpetually disorientated to the point where they would be dysfunctional and unable to perform even the most basic duties required to keep the starship operating.

Ancient race technology does exactly what it says it does without any side effects of any kind

There is to be no side effects to neural education or mind machine interfaces or any other ancient races technology, except when misused. Apart from misuse they do exactly what they say they do without any unforeseen medical or other side effects of any kind. This applies to ALL ancient race technologies. The black hole manipulator, the wormhole generator and much more does what they say they do, without any unwanted side effects, unless misused.

The reason for this: The technology is made by beings at least one million years ahead of us, what they make is going to be perfect, or so close to it that you can’t tell the difference.


A creative issue and a canon issue

Creative issues:

I learnt the hard way that I can’t write a story where the characters discover a problem, go running in circles for the first three quarters of the story and then find a solution out of nowhere that involves connecting a couple of pieces of technology and pushing a button to make things all better again. I can’t write a story that insults my intelligence.

Giving the crew of the USS Anracosh a worthy opponent for series is challenge. Because the USS Anracosh can outgun anything having an enemy that can be shot is not viable from a storytelling perspective. All the crew has do is have their starship shot the enemy – one shot one kill – no more enemy and thus no more storyline.

This is why I made the two main enemies of the crew of the USS Anracosh the rest of Starfleet and an anti-Realm of the Gods protest group. The crew can’t so much as hurl an insult at their Starfleet superiors without getting an insubordination change or worse. They can’t fight their fellow Starfleet officers without being court marshalled, nor would they want to. The crew is trying to protect the Federation doing their jobs as Starfleet officers, just like the rest of Starfleet. The same applies to the anti-Realm of the Gods protest group. The crew can’t legally violate the protests group’s freedom of speech and basic rights. In both cases the crew of the USS Anracosh have few options when it comes to countering the two foes mentioned above, and this is why they make good enemies for this writing project.

Canon issue:

I will never include the supernova that destroyed Romulus and Remus in this version of Star Trek except to fix it. In this version I follow the original canon from the 90’s Star Trek shows, not anything after the Star Trek Enterprise series, with the exception of Star Trek Lower Decks, although since Star Trek Lower Decks is still in production at the time I write this using Lower Decks as a resources will have its limitations.

If you know anything about astronomy you would know that a star going supernova would be known about centuries or millennia in advance, and it would be known with technology made in the 20th century. Imagine how much more accurate predictions of supernova would be with technology centuries more advanced than what we have now. The idea that a supernova would be unpredicted is once again insulting to my intelligence. The Romulans would have had from the time of their colonization of Romulus thousands of years ago to prepare for it. It does not matter that nu-trek canon contradicts itself in saying which star in the Romulan Empire is going supernova, the same ideas apply either way.

It gets worse, if you know your Star Trek lore you would know that Romulan starships are powered by artificial singularities, basically synthetic mini black holes. They could rig one of these mini black holes to form a small but proper black hole, warp that black hole to the centre of the star about to go nova and force the star to implode rather than explode. No supernova and thus no destruction of the Romulan Empire or its resulting aftermath. My Star Trek Realm of the Gods writings will reflect this in the colossal two middle fingers to nu-trek episodes [Preventing the Romulan supernova episodes].


Canon followed and time it takes place in

I will follow the original canon of the Star Trek T.V. shows, that being Star Trek Original Series, Star Trek animated series from the 1970’s, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Star Trek movies 1 through to 10 and Star Trek Enterprise. Anything after that is not part of this project, including Star Trek Online. In other words it will only be prime universe Star Trek, although it can be argued that Star Trek Lower Decks feels like it is prime universe Star Trek and I will clarify my position on it below.

The Realm of the Gods project’s rogue operation phase starts after Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378. The meeting where the idea of contacting the ancients is floated is in late 2377, and the USS Anracosh first flies in its rogue operation in early 2379. For the record, the Dominion war ended in 2375.

As for Star Trek – Lower Decks I am undecided. I would prefer to have Star Trek – Lower Decks as canon for Star Trek – Realm of the Gods, but at time of writing that may not be practical. Because of the kind of plot lines Star Trek – Realm of the Gods would involve having it as a nu-trek series [including star trek online] would not make any sense in terms of plot development and plot points. The only canon piece of information I will transfer from Star Trek – Lower Decks to Star Trek – Realm of the Gods is that Lt. Shanks, the chief of security on the USS Ceritos, was approached to join the crew of the USS Anracosh before its rogue mission phase but he refused them and agreed to keep quiet about it.


Bad guys in ST ROTG

Who are the bad guys in Star Trek Realm of the Gods?

There is no point giving them a “standard” star trek enemy they fight toe to toe with because the USS Anracosh can outgun anything the younger races can throw at it.

Outside threats…

The Borg

Some ancients who have various issues with the Federation, they can be treated like renegade ancients.

Insane ancients

Rival governments to the Federation – those who started running their own Realm of the Gods projects. InInitially rival governments freak out at the power of the USS Anracosh. They see the ancient races enhanced starship as threat and major imbalance of power in the Alpha and Beta quadrant.

Enemies within the Federation:

These are enemies they can’t so much as hurl an insult at for fear of an insubordination charge.

People who think negotiating with the ancients could backfire into a cataclysm.

People who don’t like that the crew of the USS Anracosh got away with the rogue operation.

People who want to sabotage the mission of the USS Anracosh, such as the protest group.

The anti-Realm of the Gods protest group – a group of people puppeteered by much more powerful forces who have their own agenda for making the Realm of Gods project fail. The protesters are like a rent a crowd group, and the public face of the anti-Realm of the Gods movement.

What really upsets those against the crew of the USS Anracosh is that a once rogue crew is in charge of the most powerful starship and weapons the Federation has ever possessed.

The biggest enemy of the USS Anracosh is the most of Starfleet and most of Starfleet command, and some of the civilian government and civilians of the of the Federation.

Re-supplying becomes such a problem for the USS Anracosh that Section 31 has to step in and help provide supplies.

When dealing with the rest of Starfleet, the crew are forced to keep their green uniforms as punishment as a way of singling them out. The starship and crew get a frosty reception at star bases and from other Federation starships. They eventually have to get resupplied by Section 31 vessels. This dies down as ancients do “impossible” missions for the Federation and changes to warm greetings and normal relations in the fourth season.


Other information and links related to my writing project:

There is no symbolism in my work

You know you have a hit when people notice symbolism in your work that you never put there. That sums up my point in this paragraph. I want to make it clear that there is absolutely no symbolism in my work. If you find any symbolism in what I have written then it is a product of your imagination, not mine.

Very little is recycled from my old Star Trek – Realm of the Gods project

I tried this make this project about fifteen year ago [at time of writing], and back then it was something that had little resemblance to traditional Star Trek. At the time I wanted to make it a role playing game. Because I could not get it to work and because I could not get anyone interested so I shelved the project. In more recent times I have revived my Star Trek – Realm of the Gods idea. This time I am setting it in the prime Star Trek universe and the only resemblance it has to my earlier ideas are the premise, the name of the project and some of my concepts for what the ascended beings and ancient races are like.


Links for Realm of the Gods project HYPERLINK “”i/Category:Non-corporeal_species


For those who want to make their own Star Trek – Realm of the Gods fanfictions:

Messages for creators be they fan, official or otherwise

In this section I am speaking directly to anyone who makes anything Star Trek from the online written fan-fiction stories and fan art to the professional made series seen on movie screens, T.V. and streaming services. Please do not take offense to anything said here, it is not my intention to insult. This particularly applies to the fans first laws section below. Original drafts I made for fans first laws were much more “fire and brimstone”. The version seen below is a watered down version of what I originally wrote, and in case you are wondering I erased the original version of the fans first laws section. Anyway, here is what I have to say:

I am not using my real name

If it was not for others on my writing project these documents would never be published. I agreed to publishing because it is as much their project as it is mine. My colleagues can do with this body of work as they please.

I proved the concept, that’s all I care about

You don’t need me. If you want to add something to this project feel free to do so. If you wish to improve upon my work, that’s your job and I welcome you to try, best of luck!

I have done my job

I would not have written the sample T.V. plotlines section and sample characters section except for others in my project recommending it. All I originally wanted to do was write about the USS Anracosh, a few general details about its crew, an outline of its mission and thoughts on what ancient races are like.

Contact details are not available, I’m not interested. I’m not on social media, I don’t trust such technology. If others on my project want to have publically available contact details, that’s their call.

Why I choose Star Trek – the mythology fits exactly what I want to write about. Star Trek has many stories encountering god like aliens and it is far easier to write for an existing franchise than creating something from scratch.

I’m O.K. about publishing the work, but I want the work to speak for itself. If it is published I’d like to see it take on a life of its own.


For creators:

For those who want to do fan inspired work

The whole purpose of my writings for Star Trek Realm of the Gods is to inspire others to create their own fan works set in the Star Trek Realm of the Gods storyline. These writings serve as inspiration for fans who want to create something in the Star Trek universe [while following copyright owner rules].

This project is open to any form of fan made materials. Anything from 3D CGI models of the USS Anracosh [most welcome] to fan-fiction stories to amateur made graphic novels to fine art.

Treat what I have written as a resource for your fan made projects, and best of luck in your creative efforts.


For official/professional creators

I hope you like what I have created in Star Trek Realm of the Gods. I once heard that Star Trek Voyager was a inspired by a Star Trek fan clubs efforts and I can’t confirm if this is true or not [I wish I had proof]. To be honest, I do not really care if Star Trek Voyager was originally thought up by a Star Trek fan club, it does not affect my writing project.

I am perfectly fine with you using Star Trek Realm of the Gods to create something in the Star Trek franchise. You do not even need to track me down, I am giving you my blessing in using Star Trek Realm of the Gods for your endeavours in making official Star Trek.


Legal stuff:

Copyright concerns

Star Trek is the copyright of Viacom, Paramount and CBS [see copyright notice on introduction page]

I in no way endorse violating CBS/Paramount’s rules for creating Star Trek fan made media/products/toys/whatever. If someone does violate CBS/Paramount’s rules they did so without my knowledge or consent and I do not support the copyright violator in any way. I do not want any Star Trek Realm of the Gods fan made materials to go against CBS/Paramount’s rules about their intellectual property.

I used to be paranoid about copyright issues [I probably still am], which is one of the reasons why my original Realm of the Gods project was a so far removed from Star Trek, but had a Star Trek label on it. I was trying to avoid being sued for copyright infringement. [It was later on that I found out that even just having a Star Trek label on it is still a copyright concern].

There are no commons licenses for Star Trek, and what’s a commons license?

A commons license is a license to use copyrighted material provided the commons licensee does not profit from the copyrighted work. Commons licenses are usually free. Viacom, Paramount and CBS do not issue commons licenses for Star Trek.


I propose fans first laws

Please note earlier drafts of this document were much more fire and brimstone than what is written here. This is a watered down version.

I am of the school of thought that many modern long lasting franchises/intellectual properties [I.P.’s] have a powerful cultural significance. This means they go beyond just being a corporate product to something with a significant influence on modern culture and with a permanent following of fans.

Unfortunately this is not acknowledged in the eyes of the law, and given the situation of franchises/I.P.’s having a powerful cultural significance in the creation of modern culture, this needs to change.

What I propose is something I call “fans first laws”. This involves legal protection for fans who want to express their devotion to their favoured franchises//I.P.’s. What this means in practice is that fans can override unpopular decisions about a franchise/I.P. and be able produce fan made material unhindered – and have the backing of their governments to enforce it.

What franchises/I.P.’s qualify as being covered under fans first laws? Easy – any franchises/I.P.’s that generate a permanent recognisable fandom.

Any deviation from what the fans want in a franchise/I.P. could be solved by the fans making a quick phone call or email to the F.B.I., New Scotland Yard, R.C.M.P. or equivalent organisation. As you can see by my last sentence, I would want fans first laws as federal and international law, meaning there is nowhere to hide from it.

Speaking of nowhere to hide, I want fans first laws to cover all possible media broadcast variants. Any form of broadcast media would be covered, for example, movie releases, streaming services, internet tube channels, cable T.V., traditional broadcast T.V., satellite T.V. or any other type of media release. As stated earlier, there would be nowhere to hide from fans first laws and word the laws in such a way that no loopholes could be exploited inside the fans first laws.

Unauthorised people or groups making money from fan made materials and piracy of existing franchises/I.P.’s are still illegal under fans first laws

In no way does fans first legislation nullify copyright issues. Profiteering of existing franchises/I.P.’s that is not done by the copyright holder is not allowed under fans first laws. The same goes for pirating [illegal copying] of existing franchises/I.P.’s. This would not legal under fans first laws. Fans first laws are only about protecting fans that make their own tribute materials to their beloved franchises/I.P.’s without the fans profiting from it.

Why make it criminal law?

It would have to be criminal law rather than civil law as this makes enforcement much easier. If it is civil law corporations and others with plenty of financial resources could pull a “Mc Libel”, meaning a corporation that keeps a civil trial in court for as long as possible until their opponents run out of money and have to give up.

The big advantage of making it criminal law is that it would be a very effective deterrent to going against the fandom’s wishes for a franchise/I.P. I want fans first laws to be so strong enough that it is a deterrent to initiating civil legal action in the first place.

There would be protections in fans first laws for creators and other “coalface” individuals against corporate interference

Fans first laws would not only protect fans making fan made materials, it would protect creators [meaning authors, screen writers and so on] and “coalface” individuals in the creative process [meaning actors, their agents, directors and so on].

The reason to have fans first legislation protect creators and people involved in helping them in the creative process is to make it fair. Fans first laws are not about hijacking a creator’s efforts. From a creator’s point of view fans first laws protect their ideas as to what their creation should be. To reintegrate, fans first laws are about protecting fans that love what a creator creates and want to express their enthusiasm in the form of fan made materials.

If creative decision by the creator of a franchise/I.P. destroys the franchise/I.P. or does damage to it too bad, it is the creator’s call as to what to do with their creation.

Cancelled shows and fans first laws

As for cancelled T.V. shows, and the equivalents of them mentioned and not mentioned above, give them up to the fans. When a show is cancelled and the company making it never intends to ever produce any more of it, have the show classified as abandoned property [meaning it is anyone’s for the taking] when it comes to fan made productions/fan-fiction/fan made toys and models/fan whatever, and then leave it up to the fans to produce more of the show and anything derived from that show.

This has one very desirable side effect: Any business that makes/broadcasts popular franchises/I.P.’s who abandons them in order to avoid fans first laws is giving those popular franchises/I.P.’s directly to the fans.

Please be aware that in the situation of cancelled T.V. shows the wishes of the creators of the show i.e. the writers and not the broadcasters takes priority over the fans. The creators still have the final say in what form there creation takes [meaning themes, plot rules, character development and so on].

If the business that makes/broadcasts popular franchises/I.P.’s tries to make more of their popular product without notice that fans still get the abandoned franchise/I.P. protection on the grounds that they acted in good faith [in the legal sense of the term] that they believed that the franchise/I.P. was genuinely abandoned. Also, because of the protections of fans being able to override business decisions about franchises/I.P.’s is another layer of protection as well.


Plot line stuff:

Deliberately leaving some parts of it vague and open ended

I deliberately wrote Star Trek Realm of the Gods with some areas of the documentation, for example like details on the characters, as missing some information. This was done so anyone who wants to create their own Star Trek Realm of the Gods material with a lot of flexibility as to what they want their creative efforts to be.

You can create your own characters, missions, ancient races and whatever else involving a Star Trek Realm of the Gods setting, and I want you to use the “wriggle room” I have provided to aid you in your efforts.

I found in my own research that information about ancients in the shows was lacking. The ancients had no background to them and were plot devices. This is a double edged sword. It did not give me much to build on when making Star Trek Realm of the Gods but it means I can create my own backgrounds for ancients, meaning I can customise my storylines about that ancients in Star Trek however I like.


Advice for writers:

My advice about writing is about what not to do, namely you do not need a “crutch” for your writing. This means not falling back on writing a story without a Mary Sue/Marty Stu where you are playing the main character. If Mary Sue/Marty Stu writing is your style try writing a story with an ensemble cast of main characters that are very different to each other. Another thing to try is writing a story without the themes you want to put into it. Try to “break the mould” of your writing.

To expand on what I am saying: Focus on characters you would have a hard time writing for. Try writing a character you could not relate to in real life, or a character you say can’t design. A good writer is a writer who can design and write a specific type of character that a reader can relate to. A great writer is someone who can design and write any type of character they need for the story they are writing and make them relatable.

Keep practicing writing that works on the weak points of your writing. If you have trouble with making the backdrops/settings for your stories, focus on making a story that heavily relies on the backdrop/setting. If you have problems creating a variety of different characters, write a story with an ensemble cast. In short practice on your weaknesses in writing and focus on fixing those weaknesses so you become a well rounded writer that can take on any writing challenge.

The worst thing you can do is use your writings as psychotherapy. Get your personal issues in order before writing something at a professional level. Without the psychological distraction you will find you will be able focus much better and produce high quality work that will be of publishable standard or better. Better yet, it will make you a much more adaptive writer that can write material that someone employing you will want you to write, and you will be able to produce what they want with ease.

Miscellaneous advice: Never write on an empty stomach or when needing water. Please feed and hydrate yourself before you write. NEVER proofread your own work. No matter how hard you try you will not pick up on enough of the errors in your own writing.

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