All about the Crew of the USS Anracosh

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The characters section describes most of the core officers serving on the USS Anracosh. This section describes details about the rank and file crew and some information related to them. Note that this is a random selection of information. It is enough someone writing their own Star Trek – Realm of the Gods work to get some ideas of what it is like for the average crew member to serve on the USS Anracosh.


USS Anracosh Crew various details

Order in which officer core crew joined the starship:

1] The captain, First officer, Head of security, Bajoran Doctor as medical chief who became the neural education expert

2] The Melkot as ancient races expert, Diplomatic officer, Science officer, Zalkonian Doctor, Chief engineer, Helmsman

3] The ancients built drone

The specialists who were conned into thinking it was a legitimate mission:

Chief Doctor: Female Zalkonian

Chief engineer: Male Human

Diplomatic officer: Female Human

Starship officer who is the Starship’s “A.I.”: Genderless Melkot

Specialist who did not ask the question if the mission was legal or not:

Ancient races expert: Male artificial organic species

Joined knowing it was illegal:

Science officer: Male Tellarite

Helmsman: Male Human

Core group:

Head of security: Female Human

First officer: Male Human

Neural education expert [was the chief doctor]: Male Bajoran

Captain: Female Vulcan

There will be a core crew of 6 men and 4 women and 1 genderless being [who is voiced by a woman and is sometimes mistaken for being female]

Note: This version of Star Trek has an ensemble cast. There is no one main character of group of characters.

Races of the core 11 crew at a glance:

Captain: Female Vulcan

First officer: Male Human

Helmsman: Male Human

Science officer: Male Tellarite

Chief Doctor: Female Zalkonian

Head of security: Female Human

Chief engineer: Male Human

Diplomatic officer: Female Human

Starship officer who is the Starship’s “A.I.”: Genderless Melkot

Ancient races expert: Male artificial organic species

Neural education expert: Male Bajoran


The crew “culture”

Because of the history of the majority of the crew serving in the Dominion war there is a testosterone laden dynamic in the crew’s “culture”. If they aren’t lampooning you they don’t like you. In spite out outward appearances the crew do take the job seriously. This is not easy to do as they are going to places and meeting individuals completely outside their experience.

One important thing to remember: The crew is NOT a gang of thugs. Apart from the specialists they are very disciplined professional soldiers.

Many of the crew have been trained and upskilled by Klingons during the Dominion war, so they have some sympathy towards Klingons, although no Klingons serve abroad the USS Anracosh.

Like with other Federation vessels fraternisation between crew members is allowed. On the USS Anracosh it is celebrated because the crew realise all they have is each other. Starfleet rejects them and many in the Federation see their mission as a dangerous undertaking that could backfire badly.


Crew demographics

Because it started as a rogue operation no families are on the starship. I will not make the mistake done in some other versions of Star Trek. That is having families onboard with young cast [kids] as a way to attract a younger audience. It was a bad idea. During the rogue mission the youngest people in the crew are some of the specialists bought onboard for their expertise about the ancient races.

There is extra space on the USS Anracosh because it is crew only starship. Therefore every crew member gets their own cabin. However, if crew members become partners, they can be assigned cabins big enough for two if they wish.

There is also a gender balance policy on the starship [for some reason the ancients thought this was important]. The personnel onboard have reflect the fact that there are equal numbers of men and women serving on the USS Anracosh. The gender balance was fixed when the rogue operation was legalised. The new crew assigned were mostly female.

One of the criteria for joining the original rogue crew was that they must be single [can be divorced] and not have dependants [i.e. looking after older relatives or have dependent children. Having adult children is totally acceptable]. The reason for this is that it means not breaking up families because of the rogue crew going to jail for running a rogue mission. What was not known at the time was that the ancients would arrange for the rogue crew to get a Presidential pardon for starting diplomacy with the ancients.

Many of the crew joined Starfleet as a second career

A good number of the crew joined to fight the Dominion war. Thus they have had other careers before joining Starfleet. This means they can have random skills that have nothing to do with a career in space. The crew can draw on a lot of real life experience that a younger fresh out of academy crew does not have.

The crew who knew it was a rogue operation knew the risks.

The crew who were not conned into thinking it was a legal mission knew that they would go to jail after the rogue mission was exposed. They accepted that risk and knew they were sacrificing their freedom and their careers so the Federation could have a safe future. They were hoping that once they were vindicated in their actions the courts would give them a much lighter punishment. As it turned out that was unfounded when the ancients arranged full pardons for them.


USS Anracosh uniforms

Because the crew of the USS Anracosh use neural education devices they change professions like they change their clothes. Thus there is no point to having different coloured uniforms as seen in other Star Trek series. If yesterday’s navigator is today’s dentist and tomorrow’s computer programmer [coder], then different coloured uniforms are obsolete.

The uniforms of the crew of the USS Anracosh have two district features that separate them from the standard Starfleet uniforms.

One is obviously the colour. They are green rather than tan, blue or red. As said earlier, because of neural education technology different coloured uniforms have become meaningless. Green was a deliberate choice as the uniforms can thus easily be seen to be different to the other Starfleet uniforms.

The other feature is that the medical shoes are now standard issue. The reason for medical shoes as standard is that any crew member could be called upon to do medical or biological work at a moment’s notice.

Because of the Stigma around the USS Anracosh the green uniform is nicknamed “The green uniform of shame”.

There is no dress uniform variant; once again, this was done as a punishment.


What Starfleet thinks of the USS Anracosh

The rest of Starfleet hates the crew of the USS Anracosh for getting away with a long list of crimes in stealing the starship that became the USS Anracosh. The crew of the USS Anracosh were officially pardoned by the President of the Federation at the behest of the ancients. The forgiveness only exists on an official level. Starfleet command and the rank and file of Starfleet loathe the crew of the USS Anracosh as much as they hate any renegade Starfleet officer, doubly so as the crew of the USS Anracosh not only got away with their crimes, but were rewarded for their crimes.

Unofficially the USS Anracosh is shunned and treated with contempt and sabotaged by the rest of Starfleet. It gets to the point where the USS Anracosh has to be resupplied by Section 31 starships.

The rest of Starfleet has two unofficial policies towards the USS Anracosh and its crew – 1] They are to be treated as scum. 2] The USS Anracosh is the starship they don’t talk about unless they have to for work purposes, such as the Admiral who commands them having to deal with them.

This is why the USS Anracosh is not talked about in other versions of Star Trek. There is a code of silence surrounding the starship.

These policies persist for most of the series, but as it progresses and Starfleet learn of the USS Anracosh’s adventures they see the benefit of diplomacy with the ancients and the attitude towards the USS Anracosh improves, the transformation in attitude takes place in season 4.

The contempt towards the USS Anracosh and its crew is only fully rescinded when the benefits of the dial a deity system are fully realised. Upon reaching that point in the series, the USS Anracosh is officially welcomed back into the Starfleet fold with open arms and treated as heroes of the Federation.

Reaction of Starfleet personnel when you mention the USS Anracosh can be heard when they react to questions about the starship:


That is until later in the T.V. series [season 4] when they see how diplomacy with the ancients pays off. Then they become much more open about discussing the USS Anracosh. They become proud of the work of the crew of the USS Anracosh.


Official Starfleet Communication

From: Captain Vozdi Zahrav and First officer Jason Remierez

To: New crew member [You!]

Welcome to the USS Anracosh.

As you already know, this is the ancient races contact ship, hence the name Anracosh, which takes the first two letters from each of the words “ANcient RAces COntact SHip” to give the starship its name. Our mission is to make and continue contact with the ancients, who are the non-corporeal, ancient and god like beings and civilisations that populate the universe. Keep in mind that we are, for many of the ancient races, the first contact with the Federation, your conduct will reflect on what the ancients will think of the Federation. Remember that first impressions are lasting impressions, and that the ancients are immortal, so figure that out. What they think of us now they will think of us for eternity.

This is no ordinary starship; it is a hybrid of Federation and ancient races technology. It is the most advanced and powerful starship the Federation has, and it is not even technically ours. The ancients will confiscate this vessel if we misuse it, meaning it must be used for diplomacy with the ancients, and the ancients warmly invite us to reverse engineer the technology they have put on this starship. Do not be intimidated by dealing with technology far in advance of what the Federation has. The ancients want us to examine what they have given us. They see it as an object lesson in what it means to be an ancient.

When you get some time off go and check out the neural education centre and the neural education alcove in your cabin. That is a part of the starship where you can get knowledge directly put into your mind by brain alteration means [Thankfully, IT DOES NOT INVOLVE SURGERY]. It is not a V.R. centre – that is what the holodecks and similar technologies are for. On the insistence of the ancients, every crew member is welcome to use the neural education technology anytime they want to learn anything they want. If you feel under skilled, go to the neural education centre and get some knowledge – seriously, you are going to need it!

As you are reading this you will notice that you have been issued a green uniform. This is because of the neural education centre. The red, tan or blue uniforms that you are used to mean nothing here. This is because part of your job is to go to the neural education centre and get more skills as required. You may be working in life sciences tomorrow, be coding for the I.T. department the next day and be the helmsman the day afterwards. This is gift of neural education; you can gain more skills in day than you could normally get in a lifetime. It is a job requirement for serving on the USS Anracosh that you use the neural education centre when ordered to do so. Quick F.Y.I: Neural education technology was created by the ancients.

Serving on the USS Anracosh is not like serving on any other Federation vessel. This is because of the command structure we use was something the ancients designed. You will be assigned to a work team who you will be working alongside of for your time on the USS Anracosh. There are four rank and file crew members and a team leader in your team. You will be working with them as a team being assigned when and where you are needed. We use this command structure because of the neural education centre, which makes any crew member’s original skill set irrelevant as the neural education devices can give the crew members any skills they need. At any time you could be assigned to be team leader or an officer, please be prepared for that.

Finally, a note on crew fraternisation. We encourage it! Given the nature of our mission is it almost impossible for you to find a life partner outside our vessel. With that in mind, if you want to pursue a relationship focus your efforts on finding a partner among your crew mates. To aid in this our crew has a gender balance policy in place, equal numbers of men and women on board. Sorry to say it so bluntly, but we are only telling you the truth. The gender balance policy was something the ancients insisted on.

Once again, welcome aboard, everyone is looking forward to working with you.


Vozdi Zarav, Jason Remierez

Captain Vozdi Zarav, First officer Jason Remierez


The crew of the USS Anracosh’s opinions about the black hole manipulator

The crew of the USS Anracosh is deeply divided about what to do with the black hole manipulator. There are four schools of thought in the crew, each about the same size, and with their own philosophy about the black hole manipulator.


The schools of thought are NOT at each other’s throats. It is simply seen as a difference of opinion. Having different schools of thought on the starship it does not affect the starship’s operations or personal relationships. The crew are absolute professionals who would not normally let the debate about the black hole manipulator get in the way of doing their jobs or interacting with other crew members.

Here is a description of each of the four schools of thought:

Those for “heavy”

This part of the crew thinks the black hole manipulator should be completed and made a permanent part of the starship. They see the black hole manipulator as exactly what they were looking for when they started the Realm of the Gods rogue mission. It is a super weapon that can bring any foe of the Federation to its knees or worse. [Or better depending on how you see it.] Starfleet is here to protect the Federation and now it has been given a machine that will assure the Federation has a prosperous future. Once the device is completed those who want study it can do so to their heart’s content, but for now it’s time to finish the weapon.

Those for “light”

This part of the crew thinks the black hole manipulator is the scientific advancement of the century. Studying its completed form will unlock all kinds of scientific mysteries. This faction is not asking that the black hole manipulator be completed as a weapon but as a scientific endeavour. When the device has been gone through testing and they learn all they can from it they can disassemble it and leave the black hole as they found it. The crew can always complete the device again if it is needed. Assembling the black hole manipulator is a scientific learning opportunity not to be missed.

Those who are ambivalent

This part of the crew is either sitting on the fence watching the other factions, have not made up their minds or don’t care. For whatever reason these crew members are not part of the argument. Other factions are trying to recruit from this faction to build up their numbers and get their agenda for the black hole manipulator accomplished. For some of them the attitude is: If the ancients are not demanding that we finish the black hole manipulator, why should we care? All we need to do is ferry diplomats from point A to point B so they can negotiate with the ancients. Some ancients are as powerful, or more powerful than the black hole manipulator. If we have them as allies, do we need a functioning black hole manipulator in the first place?

Those against it

This part of the crew thinks that the black hole manipulator is a terrifying device of absolute power. Some of this faction think that nobody should have absolute power. Some of this faction are afraid stuffing up completing the device and accidently killing the entire crew. Some of this crew think completing the device is unnecessary when the Federation now has access to the ancients themselves, besides the USS Anracosh is just a taxi for diplomats, why does it need a black hole manipulator in the first place? The mission of the USS Anracosh is to ferry diplomats, and having a fully functional black hole manipulator does not do anything towards that mission.

Some think that the crew should follow the policy of the Federation not having weapons of mass destruction, and that is exactly what the black hole manipulator is; besides they have orders not to turn the starship into a weapon of mass destruction. However it could be debated that the USS Anracosh is already a weapon of mass destruction as it is. Although those against it all have different reasons, they all agree that the black hole manipulator is something best left as it is: Incomplete and not functioning.

There are some in this faction who think that the crew should remove the black hole manipulator from the starship. They should literally cut the device from the USS Anracosh.


Crew structure and organisation

Information about crew numbers

Crew structure: One gives rise to four. This command structure comes from the ancients themselves.

The concept of the crew structure is that one gives rise to four is that for one officer there are four crew directly underneath them in the chain of command. This means that the lowest ranking crew member is in a team of five, one team leader and four other people one rank below them.

The team leaders answer to officers who in turn answer to the core group of department heads and core officers. At the top is the Captain and two underlings of equal rank, the first officer and the neural education officer.

Team leaders and crew become teams of one team leader and four crew members that act as a unit that is transferred to departments as needed.

Crew numbers

The total crew numbers 518 people after the mission was legalised. This includes the officer core and the specialists therein, the Dominion War veterans and the newbies after the mission is legalised. The First officer did not fight alongside all of the Dominion War veterans personally, but got recommendations from those he did fight alongside of until he got a list of people who had fought in the Dominion War that was large enough to make a crew for the USS Anracosh.

Captain 1

Neural education officer and first officer 2

Specialists 5

Department heads 6

Officers 24

Team leaders 96

Crew 384

Total starship crew: 518

Numbers of the 7 departments on the USS Anracosh:

Core officers: 14 in total [Captain, First officer, Neural Education officer, Specialists, Department heads]

This means 8 officers in the core group and the 6 department heads mentioned in the information below, this makes a group of 14 people.

Starship services [anything starship related]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Crew services [anything crew related]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Mission services 1: Diplomacy with the ancients

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Mission services 2: Reverse engineering of ancient race technology

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Night shift 1 [skeleton crew to keep starship running]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

Night shift 2 [skeleton crew to keep starship running]

1 dept heads 4 officers 15 team leaders 64 crew

The advantage of having this crew structure is that it makes the crew very flexible. New sub-departments can be made and disbanded as needed. The disadvantage is that the crew command structure is somewhat top heavy.


Relevance of the neural education device to the starship departments

The neural education devices make a crew member’s initial skill set irrelevant because they are employed to give the crew members more skills so they can be transferred to different departments [like diplomacy, crew services and so on] as needed. Because of neural education they will have the skill set required for the department they are reassigned to. The department crew numbers seen above are quite flexible as crew are reassigned and if necessary put through neural education devices.

Please note that neural education makes the command structure very fluid with the exception of the high ranking commanding officers, namely the Captain, First officer, Neural education officer, other core officers and department heads [i.e. the officer core]. Someone in a command role could be a subordinate officer the following day, so they are careful about how they treat each other.


Command restructuring after the rogue operation was made legal

Note 1: The Bajoran doctor was originally the starship’s chief doctor as he had Starfleet experience, but when neural education and interface related technologies were installed on the USS Anracosh he decided to specialise in their use and was thus put in charge of the starship’s neural education centre. The Zalkonian doctor, who was his immediate underling, was then promoted to chief medical officer on the USS Anracosh.

Note 2: The Melkot was initially the starship’s ancient races expert. This was until the ancients gave them the Drone. The drone proved to be far more knowledgeable about the ancients. It was planned that the two then work as a team being an ancient races consultancy team until the USS Anracosh was given neural related technologies and the Melkot was assigned to connect to the starship’s computer and be the starships “A.I.” This was done because Melkot do not sleep and the restrictions of the Melkot’s physiology.

Note 3: The rank and file crew were recruited by the first officer mostly from the ranks of Dominion War veterans. These are battle hardened troops, effectively the Federation’s head kickers, who have put their lives on the line for the Federation. They all think that the Realm of the Gods project is the best thing the Federation can do. These are mostly people that the first officer and the rest of the four who planned the rogue mission have fought shoulder to shoulder with and their trust for each other is unbreakable. The specialists mentioned above were recruited by the Bajoran Doctor.

Note 4: This is NOT the kind of crew where the Captain needs the security team as intimidators and the core command officers are oblivious to the crew’s wants and needs. The Dominion War veterans in the crew are blood brothers/sisters in every sense of the word, them betraying each other would be unthinkable. There is a very healthy respect among the crew goes from the Captain all the way to the lowest ranking ensign and all the way back again.

Note 5: The chief diplomat has a small number of non-Starfleet professional diplomats under her command. The diplomats were assigned to the USS Anracosh after the mission was legalised.

Note 6: During the rogue operation the Bartending and Restaurant staff are Starfleet officers that joined the rogue mission. After the mission was legalised regular bar and restaurant staff were assigned to the USS Anracosh. It is normal that the bar and restaurant staff on Starfleet vessels are subcontractors rather than Starfleet personnel.

Note 7: During the rogue mission the command structure was fluid as the crew were still being assessed by the officer core and being assigned according to their skill set and their aptitudes. This is operating procedure for new Starfleet crews. It is common for crew to be reassigned from their first jobs onboard when a crew is first assigned to starship, The reason I have not included a crew structure for the rogue mission part of the show is that the structure was not yet fully formed at that time. The assessment process was stopped by the mission being legalised and the neural education technology offered by the ancients.

Note 8: The crew number of 518 refers to the number of crew after the mission was legalised. During the rogue operation [in the first two episodes in the series the number was considerably less than this]. The crew numbered 433 at the start of the USS Anracosh first flying in the rogue mission.


Officer core command structure or the USS Anracosh after the mission was legalised:


Of equal rank: First officer, Neural education officer

Of equal rank: Core officers and Department heads

Note: Core officers have roles so important to the starship’s mission that they are given a very high rank.

Core officers [and why they are there]:

Head of security [Importance of security and Section 31 resupplying them]

The Melkot [Acts as Starship’s A.I.]

Zalkonian Doctor [An actual ancient/ascended being in the officer core]

Helmsman [Unlike the rest of the crew has a good relationship with Starfleet]

The ancients built drone [The ancient races expert]

Department heads:

Crew services: Anything to do with the crew; Eg. medical, catering, security, housekeeping, laundry and so – on

The officer who runs the Dojo has this position

Starship services: Anything to do with the starship; Eg. main engineering, repairs/maintenance, computing/information technology and so – on

Chief engineer leads this department

Mission services 1: Diplomacy with the ancients

Chief diplomat runs this department

Mission services 2: Reverse engineer ancient race technology

Chief science officer leads this department

Night Shift 1: Skeleton crew to keep the starship running

Department not run by any main character

Night shift 2: Skeleton crew to keep the starship running

Department not run by any main character


Details of why are the core officers chosen for their positions

Head of security: Given how powerful the USS Anracosh is, it’s protection is paramount, hence the security chief being in the officer core. Also she helps organise the resupplying of the USS Anracosh via Section 31.

The Melkot as Starship’s A.I: The technology to blend crew with the starship’s main computer is something the Federation has very little experience with. The ancients recommended that the position of starship’s A.I. be made an officer core position and Starfleet command agreed.

Zalkonian Doctor: She is an actual ascended being and given that the USS Anracosh is dealing with the ancients, having an ancient in the officer core would be an advantage in dealing with the ancients.

Helmsman: Given the Helmsman’s history in legitimately beating the Koybarashi Maru test, having him on the bridge and in the officer core is a good idea. He is the one crew member Starfleet actually likes, so having him on hand to deal with Starfleet is the reason he is in the officer core, tactical genius notwithstanding.

The ancients built drone: The ancient races expert, given the mission of the USS Anracosh his expertise is essential, thus he is in the officer core.

The Captain: Even though the First Officer was the one who suggested contacting the ancients the Captain is the officer with the most command experience. This is why she is the Captain instead of the First Officer taking the role during the rogue operation part of the mission.


Shifts on the starship USS Anracosh:

Three “time zones” exist on the USS Anracosh. The time zone a crew member follows depends on their shift. If it is 8am for main shift it is midnight for night shift 1 and 4pm for night shift 2.

Each shift is 8 hours time difference between each other. For example: It would be normal for a couple on date night to see several crew members eating lunch together on the next table over from them.

Main shift is the large shift that contains most of the crew; night shift 1 and night shift 2 are skeleton crew shifts.

If you are happy being in a big crew choose the main shift, if you prefer a smaller crew choose one of the night shifts.

Please note: All ranks are expected to participate in any work no matter how mediocre. If a ranking crew member had the attitude that some work was below them they would be beaten senseless in the starship’s Dojo.


Typical day:

6.30am to 8am

Wake up and prepare for the day. I.e. get dressed have breakfast, hygiene and so-on then arrive at shift. A bit of time for personal business as well.

8am to 4pm

Working the shift, which includes staggered lunch breaks from 11am to 1pm. Lunchtime is 11am to Noon, 11.30am to 12.30pm or Noon to 1pm so the starship’s posts are never “really” unattended.

Note: Given the automation onboard work time is closer to four to five hours rather than the official seven hours.

4pm to 10.30pm

Dinner and personal time. Dinner is a flexible time just like lunch. This time is for the crew to relax and entertain themselves and deal with their personal lives.

10.30pm: lights out and time for sleep. It is exactly 8 hours of sleep.


Time comparisons for shifts:

Main Shift, Night shift 1, Night shift 2
8am, Midnight, 4pm
9am, 1am, 5pm
10am, 2am, 6pm
11am, 3am, 7pm
Noon, 4am, 8pm
1pm, 5am, 9pm
2pm, 6am, 10pm
3pm, 7am, 11pm
4pm, 8am, Midnight
5pm, 9am, 1am
6pm, 10am, 2am
7pm, 11am, 3am
8pm, Noon, 4am
9pm, 1pm, 5am
10pm, 2pm, 6am
11pm, 3pm, 7am
Midnight, 4pm, 8am
1am, 5pm, 9am
2am, 6pm, 10am
3am, 7pm, 11am
4am, 8pm, Noon
5am, 9pm, 1pm
6am, 10pm, 2pm
7am, 11pm, 3pm


Plot related crew information

Crew death is rare in the Star Trek – Realm of the Gods series

The reason I do not want crew death as a common thing is that I do not want to be a repeat of Star Trek – The original series where a crew member dies or is lost on a semi-regular basis. I want crew death to only be occasional at best [or worst] because it has much more dramatic impact if it is an occasional thing.

Treating crew as expendable pawns is NOT what Star Trek – Realm of the Gods is about. It goes against the plot to have crew members dying every few episodes because it makes no sense plot wise given the challenges faced by the USS Anracosh in the T.V. series storylines I have created.


Addressing why I am not recycling canon main characters

I want Star Trek Realm of the Gods to be a whole new branch of Star Trek. Previous main and side characters can make a guest appearance; there is no reason for that not to happen, even if it means time travel for the TOS crew of Star Trek. However, I did not want to rehash existing characters. I wanted an all new crew for the USS Anracosh because it is easier to change and develop them rather than see a character from a Star Trek series do something that makes no sense given who they are. Also don’t forget about copyright issues concerning existing characters as well.

Therefore this is an important plot point: Why wasn’t Wesley Crusher, who is a Federation citizen that lived among the ancients, invited to join the Realm of the Gods project? He is not the only main character not invited to the project. The same can be said of Seven of Nine, who has all the knowledge of the Borg from the time she was assimilated into and part of the Borg Collective.

When the Realm of the Gods project was a rogue operation the four who originated the idea did not approach Wesley Crusher, Beckett Mariner, Seven of Nine and other “main” characters. They looked at their social connections and realised they had close relationships with Starfleet officers who are high ranking and would stop any rogue operation at all costs. They were seen as security risks and therefore were not recruited into the rogue mission to contact the ancients.


Other crew related information:

The Vulcan “Full Life” sect

The above title is the name of the Vulcan sect that believes that a life dedicated to logic does not mean a life of celibacy except for the once a seven year Pon Farr mating ritual. The members of this sect do not suppress their sex drives as other Vulcans do. They believe that a life with sex can be a life devoted to logic as well. Because of this members of the sect do not go through the Pon Farr hormone overload every seven years.

That’s all there is to it. The sect has this simple message for all Vulcans: Sex and logic are not mutually exclusive. They encourage Vulcans to explore their sexual side and embrace and in a sense live up to the name of the sect of having a full life.

The sect of having a full life is not a sex cult. They do not have sex at their meetings. They are an advocacy group promoting their stated aim of informing Vulcans that an active love life does not conflict with the Vulcan devotion to logic.


Crew hangout places:

Party central cargo bay – Cargo bay three

One of the sets used in the T.V. series of Star Trek: Realm of the Gods is a cargo bay reserved for large functions on the USS Anracosh. Officially it is for large diplomatic functions like multi-government summits. Unofficially it is for large parties of all sorts thrown by the Crew of the USS Anracosh and their guests. The set features anytime the crew has a party or large diplomatic function.

The set itself is of a cargo bay that is empty and disused save for some holographic projectors/replicators programmed to make furniture and decorations customised to the needs of whatever function is called for. The cargo bay has large and numerous doors so cargo can be transported to and from it easily and large numbers of people can use the cargo bay.

That is what is important is that the cargo bay can accommodate a large crowd. The whole crew of the USS Anracosh [518 people] could fit in this cargo bay, but it would be crowded. Accommodating a large crowd is why the cargo bay was repurposed as a party and official function room.

Where is cargo bay three located? In the saucer section of the starship. Remember that the USS Anracosh and the starship it used to be – the USS Excalibur – was never a cargo vessel. The Starship’s cargo capacity is not that of a freighter because it was never meant to be a freighter.

The USS Anracosh has three cargo bays leading off the shuttle bay. One on the left, one to the right and one going further into the saucer section. Cargo bay three, party central cargo bay is the one going further into the saucer section. The reason this cargo bay was chosen is that it is easy to access this cargo bay from various directions inside the saucer section of the starship. This is great for diplomatic meetings and political summits where the parties involved have to be kept separate before scheduled meetings. When cargo bay three was set up, the crew of the USS Anracosh had no idea where the Realm of the Gods project would take them.

The main social area – Starship’s Dojo

Because of the demographics of the crew this is the main social area. The Federation’s head kickers want to keep in top shape ready for combat and this is the place to do it. They train together because they fight together. Since the crew spend a lot of time here this has by default become the main social area. When you visit the dojo there is always a number of people using it in the background.

The crew are normally athletes in terms of physical activity. Their actions in the dojo reflect this. If not improving their fighting technique they are doing fitness related activity. Lt. Carol Johnson oversees the whole dojo, which includes a gym and other exercise related facilities as well.

The Dojo is much bigger than what you would expect because it has been expanded to accommodate the large numbers of crew that hang out there.

Starship’s pub/restaurant

This is a combination pub and restaurant. Like with other Starfleet vessels, on the USS Anracosh this is a combined facility. It is a dedicated eating and drinking area and is not preferred for parties because all three shifts eat and drink here. Small gatherings are OK, but large events are hosted in cargo bay three. The area has a reserved tone because it is basically where the crew “refuels” and unwinds.

The pub/restaurant reflects that it has all three shifts there at once. Someone could be having breakfast and at the next table over is a couple having a romantic dinner. This is why the relaxed atmosphere is maintained, raucous partying in such a place is disruptive to many of the patrons who want a quiet and/or quick meal.

The pub/restaurant was moved to the lower back part of the saucer section when the Dojo was expanded during the rebuild after the rogue mission.

The pub/restaurant overlooks in part the organic part of the starship. It is at the back lower part of the saucer section ahead of the pylon that leads to the organic part of the starship. This is an important plot point as the black hole manipulator [BHM] is visible from the pub/restaurant, which is one of the reasons the confrontation in the BHM episodes takes place there. Seeing the uncompleted BHM is what gets the discussion [and brawl] started that leads to the BHM being completed.


Having two of each archetype prominent in the crew

I could not decide whether to have Beverly Crusher / Julian Bashir doctor type character or a Bones McCoy / Dr. Palowski doctor type character. Then it hit me, have both! Then I realised why not do that with all the characters? Have two Spock / Data characters, two Miles O’Brian / Scotty characters and so on. That is, two of every character type, except for the Melkot, who is basically a stand in for the starship’s computer voice in the show. This way you can have the Melkot breathe during a conversation with it acting as starship’s A.I. and it will make perfect sense plot wise.

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