All about the USS Anracosh and its missions

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I designed the USS Anracosh to be something new in the Star Trek universe. The USS Anracosh gets its name from the first two letters of the phrase ANcient RAces COntant SHip [AN-RA-CO-SH], hence the name Anracosh. It is a unique Federation starship in that it is a hybrid of Federation and Ancient races technology and it obviously looks like a blend of the two technologies as well. This hybrid starship gives Star Trek Realm of the Gods a Federation run starship that is not technically owned by the Federation. This means that the Federation is the junior partner in the Realm of the Gods project of recruiting younger races into the ranks of the ancient races.

The part about the Federation being the junior partner is what makes Star Trek – Realm of the Gods a unique part of Star Trek. The reason I put this here is that the USS Anracosh is a reflection of the Federations position in the ancient’s Realm of the Gods recruitment project. The USS Anracosh is a starship the Federation could never build by themselves, and serves as an object lesson as to how powerful the ancient races are when compared to the Federation. If the Federation is going to attempt diplomacy with the ancients it will have to get used to dealing with not just civilizations more powerful than the Federation, but individuals more powerful than the Federation.


Missions, conditions of use, history and motto

The stated missions:

The mission is fourfold:

1] Make friendly first contact and continued contact with ancient races and ascended beings, including individuals that are god like. The ideal is that the ancients have full diplomatic relations with the Federation and are allies of the Federation.

2] To reverse engineer and experiment with the ancient race technologies provided by the ancients for the starship.

3] To understand the full potential of what neural education and mind machine interfaces can do because using these devices gives an excellent insight in what it means to be an ancient.

4] To make sure nobody uses the USS Anracosh as a super weapon. The Federation has rules against creating weapons of mass destruction [WMD’s]. Because of the nature of the starship it is in a total legal grey area as to the Federations no WMD’s policy. The USS Anracosh is given an exemption to the no WMD rules because what it is it qualifies as a WMD without the intention of being a WMD.

Conditions for using the USS Anracosh [ANcient RAces COntact SHip]

The ancient race technology installed on the USS Anracosh is on indefinite loan to the Federation. The ancient races reserve the right to confiscate the USS Anracosh if it is not used for its intended purpose, that being official contact with ascended and ancient races and god like beings. Having said that, other temporary uses can be negotiated. The USS Anracosh is actually Federation property and if the USS Anracosh is confiscated the Federation will be losing one of its capital ships, but if that happens it means the ancients are really angry with the Federation, so losing a capital ship will be the very least of their problems.

The Federation is openly encouraged to use and reverse engineer ancient race technology installed on the USS Anracosh.

The ancients can be called upon to repair systems on the USS Anracosh that Federation engineers cannot repair by themselves.

Another condition of the Federation having the USS Anracosh is the ancients are not to be treated as “miracle factories”. They will not be at your beck and call to do stuff you don’t want to do. They will be greatly offended if you ask for miracles, and that could risk the entire Realm of the Gods project. However, they are willing to do the mission impossible type tasks. Meaning that they will do things for the Federation can’t do for themselves. [For example move a planet, help fend off the Borg or stop the effects of a super nova.]

The history of the USS Anracosh

The USS Anracosh was originally an old version of the USS Excalibur that was sent to the dockyards to be upgraded to fight in the Dominion war. Its upgrades were finished a few days before the war the ended. Since it no longer had a purpose it was sent to a mothball shipyard without a crew. For the record the new version of the USS Excalibur was commissioned in the middle years of the Dominion war.

The reason the crew stole what was then the old version of the USS Excalibur is that it had been fully upgraded to modern Starfleet standards. It was mothballed starship that was fully operational ready to go with up to date systems. It was effectively the best starship in the mothballing shipyard.

The crew of the USS Anracosh stole the starship from the mothball shipyard and flew it under a false flag of being the current USS Excalibur for the duration of the rogue mission. Having said that, they did refer to the starship as the USS Anracosh amongst themselves and to the ancients they encountered.

The crew false flagged the starship so Starfleet would not immediately notice and take action against them until they had already made allies in the ancient races clique. The crew of the USS Anracosh were quite happy to turn themselves in once some of the ancients had allied with the Federation. Once that was done the mission was complete, also once it was revealed what the crew of the USS Anracosh had done for the Federation they felt that the courts would go easy on them.

What the crew of the USS Anracosh did not anticipate was the ancients standing up for them and arranging for the crew to be pardoned for their crimes. They were shocked when the ancients wanted the crew to continue their mission doing diplomatic contacts in the ancient races community.

Crimes committed in the rogue operation:

Grand theft

False flag


Impersonating an officer

Rogue operation [unapproved illegal missions]

Illegal possession of military grade weapons

I’m going to stop now, everything involved in the rogue operation is not legal, the list of crimes would be insanely long. If you want to make a complete list you are welcome to try.

The original purpose of the starship that became the USS Anracosh before the Dominion war

When the USS Anracosh was the USS Excalibur it was geared to be a long range exploration vessel. This was before the Dominion war. Much of the provisions and equipment for that exploration was put in the secondary hull that was replaced by the ancients. Such resources would not be needed by the USS Anracosh when it can get back home in five minutes to resupply as opposed to five months travelling through deep space to get to Federation territory. Why would you need a year’s supply of various materials like replacement parts and a year’s worth of food when your journey “there and back” takes a week? For the record the USS Anracosh gets six months’ worth of provisions every time it is resupplied, except that Section 31 will make contact to transfer crew for commando missions as required.


Starfleet command gave this motto to the USS Anracosh as a punishment for their rogue operation:

Flying a starship we don’t understand on a mission we can’t believe meeting beings beyond our comprehension.


A look at the USS Anracosh itself

The full capabilities of USS Anracosh are not known

The Starship Anracosh is a fusion of Federation and ancient races technology. It is a rebuild of a decommissioned mothballed craft with a lot of modifications and upgrades. Some of the upgrades and new systems have been provided by the ancients. The ancients have given their technology for the sole purpose of the starship being used for contact with ancient races.

Nobody in the Federation knows how powerful the Anracosh is or what its full capabilities are. It is part of the mission of those who crew the USS Anracosh to find out the full capabilities of the starship and the ancient race technology it contains.

The full abilities of the starship in terms of maximum speed, shield strength, weapons power, scanning precision and so-on have never been tested to their maximum capacity. One reason for this is that the starship is full of equipment and materials that the crew do not really understand. They know how to repair to a degree it but have no idea how it works, thus they are cautious when experimenting with it and thus the starship has never been tested to its limits.

What is known about the scanners is that they have ancient race upgrades and thus they make any cloaking device worthless.

As for analysing the ancient’s technology on the USS Anracosh, it is easier said than done. Some of the technology is so far above the Federation it would be like asking someone from the 5th century BCE to reverse engineer a mobile phone. Having said that, the crew can reverse engineer a few things found on the USS Anracosh, but many of the systems remain a mystery.

The real power of the USS Anracosh

When testing the power levels of the USS Anracosh the Federation used its best sensor equipment to measure the starship’s power levels. The result was that the equipment was clocked – meaning that it the maximum readout for the sensors was less than the amount of power contained in the USS Anracosh. The Federation’s engineers and scientists made custom version of their best sensor equipment that could measure very powerful energy levels only to find the same result. Once again the equipment was clocked. The Federation can’t measure just how powerful the USS Anracosh actually is. In terms of firepower the starship could destroy entire fleets in one battle, and can be a planet killer. With the Black Hole Manipulator fully operational the USS Anracosh can be a star killer.


A note on the USS Anracosh looks

The outer appearance of the USS Anracosh looks like a Federation vessel on the top half and an ancient races vessel on the bottom half. This is so it is easy to identify as both a Federation and Ancient race vessel in one. This applies to visual range and any range of scanning, especially long range scans.

It is crucial to the mission of the USS Anracosh that it be recognised by everyone, ancients and younger races, as both a Federation and Ancient race vessel. This is because normally an ancient will ignore a younger race vessel if it has no reasons to interact with the younger races. However, an ancient will not ignore an ancient race vessel upon detecting it. They will at least try to contact it or even board or surround it. This will be done with friendly intent.

The inside of the USS Anracosh is different to the outside in that Federation and Ancient race technology permeates the whole starship and it looks like a true fusion of the two technologies. Organic and inorganic technology is merged and works together as one on the USS Anracosh. Everything on the USS Anracosh looks like a fusion of organic and inorganic – everything from the seats and to the furniture to the view screens to the control panels.


The USS Anracosh starship layout

The USS Anracosh is a standard Federation starship on the top and an ancient races starship on the bottom. The top half consist of a saucer section, warp nacelles and connecting parts to those areas.

The saucer section is unusual in that it contains the deflector dish and shuttle bays. The saucer section also has all the usual areas found in the saucer section, namely cabins, bridge, science labs, medical facilities, phaser banks, launchers for photon torpedoes and probes, entertainment areas, a neural education centre and so on.

The warp nacelles are Federation standard and the engineering section is embedded into the ancient’s part of the vessel. Where the differences start are in what the ancients added to the USS Anracosh.

The engineering section has been considerably expanded into the ancient races part of the starship, so it can service and monitor the ancient race technologies onboard. It is somewhat bigger than the standard engineering section for a starship of its size. The engineering section is located halfway between the point of the cone and the flat end of the cone on the upper part of the cone section of the starship. It is a large open area as well.

The Ancients part of the vessel is shaped like a thin cone and has an organic look to it. The tip of the cone is at the back of the starship. Starting from the pointy [spike] end of the cone the first third of it is a warp nacelle of ancient design and construction. This area also contains the supporting machinery for the ancients warp nacelle. The nacelle and its supporting technology are far more advanced than anything the Federation can produce. It is capable of producing trans-warp fields that make it possible to go from one end of the Milky Way Galaxy to the other end in one week, but this is nowhere near what the maximum speed of the USS Anracosh is suspected to be.

The flat end of the Ancient race “cone” section of the starship contains the black hole manipulator, which is the glowing multi-coloured yellow part of the “flat” area. Surrounding the glowing part of the “flat” are nodules set in a circle. This is the wormhole generator; it can generate wormholes that can be projected who knows how far into the universe. It is the usual story of nobody really knows the full limits of the USS Anracosh.

Behind the black hole manipulator and the wormhole projector are machinery related to each. These machines extend a quarter the way back starting from the flat of the cone. At the base of the starship in this area is a tractor beam like device that is connected to the black hole manipulator. It is clearly a tractor beam designed to harness the gravity of a black hole put into the black hole manipulator. This means it could pull whole planets out of their orbits and change the trajectory of a star.

Below the engineering section is a battery that contains more energy than the Federation can produce to refuel it. This means the Federation has no way to recharge this battery; they would have to call on the ancients to recharge it for them. The battery takes up the bottom area below engineering and it is directly linked to the black hole manipulator. The battery is designed to be recharged by the black hole manipulator. The battery extends from the wormhole projector/black hole manipulator to halfway between the point and flat parts of the cone.

Going towards the spike end of the cone behind engineering is “the alcove”. The alcove’s purpose is to give space borne ancients a place to meet terrestrial beings and negotiate “face to face” with them.

The remaining areas of the cone contain ancient race technology far in advance of the Federation. Nobody in the Federation really knows what these machines do or how they work. All that is known is that they require the black hole manipulator to be fully operational for the machinery to function.


USS Anracosh Technical Specifications [Tech Specs] pages

Note: The problem with making a technical specifications list for the USS Anracosh is that the starship is a hybrid Federation/Ancient races vessel. Many of the systems on the USS Anracosh cannot be built by the United Federation of Planets as they are far more technologically advanced than what the Federation can create.

Some of the starship’s systems are of purely ancient races origin, such as the neural education devices, other systems are standard Federation systems with ancient race upgrades, like almost all of the starship. A better question to ask about the USS Anracosh is what systems were not upgraded or created by the ancients?

Such are the power levels of the USS Anracosh that Federation technology can’t even measure them. A lot of operational limits are just decided as pure guesses because of the Federation’s lack of understanding of the USS Anracosh’s systems. The aforementioned neural education devices will teach crew members how to fix and maintain the USS Anracosh but do not teach how the systems of the starship actually work.

The core of the issue is that the USS Anracosh is a vessel with God like powers when compared to anything the Federation has. It is a hybrid Federation/Ancient races starship, but functionally it is an ancient races starship that is designed to be used by younger race beings.

Because of the above mentioned issues the starship’s attributes fall into five categories:

Known, Known with caveats, Arbitrarily set, Unknown, Unknown with caveats and Not applicable


Class/type of vessel: Unique vessel, class Anracosh, dedicated diplomatic starship.

Used to be an older variant prototype of the Excalibur class x-cruiser upgraded to fight the Dominion war, but was completed too late to join active service.

Note: The name Anracosh comes from the first two letters of each of the words Ancient Races Contact Ship, i.e An Ra Co Sh.

Commissioned: [Rebuilt to its current form] 2379

Length: 485m

Width: 214m

Height: 104.5m

Decks: 30 [includes sub-decks and unconnected parts of decks on the same level]

Crew: 518

Captain, Neural education officer, First officer: 3

Specialists: 5, Department heads: 6

Officers: 24, Team leaders: 96, Crew: 384

Crew uniform: Is a special lime green uniform known as the green uniform of shame, so the crew stands out and everyone knows who they are. There is no dress uniform variant.

The USS Anracosh has double control systems for crew starship interaction. There are one set of controls where controls are normally put that are for use by younger race beings. Near the ceilings are controls designed to be used by ancients using ancient races powers and abilities to control that starship.

The USS Anracosh is equipped with a full diplomatic suite with modifications both Federation and ancient races to accommodate ancient race beings. Notably the starship features a facility called the alcove, which is can be accessed from the hull of the starship and is designed to host spacebourne ancient races beings. The diplomatic suite includes small and large conference rooms, dedicated office space for the diplomatic staff [which on the USS Anracosh is a whole department of crew], a repurposed cargo bay for large events, and room for expansion if the need arises. The repurposed cargo bay doubles as a party room for the crew.

Known with caveats

Automated repair systems: Handles regular low level repairs and maintenance, but in a way that regenerates the starship like a plant growing back and repairing itself. This is one of the ancient races systems on the USS Anracosh that is not fully understood.

Certain systems will only run with a black hole in the black hole manipulator. These systems are dormant but what is known is that they are related to giving the USS Anracosh the various abilities of a black hole in a usable customizable form. At time of writing the black hole manipulator has not been completed, i.e. it does not have a stellar mass black hole placed in the black hole manipulator.

Has the same maneuverability as the early model Excalibur class vessels, but can do warp micro jumps where it can go short distances and change the direction it faces in one move. To say the USS Anracosh has super maneuverability is beyond a complete understatement.

Gravity plating strength is set to Federation standard. However, the gravity plating on the USS Anracosh has an ancient races upgrade that counteracts the effects of anything that can externally affect it. For example If the USS Anracosh’s shields are hit by a quantum torpedo the crew would not feel it via the gravity plating misaligning. On starship without the ancient races upgraded gravity plating a quantum torpedo hit leave the crew falling to the floor and risking serious injury.

Arbitrarily set

Refit cycle: Arbitrarily set at six months, but could be extended much longer. This was done to facilitate much more in depth study of the ancient races technologies and upgrades aboard the USS Anracosh. A timeline for a major refit has yet to be decided at time of writing.

Cruising speed: Arbitrarily set at nearly 100,000 light years [the width of the Milky Way galaxy] a fortnight, but could be set as something much faster.

To translate that into warp factor, if you take each warp speed as double its predecessor, i.e. warp 2 is twice the speed of light, warp 3 is four times the speed of light, warp 4 is eight times the speed of light, then the USS Anracosh has a cruising of roughly warp 17. Warp 9.5 is the standard for high end Federation starships.

Notes: If the USS Anracosh needed to get somewhere like another galaxy the crew would employ the starship’s wormhole generator to get to their destination galaxy in minutes. The reason for the super high speeds attainable by the USS Anracosh is that it has a third warp nacelle built by the ancient races.


Maximum warp field strength: Unknown

Maximum speed: Unknown

Range: Unknown, estimated [guessed] to be able to travel for centuries on end.

Maximum shield strength: Unknown

General power levels: Unknown

Unknown with caveats

Maximum transporter range/strength: Unknown, arbitrarily set as Federation standard.

Maximum phaser strength: Unknown; however given the ancient race enhancements to the phasers they are a one shot one kill/one disabled type weapon.

Tractor Beam strength: Unknown, with a fully operational Black Hole Manipulator the tractor beam is enhanced with the gravity of a black hole. With a tractor beam that powerful the USS Anracosh can pull an earth sized planet [and possibly much larger planet] out of orbit.

Maximum sensor strength/range/resolution: Unknown, and powerful enough to make cloaking devices worthless. At time of writing experiments with the sensor systems are ongoing. A decision about their level of operational standards and power level settings has yet to be made.

Mass without black hole in black hole manipulator: Unknown, there is some kind of ancient races anti-gravity technology that makes up the black hole manipulator device on the USS Anracosh that messes up trying to measure the mass of the starship.

Mass with black hole in black hole manipulator: At least several solar [sun] masses. Note: It would take an infinite power source for a starship to move a black hole. However a black hole is an infinite power source. The black hole in the black hole manipulator is used as its own power source to move itself.

Not applicable

Carrying capacity/Evacuation limit/Emergency facilities: N/A – at time of writing the USS Anracosh gets an exemption from Starfleet command to answering distress calls. This decision was made after the USS Anracosh responded to a distress call from a Starfleet vessel. Due to the crew of the USS Anracosh being seen as renegades nobody in Starfleet wants to meet they were greeted with utter hostility when trying to attempt a rescue effort. The reason for the hostility from the crew being rescued is because the crew of the USSS Anracosh is seen as a rogue crew that not only got away with their crimes, but was rewarded for their crimes by getting to crew the ancient races upgraded USS Anracosh.

Number of torpedoes/shuttle craft/probes: The USS Anracosh has an ancient race enhanced manufacturing facility that can make equipment and vehicles as needed, therefore as many pieces of equipment, weapons and vehicles as desired.


The organic part of the USS Anracosh

This part of the starship was provided by the ancients and filled with ancient race technology. It is an organic starship that was heavily modified so it could be merged with a Federation starship.

The organic half of the USS Anracosh is from a race of sentient organic starships created by a race that was invited into the ranks of the ancient races clique. The race took their A.I. creations with them when they joined the ancients.

It was the race of sentient organic starships themselves that built the organic half of the USS Anracosh and made sure that the organic half never had a brain to begin with, and will never develop one. Other ancients wanted a computer system that crew members could merge with one at a time to show the crew what it means to have the powers of an ancient. In effect a crew member that merges with the starship’s computer becomes the USS Anracosh’s A.I.

The sentient organic starships that half of the USS Anracosh is based on venerate the non-sentient/brain dead version of themselves that serves as half of the USS Anracosh. The way they see it the non-sentient/brain dead component is serving the purpose for which they were designed. It is being a starship. This is a source of pride for the sentient organic starships. Being a starship is what they are meant to do, so doing that job is being the best organic starship they can be.

The Federation take the opposite point of view. What the organic starships have gone through is slavery. The fact that the organic half of the USS Anracosh will never become sentient is even worse, it is a body made to be a machine and will never be able to understand it is a slave. Having said that the ancients do not see it that way, they take the side of the organic starships. This is mainly so the Federation learns the lesson that its ways are not the only way to live. Other cultures have other ways of doing things, which are just as valid. To simplify: The ancients have the attitude that “cookie cutter” solutions don’t work. What may be just right for some would never work for another.


Hyperwarp explained

IMPORTANT! This is a very important plot point as I refer to hyperwarp in a few of the plot synopses.

IMPORTANT: The warp speed measurement I use in Star Trek Realm of the Gods is not the version where warp 10 is not infinite speed. I use the version where warp speeds are exponential in measurement. Therefore warp 1 is light speed, warp 2 is twice light speed, warp 3 is four times light speed, warp 4 is eight times light speed and so on. This is the scale used in Star Trek The Original Series [TOS].

The USS Anracosh has a third warp nacelle in the ancient races half of the starship. This is not just a standard warp nacelle but a warp nacelle made by the ancients with ancient races technology. What this ancient race sourced warp nacelle does is make the warp engines go from standard warp to hyperwarp. In other words a warp state beyond the standard warp state. This can make the USS Anracosh go between galaxies in very short spaces of time. The starship can travel between galaxies like a standard younger races starship can travel between stars.

The reason the ancients chose this method of breaking the warp barrier for the USS Anracosh is that the space faring younger races have an excellent understanding of warp technology. It is easy for younger races to reverse engineer hyperwarp systems as hyperwarp runs on the same concept as warp drives, effectively it is an extension of warp technology. This makes it easy for younger races to learn about hyperwarp because they already understand warp technology.


Some important systems [ancients upgrades]

Overview of ancient race upgrades to the USS Anracosh

Some of the upgrades to the starship include:

A wormhole generator, this saves on having to travel through potentially hostile territory. The wormholes are usually not stable and will collapse once travelled through.

An ancient race translator device – it can handle communicating with ascended beings and space borne ancients. Normal translation machines cannot do that.

A neural education centre, this is where crew can educate themselves via mind machine interface. The effects of using the neural education devices are instant once it has done its job.

A special alcove type boarding area for space-borne ancients to enter the starship and interact with the crew in a – for want of a better way to say it – face to face manner.

The ancient race parts of the starship are self-repairing, but that does not mean they are part of a perfect system and will need ancient race attention every so often.

Mind machine interfaces so the crew can in part control the starship by thought impulses. The interfaces can be found at the crews workstations. Please note that these are Federation technology derived from analysing the neural education devices installed by the ancients. This means they are experimental in nature and not widespread in the starship.

An artificial womb lab for growing organic starship components and growing other things that are organic.

A beacon and similar technologies for attracting and communicating with ancients.

Replicator technology far in advance of the Federation’s replicators. It can create materials younger race’s replicators cannot create.

A scaled down version of the wormhole projector used for personal transportation, like the transporter teleportation device. Known as the four dimensional space folding device.

A black hole manipulator – does what it says, captures a black hole and allows the black hole’s abilities to be harnessed in a usable focused way.

The USS Anracosh has systems that allow it to link to ancient race technology outside the starship. Ancient race technology is designed assuming an ancient race being is controlling it. Using the USS Anracosh younger races can interact with ancient race technology that would normally impossible for them to operate. These systems also double as impressive computer hacking devices.

The USS Anracosh is designed so any ancient detecting it recognises it as an ancient race starship and also know that it is the Federation’s ancient races contact ship. The ancients who sense it will know it is there to make contact with the crew of the USS Anracosh.


Only the USS Anracosh itself is modified by the ancients

The shuttle craft, hand held weapons, data pads and any other peripheral items including the uniforms were not modified or replaced by the ancients. Any item but the starship itself is Federation standard, or modified by the Federation into non-standard items.

Shuttles: The USS Anracosh has 6 shuttles of a larger type that there recoloured so everyone would know what starship they came from. Just as the uniforms are the “lime green uniform of shame” the shuttle features a green engine glow that matches the uniform. This was done on the orders of Starfleet command.

The USS Anracosh has a number of shuttle creators/dismantlers, as seen in Star Trek Prodigy. This is Federation technology, and it is not upgraded by the ancients. The USS Anracosh can make any type of shuttle the crew wants. The reason the crew prefers large shuttles is that a large shuttle has a higher passenger capacity. Their missions of contacting the ancients and commando raids for Section 31 means that they need shuttles with the passenger count of a bus. The shuttles of the USS Anracosh are engineered with office space so the diplomats can work en route and has layout that suits negotiations and treaty signings. With commando raids the same “office space” is used for weapons and mission equipment storage.

When the USS Anracosh’s engines are tested it looks like one of those youtube travel between galaxies videos.

Some of the equipment has been modified by the crew of the USS Anracosh

It has to be said that the crew have experimented with upgrading standard Federation equipment with ancient’s technology, notably handheld equipment like various types of phaser firearms, com-badges and tricorders.


The alcove

The alcove is designed for space borne energy beings to interact with crew without having to possess them and for beings who prefer to remain in the vacuum of space for various reasons. The alcove is found near the surface of the USS Anracosh in the organic half of the starship.

For example a space barnacle that is a third the size of the USS Anracosh or an energy being that is like a tiny diffuse nebula that would not fare well in an atmosphere, or like the Paxans would have to possess a crew member to talk to the crew. The alcove has facilities for such creatures so they can interact and remain in space or so don’t need to possess anyone.

An ancient can also put part of themselves in the alcove and have the bulk of their being in the vacuum of space. Not all ancients remain as terrestrial creatures and some prefer to remain in a form that is not conducive to moving around corridors or rooms in a starship. The alcove is made for them so they are not forced to take forms they do not like or have to possess someone so they can communicate.

Part of the alcove is designed to host energy beings, another part of the alcove hosts younger race beings. There are systems in place to monitor the environments of the alcove to keep every creature present in a comfortable setting that they are adapted to live in.


The wormhole generator, obviously of Iconian origin

The wormholes generator can only create wormholes where one of the wormholes entrances is close to the generator and the other entrance is at another location. It cannot create wormholes between two random parts of space.

The information below applies both to wormholes meant to move large starships and to wormholes meant for much smaller uses, such as transporting personnel and cargo.

If you want to go from one distant location to another you have to use two wormholes. One wormhole takes you to the generator and another wormhole at the generator takes you to your destination. Therefore if you want to connect two or more distant areas the wormhole generator has to act as a “grand central station”.

There is a caveat: The wormholes are not stable after being used and will collapse once travelled through. However there is no reason you could not make two wormholes that go to the same area of space. One is used immediately to get to where you want to go, and the other is in reserve for when you want to go home.

Nobody knows the full range of the wormhole generator. It could create wormholes that could take you to and from a location several galaxies away. It is also therefore a much faster way than warp drive when you want to travel long distances. It also has the bonus that it saves on having to travel through potentially hostile or hazardous territories.

As for the internal structure of the wormhole, that can be customised as well. You could make it like a doorway with no internal space or like a tunnel that has to be travelled through. The tunnel can be as long or short as desired. This would make it handy as a storage device.

The ancients gave the Federation the wormhole generator to help them contact ancients that don’t live anywhere near the Federation. It gives the Federation the option of visiting ancients races living in other galaxies, and if used properly, to visit ancients in other dimensions.

The wormhole generator can make permanent wormholes and wormholes that will last longer than one usage. However this takes more effort to do. The ancients have said to the crew of the USS Anracosh that the wormhole generator is designed to be used with that starship’s black hole manipulator being completed and fully operational.

The wormhole generator would make permanent wormholes and other wormhole variants with ease if that starship had a working black hole manipulator.

The ancients have instructed the crew of the USS Anracosh that the wormhole generator will work just fine indefinitely without a black hole manipulator if they stick to only making single use wormholes holes.

The Federation is obviously putting in the effort to reverse engineer the wormhole generator.


Neural education centre and mind machine interfaces onboard

The crew of the USS Anracosh have a unique crew situation because they have access to neural education technology provided by the ancient races.



Neural education is where you program knowledge into the mind by direct brain alteration means. It is not a V.R. system but direct brain alteration with knowledge simply appearing in the mind as if it was remembered out of nowhere, and without the need for surgery. A large number of crew members can be sent to their starship’s neural education centre all at once and in half an hour or less they have all the professionals they need in any profession they need.

The difference between mind machine interfaces and neural education technology

In case you are wondering what the difference between neural education devices and mind machine interfaces are here it is: The mind machine interface only scans the mind for relevant impulse that equal orders given to the machines it is connected to. Note that these are passive scans. The neural education device actually alters the brain as well as scanning it. A neural education device requires a special alcove where the person using it sits with their head held in place by the neural education device while it does its work. A mind machine interface is a lot less bulky and can only be used at its relevant work station.

The Federation’s efforts in replicating mind machine interface technology

The Federation is reverse engineering neural education technology and the mind machine interface with the starship’s main computer to develop Federation made mind machine interfaces. To a limited extent they can be found at workstations and elsewhere on the starship and its shuttlecraft so the crew can in part control the starship by thought impulses. Mind machine interfaces also augment the mind or minds they are connected to. Someone using a mind machine interface, for want of a better word, “unites” with the device the mind machine interface is controlling. Thus the person using the mind machine interface temporarily gains abilities of the machine rather than just using it. Once again the USS Anracosh has these machines in limited numbers and they are still experimental in nature.

The exception to this is the interface that allows a crew member to link with the USS Anracosh’s main computer to act as an A.I. computer chip. This was technology given to the USS Anracosh by the ancients. This device was a big help in reverse engineering mind machine devices made by the Federation.

If mind machine interfaces were more common they would allow the crew to control the starship very efficiently. The crew needs to be in one place to use the mind machine interface as it is part of a work station. The mind machine interface itself composes of a discreet scanning device at the workstation. Portable versions are available but are in the prototype stages.

The lessons the ancients expected the Federation to learn from mind machine interfaces and neural education devices

When the ancients installed the main computer’s mind machine interface on the USS Anracosh they were expecting that the crew would rotate the role of being the A.I. computer chip for the starship. They did not anticipate that the job would be given to only one crew member for duration of the voyage.

Using the main computer mind machine interface was meant to give all the crew an idea of what it would be like to gain abilities far beyond what their bodies and minds could ever currently have. Becoming an ascended being with a whole new set of powers is a similar experience to using the main computer’s mind machine interface. Having these kind experiences goes a long way to understanding the ancient races mindset, which is a very handy skill to have when dealing with the ancients. The same can be said for using neural education technology.

Both neural education devices and the main computer’s mind machine interface are intended as object lessons. After a reasonable number of sessions in the neural education centre a crew member gets a knowledge base that would take several lifetimes to get via conventional learning. They would have the kind of knowledge level similar to a low level non-corporeal life form. After more than a few sessions in the neural education centre the crew get more knowledge than they could learn in their entire lives. As said before, having these kind experiences goes a long way to understanding the ancient races mindset.

In short neural education devices and mind machine interfaces allow the crew of the USS Anracosh to “walk a mile in the shoes” of the ancients.

The ancients were told by the leaders of the Federation that the Federation is not ready to have neural education technology or mind machine interfaces as common place items. The ancients have a mixed reaction, some say OK, you do you, others say no way, we gave you this and we expect you to use it and adapt to it as we once did. The ancients say if you can’t handle neural education it’s like saying you can’t handle warp drive or teleportation. Although they say these things they also say it is up to the Federation’s to choose what it wants to do with neural education technology and mind machine interfaces.

The crew understands the potential [good and bad] of neural education being commonplace

One of the reasons the crew understand the potential of neural education is they see the results of using neural education first hand. Having neural education technology means having an extremely multi-skilled crew, which is what the crew of the USS Anracosh has become because of neural education technology. This is a huge advantage for the crew of the Anracosh, it gives them a kind of “human capital” that other starships crews can’t match. Use of neural education technology makes the command structure very fluid as well. Someone in a command role could be the subordinate officer the following day, so they are careful about how they treat each other.

The starship crew members can use their starship’s neural education centre as they wish. Casual use of the neural education centre is encouraged. The effect of this is that they change professions every day. Yesterday’s junior ranked medical doctor is this morning’s engineer, this afternoon’s I.T. specialist is tonight’s barman and tomorrow’s astronomer. That last comment is not an exaggeration.

The crew see the dangers of neural education being commonplace and how it would disrupt and hurt society. They believe that having neural education out there as a real threat and think this is one piece of technology that the ancients should keep to themselves. This is very emotional as the machines have no detrimental physical or mental effects. The devices would, degrade the value of qualifications, give knowledge to those who would abuse it, change society as we know it, and maybe not for better. The Federation could not handle neural education technology being widespread.


The reasons I am restricting use of mind machine interfaces in Star Trek Realm of the Gods

The reason I am restricting the use of mind machine interface in the story is that many technologies become possible through mind machine interfaces. A lot of technologies could be derived from neural education technology such as every kind of mind machine interface technology variant you could think of. Here are some examples: Neural control of machines, VR sets that go directly “into the head”, augmenting the mind and much more.

Having these mind machine interface technology variations would turn Star Trek into a cyberpunk story, and as a whole Star Trek is not cyberpunk. However, if you want to take Star Trek Realm of the Gods into cyberpunk territory I am perfectly OK with that.

Therefore I wrote that the ancients only gave the Federation neutral education technology and the mind machine interface with the main computer. The rest of the mind machine interface technologies were reverse engineered by the Federation examining neutral education devices and the main computer’s mind machine interface.


The black hole manipulator

The most terrifying device the crew of the USS Anracosh have found on their starship is what the ancients call a black hole manipulator. It does as the name suggests, manipulates black holes. To make this understandable, black holes can be classified as atomic point particles, or fairly close to atomic point particles [I won’t go into specifics here], with staggering amounts of gravity, and the black hole manipulator treats a black hole like an atomic point particle, and can manipulate a black hole as a point particle can be manipulated. [A point particle is any subatomic particle, like an electron, a quark, a neutrino, a lepton and so on.] What the black hole manipulator does is captures a black hole and harnesses it. It uses the black hole’s own infinite energy to power moving it around and power the effects one would want from a black hole, but in a concentrated, focused and usable form.

The difference between the Romulan singularity device and the black hole manipulator is that the Romulan invention uses a small scale artificial singularity as a battery for their starships and the black hole manipulator uses an actual black hole. This makes the black hole manipulator more powerful by countless magnitudes when compared to the Romulan singularity device. Added to that the Romulan singularity device is purely a battery. The black hole manipulator is not only a battery, but actually uses all the various powers of a black hole.

The black hole manipulator can pull planets out of orbit, destabilise a star to the point it where it goes supernova, create massive amounts of focused radiation [i.e. emulate a gamma ray burst], control the starship’s forward flow in time, turn the USS Anracosh into an unstoppable super weapon [although the USS Anracosh can already be classed as a super weapon], be turned into a bomb that has the explosive force of a supernova and much more. Some of the crew were horrified that such a machine can even exist. They thought that nobody should have access to the kind of power a black hole manipulator could give them. I am not just talking about energy levels; I am talking about political power and every other type of power that the word power means.

The civilian leaders of the Federation made official complaints to the ancients about the black hole manipulator being on the starship, saying that nobody should have access to a device of absolute power. They wanted it removed from the USS Anracosh. The ancients responded that they never finished the machine; they never put a black hole into the black hole manipulator. It was up to the Federation to decide if they wanted to complete the device and use it. The ancients encouraged them to finish the machine and put it through its paces. The reaction of the Federation politicians was one of utter horror, reiterating that such a powerful invention should not exist or be anyone’s hands for any reason.

The ancients then said in their defence that the black hole manipulator was an object lesson for the Federation. If they are going to do a Realm of the Gods project they have to come to terms that they will be interacting with races and individuals who are more powerful than the black hole manipulator. If they are going to deal with the ancients the Federation must understand what it is to have infinite power at their disposal. It will help them understand what it means to be an ancient, especially a very powerful ancient who is essentially a deity. They also reminded the Federation that they are the junior partner in the Realm of the Gods project.


How to handle the black hole manipulator in the show

It will be kept in an inert state [without a black hole in it] for most of the series [up to season 4]. The only episodes with it are when it is experimented with in the two parter about the black hole manipulator and for the fourth season, especially seeing it in action in the grand finale where the Ancients and Federation face off the Borg. It would be left on the starship at the end of the show. Also up until the episode where they make the black hole manipulator fully functional there are hints given about the black hole manipulator and the crew’s varying attitudes towards it.


The four dimensional part of the USS Anracosh

Four dimensional space folding takes the place of turbolifts on an ancient races vessel, and the USS Anracosh has four dimensional space folding facilities onboard. The technology is Iconian in origin, they made a vast wormhole supported empire before joining the ancient races clique.

Four dimensional space folding means creating wormholes for the crew to travel through both onboard the USS Anracosh and beyond. Imagine making a door in a room that lead to the other side of the building with no internal hallway space used, meaning it is like the door leads directly to another room. You leave the room through the weird door and enter the room at the other end of the house a second later, stepping from one room to the other.

The four dimensional space folding device on the USS Anracosh does this, with the ability to connect areas of the starship when needed as much as needed. To get from one end of the ship to the other all one need to do is step through a doorway and arrive instantly at the desired destination with no corridor going from doorway to another.

The same technology can be used in place of transporters, although the USS Anracosh does have Federation standard transporters, it also has the long range version of the four dimensional space folding device. This version is used for off starship transportation. The maximum range the four dimensional space folding device “throws” ends of a wormhole is unknown.

One thing the four dimensional space folding device can do is make its wormholes invisible. This is handy for eavesdropping and has other applications as well, such as dropping a bomb inside an enemy starship.

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