A sample Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV show

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Season 1 part 1

Season 5 part 2 [In case you want to work backwards]

It is a set of plot synopses

Here is a sample of a series of plot synopses for a Star Trek Realm of the Gods TV show lasting five seasons with fourteen episodes a season. Therefore it includes seventy plot synopses with normally two plot lines each. [Obviously two per episode].

I have made a refined TV show bible, which is a document that sets out the parameters of a TV show before it is filmed. The TV show bible defines what can and cannot happen in the TV show’s plot lines. I feel that a TV show bible for Star Trek Realm of the Gods is needed because it helps with the TV show plot synopsis section. Even though the section is only designed to be a plot generator for anyone who wants to take Star Trek Realm of the Gods and run their own ideas with it, I feel that making a “bible” will aid the creative process of anyone working with what I have made. Apart from that, go for it with all you wish to add to Star Trek Realm of the Gods.

As stated in the introduction section the two only rules I have with Star Trek Realm of the Gods that I want you to follow is that ancient race technology works “as advertised” and neural education devices work without side effects. This means that the ancient race technology [including neural education technology] on the USS Anracosh does what it is meant to do without any side effects or malfunctions except for when it is intentionally misused. The reason I think this is that I assume that a culture one million years ahead of us would certainly not make faulty technology, especially if the technology was very familiar to them.


The reason for a sample TV show

The TV show section is included to show what is possible with Star Trek Realm of the Gods. In my documentation it serves the purpose of being a plot generator for the various media Star Trek Realm of the Gods could take. For example one of the synopses could be the inspiration for a graphic novel or a fanfiction story or some other form of artistic expression. This has already happened with Star Trek, some Star Trek TV episodes and movies have inspired officially published Star Trek novels that were spinoffs from the episode’s plotline.

Remember that I feel that once I have published this document I feel that my work is done. It is up to those who want it to go further to do that themselves. After the document is published online I want Star Trek Realm of the Gods to take on a life of its own. I want it to spark all kinds of creativity. The idea of the sample TV show is make plenty of plotlines available for those reading it to be inspired to create their own Star Trek Realm of the Gods creative projects, be it fan-fiction, fine art, comics or whatever within the official copyright owner’s [Paramount and CBS] guidelines.


The introduction sequences for pilot episodes and regular episodes

There will be two introduction sequences, one for the stolen starship and one for rebuilt version of the stolen starship.

The sequence both last about two minutes. There is one version for the rebuilt version of the starship and one version for the version of the original starship.

The sequences will be the same for the unmodified starship and the final version of the USS Anracosh.

Note: All the ancients and ancient related objects are from the series itself. If it is in the opening sequence, it is in the series. What is shown must be from the series and only from the series.

Each of the scenes below is 15 seconds long.

The first scene is the USS Anracosh entering into view at high warp, they meet some space borne ancients [the Calamarian] who board their starship via the spaceborneancient’s alcove area, and are greeted by unnamed crew members. This part shows the Star Trek – Realm of the Gods logo.

The second scene shows the USS Anracosh entering into an orbit of a world with structures visible from space that are so large that they must obviously be made by god like beings. It is the ancients inhabited world shown in this part is the ancient race world seen in one of the episodes.

The third scene is of the USS Anracosh flying through intergalactic space with galaxies moving by as if they were stars seen in the background during normal warp travel, with the USS Anracosh arriving at another galaxy.

The fourth scene sees the space borne ancients [the Calamarian] leave the starship via the alcove into a nebula like phenomenon and are greeted by others of their kind. One of the space borne ancients makes an arm like structure come out of itself and waves goodbye to the USS Anracosh as it leaves the nebula like area.

The fifth scene is the USS Anracosh entering a pocket plane in space. A pocket plane is an area of space that is like a cul-de-sac area in a suburb. It is an area of space cut off from the rest of the universe and can only be entered via a wormhole type opening. In this pocket plane they meet a Negilum type creature, it is obvious by the Negilum’s facial expression it is welcoming the USS Anracosh with open arms.

The sixth scene shows the USS Anracosh meeting with the section 31 flotilla and shows small craft going back and forth towing supplies for the USS Anracosh.

The seventh scene is of the USS Anracosh in various close ups highlighting that is of both organic and inorganic construction.

The eighth and last scene is of the giant starship of the ancient nomads, an Earth sized world and the USS Anracosh. The USS Anracosh is flying towards the earth like world and the giant starship. As the USS Anracosh gets closer to them it looks like the giant starship and the world are getting closer. It looks like the giant starship will pass before the world and rendezvous with the USS Anracosh. Instead the giant starship passes behind the earth sized world revealing it to be bigger that the earth sized world.


Information about the credits in the opening sequence and notes on the show’s structure.

In the opening credits the first scene is of starships, stars and planets and so on

Then the logo/title.

Then the main star’s name.

After that comes the other cast’s names.

Then the credit of created by the Realm of the Gods team [I won’t use my real name].

Then the legal blurb of “based on star trek by Gene Roddenberry”.

Then list executive producers of show.

Then ad break and then first act.

Start of first act has name of episode and guest star’s names and the writer’s and the director’s name.

End of every act has a cliffhanger/teaser leading to the next act.

Show had four acts with commercial break between each act.

After act 4 you return for an epilogue and then end credits – end credit sequence goes for about a minute to a minute and a half and mentions minor part actors in the show and anyone else involved in making the show.


Commando raids for Section 31 explained

Section 31, the Federation’s intelligence service, makes a deal with the crew of the USS Anracosh

Section 31 functions as a life line to the Federation for the USS Anracosh. By life line I mean getting supplies to the USS Anracosh amongst other things. This means getting news reports to the USS Anracosh, arranging contact with loved ones, shipping personal items to and from the crew and whatever else is needed to keep the USS Anracosh and its crew in contact with the Federation. This excludes commands and anything else related to Starfleet, such as taking orders from the Admiral the crew of the USS Anracosh answers to.

In exchange for being the life line to the Federation Section 31 borrows crew members from the USS Anracosh to do Section 31’s “muscle work”, i.e. covert ops, commando raids and similar operations. A large portion of the crew of the USS Anracosh fought in the Dominion war. They are soldiers with a lot of experience doing commando raids and fighting in toe to toe combat.

Only the crew members that have combat experience qualify to do commando raids/covert ops for Section 31. Those crew perfectly suit Section 31’s needs for commandoes to do missions that nobody outside Section 31 knows about. Not even Starfleet would normally know about the “activities” done by the crew of the USS Anracosh for Section 31.

The nature of the commando raids can be anything. It could be an assassination, stealing a valuable piece of information or valuable item, breaking someone who needs to be interrogated, destroying a strategic target with explosives or anything else Section 31 needs some “muscle” for. Most of the work is nothing many in the crew have not done before when they fought the Dominion.

Why is Section 31 helping the USS Anracosh?

When Section 31 learned of the rogue mission via the woman who was going to become security chief of The USS Anracosh they saw an opportunity. Section 31 agreed with those who started the rogue mission about how contacting the ancients would play out. The rogue crew would make a handful of friendly contacts within the ancient race community along with many unsuccessful attempts at diplomacy. The rogue crew felt that the Federation would catch them sooner rather than later. This would mean being captured and going to jail, but with a few ancient races or ancient race beings as allies the Federation in could finish what they started. At the minimum the Federation would have a few powerful allies to help it in time of need. The rogue crew was happy to go to jail knowing that the Federation was safe from ultra powerful threats.

Section 31’s original plan for the rogue crew was to intercept on the way to jail and make them an offer to join Section 31 to be agents that handle the “dirty work”. I.e. assassinations, commando raids and the like – meaning give them a choice of jail or join Section 31. Given the past of the rogue crew in fighting the Dominion war Section 31 felt that most of the crew would chose to become secret agents rather than become prisoners serving long prison sentences.

What Section 31 and the crew of the USS Anracosh did not anticipate was the rogue mission being such a success and the ancients wanting the rogue mission being continued as an official mission. Section 31’s resupply missions were an adaptation to the unthinkable: A large number of ancients saying: “Yes, we will be your allies”. It was pure luck that Section 31 did not need to sabotage the supplies that Starfleet was sending to the USS Anracosh.

What does Section 31 know about the ancients?

Section 31 knows as much about the ancients as the Federation and the other galactic powers do. This includes classified information the Federation has and a portion of the classified information from the hands of other galactic powers. Section 31 has not done its own missions relating to the ancients as they are not a major threat to the younger races. There really isn’t the need for Section 31 to have a department that investigates the ancients. In the early days of Section 31 they did an investigation into the ancients and came to the conclusions mentioned in this paragraph. At that time they never learned about the Realm of the Gods project or the six stages of ancient races contact.

How this translates into the show

Every season of the show will have three to five commando raids as part of the plot lines as C plots or B plots. Shown onscreen is the crew of the USS Anracosh acknowledging that doing the raids are the price they pay for Section 31’s help. There is conflict within the crew about doing the commando raids. For many it is simply a continuation of what they did in the Dominion war, but many also want to put that war behind them. It is a mix of many who do not like doing this kind mission anymore and others who see it as what they were born to do.

Some of the combat vets and others in the crew see the raids just as a means to an end. Like it or not, if they want a life line to the Federation and for the missions of the USS Anracosh to succeed the commando raids/covert ops are the price they have to pay. However, many of the crew’s combat vets feel that they cannot integrate back into society and must be commandoes as a career. Therefore during the last episodes of the series many of the crew arrange for permanent transfers to Section 31 to be full time “muscle” for the organization.

During the C plot and B plot scenes in the show related to the commando missions the above points are part of the plot lines. The crew mentions the conflicted feelings and play out the conflicts about having to do the commando raids. Also the raids will make for some great action sequences and plot points for the show’s episodes. The raids can also be used as filler for shows that do not have enough material to make a full episode. They can also spice up an episode covering a dull topic. Additionally, in the commando raid plotlines we will see otherwise rarely use characters, such as the Captain of the Section 31 resupply flotilla, Alena Malgum and the politician. Some of the rarely use characters in the crew of the USS Anracosh such as Ensigns H’yol and Ghezhear and the alternate timeline ensign would participate in the covert ops missions.


The episode order with nine 2 parters and the 2 three parters

Season 1

Pilot [parts 1, 2 and 3] – Recruit the crew and the heist

Ostracised by the Federation

First Romulan episode

The Admiral’s episode

First two parter – Negilum in another dimension and the USS Anracosh

Ancients capture USS Anracosh to set up dialog

The USS Anracosh’s mission to the Andromeda galaxy

The first Klingon episode – a Klingon delegation visiting the USS Anracosh

The security chief helps the crew get supplies via her Section 31

Neural education episode

Second two parter 1 The Section 31 “concurrent” episodes

Season 2

Second two parter 2 The Section 31 “concurrent” episodes

The USS Anracosh encounters the Q Continuum

Massive holodeck episode

Nomadic ancients episode

Visiting the Iconians on their homeworld – second Romulan episode

Tellarites ask to join the ancients

Third two parter – Stop the Romulan supernova

Dormant ancients episode

The crew of the USS Anracosh go to visit the Edo ancients

The Voth from Voyager get invited into the Ancient races clique

The Vop – one of the oldest of the ancients

Ferengi Episode

Fourth two parter 1 – Distress call and Omega 1

Season 3

Fourth two parter 2 – Distress call and Omega 2

A day in the life of a rank and file crew member on the USS Anracosh

The race that is a copy of the Preservers

The Hurq garage sale

Second Klingon episode

Encounter the Yertholm

Fifth two parter – Bajoran doctor’s episodes

Science officer’s episode – Accidentally making a super weapon

Talos 4 episode

Chief engineer’s episode – he suffers a mental breakdown

Chief diplomats episode: Meeting the Metrons

The Helmsman’s episode

Sixth two parter 1 – Imitari vs Orions

Season 4

Sixth two parter 2 – Imitari vs Orions

The USS Anracoch tries using itself as a grand central station

Four dimensional space on the USS Anracosh

The confession of fragging

Encountering space borne ancients

Visiting a world with morbid social policies

Seventh two parter – Dark Federation

The Ancient race called the Imitari

A faction within a Klingon house willing to become ancients

The ascended Mythbuster’s conference at his laboratory

Starbase Nexus Point

The Akezhek – a race of teeth and claws

Eighth two parter 1 – Black hole manipulator

Season 5

Eighth two parter 2 – Black hole manipulator

Stellar Engineering episode

A barely warp capable species joins the ancients

Zalkonian Doctor’s episode

Going rogue in the Dominion

The Melkot’s episode

Ninth two parter – Cat call of Cthulu / Operation sour grapes

Tying up loose ends [3] Giant machine episode

Crew transfer protocol

A look into the future

Finale [parts 1, 2 and 3] – Federation and the Ancients vs the Borg, stop the ancients turning on each other and the Borg escape to another dimension

Back to Welcome to Star Trek Realm of the Gods

Season 1 part 1

Season 5 part 2 [In case you want to work backwards]

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